Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim Verdicts On Khawaarij

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Imaam Bukhari and Imaam Muslim : The Thundering

Verdicts on Khawaarij
February 27, 2014 at 7:15am

Alhamdulillah ! Was salaatu was salaamu alaa Sayyid Al Ambiyaa'i wal Mursaleen. Wa alaa
Aalihee wa Ashaabihee ajma'een.
As-salaatu was salaamu alaika Yaa RasoolAllah wa alaa Aalika wa Ashaabika Yaa Habeeb
As-salaatu was salaamu alaika Ya NabiAllah wa alaa Aalika wa Ashaabika Yaa NoorAllah.
Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are the top books of authority in Islam after the Qur'an. The
Wahaabis misrepresent these two books as if it supports their creed. In reality, these two
books are glaring proofs for the practices and beliefs of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah,
alhamdulillah. Without any lengthy intros, let's get started.
To maintain the length I will not be quoting commentaries of Sahih Bukhari by Allama Ibn
Hajar Al-Asqalani (Fath Al Baari), Allama Badr-ud-din Ayni (Umdatul Qaari) and Sahih Muslim
by Imaam Nawawi. Rest assured, their commentaries support the creed of Ahlus Sunnah !
I have dedicated my previous note solely to this topic related to the knowledge of the Unseen
as possessed by Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam. In that, I have cited no less than five
narrations from Sahih Bukhari and two narrations from Sahih Muslim proving the vastness
and greatness of the Ilm of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam. Here, I will cite just one
hadith from Bukhari Shareef and another from Muslim Shareef to prove that Rasoolullah sal
Allahu alaihi wasalam had the knowledge of the Unseen.
1) Narrated by Sayyidina Hudhaifa (radi Allahu anhu) :
The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wasalam) once delivered a speech in front of us wherein he left
NOTHING but mentioned (about) EVERYTHING that would happen till the Hour. Some of us
stored that our minds and some forgot it. (After that speech) I used to see events taking place
(which had been referred to in that speech) but I had forgotten them (before their
occurrence). Then I would recognize such events as a man recognizes another man who has
been absent and then sees and recognizes him.
(Sahih Bukhari , v.8, Book 77, # 601)
2) Narrated by Sayyidina Anas (radi Allahu anhu) :

On the night of the battle of Badr, Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam foretold the places of
death of the Kuffars the next day. He placed his blessed hand on the ground and said,
InshaAllah at this place the dead body of so-and-so will be found.
Then he went to another place, placed his hand on the ground and said,
InshaAllah at this place, the dead body of so-and-so will be found.
Hazrat Anas says, I swear by Him who sent Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam with the
truth ! Wherever Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam had pinpointed their places of death,
their dead bodies were found exactly at the same spots.
(Sahih Muslim : Kitaab Al Jihaad wal Siyaar #4394)
Awwal-o-aakhir sub kuch jaanay dekhay baeed-o-qareeb
Ghaib ki khabrein dene waala Allah ka wo Habeeb Madani
The Najdis, the dacoits of Islam, have left no stone unturned to remove even the traces of
Relics belonging to Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam, the Ahle Bayt and the Sahaabas
for the fear that they would lead people to commit 'shirk'. As I write this, the dajjali Saudi
regime is planning to demolish the house of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam in Makka.
They have already demolished the house of Hazrat Khadija radi Allahu anha and constructed
a public toilet over it. Woe to you, O Wahaabis !
"Shirk thehray jismein taazeem-e-Habeeb
Us buray mazhab pe laanath keejiye
Zaalimo !Mehbub ka haqq tha yehi?
Ki Ishq ke badlay adaawat keejiye?"
- Imaam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi (rahimahullah)
The Sahaabas would not only preserve the Relics belonging to Allah's Beloved sal Allahu
alaihi wasalam but would also seek blessings through them. And they did it during his
lifetime and after he physically passsed away.

