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West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 7RQ
United Kingdom
Phone: 0203 129 4819
Fax: 0203 519 8915

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The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by Precise Consumer
Data Limited in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose
it without the express written permission of Precise Consumer Data Limited.
It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all
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or damage to Precise Consumer Data Limited.
Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to Precise Consumer Data




1st MAY 2015

This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.

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Executive Summary


Key to Success


Company Summary


Market Analysis Summary

Market Analysis

Strategy and Implementation Summary


SWOT Analysis
Marketing Strategy
Pricing Strategy


Sales Forecast


Management Summary

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Executive Summary
This Business Plan has been made to give the overall idea about Precise Consumer Data
Limited from start-up to forecast of coming years of business. It is also to find out certain
objective regarding the strategic approach adopted and to be adopted by Precise Data to
stand strongly in the competitive LeadGen market of UK. Precise Datas marketing
strategies are analyses using various models like SWOT analysis, BCG Matrix, Ansoffs
matrix etc.
The outcomes of these models are properly analysed to find out the various aspects like
companies position and competitors position in the market. This plan on Precise Consumer
Data Limited not just gives descriptions about the company but it describes as well about
the various marketing strategies adopted and to be adopted by the company, growth and
its vision.
We are currently in a highly lucrative market in a rapidly growing economy. The current
trend towards an increase in the number of entrepreneurs and competition amongst
existing companies presents an opportunity for an increased demand for market
information and services that will enable companies to stay ahead of the pack.
Our services will be positioned very carefully: they will be of extremely high quality,
relevant, timely and accurate, tailored to the clients' needs so as to enable them to make
the right decisions, in turn leading towards growth of their companies, benefiting the overall
Precise Data offers the expertise that a proactive-oriented and market-opportunity seeking
company needs to develop and enter new product distribution and new market segments
in new markets. Our business services can be taken as marketing research, market
research reports, project-based consulting, business and marketing plans, plan consulting
and writing, high-level retainer consulting and company registration.
Our marketing strategy will be based mainly on ensuring that customers know what needs
the services are able to fulfill, and making the right information available to the right target
customer. We intend to implement a market penetration strategy that will ensure that we
are well known and respected in our respective industry. We will ensure that our services'
prices take into consideration people's budgets, and that these people appreciate the
services, know that it exists, and where to find it.
Precise Data intends to provide the client with more than just information and planning
tools. We intend to provide quality information that is customized to the client's needs, in
the process assisting them on how best to use the available information. By employing our
services, our clients are assured of consultants dedicated to finding the right answers for
their business and enabling them to benefit long after we have finished our work. We are
in this line of work because we like efficiency and because we understand and believe in
problem solving and market/marketing research.
In a nutshell, we don't just intend to market and sell our service, but to market and sell
customized information, solutions and a total-quality environment. This will ensure we
establish a reputable corporate image.

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Our business strategy will revolve around the need to provide quality leads to our various
target clients/customers, in the process fully satisfying their needs. This shall be
undertaken through our professional marketing sales agents, quality control and
management team. We would position ourselves as a high quality lead provider that strives
to provide accuracy, relevancy and specific information.
Keys to Success
Precise Datas success will undoubtedly be effective market segmentation through
identification of several niche markets and implementation strategies. Along these lines
the company intends to implement personal selling and direct marketing strategies to the
target markets. Our key to success factors will include the following:

Excellence in fulfilling the promise: Completely confidential, reliable, trustworthy

expertise and information. This dictates that we have the latest technology and
Uncompromising commitment to the quality of the work: that is, quality data,
information and solutions. Developing visibility to generate new business leads.
Leveraging from a single pool of expertise into multiple revenue generation
opportunities: retainer consulting, project consulting, market research, and market
research published reports.
Successful niche marketing: we intend to find and target the quality-conscious
customer in the right channels, making sure that the customer will find us through
aggressive marketing.
Timeous response to clients orders: we cannot afford to delay the client's order
for whatever reason as this will have a negative bearing on our image and
reputation, including future business. We need to be continually communicating
with the client.
Marketing know-how: in an increasingly competitive market there is need to
aggressively market our business and the services we provide so as to be
continuously at the top of our prospective and current clients minds.
Entrepreneurial Flair: market volatility and increasing duplication of business
ideas advocates that we continuously keep abreast of new trends and our

