Radiation Manual 8-27-09

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The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.


Developed for ISRI by


ISRI Radiation Safety Manual

September, 2009

Page 1

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................2
Introduction to the ISRI Radiation Safety Manual ....................................................... 3
Why Do We Have Scrap Detection Systems?.............................................................. 3
RADIATION SAFETY PROGRAMS ...............................................................................5
Selection of an RSO/RSM: ..........................................................................................5
An individual serving this function must meet the criteria listed below: ......................... 5
Management Support ..................................................................................................6
Commitment Letter From Management in Support of ALARA (Keeping radiation
exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable). ....................................................... 6
ALARA is the key to an effective radiation control program. ..................................... 6
Management Commitment to the Radiation Safety Program and Delegation of
Authority to the Radiation Safety Officer ...................................................................... 7
Commitment Letter to ALARA ......................................................................................8
Radiation Monitoring for Fixed Detectors (Truck/Rail/Port/Conveyors) .................... 9
Surveying Loads ......................................................................................................... 11
Surveys of Rail Cars and Crates on Docks/ Scrap on Barges .................................... 12
Acceptable Radiation Limits for Scrap Yard Workers .............................................. 14
Radiation Safety Training for Scrap Yard Personnel ................................................ 15
and Fixed Detector Operators .................................................................................... 15
Scrap Yard Personnel: ............................................................................................... 15
Truck Scale/Rail Yard Operators/ Barge-Port Operators: ........................................... 15
Truck Scale/Rail Yard Supervisors/Barge-Port Supervisors: ...................................... 15
Radiation Safety Officer/Radiation Safety Manager: .................................................. 16
FIXED EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................... 17
Radiation Detector Performance Verification ............................................................. 18
Incoming Scrap Alarm ................................................................................................ 18
Types of Scrap ............................................................................................................ 21
Source Identification ................................................................................................... 22
UN Numbers and Shipping Labels ............................................................................. 22
Medical Response ....................................................................................................... 23
GUIDELINES FOR MEDICAL EVALUATIONS ............................................................ 24
RADIATION PRINCIPLES ......................................................................................... 24
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES .................................................................. 24
DECONTAMINATION GUIDELINES ......................................................................... 25
RADIATION EVALUATION REPORT ........................................................................ 26
RADIOACTIVE SOURCES FOUND IN SCRAP ............................................................ 28

ISRI Radiation Safety Manual

September, 2009

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Introduction to the ISRI Radiation Safety Manual

The word radiation invokes a fear response. People are scared of any amount of
radiation. Myths abound about radiation exposures; but for sure, any exposure is seen
as harmful. In fact, some individuals assume that if you are exposed to radiation at any
level, you will die.
This manual will attempt to dispel some of those myths and put radiation and radioactive
materials into perspective. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the ISRI
radiation safety training program entitled The Basics of Radiation, which is available on
The Basics of Radiation is a PowerPoint presentation on radiation and radioactive
materials. Each slide in the presentation is accompanied by a comprehensive script in
the Notes window which will allow users to present the materials to others by reading the
script aloud, or, alternatively, it can be printed and read as a textbook. For training
purposes, users are encouraged to use only as many of the slides as necessary to cover
the level of training being provided.
The Basics of Radiation addresses all of the sections covered in this manual. The
program addresses principles of radiation and radiation protection, types of fixed and
hand held detection systems, procedures for use, comparisons of the detection systems,
personnel training, response to alarms, radiation safety programs and emergency

Why Do We Have Scrap Detection Systems?

Recyclers ask the question, Why do we have detection equipment? We are in the
business of selling scrap, not finding radioactive sources for steel mills and regulatory
agencies. Steel mills ask a similar question: Why do we have detection equipment? We
are in the business of making steel, not finding sources for scrap yards or regulatory
agencies. And everybody asks, Now that we have these detection systems, what
defines a good survey of scrap? Is it even possible to find all the radioactive sources that
may be hidden in the scrap? Do we even want to find all the sources in scrap?
The answers to these questions are subjects of an on-going debate. Certainly, we can
develop sophisticated detection systems that would spread scrap out in a flat
configuration and find virtually all of the radioactive materials sent into the yards. The
cost would be prohibitive, but we could do it.
Would finding all radioactive sources make steel operations any better? No. Most of the
sources that come through scrap yards are probably never seen by yard detectors; nor
are they seen by detectors at steel mills or their waste streams, such as bag house
dusts or slag.
Detection systems are in place in scrap yards so that larger sources that would impact
steel operations are identified and removed from the scrap stream. These detection
systems remove some of the scrap yard liability. In addition, detection systems provide
ISRI Radiation Safety Manual
September, 2009

