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Welcome to a New Year.

We hope you all enjoyed the festive period and had a very merry
time and that 2014 will bring you health and happiness.
Over the Christmas period we had a wonderful and excing
new climbing frame ed in the garden and the children
have loved playing on it! We also have a lovely lile shelter
and play area, specially designed for the babies.

children throughout the nursery will be

learning about certain customs to do with
these fesvals and the acvies which
complement them.
A Healthy Start!

We welcome Jade to our team, who is joining the sta and

will be helping out in all the rooms. She holds a Level 3
qualicaon and has plenty of experience in working with
younger children.
We are sorry to say 'Goodbye' to
Andrew in Blue Room. He has
decided to pursue a dierent
career path and we wish him every
success for the future.

At Bronte Nursery we provide a balanced and nutrious

diet and our menus are planned to provide babies and
young children with all the nutrients they need to grow and
develop well.
Our menus include all the main food groups, including
starchy foods, fruit and vegetables, meat, sh, eggs,
beans and other non-dairy sources of protein, and milk
and dairy foods.

We congratulate Kelly White upon

her promoon to Room Leader in
Blue Room and Bethany Cole who
has been promoted to Deputy
Room Leader there.
Well done to you both.

Establishing good food habits in their Early

Years is one of the most important ways to
help children eat healthily.

Our daily menus are displayed in the recepon area each

day so you may view whats on oer.


Young children need a certain amount of fat in their diet to

ensure they get enough energy. However, if they eat too
much fat they consume more calories than they need and
will begin to gain excess weight. The type of fat that
children eat is also important, and the amount of saturated
fat found in foods such as meat, and meat products, buer,
cakes and biscuits should be limited.
At our nursery, we spread the balanced diet across the day
through breakfast, lunch and tea. We also provide snack
mes in between to ensure each child is topped up with
enough energy to keep them playing and learning.
Did you know?


Starchy foods provide energy, carbohydrate, bre

and vitamin C.

Milk and dairy foods are a good source of energy,

calcium, protein and vitamin A.


This month, we aim to concentrate on Fesvals from

Around the World. In parcular, we have concentrated on
Burns Night and Chinese New Year.
This year is the Chinese New Year of the Horse and

Fruit and Vegetables are an important source of

vitamins including A and C. They also contain
minerals such as zinc and iron as well as bre.
Meat, Fish, Eggs and Beans provide protein, iron
and zinc. Oily sh provides omega 3 fay acids and
vitamins a and D.

Its so much fun to be physical!

Texture Play has featured on the agenda and the children
will be creang clouds for a weather system display and
painng on coon wool to create the perfect eect.

If you would like further informaon on Early Years

Nutrion you may be interested in the following link:

In Island Time, this month children will bring in books about

the weather from home . They can share these within the
group and learn about dierent climac condions around
the world.


December birthdays included:Tobias 7th, Jesse 8th, Ayrton 25th, Leon 14th, Daisy 13th,
Harman 7th, Mackie 6th, Alexi 12th, Tara 13th, Jeevan
In January it was:Harry 13th, Lucy 11th, Kae 20th, Josiah 16th, Harry 26th.
Greengs to all the above.
Hellos and Goodbyes
This month we welcomed Joseph, Suwani and Tolu to
Purple Room and Blake to Blue Room. We also had to say
Goodbye to Joshua F. from Yellow Room.

Christmas & New Year at Bronte Nursery

Toddlers made decoraons, which included cards and
calendars. They did hand prinng pictures and made
picture frames from pasta.
All the children made a Christmas Wreath featuring their
hand prints. This was visually quite stunning.
Dancing and Singing included the song The Tooth Fairy
likes Ballet, and there was a show-stopping
performance by the children for the parents.
They also made angels, reindeer and an assortment of
tree decoraons. Some sent leers to Santa and
pracsed how to post a leer in the leer box. They then
talked about where the leer goes when it has been
(Editors Note: We wonder what they thought!)
In January, there were projects on the weather and
natural condions in the
garden and the outside
Children also had the
opportunity to mix
paintboth inside and
outside and even in the
big puddles!
Toddlers practising their Ballet

Throughout December, Pre-school prepared for their very

own producon of Jesus Fourth Birthday Party. We had
great fun preparing the costumes and back drops. We
pracsed really hard to learn all the words of the songs and
then singing our solos! We used dierent resources to
create wonderful Christmas folders and used clay to create
our own Christmas stars. We also made Stained Glass
Christmas cards.
We did enjoy performing for
you and hope you enjoyed
the party!
Our January topic was
Sounds, Stories and
Rhymes. We explored our
favourite stories and looked
at some new ones.
We will be using our Island
Time to create our very own
If you have any stories or
rhymes that you would like
to share at nursery do not
hesitate to bring them in.
They can be your personal
favourites or ones that you
have created yourself.

Commuting to work or Preschool enjoying the new

climbing frame?

Blue Room
Blue Room enjoyed the Christmas fesvies and had lots of
fun making cards, reindeer and calendars. Discussions
included talking about how happy and excing Christmas
could be and how we prepare for such a big event.
Children also made party hats and talked about the
possibility of a visit from Santa himself. The children really
enjoyed the messy play on oer throughout December and
play included such items as ice, glier, foam, bubbles, our,
paint and glue.
During January we focused on Chinese New Year and
transport. We have already been car and truck rolling. We
explored the outside world and dierent ways of moving, for
example, dancing, running, walking and jumping.

Purple Room
Christmas provided a golden opportunity to
experience a wealth of tacle and sensory acvies.
We always try to ensure that what we provide for
the children is based not only on individual learning
preferences, but that it includes variety and provides
an environment that is enabling and as smulang
as it possibly can be.

Parents & Blue Room visiting Santa

To celebrate Chinese New Year we made a display of horses

as this is the Year of the Horse.
The children loved the new outside play equipment and
learned about seNng challenges for themselves thus
developing new skills and perfecng exisng ones.

The children had lots of fun painng and scking and

used clay to make Christmas decoraons for the
tree. The children were also taken into the town
centre to see the Christmas lights which were very
prey and colourful.
Gill, from Jo Jingles sang Christmas songs and did
acon rhymes with the children to reinforce this
jolly event.
Our Christmas pares in the Baby Unit proved very
popular and it was lovely to see so many happy
children and parents come together.
In the New Year the children developed their senses
by experiencing dierent smells and texturesboth
inside and in the garden. Children will have the
chance to grow some herbs and are looking forward
to using the new baby area in the garden.

Blue Room became


Gloop play with the Babies

Mixing pain in a

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