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ae future of Hotel i Pram New Delhi Entrepreneur INDIA 2015 ee “weve yA Keane a en oy The7i’sof an Entrepreneur Dc oi AYA aS nes fc emg Gaurav Marya, Chairman, Franchise india business enterprise is growth In my career as an entrepreneur spanning over 20 years, | have interacted with thousand of entrepreneurs and feel there ae some four kinds of entrepreneurship capabilities. These entrepreneurs have a varying business appetite and operate either in a local economy: a national economy; in the global tracing economy oF they playin the world market with capital back up. Ultimately, the entrepreneurs that are able to move up the ladder and transgress from local opportunities to ional and global playing feld~ are the ones best positioned for big success. Today, when its easier than it eve has been to start business ané quicker than ithas ever been to grow when markets are no longer local and exporting is not @ specialist occupation ~ there's a bigger need to empower the entrepreneurs, who are the powerful mind behind the business and make the world spin with innovation and subsequent growth, Keeping this view on india, | am glad to share that Franchise India Media has tied Up With US-based Entrepreneur, Media Inc to bring their more than 40 years of global entrepreneurial wisdom to indian entrepreneurs by delivering distinctive dees, Opportunities, Practices and Processes on every road taken by the independent thinkers, builders ané leaders driving economies across the warld. The formal launch of Entrepreneur, Media will happen at Entrepreneur. 2015 mega event, wiich is Incia's Biggest Entrepreneurship conglomeration on 22nd & 23rd July, 2018. Back in its Sth year, Entrepreneur, 2015 will nce again bring together the best league of entrepreneurs ror Indian and global markets to hear them riff and learn from each other's experiences, which has been the foundation of this platform, The conference themes straight from the pages of Entrepreneurs journey for excellence as the Who's Who of the Business worté il Inspire you as an individual to Innovate and Ideate on how to build a truly global enterprise Supporting this vision wil be the ecosystem, helping to incubate and invest with the most promising business leaders heading organizations of tomorrow. The Pitch Room wil further encase the capital needs of entrepreneus looking to ralse growth funding. Furthermore, the Deal Centre will enable people to catch up in an informal environment to network & cut-out meaningful business associations, V > ook forward to welcoming you to the Entrepreneur, 2015, a4 YT 4 69% emus) Feta ante Jageeggges ements Siereeermcee SGM 75% snaps comps sharorete emerging busneses acess 14 maior metros ‘Sitappeat te aoe Thismater inthe Srdarget erestne chs year mmarcatwarthe 86% head of novation INNOVATE Innovation and entreprenewshp go hand in ‘One drvesthe the’ Fora growing Company, nmavaton comes rom ore fan Jurtundernancing ne problem ane sening focunamers the dew ferinthe set Shdlemergea category lescer They se ealiing ‘Miri atthe earn stage of operations seach froma. Ini covert hs more 70VCs/PEs 550+ angel $20.4 investors Meet aca Butan Action -US pases co a 36 eleons panahon reed! The Strep Cente ete SS SiNEail dombey : WhasApp han Facebook BinsApo han Facebook 5 AGENDA ATAGLANCE | JULY 22, 2015 AGENDA ATAGLANCE | JULY 23, 2015 ‘THE INNOVATION FOR SOCIAL IMPACT MAKING MONEY FROM MONEY! How Social Entrepreneurs are Combining Social & Economics to Change the Fabric of the Nation Session Highlights: ‘© Using the power of business to do good for the Society ‘Community and the Nation © Achieving scale, sustainability & social impact: How ‘entrepreneurs with transformative ideas can successfully implement the same with impact © Building socially conscious companies without being at odds with a profit motive ‘© How can technology contribute to building and scaling social enterprises? © Making impact investing mainstream: How to promote the