1) Narrated by Sayyidina Isra'il (radi Allahu anhu) :

Uthman ibn Abdullah ibn Mawhab (radi Allahu anhu) said: My family sent me to Hazrat Umm
Salama (radi Allahu anha) with a cup of water. Hazrat Umm Salama brought out a silver bottle
which contained one of the hairs of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam, and it used to be
that if anyone came under the evil eye or ill health they used to send her a cup of water
through which she would pass this hair (for drinking). We would look into the silver bottle : I
saw some reddish hairs.
(Sahih Bukhari, v.7, Book 72, #784)
2) Reported by Sayyidina Anas (radi Allahu anhu) :
I saw when Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam got his hair cut by the barber, his
Companions came round him and they eagerly wanted that no hair should fall but in the hand
of a person.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 30, #5750)
The beautiful thing is that Imaam Muslim has created a whole Chapter in his Sahih entitled
'The nearness of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam to the people and their seeking
blessings from him (and his possessions)'. The above-mentioned hadith is narrated in this
At this point, the cornered wahaabis will say, "Yes but this is applicable only to the Blessed
Hair of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam and not for his other Relics." Is it, dajjals? Let's
see another hadith from Sahih Muslim :
3) Hazrat Asma bint Abi Bakr (radi Allahu anha) said: This is the cloak (Jubba) of
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam, which was kept with Hazrat Aisha (radi Allahu anha)
until she passed away. And when she passed away, it came under my possession.
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam used to wear it, so we wash it and use the water to heal
the sick because of its blessing.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 24, #5149)
Do you Wahaabis know more about Tawheed than the Sahaabas? I mix no words, your
version of Tawheed is the same version which led to the downfall of Iblees : the version
based on blasphemy. Tawheed without adab of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam will
avail you nought except a blazing fire. Repent while you still have time.


The Wahaabis make a big fuss about the resting places of the Pious. One of the issues which
they talk about is that the grave should not be raised too high and that Rasoolullah sal Allahu
alaihi wasalam had commanded Hazrat Ali karam Allahu wajhu to level the graves which are
above the ground. They cite the following hadith :
Hazrat Abul Hayyaj Al-Asadi (radi Allahu anhu) told that Sayyidina Ali karam Allahu wajhu
said to him : Should I not send you on the same mission as Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi
wasalam sent me? Do not leave an image without obliterating it or a high grave without
levelling it."
(Sahih Muslim, Book 4, #2115)
Ask these dajjals : Were these graves the graves of Muslims or Mushriks? If these were the
graves of Muslims, then these were invariably the graves of Sahaabas who were buried by
other Sahaabas. And according to you they had done wrong to an extent that Rasoolullah sal
Allahu alaihi wasalam had to command Hazrat Ali to demolish the graves which were built in
an unislamic manner. What rubbish ! The reality is that these were the graves of Mushrikeen
because :
(a) The hadith talks about two things together : High graves and images. It was the practice of
Mushrikeen to make pictures/sculptures over their graves as can be seen from the following
hadith :
Narrated by Hazrat Aisha radi Allahu anha :
Hazrat Um Salama (radi Allahu anha) told Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam about a
church which she had seen in Ethiopia and which was called Mariya. She told him about the
pictures which she had seen in it. Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, "If any
righteous pious man dies amongst them, they would build a place of worship at his grave and
MAKE THESE PICTURES in it ; they are the worst creatures in the sight of Allah."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.1, Book 8, #426)
(b) The blessed Rauza of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam was raised above the ground,
even during the lifetime of Sahaabas :
Narrated by Hazrat Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn AbuBakr (radi Allahu anhu) : I said to Hazrat
Aisha (radi Allahu anha), Mother ! Show me the grave of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi
wasalam and his two Companions. She showed me three graves which were NEITHER HIGH
NOR LOW but were spread with soft red pebbles in an open space.
(Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 14, #3214)

