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1. Natural Environment
Regulation and Permit

Changes the status of Jawatan (office) PTT of the Republic of Indonesia became the
State Enterprises (PN) of Posts and Telecommunications. These changes are based on
Government Regulation No. 240 in 1961

Divisioning of PN Posts and Telecommunications into PN Post and Giro based on

Government Regulation No. 29 of 1965 and PN Telecommunication based on
Government Regulation No. 30 in 1965.

Based on Government Regulation No. 4 of 1978, the status of the PN Post and Giro was
converted into a Public Company (Public Corporation) Post and Giro.

Changing the status of Post and Giro Public Corporation into PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
with the Foundation of the following laws:
Act No. 1 of 1995 about the Corporation of the Company;
The Government of Indonesia Regulation No. 5 of 1995 on the Transfer Form
from Public Company (public corporation) Post and Giro into Corporation
The Aticle of the company of Pos Indonesia (Persero) in a deed of Notary
Sutjipto, SH No. 117 dated 20 June 1995 regarding the Establishment of the
Company Refines Pos Indonesia, as amended last by deed of Notary Sutjipto, SH
number 18 on 12 September 2011.
The Minister of State Owned Enterprises No. : Per - 01 / MBU/2011 dated August 1,

2011 On Implementation of Good Corporate Governance ( GCG ) On State-Owned

Enterprises, SOE Minister as shareholder has required the implementation of GCG
consistently and continuous guided by this regulation with regard to applicable regulations
and statutes SOEs.
Revision of the governance policies with respect to the publication of the regulation

the Minister of State-OWNED ENTERPRISES number: PER-01/MBU/2011 date of August

1, 2011 on the application of Good corporate governance (Good Corporate Governance)
in State-owned enterprises, as well as create a Whistleblowing Policy draft System (WBS)
and Gratuity Control policy draft (in collaboration with the KPK).
Allowances and/or facilities provided to the Board of Directors and Board of
Commissioners referred to the regulation of Minister of SOEs No: Per-07/MBU/2010
number dated December 27, 2010.
The amount of remuneration of the Audit Committee based on the Regulation of the
Minister of State : PER - 12 / MBU/2012 on Organ Support BOC SOEs, which states that the
honorarium of the Audit Committee Member of a maximum of 20 % of the salary of the
Director. Members of the Board of Commissioners who are also becoming Chairman /
Member of the Audit Committee are not given additional income other than income
as a Member of the Board of Commissioners.
Based on the decision of the Board of Directors of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) on
November 10, 2006 number: KD 65/Ceo/1122 conducted organizational realignment of
PKBL Units while in 2007 based on the decision of the Board of Directors of PT Pos
Indonesia (Persero) on August 31, 2007 number: KD 45/Ceo/0807- PKBL Unit turned into a
division of PKBL, in line with the regulations of the Minister of STATE-OWNED
ENTERPRISES dated 27 April 2007 number: Per-05/MBU/2007 about the Partnership
Program between State- Owned Enterprises with Small Businesses and Community
Development Program.
Social responsibility of the Company is currently the greatest concern in the community.
BOC has always stressed that the companys social responsibility (CSR) is not limited to the
favor (goodwill) per se, but reflects all the activities of the Company. With the aim to achieve
something more than just a voluntary contribution, Pos Indonesia continues to share
knowledge and technology by providing entrepreneurial training / business, marketing
scholarship and postal services.

Social and environmental responsibility is one of the Strategic policy of the company, as the
companys commitment to account for the impact of its operations in the dimension of social,
economic, and environment, as well as constantly to keep the impacts contribute benefits to
society and the environment. Pos Indonesia has run one of social responsibility in the form of
community development and Partnership Program, in order to carry out the Regulations the
Minister of SOE No. PER- 05/MBU/2013 September 13, 2013 with Four Changes on the
regulation of the Minister of State-owned enterprises no. PER-05/MBU/2007 about the
Partnership Program State-owned enterprises with small businesses and Community
Development Program through the utilization of the funds from the Division of profits of the

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