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Advances in the modeling of laser direct metal deposition

Andrew J. Pinkerton
Citation: Journal of Laser Applications 27, S15001 (2015); doi: 10.2351/1.4815992
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.2351/1.4815992
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Advances in the modeling of laser direct metal deposition

Andrew J. Pinkertona)
Department of Engineering, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster LA1 4YR, United Kingdom

(Received 7 March 2013; accepted for publication 4 July 2013; published 9 December 2014)
This paper provides a review of the current state of the art in modeling of laser direct metal
deposition and cladding processes and identifies recent advances and trends in this field. The
different stages of the process and the features, strengths and weaknesses of models relating to them
are discussed. Although direct metal deposition is now firmly in the industrial domain, the benefits to
be gained from reliable predictive modeling of the process are still to be fully exploited. The genuine
progress there has been in this field in the last five years, particularly in discretized modeling, means
modeling cannot be overlooked as an enabling method for academia and industry, but there is still
C 2014 Laser Institute of America.
more work to be done. V
Key words: laser, deposition, cladding, model, simulation, review


Even finding consensus on a name for the laser direct

metal deposition (laser cladding, direct metal deposition,
direct laser deposition, directed light fabrication, laser powder fusion, laser engineered net shaping, etc) process has
to-date proved impossible. It is, thus, of no surprise that there
is such a disparate range of models of the process. But this
must be viewed as a positive thing: they are advancing the
modeling of the different stages of the deposition process
and, excitingly, the complete process in umpteen ways.
Academic attention to process modeling continues to
increase but has still been outpaced by the growth of additive
manufacturing in general, which has seen double digit growth
for 15 of its 24 yrs.1 Figure 1 illustrates the growth of laser
direct metal deposition (LDMD) modeling of all types and
models describing themselves as numerical in the title or
keywords in particular. Empiricalstatistical and analytical
models were almost exclusively used until the advent of numerical and hybrid analyticalnumerical models, which principally refers to those employing the discretization method,
over the last 10 years.

Empiricalstatistical models have been produced since

the advent of LDMD as they avoid the complexity of analyzing the physical phenomena of the process itself. Direct
metal deposition is typically described as having three
primary process inputs of laser power, powder mass flow
rate, and traverse speed. Most models have concentrated on
relating these to final track geometry, typically using regression methods to relate input and response variables (Table I).
Other models have addressed less common response parameters such as, clad angle,2 deposition efficiency,3 and uniformity index (clad area / (track width  height)),4 while others
have used less common experimental designs, for example

Electronic mail: aj.pinkerton@lancaster.ac.uk. Telephone: 44 (0)1524



Hartleys plan.5 The process and response variables have

also been related in other ways: Toyserkani et al. proposed
Elman recurrent neural network modeling6 and Hua and
Choi proposed use of fuzzy logic to adaptively predict and
control clad height as a function of laser power.7
However, examination of Table I shows an inherent disadvantage of the empiricalstatistical approach. These models give broadly similar but seldom exactly the same results,
even though in many cases they are based on similar methods. Qi et al.8 suggested 1214 factors with a strong effect
on final part characteristics, so the models are, at least to
some extent, specific to the values of factors that were fixed.
Despite design of experiment methods, models have not
significantly advanced the number of process variables they
are able to account for in the recent past, and limitations of
experimental time mean there are no indications that they
will in the future. There is thus so real sign that this modeling method will change significantly in the future.

