THURSDAY - West Pointer and Attorney Justin

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THURSDAY - West Pointer and Attorney Justin Coussoule to

Formally Announce Congressional Bid

ForI mmediateR elease:F ebruary1 5,2010
Contact:J ocelynB ucaro,513- 382-4107

HAMILTON -A mide conomicunc ertaintya ndt heong oingb attlei nW ashingtonbe tweenW all
Streeti nterestsa ndM ain Streetva lues,vot ersof t heE ighthC ongressional Districtde servet he
opportunityt hisN ovembert os elect ar epresentativew how ills ervet heiri nterests.T hat’sw hy
WestP ointera ndA ttorneyJ ustinC oussoulew illa nnouncehi sbi dt or epresentt heE ighth
CongressionalS eati na n eventonT hursdayd rawinga ttentiont ot her ealne edsof t her esidents
int hisdi stricta ndde mandinga r epresentativew hos ervest hep eopleof hi sdi strict.

Let’sT akeO urD istrictB ack:

JustinC oussouleF orC ongressA nnouncement Event
Thursday,F ebruary18,2010@1p m( gatesop enat 12: 30)
Plazaa t315H ighS treet
Hamilton,O H45011

Justini sa f irst-timec andidatew hobr ingsa w ealthof e xperience andpubl ics ervicet hat
demonstratesnot onl yhi sc ommitmentt ot heva luest hatM ainS treetA mericanshol dde ar,but
alsoa na bilityt or epresenta nds ervet hosei nterestsi nW ashington.A g raduateof t heU .S.
MilitaryA cademya tW estP oint, Justins ervedove rf ive years asa nA rmy Officer,r etiringf rom
activedut ya sa C aptaint opur suea l awd egree.H epr acticedl awi nM assachusetts,w herehe
advocatedp rimarilyonb ehalfof i njured workers, fightingt os ecurepa ymentof t heir
compensationa ndbe nefitsf romt hes tatei nsurancef undf ori njuriess ustainedw hileont hej ob.
Uponhi sw ife’st ransfert hroughP rocter andG amblet oC incinnati,J ustin optedt os tayhom e
withhi st wo youngc hildren,C arolinea ndJ ohn.H el ater reenteredt he workforce,j oiningP rocter
andG amble’sG lobalB usinessS ervicesa sa pu rchasingm anager responsiblef orf indingc ost-
cuttingm easurest os ave thec ompanym oney.D eeplyr ootedi nm iddlec lassva lues,J ustin
understandsf irstha ndt hene edsof familiesi nt heE ighthC ongressionalD istricta ndc anof fer
freshi deas andne ws olutionst obe nefita llof i tsr esidents.

Hisoppone nt,b y contrast,i sa c areerpol iticiani n hisni neteenth yeari nC ongress. Int hatt ime,
JohnB oehnerha s grown increasinglyd etachedf romt her esidentsof t heE ighthC ongressional
District.H isc ampaigni sf undedb yW allS treeta ndc orporateP ACsa ndl obbyistsw hose
interestshe s ervesi nW ashington.H eh asr epeatedlyvot eda gainstm easurest hatw ouldpr ovide
realhe lpt ot hepe opleof hisdi strict.H eha sr epeatedlyvot ed againste xtendingune mployment
compensationi nt hisr ecession,a ndhe oppos edt heA mericanR einvestmenta ndR ecovery Act,
whichha ss aved andc reatedc ountlessj obsi nhi sdi strictw hilea lsoe nsuringne eded energy and

Paid for by Friends of Justin Coussoule, P.O. Box 452, Monroe, OH 45050
Contributions are not tax deductible.
infrastructurepr ojectsw eref unded. Ina ddition,he ha sr epeatedlyoppos ede xpandingt he
Children’sH ealth InsuranceP rogram,o ri ncreasingt hem inimumw age;a ndhe r epeatedlyvot ed
inf avorof t he Bush-era budgetst hatc reatedt he massivede ficitsour c hildrenw illnow i nherit.

AtT hursday’sa nnouncement,J ustinw ills tandw ithl ocalr esidentsw hoha vebe en affectedb y
unemploymenta ndt hee conomicdow nturna ndw hoa rej oiningJ ustin’sc ampaignt ot akeb ack
theE ighthC ongressionalD istricta nds enda r epresentativet oC ongressw how ills ervet hem.


Paid for by Friends of Justin Coussoule, P.O. Box 452, Monroe, OH 45050
Contributions are not tax deductible.

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