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Sweet Bitter Success

Mikess POV
After Mom said that I hear running steps towards my room, I know
who it was. I quickly grab my pants, but its too late. Shes in and
Im only on my boxers! She hugged me tight and I slightly
touched her back. Shes really here.
I miss you so much! She let go and looked at me.
Please go out first, I need to change. I said to her a little mean.
Theres no need, I always see you like that before. She pouted
Before and now is different, go out. I said again.
She stomped hard but luckily went out of my room. I quickly
changed and washed my face, I cant believe this. This isnt good,
Shey wont be happy with this.
I stepped out of my room and saw Mileys back, shes looking on
the old pictures of us in the album I hid when Mileys here
graduation night. I went down the stairs when she turned to me,
smiling fuck no.
Miley is my childhood friend, were so close because our families
are too. She changed a lot, that little girl before who wear my
boxers and hats. That girl who go board skating with me, that girl
who sleep with me when shes alone home, that girl who hate
heels and make-ups, that girl who play billiards and cards, that
girl who taught me beat boxing and drumming, that girl who
never cared about the world. That girl I had a big crush on, that
girl is Miley.
After 6 years, she looks different. She wears skirts and tank tops, I
know she wear heels too but now shes wearing a VANS shoes
which compliments her skirt. Her skin is so fair and soft, she has
light make-up on. She looks sexy and pretty? Fuck it Mike.
Hey! You were mean back there. Dont you miss me?! She said
pretending to be angry.
Im almost naked and youre a girl! I said back.
I already saw you naked every time we shower together before
and you never cared about our gender! She said pouting.

We even sleep together and do crazy things together and you

are so mean.. She continued
Ill treat you ice cream. I simply said
Her mood changed, I know her a lot. Shes right, we do crazy
things before but that was before. Everything changed; we cant
do things like that now. I have Shey.
Were at her house eating ice cream, shes been babbling about
her life in Canada and how cruel her stepfather is. She said she
was almost raped and she was also abused without her Mom
knowing. Then she started crying
Shh. Dont cry, I know youre strong. You can live with your Dad
in Manila; I think that would be better.
I think so, I already told Mom about that and she agreed. Next
school year Ill enroll on an international school, I dont want to
study on cheap campuses. They have cheap students too.
Her attitude even change, how could she say that? Shey studied
in a public school and shes not cheap.
Dont say that, youre not nice.
Its true! She said
Whatever Ming..
Yey! You finally called me that again. I missed you Ming! then
she hugged me again. We called each other Ming since
childhood because our names both started with Mi, its childish
but anyways Im used to it.
Shes been so clingy and touchy; I almost think shes flirting with
me. I know I had a crush on her before but she didnt know that
and I know she wouldnt like me ever. There are tons of boys on
Canada and maybe she has one now. We really need limits.
Hey excuse me, I just need to call someone. I walk away and
went out their house so she wouldnt hear me.
I tried calling Shey on LINE and luckily she answered me
Sheelahs POV
Criiiing.. cring..

LINE call from Mike. Im sitting on my hotel room, were just done
practicing and Im free now. Perfect timing Mike! I quickly answer
but I didnt talk first, I still remember our situation.
Hi Shey, Im glad you answered me. I miss you a lot. He simply
Im so glad he called, I miss his voice so much. I miss you too
Mike. I said back, I dont care anymore.
I know he smile, I feel him. Shey, thank you for answering. I have
something to tell you. He said and I feel nervous
What is it? I said.
I have this childhood friend back then; she left for Canada six
years ago. Shes kinda came back this morning and shes a chick
unlike before. I just want to inform you in case you hear stories
about me without someone. He said.
Ouch, that worries me A LOT.
Shey in a calming voice.
I know youre worried, please dont. Shes just a friend and
theres nothing else. Yes she looks attractive to me Im a guy but
it will always be you. He said. Well, its not enough.
Avoid her. I simply said, period.
What do you mean by that? He asked.
Dont go to her house, dont hang out with her, dont bring her
home, dont ride her on your bike, and dont treat her special.
Dont talk to her. I said, in a very serious tone.
Shey, thats impossible. Shes close with Grandma and surely
well have meals together with her family and most of the time on
their stay. Trust me, okay?
Trust you, pffft! Okay, you can talk to her only on family meal
and only with your Grandma she can hang out with. Or else, make
a choice.
I will always choose you. I promise.

It looks like theres no break up happened.

