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1) What are the characteristics that keep solid and fluid different?
When the force is applied tangentially on solid then it experiences a finite deformation and shear
stress that is proportional to the deformation. Whereas, when the same shear stress is applied on the
surface of fluid then it experiences continuous increasing deformation where, the shear stress is
proportional to the rate of change of deformation.
The fluid dynamic is dividend in three different areas. They are as follows: Hydrodynamics (flow of
liquids), Gas dynamics (flow of gases) and Aerodynamics (flow of air). Whereas, the state of, solid
doesnt represent any of the stages.
2) What are the objectives of Aerodynamics?
Aerodynamics deals with the theory of flow of air and it has many practical applications in engineering.
There are some objectives that are being used in aerodynamics and these are as follows:
It is used to predict the forces, moments and heat transfer from the bodies that is moving through the
It deals with the movement of wings or use of the wind force. This way it requires the calculations to
be done for the aerodynamic heating of the flight vehicles and the hydrodynamic forces applied on the
surface of the vehicle.
It is used to determine the flows that are moving internally through ducts. This way it makes the
calculations and measurement of the flow properties that is inside the rocket and jet engines.
3) What are the sources involved in aerodynamics?
There are two sources that are involved in the case of aerodynamics forces and moments that are on
the body. These forces are as follows:
Pressure distribution: this is the distribution that is over the body surface
Shear stress distribution: this is the distribution that is over the body surface
These sources are for the body shapes and it doesnt matter how complex they are. The mechanism
that is being used to communicate with the bodies that is moving through a fluid. Both the pressure
(p) and shear stress (?) having the dimension force per unit area. This helps the movement of the
body through the fluid.
4) What are the conditions given for the two flows to be dynamically similar?
To measure the dynamicity of the two flows consider two different flow fields over two different bodies.
This way the conditions that get generated are as follows:
The streamlined pattern shouldnt be geometrically similar.
The distribution of the volume over change in volume (V/V8), pressure over change in pressure
(p/p8), and time over change in time (T/T8). These changes take place throughout the flow of the
field and they remain the same against the common non-dimensional coordinates
The force coefficient remains the same.
There is a similarity in both the flows like the solid boundaries are geometrically similar for both flows.

5) What are the differences between continuum flow and free molecule flow?
The flow that is moving over the body i.e. in a circular cylinder of diameter d is the continuum flow,
whereas the flow that consists of individual molecules moving in random motion is the free molecule
The mean free path (?) defines the mean distance between the collisions of the molecule and if this
path (?) is smaller than the scale of the body measured (d) then the flow of the body is considered as
continuum flow.
The path (?) that is of same order as the body scale then the gas molecules then the body surface will
have an impact of the molecules and this is known as free molecular flow.
6) What are the differences between inviscid and viscous flow?
Viscous flow is the flow in which the molecule moves in random fashion and transfers their mass,
momentum and energy from one place to another in fluid. Whereas, an inviscid flow is the flow in
which there is no involvement of friction, thermal conduction or diffusion while the molecules are
Inviscid flow consists of the limited influence of friction, thermal conduction and diffusion that is
limited to thin region that is limited to the body surface. Whereas, the viscous flows involve the flows
that dominates the aerodynamics of the blunt bodies like cylinder. In this the flow expands around
front face of cylinder and it separates from the rear surface of it.
7) What are the differences between incompressible and compressible flows?
Incompressible flows are the flows that have a constant density (?). Whereas, the compressible
flows are those that consists of variable densities.
The flows that exist are compressible in nature. Whereas, incompressible flows, doesn't exist in
nature or are very rare.
Incompressible flows are used to model aerodynamic problems without loosing any detrimental
accuracy i.e. most problems that exist in hydrodynamics considers the density (?) = constant.
Whereas, compressible flow is hardly used as a mathematical model to, represent the hydrodynamics.
High speed flows are and must be treated as compressible, whereas incompressible flows are not
considered for high speed flows.
8) What are the different speed types of flows used in identifying Mach number?
There are four types of flows that consist of different speeds and can be identified using Mach number:
Subsonic flow where M<1 everywhere, this is a field that is defined as subsonic if it matches the
Mach number that is less than 1 at every point. These are displayed by smooth streamlines that
consists of no discontinuity in slope. The flow velocity is everywhere less than the speed of sound and
the disturbances are all around the flow field.
Transonic flow, where mixed regions exist and M<1 or M>1, this is a flow field that defines that the
M8 is increased just above the unity and it is formed in front of the body. These are the mixed
subsonic and supersonic flows that are influenced by both the flows.
Supersonic flow where M>1 everywhere, this type is defined when Mach number is greater than 1 at
every point. They are represented by the presence of shock waves across which the flow properties
and streamlines changes discontinuously.
Hypersonic flow where the speed is greater than supersonic, this is defined when the shock waves