I believe that I would not do justice to the title of this note until I bring forth the proof of
raising the graves above a hand-span from either Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim.
Hazrat Kharija ibn Zayd (radi Allahu anhu) said : "I can see myself when we were young men
in the time of Uthman (ibn Affan) radi Allahu anhu. The strongest one of us in high jump was
he who could jump over the grave of Uthman ibn Maz'un and clear it."
(Sahih Bukhari, Book Of Funerals, Chapter #864 : Placing Stalk Over Grave)
Note : You will not find this in online versions of Sahih Bukhari. Youd need to open up the
book itself. No, dont open the abridged version translated by Mohsin Khan. The Najdi has
wrecked havoc in his translation by manipulating words to suit the Najdi aqeedah.
I remember once I cited this hadith to a Wahaabi during my college days. Next day he came
and said, I checked Sahih Bukhari. The hadith you mentioned was not there. I asked him,
Whose translation did you check? He replied, Mohsin Khan. I then told him that his
translation which you possess is an abridged version and does not contain the whole
It was Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam himself who had raised the grave of Hazrat
Uthman. He had placed a huge rock on the grave of Hazrat Uthman :
Narrated Sayyidina Al-Muttalib :
When Hazrat Uthman ibn Maz'un died, he was brought out on his bier and buried. Rasoolullah
sal Allahu alaihi wasalam ordered a man to bring him a stone, but he was unable to carry it.
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam got up and going over to it rolled up his sleeves.
The narrator Kathir told that al-Muttalib remarked: The one who told me about Rasoolullah sal
Allahu alaihi wasalam said: I still seem to see the whiteness of the forearms of Rasoolullah
sal Allahu alaihi wasalam when he rolled up his sleeves. He then carried it and placed it at his
head saying: I am marking my brother's grave with it and I shall bury beside him those of my
family who die.
(Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 14, #3200)
Bottomline : Raising the graves above one hand-span has been proven from Sahih Bukhari
from the practice of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam himself, alhamdulillah !
Narrated by Hazrat Ursa :

Thuwaiba was the freed slave girl of Abu Lahab whom he had manumitted, and then she
suckled Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam. When Abu Lahab died, one of his relatives
saw him in a dream in a very bad state and asked him, "What have you encountered?" Abu
Lahab said, "I have not found any rest since I left you, except that I have been given water to
drink in this (the space between his thumb and other fingers) and that is because of my
manumitting Thuwaiba."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.7, Book 62, # 38)
When Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam was born, the slave of Abu Lahab, Hazrat
Thuwaiba, brought the news of his birth to Abu Lahab. Being the uncle of Rasoolullah sal
Allahu alaihi wasalam, Abu Lahab was naturally happy at the birth of his nephew. Out of
happiness, he freed the slave by raising his finger and thumb as was the custom at that time.
It is due to this act of rejoicing at the birth of Allahs Messenger sal Allahu alaihi wasalam that
he used to get relief on Mondays : the day of birth of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam.
Now, the question is : If a person like Abu Lahab got relief on rejoicing at the birth of his
nephew, wont the Muslims get the reward on celebrating the birth of the Best Of Creation sal
Allahu alaihi wasalam?
The person who saw this dream was Sayyidina Ibn Abbas radi Allahu anhu. And Rasoolullah
sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, A good dream (that comes true) of a righteous man is one of
forty-six parts of prophethood."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.9, Book 87, #112)
Now let the Najdis come forward and say that the narration is not authentic. Given their
hypocrisy, I wont be surprised if they say so !
When we put flowers over the graves of the Pious, the Khawaarij take out their bidah guns
and start shooting bidah bullets (yet they will put flowers on the graves and samaadhis of
Kuffars of America and India). However, the practice is authenticated by the practice of
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam.
Narrated by Sayyidina Ibn Abbas radi Allahu anhu :
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam once passed by two graves and said, "These two
persons are being tortured not for a major sin (to avoid). One of them never saved himself
from being soiled with his urine, while the other used to go about with calumnies(to make
enmity between friends)." Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam then took a green leaf of a
date-palm tree, split it into (pieces) and fixed one on each grave. They said, "Ya RasoolAllah

sal Allahu alaihi wasalam ! Why have you done so?" He replied, "I hope that their punishment
might be lessened till these (the pieces of the leaf) become dry."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.1, Book 4, #217)
We go to the resting places of Ambiya and Awliya, offer our salutations to them, offer fatiha
and then pray to Allah by their waseela. We also ask them to pray to Allah on our behalf
because they are the Friends of Allah and Allah will not turn down their duaas.
The Najdi jaahils shout, Shirk !!! They cannot hear you. How do you expect them to pray for
you when they cannot hear you? Then they start misquoting the Quranic aayahs meant for
idols and apply it on Ambiya and Awliya. Khaariji traits !
The deceased are aware of their surroundings. They hear the living to the extent that they
even hear their footsteps.

