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Topic 01: Logic and Philosophy

1.1 What is LOGIC?
Logic is regarded as the indispensable foundation for all types of
knowledge because it is used not just for the acquisition and
interpretation of knowledge but also in the expansion and application
knowledge as well. People of ancient times considered logic as
preparatory to the study of all sciences that explains why they called it
the organon or instrument of science. To the Greek philosopher Aristotle,
logic is an instrument, which makes easier the knowing of intelligible
connections in concepts and things.
Logic, which in general concept is the science and art of correct
thinking, provides man with the tools and methods by which he gains
knowledge and truth. It is thus invaluable to man not only for his
intellectual development but for his physical growth and survival as well.
Logic is one of the various fields of philosophy and is considered the
most fundamental because of the following reasons:
1) It provides anyone with rational capability so that he can pursue
gainfully the study of other fields of philosophy.
Rational capability refers to the ability to reason out clearly
and precisely which is very important in the study of higher
branches of philosophy for what is paramount in philosophizing is
analysis and reflection. Thus the study of logic is fundamental
because understanding higher philosophy is grounded on
analysis and in depth reasoning.
2) It familiarizes the learner with the principles of correct thinking
and reasoning and with technical terminologies which are all
necessary in reading philosophical writings intelligently and in
understanding philosophical issues and problems.
Logic will give the learner an important view on principles,
laws, rules, or forms of correct thinking and valid reasoning for
these are the central focus of logic. More importantly, one would
be familiarized with the terms used in logical argumentation and
debate, which are not usually heard in ordinary conversations.
3) It prepares the learner for the abstract thinking of philosophy,
which to many students is quite difficult and demanding and
without practical value.
If one is interested in philosophy, he should be forewarned
that its main activity is analysis and reflection thus more of the
abstract than with the concrete. This means that philosophy
deals more of the activity than of the manual. That is the reason
why most students do not find philosophy as a lucrative way of



seeking for wealth and comfort because it is not with the

concrete unlike practical and applied science.
1.2 What is PHILOSOPHY?
It was mathematician Pythagoras, an early Greek philosopher, who coined
the word philosophy. It was derived from two Greek words: Philo meaning
love and Sophia meaning wisdom. Thus traditionally, philosophy is
defined as the love of wisdom.
Today, as philosophy develops, could be understood as the science
of beings in their ultimate reasons, causes and principles acquired by the
aid of human reason alone.
From the foregoing definition, three ideas could be deduced namely:
1. It is a science because it is based on knowledge, not on mere
opinion, belief or theory.
Science because knowledge is proven facts thus already accepted,
unlike opinion or beliefs, which are only personal and it, could be
true or false. And theory is still a principle that needs to be proven.
2. It is a science of beings because it covers all things that the human
mind can apprehend, that is anything that exists, can be thought if
or known.
3. It is a science of beings in their ultimate reasons, causes and
principles because it is through reason that things is known and
Another way to view philosophy is, the systematic and
comprehensive study of the truth about life, the universe and
everything therein-beings events, relationships, experiences and
meanings. Philosophy is the rational attempt to formulate, understand,
and answer fundamental questions.
Another definition is the ultimate search for meaning.
Implications of the definition:
Search-implies 1. Something is lost or missing,
2. Something is lacking.
Ordinary search basically differs from the philosophical one.
Philosophical search is continuous because for every question that
philosophers answer, the answer becomes a new question that needs
to be answered. Search in philosophy goes on and it will only be
terminated in death.
Components of Philosophical search:
a. It is that which is of value to the subject. When we say of
Value, it is something of utmost important to the person.
b. It is that which consumes the whole person, his attention,
concentration and interest.