moves closer to the body surface and the strength of the shockwave increases leading to higher
temperatures between the shock and body surface.
9) What are the major sectors involved in aircraft maintenance?
There are two major sectors involved in aircraft maintenance and these are handled by certifying
technician in the field of support and maintenance. These are divided into two sectors as:
Category B1 (mechanical): these are the maintenance technicians that have good knowledge
regarding the working of airframe, engine, electrical power systems and equipment. It also requires
additional knowledge of aircraft structures and materials.
Category B2 (avionic): this deals with the integrated knowledge of aircraft equipments, electrical,
instrument and radar related systems. They undergo proper training to handle the aircraft equipments
and gain practical experience to deal with day to day activities.
10) What are the operations performed by Category B technicians?
Category B consists of two sectors in the field of maintenance and they are divided in B1 and B2 with
certain roles. The operations performed by Category B technicians are as follows:
Activities related to scheduled on field inspections for aircraft maintenance.
Activities of complex rectification
Fault diagnosis on aircraft systems and their equipments.
Modification and performing special instruction to monitor and manage the system
Repairing of airframe and other aircrafts
Activities performed like removal of aircraft components and fitting the required parts.
Use of BITE (built-in test equipment) and diagnostic equipments to perform repair tasks.
Supervising and certifying the work of other technicians involved in it.
11) What is the main source of power in aircraft?
The main source of power is the hydraulic motor that is provided by the scheduled service and
involves operations that allow technicians to solve complex system problems. This setup required
certifying the technician to operate all the system the same way as it is been done with one system.
The hydraulic motor needs to be operated the same way and maintained in a proper way. The
alignment need to in synchronization with the aircraft auxiliary power unit (APU) before anything is
done with the aircraft positioning. A standard need to, be followed to maintain the aircrafts and its
parts equipped and working.
12) What are the differences in the job performed by line maintenance certifying staff and base
maintenance certifying staff?
The difference that exists between the two is that line maintenance certifying staff has the
responsibility to inspect, rectify and perform the related or associated maintenance activities on the
aircraft on the airfield. Whereas, the base maintenance certifying staff, perform the maintenance
activities away from the live aircraft areas.
The maintenance that is being performed by the line maintenance staff is restricted to use limited
tools, and equipments that are present on the site to perform the first line diagnostic maintenance.
Whereas, Base maintenance certifying staff is associated with the line maintenance staff as it requires
inspecting and performing complex modification in the aircraft carriers.
13) What is the role performed by Category C personnel in maintenance of aircraft?

Category C personnel are responsible for maintaining the management role of controlling the progress
of the base maintenance inspections and seeing the work that is getting performed. These handle the
category B and category A staff and monitor their work. They are responsible for ensuring the good
work that will be carried out by providing the certification of maintenance. Category C personnel upon
the completion of the maintenance job done by the base maintenance staff provides the certificate to
allow the servicing of the aircraft to proceed. This way the people working in the staff become eligible
to perform and provide services for flight.
14) What are the safety recommendations required while maintaining aircraft?
The safety recommendations are required while dealing with the accidents and the inquiry of the
aircrafts. The recommendations needed are as follows:
CAA (Civil aviation authority) examines the applicability of self-certification of aircraft engineering
and verifies the criticality of the tasks that need to be performed on the system. They also check the
system for further services without doing any functional checks.
Review of the system takes place to interpret the single components of the aircraft that is vital in its
Reviewing of the quality assurance system and the reporting methods take place to encourage more
better designs to be provided for the use.
Reviewing the need to, introduce a format of job description and grades that is being provided to the
engineers and managers.
Providing a mechanism for an independent assessment to carry out the work audit and operations
can be performed smoothly.
15) What are the different stress types present in aircraft operations?
Stress is a result that is caused when a solid e.g. metal bar is subjected to an external force. Stress is
defined as force per unit area and the basic unit includes MN/m2, N/mm2 and Pa. There are basically
three types of stress:
Tensile stress: it is the stress that is setup when the force tries to pull the material apart.
Compressive stress: it is the stress that is produced by the force that is trying to crush the material.
Shear stress: is the stress that results from the force that tends to cut through the material i.e. tend
to put one material slide over another one.
16) Why is strain a major factor in aircraft engineering?
Strain is when a material is altered in shape, this happens due to the fact that the force is acting on
the material. The body is strained internally as well as externally without having any differences of
dimension but it just has the differences at the atomic level. It is the ratio of change in dimension over
the original dimension. It is very important due to the fact that building an aircraft requires the
knowledge of these factors and the formulas that are associated with it to successfully implementing
the parts together. There are three types of strain:
Tensile strain
Compressive strain and
Shear strain

17) What are the different types of modulus involved in mechanics?