social bottom line ‘© Impact investment scenario and emerging trends in this space MAKE IN INDIA + MAKE FOR INDIA The Business Opportunity of Being Both a Producing & a Consuming Nation ‘Session Highlights: ‘© Manufacturing ‘in nia’ and ‘or India’ Building a globally competiive marketplace ‘© How entreoreneurs can maximize Make in India’ vision for growth ‘© What it means for small business entrepreneurs to move up the ladder (© Riding the digital wave to bring your business into mainstream THE BIG PICTURE Business beyond Borders: Making Your Business a Universal Entity Session Highlights: © Thinking global markets in the eavly stages of your business © Thinking global partnerships & acquisitions where desired © Penetraling new markets & protecting your business against volatility © Boosting trade relationships & building global competitiveness ‘THE NEW SECTORS AND THE OLD: BUSINESSES BOTH YOUNG & TRADITIONAL, WHO ARE CHANGING INDIA AND THE WORLD ‘THE DAWN OF NEW DI (TAL MEDIA How AdTech Businesses Are Gearing Up For the Big Game Session Highlights: ‘© What's happening in the o: shaping up? © Creating an integ online channels (© Creating brand value with right the digital world © The opportunities of Big Data in digital marketing © Leveraging brand engag real business resu ‘© Whore are the AdTech opportunities & whats driving this boom? BUILDING THE LOCAL MARKETPLACI HYPERLOCAL W: ronds ystom & how are now ted marketing platform across various devi content & right consumer set in The Connecting the Dots from Local Merchants to Consumers, Session Highlights: © Soiving local problems - from grocery to food delvery to cashless transactions (© How m-commer Inia? © Opportunites in hypertocal space & what's diving the boom, ‘© New revenue streams and sustainable ousiness models e the hyperlocal start-up scene ‘Taking Financial Innovation to the Next Level ‘Session Highlights: (© Fueling FinTech entrepreneurship and supporting financing (© Understanding the current ecosystem and developing (© What's driving the sudden surge in financial technology space? (© Immense opportunties, immense challenges: Whats criopling the sector? FROM FARM TO FORK: DECODING THE FOOD SCIENCE WORLD ‘ew phenomenon ‘Tends & Innovation in Food Processing & Technology Session Highlights: © Investment Opportunities inthe Indian Food Processing Sector © Areas for growth & expansion in food processing & equipment industry © Breaking technology innovatio © Emerging Business Opport © Maintaining efficent Supply Chain Management in food processing industry in Agro Food Processing PUTTING THE RIGHT PIECES TOGETHER: PEOPLE, PARTNERSHIPS & PROCESSES DEMeEeoe ‘WORKFORCE When it comes to sports, each team has specie number of players Similarly an organization's ongoing success depends on is ability to build strong, collaborative and focused teams at al evel. Attend this workshop ‘eunderstand the complex dynamics at work, bulding responsible and ‘motivated tens & lenin abovt the effective team Dulding exercises, [EETERTEERI LEVERAGE TECHNOLOGY TO GAIN A, HOW TO BUILD A LEAN & PRODUCTIVE ae el ‘COMPETITIVE EDGE If there's one thing in common amongst leading businesses across the ‘lobe - ts technology! The workshop wil alk about howto efficiently integrate technology n each business process for competitive edge; how to strike a balance between agity and quality and aligning incremental, innovation with tne corporate agenda, [IEETEIGER HOw To STRIKE A GREAT DEAL WITH INVESTORS ‘You wish ors funds, but you ae not sure ofthe ight approach to connect with investors Often enttepreneurs are completely unaware of the term sheet, ts Implations& how to best negot ste the deat Partclpate in the workshop to len how to choose & approach right Investors decode the term sheet and the valuation game, [ESISTEREH IGNITE THE SPARK, IGNITE YOUR BRAND! "Your brand eflects your deal & bells It's your statement, Hence, effective brand marketing Is the key to success. Grab a seat a the workshop tellearn sore elective brand