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a good protective layer for the individuals who have to process the scrap through the
yard and into a steel mill or another recycling facility.
In todays competitive world, detection systems in scrap yards add value to operations.
Steel mills may mandate that scrap yards have detectors, and steel mill customers may
mandate that steel mills have detection systems. The system affords a nice balance by
making both the yards and the mills responsible for finding sources before they enter the
melt stream. The burden of cost is not laid on the shoulders of one entity. This makes all
parties strong in their efforts to prevent a source from entering the steel making process.
Still, how far do we go in this quest to find radioactive sources? The answer is actually
quite simple. We make sure that the large, big impact sources are definitely found
through careful detection strategies. The other sources dont really factor into the
equation in that they have no impact to the making of steel and usually have no impact
to the workers in the scrap yards.
On occasion, sources that have made it through the initial scrap detectors are
discovered by redundant systems later in the process. Usually, these are found on a
conveyor carrying scrap to another location in the process. Because conveyors spread
scrap out in a thin layer, as opposed to bulk of a truck or rail car shipment, radiation
detection systems installed on conveyors can spot sources more easily. This kind of
downstream detection does not reflect a failure on the part of the scrap supplier; it simply
reflects the value of multiple detection efforts.
The bottom line here is to safely process scrap. That means minimizing employee
exposureboth at your facility and downstream at your customers facilities.

ISRI Radiation Safety Manual

September, 2009

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Objective: To establish a radiation safety program that allows efficient operations in the
yard and with customers.
In order to have a good radiation safety program, certain components must be in place:
1. A Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)/Radiation Safety Manager (RSM) for the yard
and possible corporate counterpart, depending on the size of the yard and/or
2. An organizational chart showing where radiation safety resides relative to
management and where the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)/ Radiation Safety
Manager (RSM) resides relative to upper management of the yard and/or
3. A commitment letter from management supporting the activities of radiation
safety and the RSO.
4. A commitment letter from management which pledges to keep radiation
exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).
5. Written procedures that are up to date regarding both operational and regulatory
needs. Procedures must include detection equipment on the site and records of
calibration, system checks and service.
6. Emergency response plans for radiation incidents, including strategies to address
suspected or actual radioactive sources in scrap.
a. Another section of the plan must cover emergency response with respect
to personnel involved in a radiation incident in the yard.
7. Annual audits of the radiation safety program with quarterly reports to
management on any activities in the radiation safety program.
8. Regulatory contacts and links to appropriate agencies.

Selection of an RSO/RSM:
An individual serving this function must meet the criteria listed below:
1. Have training in radiation safety. The training must be substantial enough to deal
with routine radiation questions and incidents involving radiation in or entering
the yard.
2. Have knowledge of the fixed detection systems and how to troubleshoot them.
3. Have knowledge of the hand held detection systems and which units can be
used for what activities. For example, the meter used to survey a scrap load will
not be the same meter that is used for surveying a person for potential
contamination following an incident.
4. Know the regulations pertinent to radiation and radioactive materials for the State
in which the yard is located, as well as contacts at the regulatory agencies in the
event of an emergency.
5. Have extensive experience with scrap operations.
6. Be a responsible, level headed individual with good speaking and writing skills.
The RSO/RSM must be able to discuss radiation and radioactive materials with
co-workers, regulators and managers of the site.
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The RSO must report to senior management with respect to radiation safety. Regulatory
agencies mandate this to ensure management support, both fiscal and staff.

Management Support
Regulatory agencies mandate strong management support for the radiation safety
program. Keep in mind that while you might not have to have a license from a regulatory
agency for scrap operations on your site, you should operate as if you did have one.
Management must provide the wherewithal for radiation detection equipment, equipment
upgrades and repair. They must also ensure that personnel, including the RSO and
pertinent yard staff, have adequate training and refresher training to perform their jobs.
Finally, management must review the program at least annually and correct any
problems that are encountered.
A Commitment Letter From Management in Support of the RSO is often appropriate.
This letter should be signed by the Manager, the RSO and any personnel in the chain of
command between the RSO and the manager.

Commitment Letter From Management in Support of ALARA (Keeping radiation

exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable).
ALARA is the key to an effective radiation control program.

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September, 2009

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Management Commitment to the Radiation Safety Program and

Delegation of Authority to the Radiation Safety Officer


Radiation Safety Officer




Commitment to Radiation Safety and Delegation of Authority

As Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), you are charged with maintaining the radiation safety
program as set forth by company policies and procedures. It is your duty as RSO to
initiate, recommend and/or provide corrective actions as necessary to assure a safe
work environment in the yard. The RSO is responsible for compliance with regulatory
agencies, communications with regulatory agencies and making proper notifications as
necessary. Management is responsible for the support of the RSO in the above tasks,
ensuring a safe work environment in the yard. Management commits to providing all
support necessary to implement the radiation safety program.

I accept these responsibilities:

Radiation Safety Officer


We, as signed below, understand that the RSO will, as necessary, report directly to the
afore signed manager with respect to radiation safety matters.





