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Precedence is the priority of place based on superiority of rank. In protocol, the
observance of precedence is important as it indicates basic recognition and respect for
rank and seniority. Often it is the primary source of goodwill among diplomats and
1. Precedence among Diplomatic Representatives. Diplomatic representatives, in
international practice, are classified in the order of their ranks as follows:
(1) Heads of Mission:
1. Ambassadors or Nuncios accredited to Heads of State, and other heads of
mission of equivalent rank.
2. Envoys, Ministers and Internuncios accredited to Heads of State
3. Charge d Affaires ad hoc (orde missi) Charge d Affaires ad interim
(2) Diplomatic officers other than heads of mission
1. Ministers
2. Ministers-Counsellor
3. Counsellors
4. First, Second, Third Secretaries
5. Attachs
2. Precedence Among Heads of Diplomatic Missions
2.1. Among diplomatic representatives of the same class, for example Ambassadors,
precedence is determined by priority in dates of presentation of credentials.
2.2. The ranking of head of mission is the Dean or Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps. In
Catholic countries, however, the representative of the Pope (Nuncio) is usually the
Dean, regardless of the date of his accreditation.
According to the Global Portal for Diplomats, the Dean or Doyen of the
Diplomatic Corps serves an important function as the Dean represents
diplomatic corps in collective dealings with host country officials on matters of
ceremonial or administrative character affecting the corps as a whole.
2.3. Among Charged Affaires, precedence is determined by the dates of
accreditation. However, a Charge d Affaires accredited to the Minister of Foreign
Affairs outranks a Charg d Affaires ad- interim (temporarily acting as Head of
Mission in the absence of the Chief of Mission).
3. Precedence of ranking officials of Host Country over foreign Ambassadors.
While each country has its own rules, it is generally recognized that the Chief of State,
the Prime Minister, the Presiding Officers of the Legislature, the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court and the Minister of Foreign Affairs precede foreign Ambassadors. In the
Philippines, the President, the Vice-President, former Presidents, the President of the
Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chief of Justice of the
Supreme Court and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs precede foreign Ambassadors.
4. Precedence Among Foreign Service Officers.
The following rules, unless modified by instructions issued to meet a specific case, shall
be observed in determining precedence among Foreign Service Officers in diplomatic and consular
offices abroad:

4.1. An Officer with a higher rank shall precede one with a lower rank.
4.2. In case two or more Officers at the same post belong to the same rank and
class, the order or precedence shall be determined by the higher rate of salary within the
4.3. In case two or more Officers at the post belong to the same class and
receive the same salary, the Officer who first arrived at the post shall take
4.4. When not within the jurisdiction of their assignment, Officers take
precedence among themselves in accordance with their class and date of
appointment to that class.
5. Precedence of officers in the Philippine Foreign Service:
5.1. Within a mission, the ranking of officers are as follows: Chief of Mission,
Minister, Minister-Counsellor, Counsellor, First Secretary, Second Secretary,
Third Secretary and Attach.
5.2. Within a Consulate, the ranking of officers are as follows: Consul General,
Consul and Vice Consul.
5.3. The Chief of Mission of the Embassy or the Head of the Consular Post
outranks any other Philippine officials, except the President, the Vice President,
and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, although he may, if desirable for the prestige
of the country, defer to any higher ranking official.
5.4. The Chief of Mission, or in his absence, the Charg d Affaires, ad interim precede
over all officials and representatives of other Departments or Agencies assigned
in the same Post.
5.5. The ranking Minister, Counsellor or First, Second, or Third Secretary who is
a regular Foreign Service Officer, irrespective of class and grade and who
becomes a Charg d Affaires, in the absence of the Chief of Mission, shall take
precedence after the Head of Mission.
5.6. Subject to the preceding rule, Attachs and Assistant Attachs, with
assimilated ranks of Foreign Service Officers, shall rank with but immediately
after other regular Foreign Service Officers belonging to the same class and grade.
5.7. Attach belonging to the Armed Forces and after them, Trade Promotion
Attachs shall have precedence over other attachs with the same assimilated
rank of Foreign Service Officers. The same rule applies to Assistant Attachs.
5.8. Assistant Attachs with no assimilated rank of Foreign Service Officers shall
rank after Assistant Attachs with assimilated rank
6. The General Order of Precedence in the Philippines (as of 2008)
(Note: It is always advisable to consult with the Department of Foreign Affairs Office of
Protocol for the latest order of precedence)

The President
The Vice-President
Former Presidents of the Philippines

The President of the Senate

The Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
The Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Foreign Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
The Executive Secretary
The Secretary of Finance
The Secretary of Justice
The Secretary of Agriculture
The Secretary of Public Works and Highways
The Secretary of Education
The Secretary of Labor and Employment
The Secretary of National Defense
The Secretary of Health
The Secretary of Trade and Industry
The Secretary of Social Welfare and Development
The Secretary of Agrarian Reform
The Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources
The Secretary of Interior and Local Government
The Secretary of Tourism
The Secretary of Transportation and Communication
The Secretary of Science and Technology
The Secretary of Budget and Management
The Secretary of Energy
Foreign Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary
The Director General, National Economic and Development Authority
Press Secretary
National Security Council Director-General
The Head of the Presidential Management Staff
Presidential Spokesman
Solicitor General
Presidential Legal Counsel
The Chairman of the MMDA
The Head of the Office for Muslim Affairs
Other Presidential Advisers with Cabinet Rank
Members of the Senate (seniority in length of service)
Members of House of Representatives (seniority in length of service)
Associate Justices of the Supreme Court
The Commissioners of Constitutional Commissions
Members of the Council of State who are not Cabinet Members
Acting Heads of the Departments & Former Vice Presidents of the Philippines
The Undersecretaries of Foreign Affairs
Ambassadors of the Philippines assigned to foreign posts
Undersecretaries of the Department, including the Assistant Executive
Assistant Secretaries of Departments, Directors-General &Chiefs of Mission I & II
of the Department of Foreign Affairs
The Governor of Central Bank
Foreign Charges d Affaires de missi, Foreign Charge d Affairs ad interim
The Mayor of Manila