Precise Data offers clients reliable, quality information and proposals for business
development, market development, and channel development that will maximize business
development. A true alternative to in-house resources we offer a very high level of practical
experience, know-how, contacts, and confidentiality. At Precise Data we are able to
provide comprehensive solutions to our clients' problems that will foster business
development. Clients must know that working with Precise Data is a more professional,
less risky way to develop new areas even than working completely in-house with their own
people. Precise Data must also be able to maintain financial balance, charging a
competitive and realistic value for its services, and delivering an even higher value to its
clients. Initial focus will be development of the local market clientele.
Our mission statement is:
"We endeavor to understand our customers' requirements so well as to be able to offer
finest solutions to capture their target audience."
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Company Summary
Precise Consumer Data Limited also known as Precise Data has been founded in May
2015 by Md. Khurshid Alam, Sahbaz Akhtar, Nadkishore Kejriwal and Abhishek Surana.
We are a young, dynamic direct to consumer lead generation company. Each individual in
our team is a highly experienced professional in either offline or online marketing and data
A company registered with Information Commissioners Office (ICO) as Data Controllers
under Data Protection Act 1998 and also subscribed to TPS Services for data cleansing.
We do consumer lead generation for some major clients and brand of UK such as British
Gas, Scottish Power, The Times, The Guardian, The Week, Go Assist, Guide Dogs,
GOSH, Golden Charter, Pop Telecom etc. with strictly abiding the code off practice of
Direct Marketing Association (DMA).
Company is also in process to be accredited with UK Ministry of Justice (MOJ), Direct
Marketing Association (DMA).
The mission of Precise Data is to lead the industry of LeadGen and generate leads for all
the end clients.
Precise Data is a relatively new company providing high quality consumer leads in
LeadGen industry for all types of products and services. It will focus initially on providing
and satisfying two kinds of markets:
Providing market research and information of targeted audience to clients looking at
developing their businesses for the increasingly competitive markets if they are
Providing market research and information of targeted audience to clients looking for
penetration in the market for their products of services.

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Telephonic Lead Generation
Lead Generation is finding a consumer who has specified he or she would like to hear
from our clients or agency clients product, service, or offer. Our current activity is on the
telephone, finding real buyers with fresh, up to date information.
Lead Generation is also finding consumers who are relevant to purchase a specific product
or service, and have the correct profile for the product or service to be sold to. This product
is essential in the multi-channel marketing mix, and helps a brand increase its ROI on the
overall campaign.
We understand that much of the marketing spend is the data cost, its the physical
attributes such as the call centre, heating, lighting, telephone bills and employment. This
is why its key to deliver an accurate and highly performing product, so that less calls are
made to obtain the same or increased outcome, thus reducing overheads significantly.
Profiled Consumer Data
Precise Data source, capture, compile, enhance and supply the most up-to-date and highly
profiled consumer lifestyle data available in the UK today.
Numerous major brands rely on Precise Datas highly profiled consumer data to really get
underneath the marketing DNA of their customers and target those new prospects most
likely to be interested in their products and services. Our dynamic, single-view database
of individuals and households is ideal for any outbound or inbound campaign and we work
tirelessly to provide you with clean, validated and accurate contact information that
maximizes your return on investment.
Hot Key Campaigns
Were all about flexing technology to connect buyers with sellers when theyre ready to
purchase. Our pay as you go hot key transfer campaigns capitalize on these timely
interactions by connecting you with highly qualified and quality controlled hot opportunities
in real time and we work closely with you to ensure the whole process is seamless. Our
highly trained staff will cue up the call on your behalf and ensure in advance that the
consumer is completely comfortable with your brand and offer.
Precise Data expedite the end-to-end hot key transfer process for you simply and
efficiently. At the end of a consumer survey (where a prospect has indicated an interest in
your product or service), and with the overt consent of the prospect, our skilled agents
pass the consumers details to our dedicated follow-up team. A member of this team then
calls the prospect to reconfirm and supercharge their interest and we will provide them
with expanded information, if necessary, using bespoke scripts developed with you.
Prospects are then asked if they would like to talk with your sales team and, only with their
express consent, the call is immediately transferred to your inbound sales team to close
the deal.