building exercises; mplementing coherents brand strategies; builng substantial customer tation establishing the ‘connect with various market segments [IEETEITEGER HOw BUSINESSES CAN LEVERAGE e- ‘COMMERCE ith more ane more people going online, becomes imperative fr your business to haves witual prefence Participate inthe workshop to text your marketplace tolimit risk explore online tool, socal media & leverage ‘Commerce busines to build bran explore global markets & boost sales, [WERISEEEHI WORKING ON A BUSINESS PLAN ‘Whether youre just starting out growing your business or seeking outside help a well thought out business plans ertial for success The workshop willfocus on developing an effective busines plan for eariy-stage “companies to help them understand wnat goes nto wringing a ‘reat busines plan AE bITION OF THE PITCH ROOM THE PITCH ROOM Alter delivering 2 suocesstul editions, The Pitch Room is back with its 4th edition with an aim to simply business funding and investing needs. More than 150 businesses have bene [ted from participating in this action-packed business event Accelerate Your Business Growth ‘THE PITCH ROOM in association with Applyf will feature companies in post-concept stage (wit traction) looking to raise seed or the frst insliutional round of funding. Entrepreneurs wil come face-toface with India's leading investors to discuss innovate business ideas, stricture deals, network and develop a rmutualy beneficial relationship far success. .wo-day 2015 Entrepreneur India event, investors get to © and spot unique business ideas which might have the potential to become the next big thing. The highly interactive session wil help you find, evaluate, structure deals and develop a mutualy beneficial investor-entrepreneur relationship for success. How will you benefit © Angel funding ‘and venture capital for your business (© Opportunity to present to investors at the event © Radical increase your chances of receiving funding © Comprehensive and elegant online piten deck © Assessment Report on investment worthiness of your venture © Shortisted ventures get feedback in © Networking opportunity with India's top investors (© Post event support in connecting with mentors, © An ALL ACCESS PASS to Entrepreneur india 2015 conference BET soo a Deal Centre Are you looking to raise funds, seek expert advice & guidance in Scaling up your business operations? Introducing you The Deal Room’ -a room full of opportunities for entreprenewrs/business owners to meet, network & seek proper guidance from eminent speakers, investors and mentors atthe show. Send us a concept note on your businssin about 200 words deseribing your business idea o plan at or call sakzhi at 9310103354 STRONG GROWTH INDICATORS - INDIA >800<_ |; 70+ Startup created ‘ative Ves 500+ 80+ Angesin Incubators! inde SL cect Awards Category Franchise India presents the country's most prestigious awards in the Entrepreneur community. The awards aim to recognize and felicitate Achievers, Innovators and Suppliers, who have contributed significantly towards the development of entrepreneurship in India. Nomination & Evaluation + Each applicant would be required tofillin a Seif Nomination form & send itto us by July Sth, 2015, + Only companies, firms of businesses registered, based in India can apply + Any organization /entrepreneur/ allied sector can apply. Each applicant can apply for one or multiple categories + Self- Nomination forms should be sent along with the prescribed fee to Franchise India. The nominees in each category willbe presented tothe final jury for determination of winners. + Entrepreneur India Advisors would be the Knowledge Partner for awards. + Information received will be treated confidential and will not be used for any purpose except for determining the winners of the awards. + Incomplete questionnaire in any manner will disqualify 2 participant from participating inthe awards + Right to permit participation and cancel/change award category is reserved with Awards management. Selection Process Finalists and winners ae selected rom al eligi nominations by an eminent panel of judges. 