Modulus of elasticity is given by the Hookes law that states that stress is directly proportional to
strain, while the material remains elastic. The external forces that are acting on the material is just
having the sufficient to stretch the atomic bonds this way the material can also return back to the
original shape. The different types of modulus are as follows:
Modulus of rigidity: this defines the relationship between the shear stress (t) and shear strain (?)
Bulk modulus: this defines that if a body volume v is subjected to an increase in an external
pressure then the volume will be changed by dV, this deformation will be change in volume not in
18) What are the mechanical properties required to know before performing maintenance?
The mechanical properties provide the definition of the behavior of the material that is being put under
the action of external forces. This is an important aspect to aeronautical engineering that is also used
to gain knowledge for applications developed for aircrafts. This provides an overall view of the
structure of the aircraft and the maintenance aspect of it. The properties used are as follows:
Specific strength and stiffness,
Malleability and elasticity
19) Explain in brief about each property used in mechanics?
The properties of the mechanics are as follows:
Strength: this is the applied force on a material that can withstand prior to fracture. It is measured
by the proof or yield stress of a material that is under action.
Working stress: this is the stress that is being imposed on a material as a result of the load that is
being subjected on the material. The loads that are given must be in the elastic range.
Proof stress: defines the tensile stress
Ultimate tensile stress (UTS): defines of a material that is given by a relationship or its maximum
Specific strength: defines the light and strong of a material that is used in aircraft making. This is
done to maximize the payload and meeting all the safety requirements.
Malleability: defines the ability to be rolled into sheets or get a shape under pressure. This includes
examples of gold, copper and lead.
Elasticity: defines the ability of a material to return to its original shape when an external force is
removed from the material.
20) What is the purpose of load extension graphs?
Load extension graphs are used to show the result of mechanical test done on the material to know
their certain properties for example finding out the heat treatment of a material. These graphs shows
certain phases of a material when it is being tested for destruction of the properties like elastic range,
limit of proportionality, etc. The material needs to obey Hookes law. The elastic limit needs to be at or
very near to the limit of proportionality. If the limit is passed the material ceases to be proportional to
the load. If the stress increases on the material then the waist reduces as the stress = force/area.
This graph represents a curve that shows different stages like elastic stage, and plastic stage.
21) Why is torsion such an important feature in aircraft engines?

Torsion is used to drive shafts for aircraft engine driven pumps and motors. They are also involved in
having a force behind propeller shafts, pulley assemblies and rive couplings for machinery. The shear
stress is setup within the shafts and it results from the torsional loads. The size and the nature of
torsional loads and stresses need to be known while making the design or else premature failure can
occur. The shafts are used as a component to transmit torsional loads and twisting moments or
torque. They can be a cross section or a circular component as it is more suitable to transmit the
torque for pumps and motors to supply the power to the aircraft system.
22) What is the main function of propulsive thrust?
Propulsive thrust is used in aircraft system, when an aircraft is traveling through air in straight or level
flight then the engine produces a thrust that is equal to the air resistance or the drag force on the
aircraft. If the engine thrust exceeds the drag then the aircraft will accelerate and if drag exceeds the
engine thrusts then the aircraft system will slow down. The thrust force that is used for aircraft
propulsion should always come from air or gas pressure. The forces that are external always act on
the engine or propeller. This propeller can be driven either by a piston or a gas turbine engine. If there
is a use of jet engine then the high velocity exhaust gas is produced.
23) Why is the study of gyroscopes motion required to learn aircraft applications?
Gyroscopic motion is considered as an important study for aircraft application for the inertia and
momentum of the body that is used in circular motion. The momentum is the product of the mass of a
body and its velocity. This is a measure of the quantity of motion of a body. Inertia is the force that
doesnt allow any change to happen in momentum. Gyroscope is the rotating mass that can be moved
freely at right angles to its plane of rotation. This utilizes the gyro rotor or gyroscopic inertia to
provide the motion unless it is compelled by an external force to change the state. This uses property
of rigidity as gyroscope acts as a reference point in space.
24) What are the laws of gyro-dynamics?
Gyro-dynamics deals with gyroscopic motion that is used for creating aircraft application as it allows
inertia and momentum of the body. These laws consist of the two properties of rigidity and precession
to provide the visible effects gyro-dynamics. These are as follows:
If a rotating body is mounted and it is free to move about any axis that passes through the center of
mass, then the spin axis that is used will remain fixed in inertial space without displacing any of the
If a constant torque is applied to any direction such as about an axis, or perpendicular to the axis,
then the spin axis will move about an axis that is mutually perpendicular to both the spin and the
torque axis.
25) What is being expressed by Sperrys rule of precession?
Sperrys rule of precession describes about the direction in which the precession takes place. This
precession is dependent on the direction of rotation for the mass and the axis of the torque that is
applied on the material. It provides a guide to the direction of precession that allows easy finding of
the direction of the applied torque. This also helps in finding out the direction of the rotation of gyrowheel. If the torque is applied and is perpendicular to the spin axis then it can be transferred as a
26) What are the elements required to display oscillatory motion?

The elements required to display oscillatory motion are as follows:

Period: this is related to the time and it signifies the time that elapses in between the motion that will
repeat itself after some time again. Oscillatory motions allow themselves to be repeated after equal
intervals of time and this is called as periodic.
Cycle: it represents the completion of one period and it also signifies the motion that is completed in
one period.
Frequency: defines the number of cycles completed in unit time.
Amplitude: defines the distance from one point to another or from highest to lowest point of the
motion from the central position.
27) What are the different lift augmentation devices present?
Lift augmentation devices provides flaps that are moving wing sections that increase wing camber and
provide an angel of attack. Flaps have their own use like if an aircraft takes off and land in a short
distance then the wings of it should produce sufficient lift at lower speed. Flaps provide a way to slow
down the aircraft. There two categories and they are as follows:
Trailing edge flaps includes different flaps like
Plain flap that is used to retract the complete section of trailing edge and it is used in downward.
Split flap gets formed by the hinged lower part of trailing edge and the lowered top surface remains
unchanged and it eliminates the airflow that occurs over the top of the surface of the plain flap.
Leading edge flaps: is used to augment the low speed lift that is swept on the wing aircraft. They
help in increase the camber and allow the coupling to operate together with the trailing edge flaps.
28) What are the steps required to solve the problems of aircraft flying high and at very large speed?
There are various steps required to solve the problems of aircraft flying high and at very large speed
are as follows:
Build stiff wings that allow and provide the resistance to torsional diversion beyond the maximum
speed of the aircraft.
Use two sets of ailerons and one outboard pair that can be operated at low speeds.
Use of one inboard pair that can be used to operate on high speeds, this will have less twisting
impact when the ailerons are positioned outboard.
Use spoilers that can be positioned independently or can be paired with ailerons. These reduce the
lift on the down going wing by interrupting the airflow over the top surface.
29) What are the functions performed by rudder?
The rudder is involved in providing the movement to the ports that gives a lift force to starboard. This
will allow the aircraft to turn and uses the ailerons effectively to bank the aircraft by minimum use of
rudder. The functions performed by rudder are as follows:
It is used with different applications that are involved in taking off and landing to keep aircraft
Providing assistance that is, limited only for the aircraft to turn correctly.
Used in applications during spin to reduce the roll rate of the aircraft and there are some applications
that provides low speeds and high angles to allow the raising of the wings.
30) What are the criteria need to be followed for an aircraft to be longitudinal statically stable?
The criteria that are required for an aircraft to be longitudinal statically stable, is:
To have a nose-down pitching disturbance that is used to produce the aerodynamics forces to give a
nose-up restoring moment.

This restoring moment that is produced should be large enough to return the aircraft to its original
position after the disturbance.
The requirements are met by using the tail-plain that is horizontal stabilizer used to provide the
stability to the aircraft.
31)Which Indian made aero plane is running for commercial purpose?
Designed in India and made in Australia, the CNM5 is the first Indian plane jointly developed by CSIRNAL, a government lab and Mahindra Aerospace, a private company.
It can fly five people or serve as an air ambulance or goods carrier. You could buy one for about two
crore. Specially to transport light goods, 500-600 kg of material. And the maintenance cost of this
aircraft will not be too much. Another is the SARAS.
Originally designed as a fourteen seat civilian passenger plane, it flew first in 2004 and hundreds of
times after that. But a crash in 2009 killed all three crew members and almost grounded the project.
The Indian Air Force wants fifteen planes, to train their transport pilots.
32)How to electric power generate in aero plane!
In modern aero planes, there is IDG (Integrated Drive Generator) which produces main electric power
(115V AC, 400Hz) for all operations. APU (Auxiliary power unit) generally being used to start the
engine and supplies power on ground when we park the aeroplane.
The electric power is generated by AC generator and DC generators which are fitted to the gear box of
engine as accessories
Least count is the highest degree of accuracy of measurement that can be achieved.
34)What is yawing motion??
Yawing motion means the sideways motion aircraft about the lateral otherwords side to side
motion of aircraft. Turning the flight to left and right using rudder

35)How long did it take to fly from London Heathrow to JFK New York on the SST
A normal subsonic service took around 7-8 hours to fly from London to New York, but Concorde's
average flight time is around 3 hours 30 minutes, but can be slightly longer if the aircraft needs to
hold before landing at the local airports. The fastest ever time for the crossing, the fastest ever set by
a passenger aircraft, was 2 hours 52 minutes and 59 seconds. This was set by Captain Leslie Scott and
his crew onboard G-BOAD, flying from New York to London, on the 7th of February 1996.
36)Which is the high thrust producing jet engine?

The General Electric GE90-115B1L is the highest thrust producing Jet Engine in the world.. It is rated
at 115,000 lbf of thrust at sea-level in ISA but has set the world record at 127,000+ lbf in test
conditions. Fitted to the Boeing 777-300ER aircraft.
37)Why MIG copters crash frequently?
Inadequate maintenance and poorly trained pilots have been the cause.
38)How is earthing done in aero planes?
The aircraft outer body is made of highly conductive material and insulated with the inner body. In the
air Craft outer body gets charged statically which is of very high value. The design is so made that
charge tries to remains at the outer surface of the craft. At the time of landing a strip type part touch
the ground and all the charged decay in the earth without any damage of anything.
39)What is the difference between stress and pressure?
Stress is the internal resistive force per unit area of a materiel where, pressure is the external force
per unit area. Pressure is a scalar while stress is a tensor quantity. COZ, pressure only has magnitude
and acts always towards a surface, and stress could act in either way, and it also gives the plane, in
which it acts (That is why it is a tensor).
40)What type of bearing used in bell helicopters?
Elastomeric bearings that Elastomeric bearings are bearings constructed from a rubber type material
and have limited movement that is perfectly suited for helicopter applications.
41)How can we draw design the airfoils using NACA series?
Simply download naca series coordinates its available on net ...start plotting...That coordinates, and
also templates all available
42)If the time delay of relay with TMS setting 0.1 is 10 sec, then what is the time delay
when the TMS setting is changed to 0.5
50 sec
43)what is the difference b/w aerodynamic balancing & mass balancing
Aerodynamic balancing is balancing of control surfaces using aerodynamic effects such as frise
ailerons but mass balancing is balancing using weights.
A simple for this is a ceiling fan. A fan will work efficiently, when it is balanced in mass and
aerodynamically. That mean the wings of the fan should be balanced so that the total weight is equally
divided, and for AD balancing there wont be any unbalancing while the fan
rotates due to its AOA(Angle at which it is fixed or angle of attack).

