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Menjawab esei kimia

Nama Pelajar cemerlang :.

Table 2 below shows the location for the atoms of elements P, Q and R in the periodic table.These letters are not
theactual symbols of the elements.
Jadual 2 di bawah menunjukkan kedudukan atom-atom bagi unsur-unsur P, Q dan R
di dalam jadual berkal. Huruf-huruf ini bukan simbol sebenar bagi unsur-unsur P, Q and R
(a) (i)

Proton number
Nombor proton

Based on the information in Table 2, explain how R can form two different type of compounds with
other atoms of elements.
Berdasarkan maklumat dalam Jadual 2, terangkan bagaimana R boleh membentuk dua jenis sebatian
yang berlainan dengan atom-tom unsur lain.
[12 marks / markah]

(ii) Draw the electron arrangement of the compounds formed in (a)(i)

Lukiskan susunan elektron bagi sebatian-sebatian yang terbentuk di (b)(ii)
[4 marks /markah]
(b) Explain why does the different type of compounds that formed from R in (a)(i), show the different ability to
conduct electricity.
[4 marks /markah]

(a) Table 6 shows the molecular formula of two carbon compound.

Jadual 1 menunjukkan formula molekul bagi dua sebatian karbon.

Carbon compound
Sebatian karbon

Molecular formula
Formula molekul

(i) Compare and explain the differences between carbon compound A and B in term of:
Saturated and unsaturated compound
Observation when react with bromine water
Sootiness of flame
Banding dan terangkan perbezaan antara sebatian karbon A dan B dari segi :
Sebatian tepu dan tidak tepu
Pemerhatian apabila bertindak balas dengan air bromin
Kejelagaan nyalaan
[6 marks / markah]
(ii) Draw the structural formula of carbon compound A and B.
State the name of the compound using IUPAC nomenclature.
Lukis formula struktur bagi sebatian A dan B.
Nyatakan nama bagi sebatian sebatian itu menggunakan penamaan IUPAC.
[4 marks / markah]
(b) Diagram 6 shows the reaction scheme of alcohol J.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan skema tindakbalas bagi alcohol J.
Alcohol J
Alkohol J


porcelain chips
serpihan porselin

Substance K
Bahan K

Diagram 6 / Rajah 6

Suggest the name of alcohol J and substance K.

Cadangkan nama bagi alkohol J dan K
[2 marks / markah]

(ii) By using the materials that have been named in (b) (i) , describe an experiment to convert alcohol J to
substance K.
Your answer should include a labeled diagram and chemical equation involved.
Dengan menggunakan bahan yang telah dinamakan dalam (b) (i), huraikan satu eksperimen untuk
menukarkan alkohol J kepada bahan K.
Jawapan anda mestilah mengandungi gambar rajah berlabel dan persamaan kimia yang terlibat.
[8 marks / markah]

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