The large number of variables and diverse phenomena

within the LDMD process means the complete process is
commonly considered in stages and different physical
models applied at each stage. This introduces intermediate
variables that need to be carried over from one stage of the
process to the other. Figure 2 illustrates how the complete
process is typically broken down physically and Fig. 3 the
corresponding model-part this creates. Advances in physical
modeling of the different process stages and the process as a
whole are then considered.
A. Models of the powder stream process

The powder stream and powder stream processes are

highly significant for track formation as they directly affect
beam attenuation and powder distribution, velocity, and temperature at substrate height. The spatial distribution of powder particles beneath a coaxial nozzle and their interaction


C 2014 Laser Institute of America


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J. Laser Appl., Vol. 27, No. S1, February 2015

FIG. 1. Growth in the publication of laser cladding and metal deposition

models per year since 1985 [based on SCOPUS data, title and keyword
searches, absolute values give an estimate only].

with the laser beam have traditionally been described by analytical methods, typically by approximating the stream shape
to an idealized Gaussian distribution and the particle path to
extensions of the nozzle passages (e.g., Refs. 1719).
Attenuation has been taken care of via the BeerLambert
law and powder temperature from total time of a particle
within the beam.17 The most advanced analytical models can
now account for variable particle velocity20 and return the
values of powder distribution at the substrate level, beam
attenuation, and powder temperature.21 The analytical models are well tested and still widely used as good approximations but tend to rely on estimated or experimental values for
variables such as powder stream divergence.
The use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods
is not in itself very new: Lin produced realistic model of mass
flow in the powder stream in 2000. The numerical method
allows stream modeling without many of the assumptions
mentioned above and has shown assumptions like straight
powder paths and constant powder speed to be approximations
rather than reality. Models of this type have increased greatly
in sophistication in the last few years. Pan and Liou22,23 produced a stochastic model for initial trajectory of the particle
when entering the powder stream and several authors have
produced CFD models of powder flow in the nozzle and
powder stream with different degrees of complexity.2426
The most advanced models of this type now include the

Andrew J. Pinkerton

FIG. 2. (Arbitrary) Stages of direct metal deposition or laser cladding in

terms of physical limits.

nozzle and stream, account for the size and shape of particle
using a shape factor,27 and provide both particle heating
and mass flow results28 (Fig. 4).
Further, the LDMD process must build on a solid wall or
substrate, but the effect of this on the gas and powder flows
has only just been considered. The gasliquid interface geometry input to the powder stream model shown in Fig. 3
has thus been neglected. Kovalov et al.29 used an advanced
CFD model of a three passage nozzle, similar to that of Wen
et al.,28 to consider the substrate effect. The flow was very
different from that of a free stream with vortex flows forming above the substrate (Fig. 5). Focussing on powder flow,
Zekovic et al.30 modeled powder flow from a LENS nozzle
using the ke turbulent model and showed changes in powder concentrations below the nozzle due to ricocheting particles when a substrate was in place. Ibarra-Medina and
Pinkerton31 showed the same effect with a coaxial nozzle
and also drew attention to the implications for powder heating and beam attenuation. This type of model was firmly
confirmed as state of the art by a verified CFD model based
on the same assumptions as that of Zekovic et al. by
Tabernero et al. in 2010.32,33
Modeling of the powder stream process is advancing
rapidly. Models with the substrate in place would probably
benefit from further testing to establish under what circumstances the effects they reveal are significant. However, they

TABLE I. Empiricalstatistical relationships between track geometry and LDMD primary process variables (P laser power, F powder mass flow rate,
V traverse speed, RSM response surface method, RA regression analysis).
Primary process response variable
Kumar (Ref. 9)
Sun (Ref. 10) (ANOVA, RSM)
El Cheikh (Ref. 11)
Davim (Ref. 12) (ANOVA, RA)
Ocelik (Ref. 13)
Davim (Ref. 14)
De Oliveira (Refs. 10 and 15) (RA)
Felde (Ref. 16)

Track height

Track width

Track depth or melt area

P1/4 V1F1/4
P, V, F, PF, P2
P1/4 V1F3/4
P, V, F
P, V, Fa

P, V, F, PV, V2
P, V, F
P, FV, Fa
1/2 1 1/2

P, V, F, P2, F2
P, V, F
P, Fa

Taking confidence values above 5%.

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J. Laser Appl., Vol. 27, No. S1, February 2015

Andrew J. Pinkerton


FIG. 3. Subprocesses and process variables corresponding to the physical stages of deposition shown in Fig. 2.

could mean the ubiquitous free stream powder model has

been superceded.

