Using The Parts or Sections of A Newspaper

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Using the Parts or Sections of a Newspaper

I. Learning Objectives

Get information from newspapers

Name the parts of a newspaper where given information are found

II. Subject Matter


Getting Information from the Newspaper
A News Article (Readers Test for Grade I entrants)
PELC III 5.3.3

Value Focus: Cooperation and open-mindedness

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
Let the class listen to news from a recorded tape,.
Ask: What did you hear, class? What do we call it? Do we just get
news over the radio? What else is a means of giving or spreading news?
B. Development of the Lesson
Show the class a news article. Read it to them. Then let them read the news article

Readiness Test for Grade 1 Entrants

Some 250,000 Grade 1 entrants in all public elementary schools in Metro Manila
have been required to take the Department of Education (DepEd) School Readiness
Assessment (SRA) before the start of school year of 2007-2008.
National Capital Region (NCR) DepEd Director Teresita Guzman Domalanta said the
conduct of the SRA was announced through DepEd Order No. 25, series of 2007, by
Education Undersecretary for Programs and Projects Vilma Lorgronio Labrador.
Domalanta said the order stressed that the SRA is not an entrance test for incoming
first grade pupils. It added that no child shall be refused entry to Grade 1 based on
the results of the assessment.
The SRA, Labradors directive said, seeks not only to measure the incoming first
graders readiness across the different educational development domains but also
to identify their beginning level of competencies both as individuals and as a group
of learners.
Domalanta said the SRA results will be utilized as basis for providing appropriate
measures and interventions to address specific academic and non-academic needs
for the first grade pupils. (Tony Pe. Rimando)
Have pupils answer these questions.
a. Who were required to take a DepEd school assessment?
b. When should they take the test?
c. Who is Teresita Guzman Domalanta?
d. Why should the test be conducted?
e. Do you think the children should take such test? Why?
f. If you have a younger brother or sister taking the test, would you support
him/her? Why?
Analysis and Discussion
Say: To keep abreast with local and international current events, one needs to read
newspapers. It is important to know the parts of a newspaper and what information
is found in each part. (show a newspaper and its parts.)
Parts of a Newspaper
Information Given
a. Frontpage

and international
b. Editorial
c. Business Page
d. Classified ads
e. Sports Page

freshest news both local

what the editor or publisher thinks

about an important issue

important business news

jobs available; house, lots for rent or

for sale; and the like

latest on sports or results of sports


f. Entertainment
g. Lifestyle
h. Obituary
i. Society Page

special features on arts, music,

theater, showbusiness, and the like

special information about famous

notice about people who died

social events that have just taken

place or will take place

Values Integration
Were you able to share something during the group activity? How did you
communicate with your groupmates? Why do you think your group was able to
bring out a meaningful report?
What is one source of printed information? (newspapers)
What information does it give us? (job information, sports, people who died,
important issues, local and foreign news, entertainment news, lifestyle, business
news, and social events.)
C. Post Activity
1. Form groups with four members each. Study the editorial cartoon. Write a
single summary sentence that answers the who, what, where, when, why, and how
questions about the cartoon.

Answer these:
a. Who is the personality being portrayed in the picture?
b. What is she carrying?
c. Where will she go?
d. When do you think this action took place? What particular
e. What is she carrying?
f. How does she carry and transport the ballot box? Describe the person.
Enrichment Activities
Have pupils form two groups. Give them strips of cartolina with labels of the parts
of a newspaper. Have pupils match the name of the part with the corresponding
information written on the board. The first group to finish wins the game.
1. __________ This part contains world, national, and provincial news. It is usually
found in the front section of the newspaper. The title of the most important news in
the newspaper is printed in big bold letters. It is called banner or headline.
2. __________ An article called an editorial or the publishers opinion on certain
issues or events.
3. __________ This part contains sports events both here and abroad. It also
contains news about well known people in sports. Opinions of sports writers are
also found on this page.
4. __________ Businessmen and people who are interested in business get the
information they wish to know from this section. Information about banking, prices
of prime commodities, and exchange rate of currencies are among the items found
in these section.
5. __________ This contains information about movies, television, radio and other
activities for entertainment. Comic strips, cartoons, puzzles, and other similar
games are also included here.
Group A


Group B


IV. Evaluation
Write the part of the newspaper where the following information can be found.

__________1. special features about famous personalities

__________2. what the editor thinks about an important or crucial issue
__________3. results of sports events
__________4. jobs available
__________5. notice about people who died
__________6. freshest news both local and international
__________7. special features on arts, music, theater, showbusiness, etc.
__________8. social events that have just taken place or will take place
V. Assignment
Cut out an article from any part of a newspaper. Be able to present it to the class
and tell why it is interesting to you. Be ready to share what you have written to
your classmates.

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