Narrated by Sayyidina Anas bin Maalik radi Allahu anhu :

Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, "When (Allah's) slave is put in his grave and his
companions return and HE EVEN HEARS THEIR FOOTSTEPS
(Sahih Bukhari, v.2, Book 23, #456)
This hadith does not end here. InshaAllah later, you will see that this hadith cites another
proof of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam being Haazir wa Naazir.
Here the Najdis pull out a lame counter-argument. I have witnessed a Wahaabi saying this
crap. Yes they hear but they hear only the returning footsteps. They dont hear anything
after that. Yeah, does the hadith say that they dont hear anything after that? If not, please
remain silent if you have nothing good to speak about.
Its a common practice that when we visit the graveyard, we greet the inhabitants of the
graves with the words As-salaamu alaikum Yaa Ahlal Quboor. (Jaami Tirmidhi, v.2, Book 5,
Imaam Muslim cites another narration that when Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam used
to visit graveyards, he would say this :
Peace be upon you, the inhabitants of the city (i.e the graveyard), among the believers and
Muslims, and InshaAllah we shall join you. I ask of Allah peace for us and for you."

(Sahih Muslim, Book 4, #2128)

Point is, if they are not able to hear us, why did Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam greet
them and why are we commanded to do the same?
In various narrations of the Sihah Sittah (e.g Sahih Bukhari v.2, Book 23, #422), we find how
after death, the people will see their places in hell and heaven. If the power of the normal ruh
is such that it witnesses heaven and hell, what would be the status and authority of the
Master of Messengers sal Allahu alaihi wasalam? By Allah ! He witnesses each and
everything. The conditions of his Ummah are shown to him and he is aware of them.
I remember that once during college, a Wobbler told me, You see Allah says in the Quran
that you cannot make the dead to hear. (Quran 35:22)
I said, Indeed we cannot make the dead to hear. It is Allah who bestows upon them the
capacity to hear. His face was worth watching !
Door-o-nazdeek ke sunnay waalay wo kaan
Kaan-e-laal-e-karaamat pe laakhon salaam
Our aqeedah is that Allah has made whole universe subservient to Rasoolullah sal Allahu
alaihi wasalam. He has authority over the laws of nature as well as the laws of Shariah. No,
its not shirk. I will cite just two ahadith to prove my point, one demonstrating his authority
over the laws of nature and another demonstrating his authority over the laws of Shariah.
1) The people of Makka asked Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam to show them a
miracle. So he showed them the moon split in two halves between which they saw the Hiram
(Sahih Bukhari v.5, Book 58, #208)

2) Narrated by Sayyidina Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) :

While we were sitting with Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam, a man came and said, "Yaa
RasoolAllah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam ! I have been ruined."
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam asked what was the matter with him. He replied "I had
sexual intercourse with my wife while I was fasting."

Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam asked him, "Can you afford to manumit a slave?" He
replied in negative.
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam asked him, "Can you fast for two successive months?"
He replied in negative.
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam asked him, "Can you afford to feed sixty poor
persons?" He replied in negative.
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam kept silent and while we were in that state, a big basket
full of dates was brought to Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam . He asked, "Where is the
questioner?" He replied, "I (am here)."
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said (to him), "Take this (basket of dates) and give it in
charity." The man said, "Should I give it to a person poorer than me? By Allah, there is no
family between its (i.e. Madina's) two mountains which are poorer than me."
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam smiled till his pre-molar teeth became visible and then
said, Feed your family with it.
(Sahih Bukhari, v.3, Book 31, # 157)
Let me end this section by quoting another beautiful hadith :
Narrated by Sayyidina Abu Hurairah radi Allahu anhu :
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, While I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of
the world were brought to me and placed in my hand."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.4, Book 52, # 220)
Wohi Noor-e-Haqq wohi Zil-e-Rabb hai unhi se sub hai unhi ka sub
Nahi unki milk main aasmaan ki zameen nahi ki zamaan nahi.
When we say that Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam is Haazir wa Naazir, we mean that :
a) He is alive in his blessed grave.
b) He can witness the whole universe just like he was able to during his lifetime.
c) He is able to help his Ummah despite being physically far away.

d) By the will of Allah, he can reach any place in the universe.