B. Models of the melt pool process

Models of the melt pool are at the heart of the deposition

process. The typical assumptions of an analytical model are
quasistationary conditions, a mathematically simple substrate shape (typically semi-infinite or thin plate), and geometrically simple melt pool boundaries, either combinations
of half ellipses34,35 (based on moving source heat theory36,37)
or circles11,38,39 (assuming surface tension normal to the surface shapes the molten pool). Despite these necessary simplifications, there have been some recent informative models
and ones covering the effect of powder types and laser focus
points on wall layer formation4042 and on combining laser
and induction heating for hybrid rapid cladding43 stand out.
The ability to use iterative numerical solution methods for

FIG. 4. Modeled coaxial powder flow and heating (Ref. 28).

analytically formulated models44,45 has also reduced the constraints of using this modeling method.
Numerical discretized methods more naturally account
for inhomogeneity in problems but in practice makes calculating melt pool geometry an exacting task. Therefore, models using this method have tended to focus on calculating the
temperature distributions and thermal history of the final
part.4648 Early models applied a heat flux to an unchanging
surface (e.g., Ref. 49), but more recent models have come to
rely on the element activation (birth) methodology,
although Ye et al.48 have also demonstrated use of the alternative fixed boundary method (after Refs. 50 and 51).
Models of this type differ in the way heat is added to the substrate: using a heat flux,47 activating the new elements at the
liquidus temperature (assuming particles at this temperature

FIG. 5. Gas jet flows onto a flat substrate with a triple coaxial nozzlevelocity
field and gas streamlines (Courtesy of Professor O. Kovalev, Theoretical and
experimental investigation of gas flows, powder transport and heating in
coaxial laser direct metal deposition (DMD) process, J. Therm. Spray
Technol. 20, 465478 (2011). Copyright 2011, Springer).

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J. Laser Appl., Vol. 27, No. S1, February 2015

Andrew J. Pinkerton

FIG. 6. Simulated deposition of a thin wall using a multistage model (Ref. 76).

and 100% attenuation)48,5254 or using a combination of the

two methods.55 Kumar and Roy56 presented a twodimensional finite volume model that explicitly returns solidification front information such as thermal gradient suitable
for use by a solidification model.
The model types above have the failing of not explicitly
calculating fluid flows within the melt pool. Some compensate for it by increasing conductivity within the melt pool.
This can be done either isotropically or anisotropically57 but
requires arbitrary or experimentally set enhancement factors.
A more advanced form of model, incorporating fluid flow
effects and a free-surface method to predict the melt pool
and subsequent track shape, has now emerged.5861 The
most recent and advanced models by Morville et al.59 explicitly track the dynamic shape of the free surface using an arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) moving mesh and
realistically predict thin wall growth including the characteristic shapes near the limits of the wall.
Despite the importance of this work, probably the state
of the art in melt pool modeling has come from models that
encompass both the powder stream and melt pool processes.
Toyserkani et al.62,63 began by proposing a single model
encompassing the two but with the two processes largely
decoupled. More complex analyticalnumerical and numerical models have followed.8,61,6473
The levels set method was used by Qi et al. to simulate
formation of a single track8 and by He et al. to simulate two
overlapping clad tracks64,65 using an hybrid analytical and numerical discretized model. The powder stream was treated analytically as Gaussian and the beam subject to BeerLambert
attenuation, while the melt pool simulations were fully numerical and incorporated Marangoni and capillary effects. Peyre
et al.66 used a similar combination of an analytical powder
stream model and a numerical finite element (FE) method for
heat flow within the built part but also incorporated an

approach to model the deposition of vertically aligned tracks.