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Data Cleansing
Data can decay at an alarming rate and for many of our clients data compliance is a
significant pain point. Precise Data has the people, the automated tools and the expertise
to help protect, clean, validate and upscale your vital customer and marketing data. Our
class-leading services will not only protect your business from a compliancy perspective
but will help you reduce your wastage and cost by mitigating the amount of time you spend
attempting to contact customers who have moved or changed their contact details. You
cant engage with people if theyre simply not there.
The negative consequences of bad data to your business can be dramatic and the DMA
and ICO guidelines are constantly changing to protect consumers by ensuring that direct
marketers remain completely above board in their targeting and communication. Best
practice evolves so rapidly that compliance can become a difficult and expensive thing to
stay on top of and we predict that 6 monthly data audits will soon become the norm. The
argument for outsourcing fundamental elements of the fluid and complex minefield of
compliance to an expert like Precise Data is increasingly compelling, especially when you
consider that every year in the UK:
Every year in the UK alone

Millions of people move home

Several hundred thousand people die
Royal Mail change over half a million postal addresses
Around a quarter of a million new people sign up to the MPS (Mailing Preference
Service) with tens of thousands more households joining the already sizeable TPS
(telephone preference service) list
Almost 6 million people change their contact details
Around 60,000 people change their name entirely
On average, 30% of all personal emails become obsolete each year as users
change to a new address

Common sense dictates that if your business neglects to keep up with the pace of organic
change your data will decay and it will, eventually, have a negative impact on the success
of all your sales and marketing activity. It will ultimately affect your bottom line and can
even damage your brand and cause attrition among your existing customers.
We are passionate about data integrity and have all the tools, processes, people and
economies of scale in house to help you stay on top of your data and compliance and
help monetize the true long term value of it to your business. We offer a completely free
data audit that will make you fully aware of your compliancy score and demonstrate your
current exposure to incorrect or obsolete information. Chances are that you may be doing
all the right things already but it never hurts to get a professional second opinion from the
data compliance and data cleansing experts, especially when its free.

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Market Analysis Summary

Conducting the following research has allowed us to validate our business idea and
The UK LeadGen market is a high value growth industry.
Data is most crucial part of any business involved selling their products or services. We
have selected or targeting the most
We have carefully priced our services, taking care to ensure we remain competitive but
also turn a good profit at the end of the day.
Our competitor research has encompassed pricing, sampling their products and
Experience, customer service and observing their businesses in terms of data sales.
We are today experiencing a rapid growth in the economy of unsurpassed nature. This
has been brought about by amongst other things like clients attention toward getting
surveyed data to capture their target audience.
We intend to provide data of extremely high quality -- something that cannot be overemphasized in the current UK LeadGen market.
We appreciate that entering such a market is not a bed of roses and intend to implement
an aggressive marketing strategy, well supported by the other business functions.

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Strategy and Implementation Summary

Our marketing strategy emphasizes focus. This will be the key. We are a relatively small
company and hence must focus on certain kinds of services with certain kinds of users.
Initially Precise Data will focus on the local market and in the market research and training
fields. The target customers will include key decision-makers in the large, medium and
small-sized organizations in a start-up and growth periods.
We are currently building image and awareness through consistency and distinctiveness
in our service provision. We intend to focus on delivering high quality data to our clients
which can then generate revenue. We intend to always have a relatively heavy personal
selling component to our marketing. Hence we intend to always be active in personal
relationships with clients and strategic allies keeping abreast of their needs and wants.
We are focusing advertising on several key media.

SWOT Analysis
We are presently in a highly lucrative market in a rapidly growing economy. We foresee
our strengths as the ability to respond timeously to the market dictates and to provide
custom designed market research services to our clients. In addition through aggressive
marketing and quality management we intend to become a well-respected leader in our
respective industry. However, we acknowledge the fact that few companies are aware of
the actual importance of market research and marketing and its contribution to the whole
business strategy. Below are the summarized strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and



1. Good reputation of Management Team in

1. Less number of Manforce
2. A marketing plan with clear goals and
2. UK Call Center not ready yet
implementation strategies.