ISRI Radiation Safety Manual

September, 2009

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Commitment Letter to ALARA

The management of [INSERT COMPANY NAME] is committed to maintaining all
radiation exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable. (ALARA). This is done through
employee training and awareness programs. {company} will conduct all radiation safety
program activities as though all employees were members of the public (MOP),
regardless of training. The allowable limits for a member of the public is 2 mrem in any 1
hour, not to exceed 100 mrem per year. For all employees except the RSO, we have
adopted a more conservative action limit of 1 mrem per hour and 100 mrem per year.
Depending upon the level of training for the RSO, this individual may at the discretion of
management be allowed to receive radiation up to the level of a radiation worker who
has not been assigned a radiation safety badge (500 mrem/year). Management will
consult with experts before this higher level of dose is allowed. When, and if, this higher
limit is allowed, the RSO and the management of {company} will both agree in writing.


ISRI Radiation Safety Manual

September, 2009


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Radiation Monitoring for Fixed Detectors


In order for any monitoring of scrap to be successful, system checks of the detectors
must be conducted. These checks ensure that all scrap is being viewed within the
functional scope of the detections systems. Specific procedures are located in the
detection sections that follow.
Regardless of the detection system used, using the systems in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations is essential. Workers must never continue to use a
detection system that doesnt appear to be functioning properly.
Many things can interfere with scrap detection systems and all must be addressed:
1. SPEED: No vehicle should go over 3 mph through the detectors.
2. DETECTOR ORIENTATION: Because fixed detectors cannot be moved, it is
important to look at as much of the scrap as possible as it passes through the
detectors. That means vehicles with scrap piled high on top of the vehicle may
not be seen completely by the detection systems.
3. TYPE OF SOURCE: Some of the radioactive materials in scrap are simply not
able to be seen through the scrap itself. Alpha and beta emitters can be very
difficult to spot.
4. ORIENTATION OF THE SOURCE: If the source is buried deep inside a vehicle,
the detectors may not see it. This is why having detectors on conveyor systems
and on grapples and magnets is recommended.
5. BACKGROUND: Many of the detection systems operate on a X-abovebackground for alarms, so keeping background down is important. Wetting dirt
and dust will help.
6. DRIVER: If the vehicle driver has had certain types of medical tests, the alarms
will go off. In these cases, the driver must be moved away from the detectors
before the truck is taken through the detectors again.
7. INCLEMENT WEATHER: Electrical storms and heavy rain or snow can impede
detector function. It is important to keep the detector surfaces clean.
need to be properly grounded; if not, they are subject to lightning strikes and
surges of power. In either case, the detectors can be damaged or destroyed.
ALARM LOGS: Each site must keep an alarm log. This log should contain at least the
following information:
1. Date
2. Time
3. Company (vendor number or equivalent)
4. Alarm number
5. Alarm level
6. Instructions regarding the alarm (run through again, pull truck to the side and
hand survey, reject load/DOT variance, accept the load and off-load to the
7. Signature of person processing the alarm log
8. Notifications made (RSO, Regulatory Agency)
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If you are running the vehicle through the detectors again, you must fill out the
log items referenced above to indicate alarm/no alarm, and whether or not the
load was accepted.

NOTIFICATIONS: If there is an alarm, you must go to the call list and notify appropriate
personnel before you take any of the following actions:
Survey the load
Reject the load (DOT variance must be obtained by the transporter) See'07.pdf
Call list:
Name (RSO)___________________________
Name (Yard Supv)_______________________

Cell number/lLand line___________

Cell number/Land line___________
Cell number/Land line___________

If regulatory agencies are to be notified, such as the state, or outside help:

http://crcpd.org/Map/map.html click on your state for contacts'07.pdf
for DOT (Dept. of Transportation) USDOT Special Permit SP-10656 re scrap recycling.
Gives regulations and forms for variance

www.radexperts.com Englehardt and Associates, Radiation Consultants

www.isri.org/radiation The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.

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September, 2009

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Surveying Loads

Surveying of Truck: A survey of a truck should be done if the truck caused scale
alarms to go off multiple times. Usually, the 3 strikes rule is in place. If a survey is to take
place, the following must be followed:
Move the truck to a remote location
Obtain a hand held meter:
Check calibration date.
Check batteries
Check background
Check with background
Make a copy of the truck diagram from the scale house and use as a template for your
1. Place a mark on the side of the truck (with chalk or something that can be
removed) where the alarm indicator noted on the diagram from the scale house.
2. Set meter to microR/Hr initially, to the lowest setting above background that does
not peg the meter.
3. Survey that area first.(Usually, 5-6 feet around the suspect area). Note: the fixed
scale detector may well indicate something that a hand held cannot find. If you
locate an area above background STOP and notify the RSO. Some yards have
the RSO do all of the surveys.
4. Methodically survey up the sides and back of the truck for any sign of increased
readings. Make marks on the sides of the truck where any increased readings
were found. Also, make note of increased readings on the diagram mentioned
5. If surveying the top of the truck, DO NOT STAND DIRECTLY ON THE SCRAP.
Stand in a man lift or cherry picker basket with approved safety harness and
survey the top in a back and forth methodical fashion, making note of any
increased readings on your diagram described above.
6. DECISION BASE: If no readings above background were found with the hand
held meter, you can take the truck through the fixed detectors again. If the truck
doesnt alarm again after two additional passes through the detectors make a
decision to keep or reject the load.
7. DECISION BASE: If you find readings above background with the hand-held
meter, a decision needs to be made whether to accept the load and drop the load
on the ground for further survey or to reject the load.
In condition 6 above, if the truck clears through after the hand held survey
acceptance of the load will send the scrap into the process stream for the yard. If the
load is rejected, a DOT exemption must be obtained from the state where the
detection was made by the transporter. Pull the truck off to the side, inform the driver
that he will be sent out with a variance. Once the variance is obtained, the truck and
driver may leave. The yard must maintain all paperwork and notify the management
of the yard that a load has been sent out.