In further recent work aimed at this subject by Gharbi, Peyre
et al.72,73 a rare analytical model covering both powder stream
and melt pool correlates thin wall surface finish to melt pool
size for different thermo-capillary behaviors.
Different from these are the continuum models of Wen
and Shin67 and Ibarra-medina et al.,74 which contain no analytical component. Wen and Shin modeled the LENS process, incorporating Marangoni and Capillary effects, and
used a level-set method for melt pool surface tracking (akin
to Han et al.75). Gas flow in the powder stream was taken as
turbulent, described by the ke model as reported in another
paper dedicated to this subject.67 The model was also applied
to two overlapping tracks,68 off-axis deposition69 and cladding with an additional hard particle phase.70 The model of
Ibarra-medina et al. incorporated the same effects but considered an annular nozzle and used the volume of fluid
(VOF) method (Fig. 6).
In summary, models have advanced by ceasing to consider
purely thermodynamic effects and incorporating fluid dynamics
effects in a predictive way. This means modeling of the melt
pool process is advancing as quickly as that of the powder
stream process. Most benefit in the immediate future would
come from better integration of these state-of-the-art melt pool
models with other subprocess models of the powder stream and
final properties.
C. Models of microstructure, stress, and final

Obtaining final part properties is the ultimate aim of the

modeling process. The core ones can be considered as final
geometry (including distortion), microstructure, and stress
distributions. Many other properties can be derived from
these. To obtain the distribution of residual stress, many

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J. Laser Appl., Vol. 27, No. S1, February 2015

models consist of a discretized melt pool model of the type

described in Sec. III B and exploit the functionality of commercial software such as ANSYS (e.g., Refs. 77 and 78) and ABAQUS
(e.g., Ref. 79). The stress is affected by variables such as layer
height,80 substrate geometry and temperature fed from the previous model-part81,82 and from those such as phase transformation calculated within this process stage.83 Models of this type
are difficult to verify but work by Labudovic et al.,84 using a
high speed camera and off-line metallographical and x-ray diffraction analyses, and by Rangaswamy et al.85 and Moat
et al.,86 using neutron diffraction, has facilitated this.
As a whole, LDMD microstructure modeling is a younger
area than stress modeling. Investigations in this area have
tended to be experimental and concentrate on high performance materials, particularly titanium8790 and superalloys.9195
Phase-microstructure models are again usually based on discretized melt pool model of the type described in Sec. III B,
with added subroutines to relate the temperature history at
each node to the final material state. Authors such as Wang
et al.96 have used continuous cooling transformation diagrams; however, Colaco and Vilar suggest that the nonequilibrium solidification that can occur in LDMD means that
modified expressions are needed.97 Papers in this area have
considered deposition of a range of materials including stainless steels,52,96 medium carbon steel,98 and titanium alloys,55
each using thermo-metallurgical phase transformation models
specific to the material. However, work has not been limited
to purely metallic coatings and phase analysis: Lei et al. considered composite coatings on Ti6Al4V alloys99 using the
WilsonFrenkel growth law to relate the modeled temperature
distribution and history in a test part to the size of TiC particles that formed. In other work, Pirch et al. concentrated on
calculating dendritic growth direction in multitrack deposits.100 Models in this area have advanced by expanding both
the parameters they consider and return. The residual stress
models of Bruckner et al.101 and Alimardani et al.102 include
decoupled analytical model of the powder stream which enable them to also calculate an (idealized) track geometry. The
former also accounts for phase effects.

There are some genuinely new analytical models being

produced but the proportion of numerical models, particularly those based on the discretization method, in this field is
continuing to increase. Probably, the most interesting development in the last few years has been the growth in analytical discretized and discretized models that span multiple
stages of direct metal deposition. Further development of
this towards a usable, unified model is an exciting prospect.
But models have many uses.103 An overall process
model (red to red in Fig. 3) could be used for process planning or design, analytical models are the classic way to
increase understanding of an unfamiliar aspect of the process, and there are other opportunities for modelling in control that have not even been touched on here.104110
There is still plenty of opportunity for genuinely better
models and these could benefit the laser community in multiple ways.

Andrew J. Pinkerton



The author is grateful to the authors and publishers who

have allowed him to use their figures in this paper to example leading models in the field. Thanks also to Milan Brandt
for giving me this opportunity and to colleagues working on
the INLADE project over the last few years.

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