3. UK based Sales Staff

4. Diversified market segments. Ensures the lack

4. Non availability of MOJ License
of dependency on one particular market.
1. Specific niche. Appreciation for high quality,
1. Existing Competition
accurate data
2. New guidelines introduced by ICO

2. Non UK Directors

3. Only Non TPS data market

3. New marketing strategies and tactics

by established companies

4. Increased requirements of existing clients

4. No physical office in UK



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Marketing Strategy
One core element of our strategy will be that of differentiation from our competitors. In
terms of marketing, we intend to sell our company as a differentiated strategic ally, not just
our services. In price, we intend to offer reasonable and competitive prices in comparison
to competition and we need to be able to sustain that. Market penetration through lower
prices shall be undertaken where need be whilst premium pricing in the case of high quality
services targeted at the upper-end of the market. Our service marketing will recognize
more that our product. Service and establishing long relationships with clients will be key
to our future service marketing. We primarily intend to sell a relationship more than
services. Our service marketing will emphasize the benefits of conducting adequate
planning and the use of quality information and identification of 'windows of opportunity'.
We intend to sell access to market knowledge and quality. This will come out in our
advertising, delivery and collateral such as sales literature and business cards. Our service
marketing's most important challenge will be the problem of being accepted and
appreciated on the market as a provider of quality marketing research services and
business plans. Hence we intend to not only meet client's expectations but to exceed them.
We intend to focus on the individual or group who wants information that may not be readily
available, specially customized to their requirements. However not wanting to limit our
horizons in the initial period we intend to serve other clients requiring services such as
company registration and trading licenses. In all cases we intend to provide a thorough
understanding and appreciation of the service to the client as well as follow up to ensure
customer satisfaction. We also intend to inform the customer on how best to maintain
and/or improve their market positions.

Pricing Strategy
Precise Data will be competitively priced in relation to the dictates of the market. The
pricing fits with the general positioning of Precise Data as providing high-level quality
expertise. We intend our income structure to match our cost structure, so as to ensure that
the salaries/consultants fees we pay to assure good reports and service are balanced by
the fee we charge. We will make sure that we charge for the service, workmanship and
any delivery with our aim being to achieve a gross profit margin of at least 50%. Naturally
services targeted at the higher end of the market will have higher mark ups as these clients
are less price sensitive. All in all we intend our prices to be extremely competitive on the

Promotion Strategy
Our promotion strategy will be based primarily on informing potential customers of our
existence and making the right information available to our target customer. Since we shall
be targeting different segments the promotional tools and messages may vary slightly to
match the intended market. However in all cases the marketing will convey the sense of
quality and professionalism in every picture, every promotion and every publication. In
such a market we cannot afford to appear in or produce second-rate material with poor
labels that make our services look less than they are. Hence we intend to leverage our
presence using quality brochures and other sales literature, including promotional material
such as pens, complimentary slips and stickers. We intend to spread the word about our
business through the following:

Personal Selling
Direct Marketing
Internet Marketing

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Sales Forecast
Sales forecast for next 3 years


























Management Summary

Md Khurshid Alam
An adept personality having experience of more than 6 years in UK Telecom and Lead
Generation industry. Founder of leadgen company Global Consumer Leads Ltd and has
been heading the entire operations. Having vast experience in the domain of Business

Sahbaz Akhtar
9 Years of expertise in UK Telecom industry and has worked various UK Telecom
companies. Founder of 3 Telecom companies in England. He was heading entire Telecom
business from last 3 years as EVP in MET Technologies (UK & India)

Nandkishore Kejriwal
A young dynamic person with strong leadership skills bagging 14 years of expertise in
BPO (Outbound). He has been heading operations for US & Canada as Executive Vice
President in last organization MET Technologies Pvt Ltd

Abhishek Surana
An entrepreneur with working experience of more than 10 years in various domains and
heading the entire operations of VAP Technology Pvt Ltd now.

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