44)Why refrigeration is done inside aircraft, and why aircraft body is made of aluminums?
This is the combined effect low pressure & speed of plane in sky. Body of aircraft is made up of
aluminums due to its good tensile strength & good conductor.
45) What is ram jet?
It is a jet engine with no moving parts, only fuel spayed and burned.
46) Does not simplification of complex honeycomb designed for thermal protection system
of are usable launch vehicles jeopardize the accuracy of results?

It jeopardize the accuracy but it also has some advantages but cannot be used due to its inaccuracy.
47) Are thermal protection systems of space crafts commonly composed of one panel or a
collection of smaller tiles?
Thermal protection system of space crafts will be of tiles which are made up of ceramics and ceramic
composites to with stand thermal shocks and to avoid cracks it is used as tiles.
48) What is a liquid metal?
49) what is the highest temperature the space shuttle undersurface experiences during its
Under surface of the space shuttle will experience above 2300'c at the time of re-entering.
50) Explain how you overcame a major obstacle?
To overcome obstacle, one should have strong determination and self-confidence on himself / herself.
They have to face life as it comes.
51) What is SPICE? Where was it developed?
The full form of SPICE is Simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis. This is the widely used
analog simulator which was developed at electronics research lab of California University.
52) What are the three tactical elements of electronic warfare?
Electronic warfare has three main elements:
ES - Electronic support - This has high passive acquisition
intelligence about friend and foe
EA - Electronic attack - Which has passive and active denial
of RF spectrum
EP - Electronic protection protects friendly personnel and
assets by active and passive techniques.
53) What are the main areas in Aviation?
Artificial intelligence, Aircrafts and parts, Advanced materials, composites and specialty metals,
Computers, electronic components and systems, Fighters and attack aircraft, Government defense
policies and goals, Lasers, Navigation controls and guidance systems, Ordinance and Military vehicles,
Computers, electronic components and systems, Aviation electronic/Avionics, Robotics, Satellites,
Search and detection equipments.
Strategic defensive initiative, Sensors and instrumentation, Ships, Space vehicles and
commercialization of space.
54) What is the requirement to become a Professional Engineer (PE) in the field of

Professional Engineer license is required for people who aspire to go in as officially approved engineer.
The design specification is done by self-employed people or working in small business. General
aerospace engineers work for government or for big companies and hence few people are not very
keen on becoming PEs. To become a PE one has to pass an exam on fundamentals of engineering
which takes a\lot of hours to gruel and work under a licensed PE for about four years. Also they have
to grow through a principle and practice of engineering exam which requires about 8 hours.
55) What made you choose aerospace engineer line as your career?
In aerospace engineering there are lots of interesting topics which include rocketry, aero planes,
Legos. As a school student I started sketching for future aircraft and space craft, military aircraft. I
analyzed the importance of space travel, aviation history, and aerospace industry and hence decided
to get into this field.
56) Explain the day to day responsibilities of Aerospace engineering?
Each job profile even in aerospace industry differs from others. To mainly speak about aerospace there
are two branches or field. One is aeronautical and other is astronautically engineering.
57) Explain the differences between Aeronautical Engineering and astronautically
Aeronautical engineering deals with vehicles which operates in the atmosphere
Aeronautical engineering deals with vehicles operating in space.
Aeronautical engineering works on tunnel tests, analyzing flight test data, manned space flights,
planning future space missions, spacecraft operations, designing and testing robotic systems,
developing new propulsion system, computing optimum flight trajectories, developing communication
systems for distance space probes and designing new rockets.
Astronautical engineer includes designing power systems for spacecraft structure, developing
communications systems for distant space probes, developing hardware skills for operations in
spacecraft, designing and testing robotic systems, developing new propulsion systems and computing
optimum flight.
58) Does the knowledge of mathematics of Science is required to get into aerospace
The basic understanding of Math is important as it is not used at all the time during the course of
aerospace engineering. One should have a basic understanding of mathematical definitions and
knowledge on computers is very important as the computer programs will help in doing simple
calculations and verify the results are reasonable.
But on the science front it is very important to have a very good understanding on various subjects
like dynamics and mechanics in physics, strong emphasis on chemistry, electromagnetism. For a good
engineer one should know how law of forces makes things happen. Also if you are good at physical
sciences when opposed to life sciences like biology you will be a fit candidate for aerospace
59) What do you understand by Aerodynamics/performance analysis?
Aerodynamics / performance analysis in military programs include responsibility like analyzing
aerodynamics impacts which effects from external modifications, developing

