Lake Balaton

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The "Hungarian Sea", is the people's name for the 50-mile long lake with silky green-yellow
water in the middle of Transdanubia. Lake Balaton is one of Hungary's most precious
treasures and most frequented resorts. It is also the largest lake in Central Europe. The
southern shores are ideal for small children because of the shallow water, but on the north
shore the water gets deeper instantaneously. The summer water temperature is around 80 F,
which is warmer than the average air temperature in the morning and in the evening. The
water and the sleek mud of the lake are excellent remedies for nervous complaints, anaemia
and nervous fatigue.
Picturesque vineyards in the region produce an assortment of excellent wines that go very
well with the delicious local food. Large numbers of inns and restaurants welcome guests
from home and abroad.
Sifok is the largest town on the southern side of Lake Balaton and is known for being the
party town of the lake. Its port serves every boat route on the lake. Cruise boats also start from
here. The hotels of the Golden and Silver Beaches are very much in demand. The pleasant
parks are ornamented with statues. The Lutheran church has a remarkable style. The
composer of the internationally renowned operettas, Imre Klmn (1882-1953), is the famous
son of this city. His piano and many personal belongings can be seen in his museum. The
Water Management Museum covers the history of shipping and fishery on Lake Balaton,
while a huge collection of minerals is exhibited in the Museum of Minerals.
Keszthely, the oldest settlement of Lake Balaton was an important hub of commerce in
Roman times. The beautiful Festetics Mansion with its ornate wrought iron gate, surrounded
by an English park, is the third largest chateau in the country. All you may wish to know more
about Lake Balaton, including its formation, flora and fauna, the history of bathing culture,
waterborne traffic and archaeological and ethnographic memorabilia of 7,000 years, can be
seen at the Balaton Museum.
How come camels, buffaloes and zebras roam along Lake Balaton? Hardly indigenous to the
region, they are resident of the Safari Park and Africa Museum established by the renowned
Hungarian hunter in Africa, Endre von Nagy. A rich collection of artefacts including trophies
and African ethnographic objects is on display at the museum.
The hill is an extinct casket-shaped volcano. Its slopes are covered with some very strange
geological formations, fossilized lava columns called "basalt organs" as well as vineyards
which produce the excellent wine of the Pauline monks called "Grey Friar". One of the two
hundred year old press houses is home to one of the most popular restaurant. Its terrace also
offers an excellent panorama.
The twin-towered church of the Tihany peninsula is distinctly visible far and wide. The
peninsula, inhabited almost a thousand years, is of volcanic origin, and has a profusion of rare
plants and animals. The crypt of King Andrs I, founded in 1055, survived the turbulent past
and still stands in its original form. The present church was built over the crypt in the 18th
century in Baroque style and has many precious wood carvings. In the Museum of the
Benedictine Abbey, you can find an exhibition about ancient times. There are frequent organ
concerts in the abbey church in the summertime.
Hvz is extremely fortunate to have its Thermal Bath that has been attracting visitors for
more than two centuries. The Lake is covered with water-lilies and extends over an area of
approximately 30 square-miles, with a depth of 118 feet at the centre. It is the second largest
hot-water lake in the world, at a temperature of 90F open-air bathing is very pleasant even in
winter. Treatments are conducted under the supervision of specialized doctors from the
Hospital of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation.

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