Ofcourse all these points cannot be proved just from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. There
are strong narrations for them in other books of Sihah Sittah and the opinions of classical
scholars. But since I wont be quoting anything outside the Sahihyayn, I wont be citing them
here. For dajjals who need everything from Bukhari, I ask, Show me just one narration in
Bukhari which says that you have to keep your hands on chest in salaah. If you do, I will
become a Salafi.
Narrated by Sayyidina Uqba bin Aamir radi Allahu anhu :
One day Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam went out and offered the funeral prayers of the
martyrs of Uhud and then went up the pulpit and said, "I will pave the way for you as your
predecessor and will be a WITNESS ON YOU. By Allah ! I SEE MY FOUNT (Kauthar) JUST
NOW and I have been given the keys of all the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth).
By Allah! I am not afraid that you will worship others along with Allah after my death, but I am
afraid that you will fight with one another for the worldly things."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.2, Book 23, #428)
Points to be noted from this hadith :
(a) Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam is our witness. For him to be our witness, he must
be aware of our conditions.
(b) Despite being in Madina, Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam can witness Hauz-eKauthar notwithstanding the fact that the distance between it and Madina is such that it
cannot be comprehended by human minds.
(c) He possesses the keys to the treasures of the world.
(d) He clears his Ummah from the accusations of shirk 1200 years before Ibn Abdul Wahaab
Najdi went bananas and accused majority of the Ummah of committing shirk.
Narrated by Hazrat Asma bint Abi Bakr (radi Allahu anha) :
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, There is not anything that I have not seen before
but I have seen now at this place of mine, even paradise and hell.
(Sahih Bukhari v.9, Book 92, #390)
Narrated Hazrat Aisha radi Allahu anha :

Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, No doubt, while standing at this place I saw
everything promised to me by Allah and I saw (Paradise) and I wanted to pluck a bunch (of
grapes) therefrom, at the time when you saw me stepping forward. No doubt, I saw hell with
its different parts destroying each other when you saw me retreating and in it I saw 'Amr bin
Luhai who started the tradition of freeing animals (set them free) in the name of idols."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.2, Book 22, #303)
SubhaanAllah ! While praying in Madina, Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam wanted to
pluck a bunch of grapes from Jannah. And Najdis say that since he is far from us so he
cannot help us. Fools ! The person who can take his hand forward to take out fruits from
Jannah can surely spread out his hand to grasp his Ummah !
He called (people) towards Allah, so those who cling to him
Cling to the rope which will never snap.
- Imaam Busairi in Qaseedah Burdah Shareef
Wo momino ki to jaano se bhi qareeb huay
Kahaan se kisne pukaara Huzoor jaantay hain.
Narrated by Sayyidina Anas bin Maalik radi Allahu anhu :
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, "When (Allah's) slave is put in his grave and his
companions return and he even hears their footsteps, two angels come to him and make him
sit and ask, 'What did you use to say about THIS MAN (i.e. Muhammad)?' The faithful believer
will say, 'I testify that he is Allah's slave and His Apostle.' Then they will say to him, 'Look at
your place in the Hell Fire ; Allah has given you a place in Paradise instead of it.' So he will
see both his places."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.2, Book 23, # 456)
Once the person is made to sit, the angels ask him, Maa kunta taqoolu fee HAAZArrajuli
Muhammadin sal Allahu alaihi wasalam. What did you use to say about THIS man? Ask
Najdis to explain this usage of Haaza by angels. Haaza or this is used to refer to a person
or a thing which is close by.
It is the aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaaah that Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam
visits the grave of a Mumin after his death and this is one of the awsaaf of Haazir wa Naazir.

Ghup andheri qabr main jab mujhe chhod kar chalein sub
Meri qabr jagmagaana Madani Madeenay waalay
The aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaaah is that Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam is
alive in his blessed Rauza just like he was alive 1400 years back. This is the aqeedah of
classical scholars of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaaah. Some scholars like Imaam Bayhaqi have
even written separate works on the topic. The narrations of Sihah Sittah like Sunan Abu
Dawood and Ibn Majah prove that the blessed Ruh of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam
was put back in his body after he physically passed away and that he hears our salutations.
However since Im citing proofs from only the Sahihyayn, I wont quote them.
Narrated by Sayyidina Anas bin Maalik radi Allahu anhu :
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, I happened to pass by Musa on the occasion of
the night journey near the red mound (and found him) saying his prayer in his grave.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 30, #5858)
If Musa alaihis salaam is alive in his grave, what of the personality who saw Allah while Musa
alaihis salaam fainted at seeing the mere reflection of His Noor? SubhaanAllah !
Tu zinda hai wAllah Tu zinda hai wAllah
Mere chasm-e-aalam se chhup jaanay waalay