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In condition 7 above, the truck must be moved away from the fixed detectors and the
driver asked to exit the cab. If the load is going to be rejected and a DOT exemption
is to used, the following must be done:
1. Survey the truck at a distance of twelve (12) inches from the surface.
2. Survey the inside of the cab, especially back of the driver seat, to assure
there are no readings above background where the driver is located. Get
signatures from the state where the detection was made on the exemption
form. Give the driver the original of the exemption (obtained from your State
agency) and keep one for your facility.
3. Notify the driver to keep the exemption certificate in the cab with him for the
duration of his trip back to the originator of the load.
In condition 7 above, if the load is going to be accepted (usually this is done only when
the truck actually belongs to the yard that detected the radiation), the load must be
dumped in an isolated area of the yard. Try to spread the load out over a long strip,
allowing for easier surveying. Make sure the inside of the driver cab is surveyed before
anything else is done, to assure the driver that he has not been exposed to radiation.
Then, do the following:
1. Survey the perimeter of the load: Using a hand-held meter, survey completely
around the outer perimeter of the load at about a foot away. This assures that
there are no harmful levels of radiation coming from the scrap.
2. Use a grapple or magnet to move the scrap into individual small piles. Survey
each pile until the complete load has been scanned and the radioactive material
Radiation Levels: When doing a survey, if the radiation levels remain less than 1.0
mR/hour (1000microR/hour), the survey can continue. If levels go above that during the
survey, stop and seek assistance. The RSO will decide the next step. If the RSO is the
one doing the survey, move all other personnel at least 5 feet back and continue with the
If, when doing a survey, the levels go to greater than 2mR/hour (2000microR/hour),
move personnel back 5-10 feet and rope off the area to a point below 2mR/hour
(2000microR/hour). At this point, the State would have to be notified of a potentially
serious hazard. Post the area as a hazard, but go no further until help arrives.

Surveys of Rail Cars and Crates on Docks/ Scrap on Barges

Surveys of rail cars can be done much like the above. However, more effort would be
needed to move the offending car off to the side. It should be moved to an isolated area
where it would not impede the normal operation of the yard. A complete survey of the
car should be done before moving the car anywhere. Be sure the track or car has been
blue-flagged so that it will not be moved during the survey.
Surveys of crates, scrap on barges would also be done in the same fashion. A crate can
be isolated. A barge poses a bigger concern. The scrap may have to be moved from the
barge to land and surveyed as described for condition 7 above.

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Oddball Alarms: While there are a variety of weird alarms to be encountered, one type
occurs frequently. When a truck or a rail car moves through fixed detectors, there will be
an alarm, BUT, it appears that the source is outside of the truck or railcar. Often it
appears that there are several alarm points along the outside.
This could indicate that the vehicle has been repaired. When trucks and train cars are
repaired, often thoriated-tungsten welding rods are used to weld the cracks. These rods
are obviously radioactive. They set off the alarms and it appears that the source is on
the outside of the vehicle. These alarms should show up clearly.

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September, 2009

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Acceptable Radiation Limits for Scrap Yard Workers


The primary goal of any radiation safety program is to limit every employees radioactive
exposure to the level that is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).
Scrap yard workers, including those working the scale houses, are considered to be
non-radiation workers, even though they may have had some training. Therefore, the
allowable limits are as follows:
1. 1.0 mR/Hour (1000microR/hour): When surveys indicate that the exposure rates
are at these levels, all but specifically trained workers are to be moved away.
Specifically trained workers would be typically the RSO, someone from
Environmental/Safety and scale house supervisors.
2. 2.0 mR/Hour (2000microR/hour): Only the RSO may remain in areas where 2
mR/hour or greater are found. The scrap area with these readings should be
isolated and roped off.
Notifications to the State must be made if #2 above is reached. This indicates that there
may be a huge source underneath the scrap. Notifications to the State may have to be
done with #1 above, if the exposure levels increase as the scrap is moved around.
Because steel is a great shield for radiation, extreme caution must be taken in removing
scrap or moving scrap in search of the location that caused an alarm. The readings on
the outside of the truck may have caused the fixed detector to alarm at 10 microR/hour,
but when you remove some of the scrap looking for the source of the alarm, it may jump
to thousands of microR/hour very quickly. Remember: it takes only .62 inches of steel to
reduce the radiation exposure from a cesium source by half!
Because ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) is the goal for every yard, very
low, safe limits for exposures have been selected for action levels. While these limits
seem low, the shielding properties of steel make it necessary. The goal is worker safety:
being aware of your work environment will help assure ALARA.