mission profiles based on requirements from the customer, performance data of the mission which
includes takeoff and landing details, end route and mission data performance.
Analyze the configurations using the dynamics which are fluid and computational. Additional task may
include support for wind tunnel planning for test flight. Documentation, test support, data analysis
should be done on regular basis. Coordination of aerodynamics with multi discipline teams and data
should be provided for support flight management system or mission planning software.
60) What will be the responsibility of the spacecraft operations, dynamics and controls?
People working on these areas as a aerospace engineers should have familiarity and exposure to
NASTRAN and MATLAB with knowledge on space environment and modeling of flexible dynamics.
These aerospace engineers will be responsible to work in the areas of structural control, momentum
control, line of sight (LOS), spacecraft mission design, control of space boards payloads, operational
61) Explain about stress analysis?
People working on these areas as an aerospace engineers should have familiarity and exposure to
NASTRAN and MATLAB with knowledge on space environment and modeling of flexible dynamics.
These aerospace engineers will be responsible to conduct stress analysis on metallic and composite
structures. NASTRAN, IDEAD, Oracle and PATRAN proficiency level is required. Their duties also
include on aircraft which are metallic and composite structures. This includes and understanding of
control surface stiffness and loop
calculations, finite element modeling (FEM), fatigue testing requirement and analysis.
62) What is the testing done in aerospace engineering?
The testing of small rocket engines and entails development by researching on aerospace. They are
responsible to perform and experiment on laboratory facility which is dedicated to
aerospace. One should be capable of solving problems by applying knowledge by solving problem of
the research done. They will be working with technical team of researchers and
they should have ability handle projects alone.
63) How would you handle if your co-worker is not co-operating with you?
Talk to your co-worker directly and explain him that you are having a problem working with him and
make him understand the situation, if he is not willing to listen or not co-operating, then direct the
issue to chief pilot.
64) What would you do if your Captain is not following the instructions properly?
Refer to your plane manual and discuss the same with your client and ensure you make him
understand the procedures and rules. If he does not respond, you will call your concerned
aircraft officer at the airport and escalate and make sure your voice frequency is recorded.
65) When can one deviate from any flight rules and regulations?
Chief Pilot in command can deviate from rules and regulations during emergency period; he can do it
to get the plane back to the normalcy or to meet the expected requirement of the emergency.
66) What if you loose the medical round of interview for your pilot position?
One should always have a career back up plan, incase if your medical examination results are not
positive, you could get into training department for pilots or you could pursue your
interests from your previous experience or education.

67) Are you prepared for unexpected turbulence?

Yes, given the proper trainingam confident that I will be able to handle the turbulence and will drive
the plane in the correct altitude.
68) When a pilot is assigned a speed, how much can one deviate from that speed?
Complying and following the actual speed adjustment policies, a pilot can run and indicate plus or
minus 10 knots or 0.02 Mach number of specified speed. Its always better to keep the land air officer
in the loop before adjusting the air speed. Exceptions are always there to meet the emergency
69) Without Air Traffic Control, what is the minimum descent rate you can descend the
A Pilot can descend up to 500 bare minimum, without informing the ATC (Air Traffic Controller) and
this is only during an exceptional cases. However, its always better to
be in regular touch with the Air Traffic Controller and to keep him informed about the descent rate.
This will not have any traffic problems during landing in the runway.
70) You are about to take off the plane in few seconds and a catastrophic engine fails, and
your captain tells you not to take off and just stay in the center line. What would you do?
Once the takeoff procedure is started off and only few seconds is left, it is no longer safe to stop the
plane from takeoff. Instead it is better to continue with the takeoff and its best handled in the air. All
certified aircraft under 25 can run without an engine and there is no problem related to it for takeoff
or to for plane landing. It is actually far better idea to handle the problem in the air than to face the
situation on the run way, when plane engine is in high speed.
71) Can you miss the clearance limit and loose the commands from the Air Craft Officer?
Yes, there is a policy and procedure to be followed for the missing clearance limit, so a Pilot can leave
and reach a different altitude for some time within the limit and should come back to the proper
clearance limit once things are in control. This time limit is only as per the procedure in the manual.
72) How would you handle the extreme pressure during emergency situation if you know
that plane is not safe and it might crash anytime?
Few professions demand you to be selfless, and our respective clients would be the most important
thing, that is why customer service differs completely in such fields compared to other streams. For
example, Doctors, Lawyers, Pilotsthese are the professions where employee saving your customer is
the up most important thing. So, as a Pilot I fully understand my duties and responsibilities and will
ensure that whatever panic situation I could be in, I will continue to deliver my duties till the end and
ensure passengers are safe all times. Simultaneously I will own the full responsibility of landing the Air
Craft safe and in the steady position.
73) How important is to get the passengers switch off the mobile phones and laptops
during land off? What could be the consequences?
It is very important to check if laptop and mobile phones are switched off or not, as the consequences
can be bad.because interference of air crafts communication devices and electronic devices interfere
with each other and there could be chances of not proper landing. So, its highly recommended that all
electronic and communication devices should be switched off during take-off and landing.