Well see that.
Then I hang up, I dont want to worry anymore. I want to focus on
my contest so I decided to get some rest.
Mikes POV
She said it well.
You have a girlfriend. I didnt notice Miley at the back, it wasnt
a question but theres sadness in her voice.
I turned around to see her; shes looking at me straight in the
eyes. Whats wrong with her? Fuck please dont tell me she like
Yes and I love her so much. Shes not my girlfriend but she will
be back, I have to wait.
Okay. She said.
What? Well, I stayed silent and when I was about to leave she
Lets go jogging tomorrow? I kinda need it for my diabetes and I
have no other friends here, Rolyns not here and its kinda lonely
alone. Please? She pled.
Rolyns her cousin by the way, Sheys friend.
Im sorry Miley, I really cant. I dont want my girl worrying about
me hanging out with you, before and now is different and I hope
you understand. I said, period.
She stayed silent, sad and its obvious. Im really sorry for her; I
just love Shey more than her. Then I left, its better to tell her
--Is it raining? My face is wet, am I dreaming? Its so early I can
hear the chickens alarm, its every 4AM I memorize it. Urrg! Did
the roof fall off? I decided to open my eyes.
Miley?! I was shocked. Shes holding a glass of water

Rise and shine! Were going jogging! She said then throws me
my shoes.
I told you yesterday, didnt you hear me? I said.
Tell that to Grandma! She called Grandma louder trying to get
an attention.
You cant do this. Miley, be mature enough to understand me. I
have a girl! I said angry but I think it doesnt affect her.
Come on, shes not here and shell never found out! She pled
No! And thats enough! Dont you get it?! I shouted at her.
Shes about to cry, oh please! Gran entered the room.
What are you doing Mike? Shouting at a girl? Wheres your
manner little man! She helps Miley stand who is now kneeling in
fron of me. What a drama queen!
Gran, I told her already Im not going. I dont want Shey hearing
news about us, you know I love her. I told her gently.
And if she really loves you, she will trust you. Rolyns not here
and Miley needs a jog, her doctor requires it. I cant go; I have
work so accompany her. No more questions! She said back and
walks away.
Fuck you. I said to Miley and she just smiled naughtily. Fuck her
I went with her and I make sure I get back home before the sun
rises or Sheys friend might see us together. Mileys been very
flirty to me, instead of jogging she just talk about her life like her
whole diarys been open to me.
Unluckily, its been like this for the past weeks because Rolyn
doesnt want to accompany for a reason I dont know and Mileys
been giving Gran reasons even though she only needs to jog 3
times a week, its been everyday Im with her for jogging. Luckily,
I think no one saw us. One time at the family dinner, Mom asked
me to buy soft drinks and needs someone to ride back to carry it
on a bike, I asked Rolyn to come but Miley insist. She tells lies to
Gran and Mom just to be with me, I feel so irritated. My summer
as of now has been full of lies and fake smiles because of Miley. I
also have few visits with Dad and Miley once with me when she

followed me at the hospital. I also worry about Shey hearing

stories about me, I have to call her soon.
The last time I called was on her 17th birthday and I promise her
a celebration when she came back. I always promise. Fuck I
already broke the last promise I made I hope she understand. She
also called me on my 18th birthday, she cares.
Yesterday was the contest and maybe I can call her now before
the awarding ceremony to wish her luck and update her about
what happened. Maybe I can call her now; its almost midnight
and its noon there now.
Criiiing.. Criiiing..
She answered.
Shey! I miss you so much baby, how was the contest? I asked
Its fine. She sounds cold.
Dont you miss me? I asked.
Why do I have to? Dont you have Just-Friend-Miley there?
Theres no need. She said sarcastically.
She heared.
What did they tell you, let me explain?
Oh just that you ride her on your motorcycle at night which you
promise you wont, you went jogging with her everyday and thats
so unbelievably true, I have pictures of her holding your arms
walking after you went jogging and some also laughing together.
She go to your house every day, you sing karaoke with her and
your Gran. Congrats! You had a great summer. Sarcastic
Im sorry. Gran forced me to accompany her since her doctor
requires it and Rolyn wont come so I have to, Gran said youll
understand because you love so I agree. I know shes clingy but it
will be rude to push a girl, I respect you because youre a girl too.
She rode my motorbike because Mom asked us to buy soft drinks
and she insisted to come, she tells lies to them so she can be with
me. I laugh with her during Grans joke not because Im happy
with her. Im really sorry baby. I told her gently