c. It is that which is continued without let-up until the answer if

found. To put simply, a philosopher does not stop until his
query is answered. But for philosophers as stated earlier as
stated earlier every answer to question asked will become a
new question to be answered and philosophers querying will
only end in death.
*Meaning-is ones becoming, what one wants to be, or what one
wants to make out of him, which implies freedom to decide for
oneself without being forced by anybody or anyone. Ones meaning
then is ones responsibility, it ones own making. Furthermore,
search for meaning is not a one shot deal, it is a continuous decision
of becoming because life is a decision that each person has to face.
The search for meaning is only terminated in death since no
one could anymore be decided when one is already lifeless. Thus
who or what we are in our death could be changed, that would be
our ultimate meaning.
As regard to goal in life some people are seeking for success,
some others are seeking pleasure and for some others are seeking
for wisdom. Philosophers belong to the third category.
1.3 Fields of Study in Philosophy
Major Categories
1. Theoretical Category-is made up of philosophical fields, the main
concern of which is the acquisition of knowledge without the thought of
applying it for any practical use.
a) Metaphysics is a field of philosophy that tries to understand
the nature of reality, of being and of existence in their most
general aspect. Derived from the Greek words Meta
meaning beyond and Physico meaning physical or
b) Ontology-is regarded as a field of study belonging to
metaphysics. The major interest of which knowing the
essential characteristics of particular existing things. In
metaphysics, the interest is the study of the nature of man in
general, while ontology, the concern is knowing the nature of
a particular man who exists or may have existed in a
particular place and time. Derived from Greek Ontic
meaning thing and Logos meaning study.
c) Cosmology-is the field of philosophy that studies the universe
as a rational and orderly system. Its concerns include the
origin, structure, constituting elements, characteristics and
the order and laws underlie the existence, maintenance and
operation of the world. Derived from the Greek Cosmos
meaning universe and Logos meaning study.
d) Psychology-is the field of study that is concerned with the
mind or consciousness, its constitution, characteristics and
role or influence in the behavior of an individual person and of


social groups. Derived from the Greek Psyche meaning soul

and Logos meaning study.
e) Epistemology-examines the origin, nature, extent and validity
of knowledge in all its forms and applications, how it is
formulated, expressed and communicated. Derived from
Greek Episteme meaning knowledge and Logos meaning
f) Theodicy-inquires into the nature, being goodness and justice
of God. It is simply known as the philosophical study of God.
*Theology-is the study of God with the use of human reason
and with the aid of the revelation (Bible). Derived from Greek
Theos meaning God and Logos meaning study.
2. Practical Category-is composed of the philosophical fields which are
studied not only to obtain knowledge and wisdom but use that knowledge
and wisdom for practical purposes.
a) Semantics- studies the meaning of words and linguistic forms,
their functions as symbols, and the role they play in relation to
human thoughts and behavior.
b) Logic-is the study of the principles or laws of accurate thinking
and systematic or orderly reasoning.
c) Ethics-it investigates the right and wrong in mans behavior as
well as the pursuit of good life.
d) Aesthetics- deals with the beautiful and the value of the works
of art.
e) Axiology- studies the origin, nature and meaning of values. It
examines the reasons or bases that make a person, an object
or an act valuable or desirable.

1.4 The Value of Philosophy

1. We should study philosophy for knowledge sake. Some people
study because they want to know simply what philosophizing
2. It will broaden and deepen ones understanding of things
specially truth. In philosophy one can broaden his understanding
on what truth he could realize that nobody has the monopoly of
3. It can also give pleasure and satisfaction to a person. People
have different understanding of pleasure and satisfaction
because there are people who are satisfied with things that are
concrete while some others are abstract.
4. It promises a better understanding of ones self, fellowmen, the
universe and life itself. While other endeavors deals with specific
knowledge only, philosophy provides us with the proper tool or
instrument in knowing understanding more ourselves, others and
the universe.


5. It helps the person develop a philosophy of his own that will give
direction to his life and will help determine the goals that will be
worth his resources and efforts.
A person without a philosophy in life is like a boat in the open
sea without a rudder, thus cannot direct itself, no goal no direction
in life. Every person needs a philosophy of sort for guidance and
direction in life.
6. It provides strong foundation to the person that is invaluable in
meeting the demands of his profession and in facing the
problems, challenges and exigencies of everyday life.
A person with an embedded philosophy of life has a better
chance of surviving the difficult challenges of ones profession or life


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