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September, 2009

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Radiation Safety Training for Scrap Yard Personnel

and Fixed Detector Operators
Scrap Yard Personnel:

These individuals need to be made aware of the fact that radioactive materials may find
their way onto the site and that they are not expected to, nor are they allowed to handle
any such sources of radiation. Specific training should cover the following:
1. Pictures of warning labels for radiation and DOT labels that indicate that a
particular piece of scrap may contain radioactive materials.
2. Who they should call if they see a label such as described in #1.
3. Brief discussion of NORM and it being the primary source of radiation in the
4. DURATION OF TRAINING: This can consist of approximately 15 minutes of
training with an annual refresher. Use of one of the mandated OSHA training
time slots is ideal for this.

Truck Scale/Rail Yard Operators/ Barge-Port Operators:

These individuals have a chance of coming into contact with radioactive materials as
part of their job. Based on that, the following training must be provided:
1. Proper operation of the fixed detector systems
2. Proper tests of the fixed detector systems.
3. What the alarms mean.
4. Basics of radiation: common sources of radiation, exposures from scrap and
action levels, shielding properties of steel, DOT variances and what they mean,
and who to call if an alarm is real.
5. Importance of their job: They decide if something stays or goes. When in doubt
stop what you are doing and obtain support from a trained individual.
6. In some yards, these individuals may be trained in use of hand held meters also.
7. DURATION OF TRAINING: The training on the fixed detection systems,
including troubleshooting, system checks, what the readings mean and alarms
should include whatever time necessary to familiarize employee with the
particular systems on site. The other training should consist of approximately 1-2
hours of training on radiation safety aspects. This training can be excerpted from
the training/basics of radiation safety component of this manual.

Truck Scale/Rail Yard Supervisors/Barge-Port Supervisors:

These individuals must have all of the training listed above. In addition, these individuals
must receive training in hand held survey meter use and survey techniques and the
allowable limits as per action limits set forth in this document. Finally, they should have
more in depth radiation safety training, as set forth in the radiation safety section of this
manual. Total training here should be approximately 6-8 hours.

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Radiation Safety Officer/Radiation Safety Manager:

This individual should have more in depth training and experience than any of the above.
In addition to all of the training above, this individual must be prepared to make
decisions regarding radiation safety, and to competently interact with management and
regulatory agencies. This person is in a position where their decisions control possible
exposures to radiation in the work place.

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Purpose: To identify the latest fixed system technology used in the detection of
radioactive materials found in scrap metal.
Radiation detection equipment used in scrap recycling facilities should be capable of
monitoring materials in an effective and timely manner equivalent to the work flow in the
facility. The equipment should be capable of a high detection probability and a low false
alarm rate after all variables of materials, processing equipment, transportation vehicles,
background radiation, operating protocols, precipitation, and ambient temperature and
pressure are considered. The system should be shielded to prevent the detection of
radiation other than that in the primary detection zone for which it was designed and
installed. If a systems operation cannot easily blend with the facilitys operation, there
will be a strong tendency for personnel not to use the equipment. Also, if the systems
false alarm rate is high, personnel may lose confidence in the detectors and start
ignoring alarms. Both situations could lead to an ineffective system that allows
radioactive materials to be missed.
Most systems currently on the market have similar external designs. The biggest
change has come in the plastic scintillation materials being made and the electronic
components. The new electronics have significantly reduced the noise found in older
electronics. The ability to reduce noise in the system makes the systems more reliable
with fewer false alarms.
NOTE: Several different technologies exist for detecting radioactive materials,
and not all of them are suitable to every circumstance. Youd be wise to consult
with several manufacturers before making any purchase decision.
The following manufacturers of detection equipment are all members of ISRI:
Ludlum Measurements
Sweetwater, Texas
RadComm Systems Corporation
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
For an independent view to help you assess your detection needs, contact ISRIs first
choice for technical assistance:
Engelhardt & Associates, Inc.
Industrial Radiation Consultants
Madison, Wisconsin
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September, 2009

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Radiation Detector Performance Verification

As a basic plan to have equipment verified as properly detecting the presence of a
radioactive source the following schedule (at a minimum) should be met for the different
types of detector units:
Truck/HIVOL Scale Unit:

Rail Scale Unit

Scrap Bay Unit

Hand Held Units

-Sensitivity testing at least twice a month.

