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The Child-Centered Community-Based Adaptation (CC-CBA) is a consortium project of Plan International

and Save the Children in partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) and with support of
Australias Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). It is a 30-month project designed to: (1)
increase resilience of children, youth and their communities to climate change impacts; and (2)
strengthen evidence base for Philippine child-centered community based adaptation to inform policy and

The CC-CBA project recognizes the role of children and youth as key actors of their own development in
40 barangays in Aurora, Northern Samar, Eastern Samar and Southern Leyte provinces. The children
and youth play an important task of advocating for action on climate change while implementing childcentered community based adaptation with their communities. These were done through increasing
children, youth and their communities knowledge on climate change, advocating adaptation actions, as
well as strengthening the evidence base for a child-centered community based adaptation policy and
practice in the project areas.

The CC-CBA project has three expected outcomes:

Outcome 1. Children, youth and their communities have increased knowledge about climate change;
Outcome 2. Children and youth are advocating for action on climate change and implementing childcentred community-based adapatation in partnership with their communities; and
Outcome 3. Policy and practice at the local level are influenced by a strengthened evidence base for
child-centred community-based adaptation.

With these, a baseline study was conducted in 2012-2013 to: (1) collect and develop the benchmark
database for measuring project performance and accomplished results; and (2) assist program operation
in analyzing children, youth and communities situations, realities and experiences on climate change
impacts. The data underwent validation process with the project beneficiaries and key stakeholders.
Thus, to assist the CC-CBA to determine the extent to which its strategies had performed in achieving the
above outcomes, an endline study will be done. The purpose of this endline study is to provide end line


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results, determine whether the project has achieved its intended outcomes, and capture lessons that can
feed into future programming.

In preparation for the end-of-project evaluation and in line with the M&E design of the project, a
participatory endline study will be performed in the project areas to:
1. Determine the knowledge, attitude and practice on climate change concepts and adaptation actions;
2. Assess the change in knowledge, advocacy and practice towards climate change adaptation;
3. Measure changes as compared to the baseline and identify reasons for changes (project related or
external); and
4. Generate good practices and lessons learnt from the CC-CBA project implementation to substantiate
the findings and analysis.

A consultant will be hired to work closely with the Consortium for the whole duration of the study. He/She
should also closely coordinate with Plan International and Save the Children for the field data collection.
The consultant is expected to do the following:

1. Review the baseline reports and other project related documents;

2. Organize a team that can do data gathering at the two project areas (Aurora and Eastern
3. Develop inception report which includes detailed study plan, methodology, protocol, tools, survey
questionnaires and survey mobilization plan;
4. Conduct the actual survey which includes pre-testing survey instruments, training/mobilization of
enumerators, data collection, and analysis;
5. Submit draft report, including presentation of its draft to the Consortium for review and comments;
6. Submit the final report

The study is expected to commence on July 2015 upon signing of contract and end on August 2015
upon submission of final document acceptable to the Consortium. The Consultant is expected to submit a
comprehensive and analytical end line study report with in-depth description of the target group, with
gender disaggregated data, to measure effectiveness of the project/intervention.


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1. Inception Report

Within 5 days after signing the contract

2. Draft Report

6 weeks after approval of contract

3. Presentation of draft report

Two days after submission of the draft report

4. Final Report

3 days after presentation of the draft report

Study Methodology
It is essential that the project impact assessment through this endline study is in accordance with
the methodology envisaged under the Baseline Study Report. In order to get the data that the study will
be focusing on, the following methodology will be used:

Face-to-face Interview- can be with a key informant or selected during the random survey.

Review of Secondary data- data that are available with schools like childrens enrolment population
or with the local government thru their annual CMBS will be collected and reflected as part of the
secondary data.

Key Research Questions

The following key question guides this study:
Resiliency to Climate Change Impacts
1. What are the target respondents understanding of climate change?
2. What are their evident experiences they can relate to it?
3. What are the impacts of these changes to our environment? To people?
4. Who or what are the sources of their information regarding climate change adaptation?
5. What can be done to become climate change resilient?
6. What programs, services, and mechanisms do they know that exist to increase climate
change resiliency?

Evidence-based Community-based CCA

1. What can be used as basis of climate change adaptation?
2. Are these existing in the community?
3. Where can these be found?
4. What information were used to strengthen CB-CCA?

Framework of Analysis
Endline data will be analyzed using the projects theory of change (Concept Note Annex 6). Data will be
categorized to dependent and independent variables. Dependent variable will be sets of information that


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are targeted by the project as a result and are defined thru sets of indicators based on the project
objectives (Ref: Final Project Indicators Proforma developed by ISF). Independent variables on the other
hand are sets of data that will be generated from the community at different levels, not linked and
associated to each other but are based on their experiences and realities on climate change impacts.

Support for coordination with the partners, communities and children and youth will be the
responsibility of Plan International and Save the Children; and

Payment will be made as follows:


25% upon submission of the inception report

25% three weeks after signing of contract and upon submission of progress report (with
simple database generated during the survey)

25% upon submission and presentation of the draft report

25% upon submission and acceptance of the Final Report

Interested consultant must have the following competency:

Track record on conducting baseline, endline and/or related surveys. Experience in surveys using
knowledge, attitude and practices is an advantage;

Familiarity with child development NGOs and development work or at least 5 years of progressive
experience in development work an advantage;

With excellent written, verbal, and training skills in English; and

Good communication skills (written and oral); knowledge on local languages (Filipino, Ilocano,
Waray and/or Bisaya) an advantage

Interested consultants should submit their letter of intent, curriculum vitae, proposed general work plan (at
most 2 pages), and proposed budget to carry out the study (including and not limited to admin and
logistical costs) not later than 26 June 2015 to:
Rachelle Nuestro
Interim Consortium Manager , CC-CBA Project
Plan International
Mobile Number: 09175753343


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The selected consultant will be hired using a standard service agreement which complies with Plan
Internationals policies and standards.

As an international child-centered development organization, committed to the wellbeing of children and

to supporting the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Plan shall not, in any manner, tolerate any form
of child abuse.

Plan works directly and indirectly with millions of children across the world and it is our duty and
responsibility to reduce the risks of abuse to those children and to keep them safe from harm. Our Child
Protection policy demonstrates our commitment to ensure that children are safeguarded in all activities
undertaken by Plan.

The Child Protection policy applies to everyone working for associates with Plan. It encompasses the
whole of Plan and includes without limitations: the staff at all levels; the board members, volunteers,
community volunteers, sponsors, consultants, and contractors and staff/or representatives of partner
organizations and local government who have been brought into contract with children or a party to Plan
child sensitive data while working for or with Plan (referred to as Plan Associates) and also people like
donors, journalists, media, researchers who may come into contract with children through Plan (referred
to as Plan Visitors).

In doing so, the consultant shall adhere to the Child Protection Policy of Plan International. Ethical
statements and behavioral protocols must be observed in doing the data collection and in the final report
as well.


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