01 ecrptotnominations 2. seutiny ofnominations QB setecon ot winners and finalist by independent jury 04 ‘Announcement of winners on 22nd July at gala awards ceremony AWARDS CATEGORY Innovative start-u ‘Nousines nner founder a an organization, whe has developed a unigue tal period of starting ess than 5 yeas Entrepreneur ofthe Year (Consumer Business) ‘busines nmer or founder ofan organization offering /retaling consumer product or services tothe consumer are Dynamic Entrepreneur ofthe Year (Business Transformation) ‘busines emer or founder ofan organization, who haslee the progressive change m adopting an effective busine: model or se pa nen markin ene inauty Entrepreneur ofthe Year (Innovation in Technology) Abusines emer or founder ef an organization whose business sito products or services thacware/software) Professional Entrepreneur ofthe Year ‘Anemployee ofan organ zation, whe has demonstrated leadership and take busmess growth toa sealable sae Entrepreneur ofthe Year (Innovation in Financial Services) ‘busines ener founder who sini proving financial and rated services Secial Entrepreneur of the Year Founderfowner ofan ongeizatin ina busines that dec orindvety crests Creative Entrepreneur ofthe Year Founerfowner of an organization nthe busines of product design & design Young Entrepreneur of the Year ‘busines emer who has achieved significantly nhs entrepreneurial venture at a young age (must beles than 28 years of age ores a5 on ul 15% 2015) Serial Entrepreneur ofthe Year Enepreneufor esting and demonstrating multiple ventures sucessfully fom busmess dest, mpementing trough new venture, cresting value fr stakeholders, having floated PO or raed extemal capital at alate sage, demonstrating exceotona succes and haste wil and spit to dol again Entrepreneur of the Year ‘busines nner who has achieved remarkable sucess in is entrepreneur ‘Woman Entrepreneur of the Year ‘business over (woman) whohas achieved emariable success inher ‘tepreneual venture Lifetime Achievernent ‘Aaplicant/ nominee should have had outstanding achievements and should lo have contbuted sgnieantly towards the soo economie prowth over a peed ttine Family Entrepreneur ofthe Year Extabithed entrepreneur rom family tun business, who hasbeen able to tke the Acharya ofthe Year / Business Mentor ofthe Year Inevia may or may not have been an entepreneut, bt contrite in Signfiant ane vise manner and having played an exceptional le inguing Teaaing andnfuencing a war projec business Entrepreneur ofthe Year in Trading Business ‘busines emer or founder ofan organization whe s into Trading dstbution of product services inthe as of ranehisee/Dstroutr/Dealer/Area Developer RetaerWhoesaler or CAF /Broker/Retale) Entrepreneur ofthe Year in Service Business ‘Te 10 Awards willbe given to business owners of founders ofan organization offering Consumer or Business services (BPO/Tave/SCN to sts/Cleaning, ‘Finaneal raining /SASKT services/Securty/Recrutmente HR/Money Serviesenth, Beauty & Welles) Entrepreneur ofthe Year in Manufacturing Business ‘The 12 Awards wile given to business owner founders in Manufactting busmess who haveimalemented innovative apotoach to ensire sustenance and Continuous mproverentn ean manufacturing process in tne blow categorie: [Euicarconsimer Orabes/eonstrction matera/teemnology Export Ptometive & Anelay/Heathcare/Engineetng/ Printing! Pas & Poiymers/Leater Goods Textile/Real Estate) From Entrepreneur to icon Entrepreneurship is more than a frame of mind or way of thinking. Entrepreneurship can be a way of doing business — whether it be starting one, sustaining one, or making one grow. The Holy Grail of Entrepreneurship is building businesses and getting businesses to grow and develop. Entrepreneur, 2015 event is aimed at helping entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals in India to harness and develop their entrepreneurial ambitions. If you wish to use