Some Wahaabis have special enmity towards Imaam Abu Hanifa. They always try to prove (in
vain) that the school of thought of Imaam Al Azam is in conflict with Quran and Sunnah. I
have even seen some go to the extent of doing takfeer of the Noble Imaam.
Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri, one of the great scholars to have risen from the subcontinent
writes, I spent 30 years researching on Hanafi fiqh as to whether it is in accordance with
Quran and Sunnah. And I have not found even one issue which is in conflict with Quran and
One of the teachers of Imaam Bukhari was Imaam Abdullah ibn Mubaarak who inturn was the
teacher of Imaam Ismaeel bin Ibraheem. Now, Imaam Ismaeel bin Ibraheem was the teacher

as well as the father of Imaam Muhammad bin Ismaeel Bukhari. So Imaam Al Azam was the
teacher of the teachers of Imaam Bukhari. He was Imaam Bukharis Shaykh Al-Shuyookh !!!
This is just one chain I have cited. Imaam Abu Hanifa is the Shaykh Al Shuyookh of Imaam
Bukhari through multiple chains, alhamdulillah. In addition, one of Imaam Abu Hanifas
student, Imaam Muhammad, was the teacher of Imaam Shaafee. Need I say more?
In the preface of his Sahih, Imaam Bukhari writes that before he started compiling Sahih
Bukhari, he had memorized the works of Ashaab Ar Raai. Imaam Abu Hanifa and his
students were called this because they would already sort rulings on problems which had not
yet occurred. In other words, they were far-sighted enough to tackle the fiqh issues which
would arise in the future, mashaAllah !
In addition to providing evidences to the practices of Ahlus Sunnah, Imaam Bukhari and
Imaam Muslim have also collected ahadith wherein Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam
warned us against Khawaarij, the modern-day Wahaabis.
Narrated by Sayyidina Ibn Umar radi Allahu anhu :
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, "O Allah ! Bless our Shaam (Syria) and our
Yemen." People said, "Our Najd as well." Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam again said,
"O Allah ! Bless our Shaam and Yemen." They said again, "Our Najd as well." On that
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam said, "There will appear earthquakes and afflictions,
and from there will come out the Horn of Satan."
(Sahih Bukhari, v.2, Book 17, #147)
Do you know where is Najd? It is the present-day Riyadh : The capital of the Wahaabi regime.
And the Horn of Satan is being referred to Ibn Abdul Wahaabi Najdi, the founder of the
Wahaabi cult. I have not made my own conjecture. When IAW started innovations in Deen, his
own brother Sulaymaan ibn Abdul Wahaab and his father started refuting him. In his book
Sawaaiqul Illahiya, Sulaymaan ibn Abdul Wahaab said, The Horn of the Devil which
Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam talked about referred to you.
You will see the Wahaabis talk of Quran and Sunnah. And you will notice that most of the
brainwashing happens among the youth. The youth forms the bulk of the Wahaabi force.

Narrated by Sayyidina Ali karam Allahu wajhu :

I heard Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi wasalam saying, There would arise at the end of the age
a people who would be young in age and immature in thought, but they would talk (in such a
manner) as if their words are the best among the creatures. They would recite the Qur'an, but
it would not go beyond their throats, and they would pass through the religion as an arrow
goes through the prey. So when you meet them, kill them, for in their killing you would get a
reward with Allah on the Day of judgment.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 5, #2328)
Being a student of knowledge, I have tried my level best to collect and cross-check
narrations in the Sahihyayn which support the aqaaid of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaaah. I pray
to Allah that may this work get accepted in His Court and in the Court of His Beloved sal
Allahu alaihi wasalam and that may we have the honour of doing ziyaarah of Rasoolullah sal
Allahu alaihi wasalam before we die. May the blessed zaat of Rasoolullah sal Allahu alaihi
wasalam make our death easy and on Islam and may his help be near when we answer the
questions of the angels in our graves. May the Noor of Allahs Beloved sal Allahu alaihi
wasalam fill our graves with tranquility and light. May we be under the shadow of Mercy of
Allahs Messenger. May we have the honour of drinking from the Hauz Kausar. May Allah
enter us in Jannah in the company of our Beloved Master sal Allahu alaihi wasalam.
Aameen.Ya Rabb Al aalameen.
Wa sal Allahu alaa Sayyidina wa Maulaana Muhammad wa alaa Aalihee wa Ashaabihee
As-salaamualaikum !
Admin : M.T

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