-Weekly download of data and review of both
False and Actual alarms.
-Source testing once per month
-Sensitivity testing at least twice a month.
-Weekly download of data and review of both
False and Actual alarms.
-Source testing once per month
-Weekly download of data and review of both
False and Actual alarms.
-Source testing on a monthly basis if no alarms
-All hand held units are to be checked prior to
utilization, battery, audio, and meter .
verification required. All such units are to be
calibrated annually when utilized as part of the
detection program.

**Calibration MUST be done with a known quantity of radioactive material (a

check source). Electronic calibrations are a good way to troubleshoot the
detector system; however, an electronic calibration is NOT acceptable nor is it
regulatory compliant in any state.

Incoming Scrap Alarm

The introduction of radioactive materials into scrap streams is not a new concept.
Because of the inherent safety concerns with introducing a radioactive source into a
recycler, all receiving facilities need to take all available steps to stop the sources from
getting into their scrap mix. The use of this procedure will be utilized by all scale
house personnel to help prevent radioactive sources from getting on site.
Incoming Scrap:
1. An incoming truck should register with the scale house. When ready, the
scale house personnel will call the truck and have the truck weigh-in.
2. If a speed alarm is noted (above 3 mph), advise the driver on the speed alarm
and have him/her try again.
3. If no speed alarm and no radiation alarm is noted, continue processing truck
as normal.
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Scrap Alarm:
1. An incoming truck should register in with the scale house. When ready, the
scale house personnel will call the truck and have the truck weigh-in.
2. If a speed alarm is noted (above 5mph), advise the driver on the speed alarm
and have him/her try again.
a. If while pulling onto the scale, the portal detector alarms, determine the
Level and Print out the results. Have the truck pull into the designated,
safe area and notify the RSO or his/her designee. Some facilities use a
best 2 out of 3 system. If this is your policy, have the truck repeat steps
1 and 2. On the second alarm, proceed to step 3.
3. Advise the driver of the truck of the alarm and that he/she cannot leave until
the truck has been evaluated by the RSO or his/her designee.
4. The RSO or his/her designee will evaluate (survey) the load and contact the
scrap dealer/broker.

Positive Alarm
Once the call has been received of a positive alarm at the fixed detector, the RSO or
designee should immediately get the handheld detector and proceed with the steps to
turn it on. ALWAYS have your handheld detector on with the audible settings turned up
before proceeding to the load for scanning. This way if there is contamination, you are
able to pick up the increasing levels as you head towards that load. In the event that
your levels do escalate while heading towards the load, set your safe area perimeter at
1mR/hr. Only trained personnel should proceed inside this containment area. Call the
appropriate personnel for assistance.
If you approach the load and the levels are less than 1 mR/hr:
1) Using your handheld detector, start approximately 5-6 feet on either side of where the
fixed detector picked up the high reading. Use this method to ensure that the source
has not shifted during transport to the safe area. If necessary, survey the whole truck,
sides and over the top and the bottom. When surveying over the top, you should use a
manlift or a cherry picker. DO NOT WALK DIRECTLY ON THE SCRAP
2) Slowly scan in either a vertical or horizontal pattern working from 5-6 feet on one side
of the known high reading until you reach 5-6 feet on the other side of the known
readings. Document your highest levels at contact with the container and at 1 foot.
3) If nothing is found above background, either reject the load under a no tolerance
policy or accept the load.
*4) If readings above background are found, either reject the load under a no tolerance
policy (follow your states regulations for release of potentially radioactive materials) or
ISRI Radiation Safety Manual
September, 2009

Page 19

accept the load and dump the load at a specific location so that it can be scanned by
your personnel. Note: if the radiation is greater than 2mR/hr, do not dump the load
onto the ground until given permission by proper authorities.
*5) Once the load has been dumped on the ground, grid off the load (use spray paint,
ropes, etc) for ease of scanning. Begin by surveying completely around the perimeter of
the load to assure that there is no source close to the top. Failure to do this could lead to
a high exposure. Use your handheld survey meter to scan a gridded section. If no high
readings are found in that section, have your crane with a grapple or magnet remove
that section. Proceed scanning each section until the source of the high readings has
been found. If at any point you reach 1mR/hr, set a perimeter around the load at the
1mR/hr reading. The perimeter must be 360 degrees. Only trained personnel can enter
the perimeter.
*In the event that while moving a section of the grid, the levels quickly rise, place
the section back down and call the appropriate personnel.
NOTE: Several different technologies exist for detecting radioactive materials,
and not all of them are suitable to every circumstance. Youd be wise to consult
with several manufacturers before making any purchase decision.
The following manufacturers of detection equipment are all members of ISRI:
Ludlum Measurements
Sweetwater, Texas

RadComm Systems Corporation

Oakville, Ontario, Canada
For an independent view to help you assess your detection needs, contact ISRIs first
choice for technical assistance:
Engelhardt & Associates, Inc.
Industrial Radiation Consultants
Madison, Wisconsin