You made your choice. She simply said and she hung up! Fuck
no please; I called her many times but no answer. No please
please, Gran said shell understand. No please!
I can feel tears again, shit. I only cried for her and here it is again.
The next day I decided to drunk myself, I dont care I lose her. Im
with Drew and the gang on some friends house which place is
celebrating a fiesta and yes we drunk ourselves till we stopped
caring how we danced on the disco and whatever we do.
The next day the only thing I remembered is that Miley came with
Rolyn saying their picking me up but I ignored them, I think? I
opened my eyes and surprisingly saw Miley beside me sleeping
on her room. WHAT?!
No, no, no. What happened last night? I checked the surroundings
(You know, in case) luckily theres no sign. Im on my clothes and
she is too, I quickly stand up and went out of the room. Rolyns
sleeping on the sofa and I woke her up.
She said I was so drunk and made something very stupid. She
doesnt want to tell me what but I have a really bad feeling, I
decided to check on my Facebook account and luckily there are
no tagged photos. I checked Sheys and there, I flt very jealous.
She has tons of pictures with boys tagged on her timeline and her
last status was, I regret I loved you. #ForeverOver No way!
My world fall, I called her many times but I cant reach her, I dont
know when her exact flight was and todays our hometowns
fiesta. Whats happening! Is this true? Shit, I have enough! Its
noon and Miley went out of her room yawning, Im still kneeling
froze in the living room when she happily jump on me and kiss me
on the neck! What the fuck! Now I pushed her, hard!
What the fuck Miley! Get off me! Dont ever come near me, ever
again! I shouted at her and shes frozen on the floor. I walk out
and went home.
I saw Mom on the living room, I wanted to tell her how I feel and
ask her what to do but no. I just wanna keep it, shes been in pain
more than this so I went straight to my bed and cried till I doze
Mike? Moms shaking me. I opened my eyes to see her dressed
Where are you going Mom? I asked her.

Hey its 10 PM, eat your dinner. I have to go to the hospital; your
Dad was brought to ER and I decided to go. Dont worry, hes fine
now. She said, I know his not but now Im not ready to see him.
Okay Mom, I think Ill go enjoy myself in the disco after dinner.
Take Care. I sadi as I hug her then she left.
I enter the gym and saw Drew on a table with drinks, I took one
and they greeted me. Im not drunk yet but a little dizzy when
Miley approach the table, I ignore her so she talked to Drew. They
left to the dance floor and others follow including me, I dont care
anymore. When a sweet song played, Drew quickly grab his crush
Lea. I thought hes with Ferra? Nah, playboy. The other guys sat, a
lonely lovelife I think just like me. When I was about to leave too,
Miley grabbed me and danced. I frown at her and she said, just
now shes leaving soon. Okay, I dont care about life now so I go
with the flow.
Sheelahs POV
I think a knife just cut my inside.
I am tired from the travel but I decided to come here hoping to
see him, I know I hate him but still I miss him. I just entered the
hall when I saw him, like that presently.
Hes dancing, with a girl.
I cant think rights then I notice him look at me, he was surprise.
Of course he will be because I saw him having fun after our breakup. Funny, huh
He quickly pushed the girl away walk towards me, I walk away
trying to escape him when I saw mu cousin and I just notice
myself crying on his shoulder, Mikes shouting and then I was
riding a bike, Mike following crazily.
Back off Mike! My cousin shouted to him when he manage to
speed up.
Please, just let me talk to her. Please! He pled, were almost at
the house and I dont want Dad seeing this scene.
Cousin, please stop. Hes angry I know but he listened so he
stopped and so was Mike.

Shey, its not what you think. I hated her, she always flirt. I
always avoid her and please, trust me.
Trust you? I took my phone on my pocket and went to gallery; I
face him the screen after I pressed a video. His mouth wide
opened as he watched a 32 seconds clip. How am I supposed to?
How could you do this to me Mike! Youre a liar! A cheater! A flirt!
Cant you hold it back? Are you that maniac?! Why her? Because I
cant give you what she can! Youre so cheap and shes a slut!
Yes, Im shouting.
Shey I was drunk
And now you are? You still danced with her, thats more than one
choice! Shouting again
No, its just
I really hate you, I can never forgive you. I was about to fight for
you, to make up with you and be with you again. I won the
competition and this is my price from you? I dont want to see you
again; you give me too much pain. I said and we drove off, I cried
I hate boys
Hi there! Thats quite long, I hope you enjoyed it :) I love you
guys! mwuah <3

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