74) How many types of emergency landings are there and explain?
There are three types of emergency landings like:
* Forced landing: This is a situation where Air Craft engine fails and Pilot is forced to land the plane in
the nearest airport.
* Precautionary landing: This is used when Pilot faces a problem due to severe weather conditions, or
being lost in the air space traffic or due to lack of fuel or expecting an engine trouble.
* Ditching: This is when where Pilot cannot avoid this situation but to just land on water, which is safer
than air bound.
75) How important are Aeronautical Engineers to today's society?
Aeronautical Engineers the aircraft people use for business and holidaying would not be in the sky, it
cannot be contested that society depends heavily on travel via aircraft.
Aeronautical Engineer will provide the solution to increase overall aircraft efficiency, thereby helping to
drive down the levels of emissions current aircraft produce.
Aeronautical Engineers also help put the satellites in to space, the satellites we rely on for weather
information, geospatial mapping data, environmental monitoring, telecommunications and research.
So in answer to the question I feel aerospace engineering plays a major role in society, producing and
developing a lot of the technology we rely on heavily.
76) What interests and abilities would help me as an Aerospace engineer?
Successful aerospace engineers need lots of curiosity, problem solving skills, organizational skills,
written and oral communication skills, people skills (as in leading and participating in teams) and
computer skills. There are no physical requirements; in fact, we have many engineers with disabilities
and it is not an issue for their job performance
77) what are the fringe benefits of aerospace engineering?
Good pay, good promotion potential, travel, respect from the community at large, and you get to say
that you are a rocket scientist!
78) What are the disadvantages of being in aerospace industry?
The biggest disadvantage is that it is a relatively small field, and the number of companies in the field
is getting smaller (lots of mergers between big companies in the news
lately). Also, this used to be a field where America basically had 90% of the market, but now foreign
companies are catching up; this means that American companies are streamlining their organizations
in order to be competitive.
79) What are the experience faced during maintenance of aircrafts P68c, Cessna caravan,
king air and Bell407
Follow guide by manufacture
80) Rotation of dc shunt motor is revers by using 2 methods, which method is best and
The direction of rotation of a DC shunt motor can be reversed by changing the polarity of either the
armature coil or the field coil.

You can reverse the direction by simply reversing the armature leads. The same can be done with a
shunt motor and a compound motor.
You also can reverse direction by reversing field leads; however, you run the risk of changing a
cumulative compound motor, which is inherently stable, into a differential
compound motor, which is somewhat unstable.
Not only this world every study has to be get understand the concept of that it practically. Never we should follow the guides we should make our own notes of every
chapter. Its nice to understand. Than just remember the need to study hours in front of
book just understand write your own answers. If marks doesn't come just leave it. talent is very
important than marks what is the use of getting 99% in exams it doesn't help you even if you get
50%.but you have knowledge its really great sure you are eligible for your dream job. Dont run
behind marks run behind excellence.
82) How the vfd is working?
VFD having 3 main section namely Rectifier, DC bus, Inverter.
By Rectifier input supply AC is converted to DC, in the section main part is pulse also getting change
by no. of Diodes.
In DC bus section having capacitor, in this capacitor the power is getting store.
In Inverter section the DC is converted to AC and the supply
83) Why airline prefer beautiful girls for hostesses?
Most of the airlines use females as air hostesses. The duty of air hostesses is to make comfortable the
passengers. They have to take intensive care. We all know that a male is not attractive for another
male. If even he attractive the passenger doesn't feel comfortable and the males travel more than
females. Females are good at respect they can handle
passengers nice than males. And the female passenger feels more comfortable to female hostesses
than it is better to make air hostesses as female. And they are beautiful too.

84) Can a corbondioxide gas use as fuel source

Well in my opinion the answer is no. CO2 is a fire extinguisher and does not support burning. So there
is no question of burning it. If you cannot ignite the fuel (i.e. CO2 in this case) how can u run an
85) How the shockwave produced in airfoil, and actually what happen that region? I want
deep explanation
Shock Only at supersonic speed
Message (about aircraft presence downstream) waves go upstream at the speed of sound.

