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Dated : 14-06-2015

Here is the link for all the material related to OHT3:

Question 1: Analyze and review the white paper Metro_Cells_White_Paper. The word count
must be between 700 1000 words.
Question 2: There is a telephone service provider having 10 operational telephone counters.
Whenever a customer arrives, he has to buy a token to make a telephone call. There are 04
dedicated counters for issuing the tokens to the customers.

A. Assuming the arrival of the customers and the service time to be an I.I.D exponential
random process. What is the working efficiency of the counters providing the token if a
delay tolerance of 10% is allowed.
B. If there is no condition on the delay tolerance, what is the minimum number of service
counters required to achieve the same working efficiency.
C. What can be the maximum traffic intensity if all the 10 telephone booths are used with a
delay tolerance and call blocking probability of 10% is allowed.
Question 03: Design and create a computer program that produces an arbitrary number of samples
of propagation pathloss using a d^n pathloss model with lognormal shadowing. Your program
is a radio propagation simulator, and should use, as inputs, the T-R separation, frequency, the
pathloss exponent, the standard deviation of the log-normal shadowing, the close-in-reference
distance, and the number of desired predicted samples. Your program should provide a check
that insures that the input T-R separation is equal to or exceeds the specified input close-inreference distance, and should provide a graphical output of the produced samples as a
function of pathloss and distance ( this is called a scatter plot). Verify the accuracy of your
computer program by running it for 50 samples at each of 5 different T-R separation distances
(a total of 250 predicted pathloss values), and determine the best fit pathloss exponent and
the standard deviation about the mean pathloss exponent of the predicted data using the
techniques as described in example in the class. Draw the best fit mean pathloss model on the
scatter plot to illustrate the fit of the model to the predicted values. You will know your simulator
is working if the best fit pathloss model and the standard deviation for your simulated data
is equal to the parameters you specified as inputs to your simulators.
a. Use reference distance as 1 Km.
b. The T-R separation can be between 0 to 6 Km

c. Use frequency of 800 Mhz

d. normrnd(0,8,[1 50]), is the matlab command to produce a lognormal R.V having 50
samples with zero mean and a standard deviation of 08 units.
e. Lref= -10*log(((4*pi)^2*power(dref,2))/(lambda^2)), in dBs is the formula for the loss at
the reference distance. Where lambda can be obtained by using the ratio of speed of light
and frequency.
f. L(i,j) = -Lref - 10*n* log((d(i)*1000)/dref) - X(j), is the loss in dBs at any distance, where
X(j) represents the lognormal random variable.
g. Here is the expected ouput:

Loss in dBs




Distance in KMs



1- Submit in printed form by 1500 Hrs (June 15, 2015). No submissions after the dead time.
2- Discussion and help from any source is allowed but copying is not allowed. Copying
carrying zero marks.
3- There is one question to be distributed and solved in the classroom tomorrow.

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