more of the entrepreneurial spirit, join the league! ORME NE Ret reac Attend conference ar ee ace oic renee How to find a right co-founder naratd ura euts) foe R REELS lama Supp! er Women Entrepreneurs H Treacy Mee eae ur orcttrd Attend Conference Call +91 9310089109 Peeks coy Peers oo att Call +91 9311789274 Peer} eam an * established business owner lama Start-up Business Students Exhibition Its a great time to showcase your products! services to the world of startup, SME's and entrepreneurs and get increased exposure for your business. Besides running the two- day entrepreneur excellence conference, Entrepreneur india 2015 gives you a chance to partner this growth story. We invite you to unveil your products to the world of entrepreneurs and business leaders. Who should exhibit? ‘© Banks,financialbodios & NBFCS © Technology solutions providers © Supply chainvLogistes fms © Credit Rating and Factoring companies © Real Estate Developers, Office Solution providers © Telecom solution providers © Incubators & Accelerators © Security Solution providers WHO SHOULD ATTEND? a ~ Wy rey © HR Solution providers ‘Tecnotocy youns TECHNOLOGY START-UPS exe REPRENEURS. 0 Tras Boies ENTREPRENEURS ENTREPRENEURS COMPANIES © Marketing and social media agencies ( © Low, accounting, audit and tax fms 7 . © Leacership Schoo an Universes i 4 sa © Angels, VC, PE firms BUSINESS EMERGING © PRA Advertising agencies UTRAPRENEURS ses STUDENTS ENTREPRENEURS FloorPlan Ball room a. Ball room 2 Ball room 3 * Oo * Studio 4 ao CCONFEHENCE AREA | “tne | 3 Studio 3 = & Studio 2 Main trance ABR Bneeee service door Fire exits Studio 1 2013 Winners Enraceneur of eYearin Service Hisnese" SO loiter serve: Tluncher Entrepreneur he Yerin Service Me Rajiv Kumar -carzonrent Entrepreneur ofthe Yearin service often Mr abar Lalani -corlend reveur ofthe Yen Interactive Private Limited er2SME Lege Entopenerol eerie Private Lied) Me. Ankit Agarwal - Perfect Waliness Private ima Bucs ranstormaion i Be ya Loyal Reward Fyanintemational Groupe Enteprener ofthe Year inTagng Me Mana Ager Founder & CEO, Naaptol Gnine shopping Prt ta Mr Alay avg Whole Time Director, She Group Entrepreneur ofthe Yar inservice Sates ng og ons United " * Genre Secor May. Mant Raa Chairman Tenon Enepreneurof the Yat in serve , Woman Etepreneuaf he ear Bins sRecutmen roreeur of heYearinServce "Deva Saraf-W Technologies Me Val Mita Managing Dcet, ae SS 3 Young rtepreneurof ees Unison nteasonatoneuring IMs, Sonal Chowdhry-Netcomm Labs Me ayan Rabele neYearin Trading Mr Maden Dodeja-Vash Electricals Manufacturing Busines Texte Exports Private Limited, anactanng Bornes Technology Range Lnited Bosnestrasforn Me Vineet Share Mina Sabharval Simmons Innovative tart ofthe Year: time (ena) PRODUCTS PRIVATELIMITED hel Developers Exveprenew ofthe Year Mr Akshay Bactor- Mrs Bactor 2014 Winners ‘enanacf the Yar Business Mentor of Saharashop Unique Progucts Dynamic Eveprenec of heveae Entepreneurofthe Year in Service BusnersMoneyser anya Edveatlon Private Linted Enteprener othe Yarn Serve loudnine Hosptals " "Genre Cont Eneprener of he Yat in Maniac sine Pintig rabh Kochhar Co-Founder & Managing Oren rniveruecem HMrRoht chad Co-founder & CE, Feetpande nae Me Bea Inn CEO & Founder, Satedutech ‘rector Raha rimited 1 Ayan Chania: Founder 4 EO, Eneareneur fhe Year in Mantactaing beanese-togneerng Foreeten of ioe cee Buses Manufacturing Bsiness-C Sunil Bhall- Co-founder and Seral Entrepreneur ofthe es Mn Mano) Kamar Agarwal: Manin Brecon adhe tata ted (haunt croup) Entrepreneur of he Yarn Sere Busnes ave! I. Rajesh Loomba- Managing Director tcoRent Ae DScrouy Media Coverage —— | Gepeeirfie sem 20 11 oer SARS A ae ton SNE CSAC20N «teeter ed et rr a eee aes Entre3*eneur| SNevif °@ fiagaraitsirg TOP. [ese Fn 2 * OES 14 CALL TODAY! eI eeey SUA TESC CL Ea ry TUES C3 TT a Cu reel ee cl C uaa CMS eer) Se Se eee De ea eee ars See een as eee) ‘Abhinav: 09313034080 ett tT} eee nee ae eens cee ere ans ety finite

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