Mini Project - Standard Grading Criteria

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Mini Projects: Standard Grading Criteria

You will be provided with the initial grades and brief feedback comments for each of your three
projects within four weeks after you completed each project.

Please note that these grades are indicative only and are intended to provide you with initial feedback
on your progress.

The Mini Project Grading Criteria described in table 1 below are based on the University’s generic
grading system for Undergraduate summative assessments.

Table 1: Undergraduate Grading System

Grade Definition Knowledge and Skills and Attributes2

A Excellent Standard Demonstrates an Demonstrates a very high level of
(equivalent to First excellent knowledge ability in analysis and evaluation.
Class Honours or and understanding of Demonstrates a very high level of
Distinction) the subject matter. performance over a range of subject
specific/professional practice skills.
B Very Good Demonstrates a very Demonstrates a high level of ability in
Standard good knowledge and analysis and evaluation.
(equivalent to Upper understanding of the Demonstrates a high level of
Second Class subject matter. performance over a range of subject
Honours or specific/professional practice skills.
C Good Standard Demonstrates a good Demonstrates a good level of ability in
(equivalent to Lower knowledge and analysis and evaluation.
Second Class understanding of the Demonstrates a good level of
Honours) subject matter. performance over a range of subject
specific/professional practice skills.
D Satisfactory Demonstrates a Demonstrates a satisfactory level of
Standard satisfactory knowledge ability in analysis and evaluation.
(equivalent to Third and understanding of Demonstrates an satisfactory level of
Class Honours) the subject matter. performance over a range of subject
specific/professional practice skills.
E Borderline Demonstrates a Demonstrates a borderline level of
Standard borderline knowledge ability in analysis and evaluation.
(equivalent to Pass and understanding of Demonstrates a borderline level of
at Non-Honours) the subject matter. performance over a range of subject
specific/professional practice skills.
F Fail Demonstrates very Demonstrates a very low level of
limited knowledge and ability in analysis and evaluation.
understanding of the Demonstrates a very low level of
subject matter. performance over a range of subject
specific/professional practice skills.

Knowledge and understanding must be assessed in the context of the SEEC level descriptors at and module learning outcomes
Includes cognitive and intellectual skills; key/transferable skills; practical skills
Standard Grading Criteria


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