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September, 2009

Page 20

Types of Scrap
Scrap metal is divided into two basic types: ferrous and nonferrous. Ferrous scrap is
composed of iron and steel. This includes scrap from old automobiles, farm equipment,
household appliances, steel beams, railroad tracks, ships, food packaging and other
containers. Ferrous scrap accounts for the largest volume of metal scrapped. Ferrous
scrap can be classified into almost 80 grades; additionally, there are another 40 grades of
railroad ferrous scrap and even more grades of alloy scrap. Metal alloys are made from a
combination of two or more metals.
Nonferrous scrap metal includes metals other than iron and steel. While the volume of
nonferrous scrap is not as great as ferrous scrap, it is more valuable by the pound. Here
are some examples of nonferrous scrap: aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, titanium,
cobalt, chromium, and precious metals. Millions of tons of nonferrous scrap metal are
recovered by processors and consumed by secondary smelter, refiners, ingot makers,
fabricators, foundries, and other industries in this country.
Please refer to the most current ISRI circular for a complete list of scrap
materials and grades.
One of the most pressing issues when finding radioactive nuclides in scrap is the
inherent shielding that is provided by the scrap itself. When trying to determine the
accuracy of your portal monitors, you must act like a detective and use all necessary
information to come to a conclusion. Type of scrap, plays a large roll in the ability to
locate orphaned sources. You are more likely to easily find a source in
bushling/turnings because of the lack of density of the scrap. However,
bushling/turnings arent typically gathered from locations that would have radioactive
material. However, one should never underestimate someone trying to dispose of a
source illegally. Scrap yards should never let a load through because they dont believe
the load should contain radioactive material. This is a mistake. Every load should be
surveyed, and every alarm should be taken seriously.

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September, 2009

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Source Identification

All information that can be gathered will help the facility determine the likelihood of a
radioactive source. When searching records, shipping labels, bills of lading, etc. look for
any of the shipping numbers or labels associated with radioactive materials. Below is a
list of all UNs used to ship radioactive materials.

UN Numbers and Shipping Labels

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September, 2009

Page 22

Medical Response

When an emergency occurs, First Responders and EMTs should always treat any
injuries first. Use standard triage criteria. A patients exposure to radioactive materials
should never hamper or slow medical care. Eighty to ninety percent of all possible
contamination can be eliminated by simply removing the patients clothing. If you
suspect your patient may have been contaminated with radiation, quickly cut and roll
(inside out technique) the clothes off the patient. Red bag the clothing and leave them
on site for a remediation vendor to dispose. Transport patient as local protocols dictate.
In a scrap yard, it is highly unlikely that a person will become contaminated. However,
the possibility must be considered. If contamination were to occur, it would most likely be
from Natural Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM ) or Technologically Enhanced
Radioactive Material (TENORM)
**The only time treatment should be suspended over radiation is for decontamination of
the walking wounded (green tagged).
Remember to use these 3 basic principles to protect yourself, your crew, and any other

Time, Distance, and Shielding!! (Listed in order of priority)

o Time: When possible, limit your time around radioactive materials.
o Distance: Without endangering the patient by moving them, put as
much distance as possible between the radiation source and your
crew. Remember the INVERSE SQUARE LAW. (As you double the
distance you quarter your dose).
o Shielding: When situations arise in which you cant limit time or
create distance (extrication, full arrest, etc.) use shielding to provide
extra protection. Lead, steel, and concrete are all great materials for
shielding. REMEMBER: Dont think of these shielding materials in
direct terms. Forklifts, scissors lifts, etc. are all dense heavy low
clearance machines that can be used to provide shielding.

Treating Patients:
1. Make sure patient has been removed from the source of radiation. Use above
2. Treat the injuries first. Do not waste time checking for radiation!!
3. SAMPLE History:
Ask if patient has had a resent bone scan, CT, thyroid study, prostate
implants, radiation treatment for cancer, etc.

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September, 2009

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Following an emergency involving radioactive materials, all personnel where the

radiation is initially found and all upstream areas need to be medically evaluated.

Radiation cannot be detected by the human senses. A radiological survey conducted
with specialized equipment is the only way to confirm the presence of radiation. If a
plant melts a material involving the presence of radioactive materials, both patient
exposure and contamination must be assessed.
Exposure occurs when a person is near a radiation source. People exposed to a source
of radiation can suffer radiation illness if their dose is high enough, but they
do not become radioactive. For example, an x-ray machine is a source of radiation
exposure. A person does not become radioactive or pose a risk to others following
a chest x-ray.
Contamination occurs externally when loose particles of radioactive material are
deposited on surfaces, skin, or clothing. Internal contamination occurs when
radioactive particles are inhaled, ingested, or lodged in an open wound. Contaminated
patients should be decontaminated as soon as possible, without delaying critical care.
Patients who have been exposed to radiation, but are not contaminated with radioactive
material, do not need to be decontaminated.