But Aircraft goes more than the speed of sound. (Supersonic) Before upstream air get the message
about aircraft presence, air encounter the aircraft. No time to adjust the airflow, Hence Shock!
Actually not only in airfoil even in engines, nose of the a/c, and etc. This is coz when the speed of the
a/c exceeds the speed of sound then the air particles beyond the aircraft will not get any info what is
coming at it. So it will collide on the a/c so the pressure of the air particle beyond that A/c increases.
So the speed of the a/c will be reduced.
86) Whats the principle of Aircraft's working in every GAG cycle (GROUND-AIR-GROUND)..
Newtons 3ed law & Bernoulli's Principle
87) In an airframe assembly, whats the use of STRESS ANALYSIS being conducted on
newly designed component or modified component...?
While making a metallic component or while modifying them an internal stress will be caused due to
drilling, riveting, hammering, shaving, milling or any similar actions. This internal stress sometimes
may exceed the yield strength of the metal, so annealing (reheating and slow cooling) is carried out to
release the internal stress in the component to avoid fracture. This is a process of a stress analysis .In
simple words this stress analysis is carried out to avoid the material to break by itself.
Reason for STRESS ANALYSIS being conducted on newly designed component or modified component
1.To check the reliability of the structure/component or part that has been fixed new over the load
spectrum. This is further done by calculating the MS (margin of safety =
2. It helps in calculating the strength of a structure and optimize to the requirement, which can help in
weight saving. (Which is very imp in aircraft industry).
3. It also helps engineer to understand the behavior of the structure in various nature (tension,
compressive) of the load.
88) How works the jet engine plz explain?
Jet engine has various stages in it and works on newtons 3rd law i.e. for every action there is equal
and opposite reaction. primarily air enters the inlet port which is passed to the compressor stage
where a large mass of air is compressed through compressor blade, here the air pressure rises and is
sent to combustion chamber were fuel is sprayed through fuel nozzle n this combines with air and then
fuel-air mix is ignited, due to ignition temp rise and the mixture with high energy is sent to turbine
section, here turbine use this energy to drive compressor blades ,this spills out a large amount of gas
with very high velocity towards the outlet port, which is known as thrust. This is how jet engine works.
89) Why the stall of the swept wing tends to occur at the tips first?

Usually, stalls occur at high AOA or at low speeds. This is because the airflow over the wing just stops
creating a very low lift. In the case of a swept wing, as we move towards the tip, the surface area of
the wing can be considered to be decreasing. Therefore, lower surface area means lower lift and
thats why stalls start at wingtips. For your information, winglets prevent wingtip vortices. They just
stop the pressure leak between the upper
and lower surfaces of the wing thereby increasing the efficiency. It has a low effect on stalls.
90) Why the fuselage of the pressurized aircraft is made of circular cross section?
The elimination of corners ensures that the flow will not separate at moderate angles of attack
1-Circular cross section can resist Hoop's stress effectively as compared to other cross section.
2-Distribution of air is uniform.
3-Increases area of the fuselage.
4- Low aerodynamic drag.
91) Can we put engines on the end of a wing? If not, then why?
No, if one of the engine fails during flight, the yawing moment produced by the other engine is more
NO, Due to the following reasons
1. Usually Engine is very heavy, if it is put at the cantilever wing tip, the weight/lever arm is more
and structurally it is not a feasible design.
2. Aerodynamic characteristics of the A/C and Engines are broadly affected.
3. In case of Single engine failure, tendency to yaw and roll.
4. In case of Electrical fuel system malfunction, providing gravity fuel feed to the wingtip engines is
5. Due to wing tip vortices the engine suck the air is difficult
6. At wing tip have smaller area than root so it cannot sustain due to the weight of engine. So it will
go damage or bend
92) Why refrigeration is done inside aircraft, and why aircraft body is made of aluminum
Up in the sky the temperature is very cold and human body cannot sustain such cold, so to maintain a
temperature sustainable by human body Air conditioning is used inside and to maintain a constant
The plane body is not made of alluminium but alluminium alloy i.e. duralumin , for high tensile
strength, light in weight, high toughness to maintain its shape at high speeds in the sky , good
conductor , easily formed to shape etc.
93) Why we use delta connection in primary and star connection in an distribution
transformer, which converts 400V a.c voltage to 33KV?
1. The distribution transformer is meant for 3phase 4wire system and is for utilities where the fourth
wire i.e. neutral is required by users for protection and control of

the switch-gears and power network.

2. Primary delta and secondary star connection prevent the source side harmonics to impact the
secondary side utilities.
3. No need to carry neutral wire of the 400VAC system to the transformer, if primary is delta
connected because only three wire solve the purpose in delta /Star and neutral wire easily connected
to star point of secondary.
We use the delta in primary & star in secondary winding in distribution transformer, to take star point
or neutral point. Because potential is always zero at star point...............!
94) What is ram jet?
Its a jet engine with no moving parts, only fuel spayed and burned. It cannot be operated initially
since it requires some initiation. These engines are normally equipped in an aircraft for
providing addition thrust. When the aircraft engine reaches around 200 km/h, it can be started...

95) Does not simplification of complex honeycomb designed for thermal protection system
of are usable launch vehicle jeopardize the accuracy of results?
It jeopardize the accuracy but it also has some advantages but cannot be used due to its inaccuracy.
96) Are thermal protection systems of space crafts commonly composed of one panel or a
collection of smaller tiles?
Thermal protection system of space crafts will be of tiles which is made up of ceramics and ceramic
composites to with stand thermal shocks and to avoid cracks it is used as tiles.
97) What is the highest temperature the space shuttle undersurface experiences during its
Under surface of the space shuttle will experience above 2300'c at the time of re-entering.

98) Explain how you overcame a major obstacle?

Well to overcome obstacle, one should have strong determination and self-confidence on himself /
herself. They have to face life as it comes.
99) How do you handle pressure and stress?
Pressure and stress can be handled just by keeping your self-cool and giving it a new thought to help
u as a motivational drive.
100) why do you want this job?

This Job will provide me with an opportunity to use my skills, to perform optimally and get due

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