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Dear all,Happy new year to you all and I hope you are doing well with your
exams.It is time to consider your dissertation topics and to allocate you a
supervisor. Please see your
Dissertation Handbook for
detailed information on the generic requirement of your dissertation.Here
I would like to address the following issues which are relevant to your MSc
programme.You probably have been or will be contacted by the school to
submit a proposal or proposed topicfor your dissertation. Based on the
information collected, I will then allocate you a supervisor. Theprinciple
here is to match your proposed topic with our expertise as closely as I
can. However, I will
not be able to guarantee a 100% customer satisfaction because of the fixed nu
mber of dissertationeach colleague has to supervise over the summer. To
facilitate the match, I strongly advise you toview our expertise and
research areas from our websites and here attached is a list of topics
wewould like to supervise. However, the ultimate decision is yours to
select a topic for yourdissertation. In other words, we encourage you to
select a topic from the attached list but notlimited to it.Please contact
your programme leader if you have any enquiries on dissertation. Thanks
and lookforward to working with you.Best wishes,Menthos (MSc Banking
and Finance), Dimitrios (MSc Accounting and finance) and Liang (MS IFM)
Banking and financial markets
Entry of foreign banks and their effect on the financial development of
the country

Syndicate loan market: before and after crisis

Role of financial conglomerates

Factors determining bank loans: any related topic

Bank risk taking

Bank liquidity

Bank corporate governance

Banking regulations

Bank efficiency or profitability

Merger and Acquisitions
Networks, institutional development and M&A
The Effect of Method of Payment in Mergers and Acquisitions
Investment Banking and Mergers and Acquisitions
What Factors Affect the Performance of Acquiring and Target Firms in
Mergers and Acquisitions?
Cross-Border Acquisitions and the Effect of Legal Systems
Valuation in Takeover Situation
Corporate Governance
Executive compensation and capital structure

Effect of firm and country governance in determining cash holding

Corporate Governance and Earnings Management

Corporate Governance and Firm Performance

Information Disclosure
Ownership Structure
Corporate governance reform and firm performance
Board composition and capital structure
Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
Earnings Management and IPO
IPOs in crises: How does international financial environment affects listing.
CEO payments around an Initial Public Offering.
Executive remuneration in Maritime Industry.
Regulatory impact on IPO performance: A global case.
Founder CEO Management and the performance of IPO firms.
Earnings quality at initial public offerings: UK Evidence.
IPO through a Cross listing (in a foreign market).
Corporate Finance
Capital Structure
The connection between Operating Leverage and Financial Leverage

Issues of capital structure in Small and Medium Size businesses

Financing issues
Dividend policy

Investment management
Efficient Market Hypothesis
Behavioural Finance
Benefits of Diversification and Correlation between Asset Classes
Tactical Asset Allocation
Liability Driven Investment
Styles of Active Equity and Bond Management
Active versus Passive Management, ETFs
Risk Management in Portfolios
Use of Derivatives
Trends in the Industry

Performance of different strategies

Regulatory issues
Role in Portfolios

Commercial Property
Private Equity
Risk-Adjusted Performance
Performance Attribution
Style Analysis
Trends in industry
Ownership of participants
Industry analysis
Methods used to Analyse Companies
Company Valuation - methods and correlation with outcomes

Do managers learn from the private information in stock price when they
make corporateinvestment decisions?
Equity investment Styles, Fama

French 3 factor & 4 factor models, Investment Performance,

Taxtual sentiment in financial accouncements
Accounting Disclosure
Corruption and accounting
Bribery Act
Forensic Accounting
Forensic Auditing
Board of Directors and accounting issues.
IFRS and Accounting Manipulation
management accounting systems for enterprise resource planning
new management accounting techniques, processes and information
linkages between competitive strategy and management accounting
Privatization, deregulation and other changes in the institutional business
environment, and theireffect on management accounting and control

Implementation of new costing systems (e.g., ABC) and new performance

measurement systems(e.g., BSC)
Other topics
PCAOB, SOX, Antitakeover Laws
Political connection
Monetary Policy

CSR, sustainability

E-commerce, electronic data interchange, electronic meetings,

Customer relationship management,
Supply chain management

Emerging markets finance

Institutions, culture and finance

Finance and economic growth

Corruption and mode of foreign bank/firm entry

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