Addressing contamination issues should not delay treatment of life-threatening
It is highly unlikely that the levels of radioactivity associated with a contaminated
patient would pose a significant health risk to care providers.
In certain rare instances, the presence of imbedded radioactive fragments or large
amounts of external contamination may require expedited decontamination.
Include in-house radiation professionals on the response team.
Use standard precautions to protect staff.
Follow standard guidelines and PPE for protection from radiological contamination
It is highly unlikely that the levels of radioactivity associated with a contaminated
patient would pose a significant health risk to care providers.
In certain rare instances, the presence of imbedded radioactive fragments or large
amounts of external contamination may require expedited decontamination.
Include in-house radiation professionals on the contamination.
Surgical masks should provide adequate respiratory protection.
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter masks, if available, are recommended.
Survey hands and clothing at frequent intervals with a radiation meter.
Due to fetal sensitivity to radiation, assign declared pregnant or potentially pregnant
staff to other duties.

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September, 2009

Page 24

Survey the patient with a survey (pancake style) meter.
Perform surveys using consistent technique and trained personnel.
If clothes have to be removed, use the cut and roll method (rolling from inside
Note exceptionally large amounts of surface or imbedded radioactive material.
Handle radioactive objects with forceps and store in lead containers.
Record location and level of any contamination found. (use Medical Evaluation Form)
**Send a copy of the medical evaluation form with the transporting Emergency Medical
Service (EMS).
**If no contamination is present, personnel are free to go. The Radiation Safety Officer
will inform all involved personnel of any further steps that need to be taken.

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September, 2009

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Patient Name:___________________________________Date:___________________
Plant Location:______________________________Time:________________am or pm
Mark the areas of contamination

Initial Survey
Make and Model of instrument used for

Final Survey (if needed)

Meter Serial Number:____________________ Calibration

Highest Reading of Contamination
Decontamination Necessary: Yes No

Further Medical Evaluation Needed: Yes No

Survey Completed and Cleared for Release:

Yes or No

Person Performing Survey

ISRI Radiation Safety Manual
September, 2009

Page 26

How to Perform a Personnel Survey

Check calibration date and log it onto personnel survey form.
Check the batteries using the "range" switch or "bat" button; the method depends on the type
of instrument. The meter needle should move to area on scale marked battery, indicating the
batteries are good. If the batteries are not good, find a flashlight or other source of 2 D-cells
and put them in the meter -- check these batteries also.
1. Explain to the person why you are performing a survey, what you are going to do,
and what they need to do. Then, have the person stand on a clean pad.
2. Instruct the person to stand straight, feet spread slightly, arms extended with palms
up and fingers straight out.
3. Hold the probe approximately 6 inches from the person and start by monitoring both
hands and arms; then repeat with hands and arms turned over.
4. Starting at the top of the head, cover the entire body, monitoring carefully the
forehead, nose, mouth, neckline, torso, knees, and ankles.
5. Have the subject turn around, and repeat the survey on the back of the body.
6. Monitor the soles of the feet.
7. Document survey results completely on Radiation Survey Report.

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September, 2009

Page 27


Cs-137 level gauge

Used for determining liquid levels in
tanks and containers
Often found in demolition scrap from

Cs-137 Oil flow gauge

Found in demolition scrap from

Filtec-bottle/can gauge used to

monitor fluid levels in bottling and
canning operations.
Found in demolition scrap

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September, 2009

Page 28

La-177 camera lens used for making

enhanced-light photographic images.

Most likely found in military scrap

Satellite pieces

NORM Pipe (Naturally Occurring

Radioactive Material)
Most commonly found in scrap from
refinery operations

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September, 2009

Page 29

TENORM oil field pipe (Technologically

Enhanced NORM)
Commonly found in scrap from oil
fields and refineries.

Ra-226 Switch of unknown origin

Radium was used to make gauges
glow in the dark.

Ra-226 Wire, most likely used for

limiting static electricity.
Found in heavy melt and demolition

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September, 2009

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Ra-226 Army Jeep Console

Note that many Army Jeeps were
sold to the civilian community.
Note also that in this picture, the
glass on the dials is broken, thus
allowing greater opportunity for
exposure to radium on the dials.

Depleted Uranium Plate of unknown

Commonly found in demolition scrap.

Ra-226 Gauge unknown origin.

Commonly found in heavy melt and
demolition scrap.

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September, 2009

Page 31

Unknown Gauge

Unknown Gauge

Cs-137 Level Gauge used to

monitor liquid levels, also used in
steel mills for flow control.
Commonly found in demolition

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September, 2009

Page 32

Radioactive Static Bar

Never underestimate someone trying to save money. Instead of disposing of

these sources properly, an unknown facility took the time to cut open beer kegs
and put the sources inside the kegs and weld them back. They then tried to send
them into YOUR scrap mix.

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September, 2009

Page 33

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