The Presiding Justice of the Court of Appeals, the President of the University of the
Philippines, the Chief of Staff, Commissioners or Officials with the rank of
Heads of permanent United Nations Agencies in the Philippines, who hold the rank of Director
Provincial Governors
The Vice Chief of Staff
Foreign Ministers-Counsellors, Counsellors of Embassies, Consul General, Foreign Military
Attachs with the rank of Major General or Rear Admiral, and Officers of equivalent
rank of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
Judges of the Regional Trial Court
First Secretaries of Foreign Embassies, Foreign Military Attachs with the rank of
Brigadier General or Commodore &Officers of equivalent rank of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines
Mayors of chartered cities
Directors/Commissioners of Bureau & Chief of Offices
Presidents, Chairmen & Managers of government corporations
Second Secretaries & Consuls of Foreign Embassies, Foreign Military Attachs with the rank
of Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel, and Officers of equivalent rank of the Armed Forces
of the Philippines
Third Secretaries & Vice Consuls of Foreign Embassies, Foreign Military Attachs
with the rank of Major or Captain & Officers of equivalent rank of the Armed Forces of the

7. Some Practical Applications of the Protocol of Precedence:

Charge dAffaires (CDA) of an embassy outranks CDA of a Legation. (Legations are

seldom sent by States now)
If Chief of Mission (CM) is a lady and the function involves only CM without their
wives, the lady diplomat attends without the husband.
Where the Ambassador or Minister is a lady and the function requires the
presence of the CM, who are arranged either as a group or separately from their
husbands, the lady Ambassador or Minister ranks after the wife of the
Ambassador or Minister who precedes her (the Lady Ambassador or Minister).Her
husband is ranked after the last accredited Minister
In standing, walking or sitting, the place of honor is at the right when the person
entitled thereto stands or walks at the right.
Precedence is when the person entitled to it, goes a step before the other who is at
his left side as in ascending a stair or entering a room.
In lateral arrangement, when persons present stand side by side in a straight
line, the outside place on the right or the central place is the first.
When two persons enter a room or walk single file, the one of higher rank walks ahead or in
front of the person of lower rank.

When two persons walk side by side, the one of higher rank walks to the right of the
person of lower rank.

When there are three persons, the second ranking person enters first, followed
by the highest-ranking person. The last to go in is the person of lowest rank.

When there are four, the fourth enters first. If they are five, the fourth and the
second go in first in that order, then the first, followed by the third and the fifth.

The place of honor depends on the number of people present.

The person of higher rank in a public ceremony is always the last to arrive and the first to
In going up airplanes, the person of highest rank goes up last and comes down
In entering a car, the person of highest rank enters first. However, when the
intention is to give him the seat to the right, which is the place of honor, it is
correct for the person of lower rank to go in first.

8. Protocol in International Organizations

8.1. ASEAN
When ASEAN Heads of States meet in a Summit meeting or when ASEAN
Foreign Ministers meet in a Foreign Ministers meeting, their positions in standing
or sitting position is done according to the alphabetical listings of their countries
in the English Language. Thus, the positions from left to right (from the view of the
observer) are as follows:


Secretary General

(Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore,

Thailand, Vietnam, Secretary General (Encode in a line)




Asia-Pacific Economic Council (APEC)

APEC is represented by either the Heads of State, Heads of Government,

Foreign Ministers or a senior official.
When standing together in a line or sitting together in a line, their positions are also
according to the alphabetical listings of their countries from left to right from the view of
the observer. The following illustration maybe used as a guide:
Third line:


Second line:


First line:



-Observers(Note: To conform to local protocol rules, consult with the MFA of the Host Country of the

8.3. If a member of a Royalty is present on the occasion, follow the normal rule of the
precedence -- that is, the honored person is given the place of honor and stands or sits at the
right of the Host.


Pres. of the Phils. (Host)

9. Precedence in signing treaties
9.1. Principle of Alternat - in bilateral treaties, each country signs first on the
original copy it retains.
In this example, the part of the document where the signatories would sign should be:
Philippines Copy
Republic of the Philippines

United States of America

United States Copy

United States of America

Republic of the Philippines

9.2. In multilateral treaties, signatories sign in alphabetical order in French or

English language of the names of their countries.
Example: ASEAN Countries
Brunei Darussalam

(1) Agration and Agrment.
Before the public announcement of the appointment of an Ambassador, an informal inquiry as
to whether or not he is persona non grata is ordinarily made with the government of the
country of his prospective assignment. The process of inquiry is called agration. The
reply to the inquiry expressing acceptability of the Ambassador is called agreement, or
(2) Documents for the Ambassador
After taking his oath of office, an Ambassador shall be furnished the following
a. Appointment as Ambassador
b. A sealed letter of credence
c. An open or office copy of the letter of credence
d. Letter of recall of his predecessor, if any
e. Instructions in writing
f. Diplomatic passports for himself, his family and his suite
g. A copy of the Regulations of the Department of Foreign Affairs
(3) Preparations Prior to Departure
The Secretary of Foreign Affairs shall invite a newly appointed Ambassador for a
briefing and give the necessary instructions to be carried out in the Ambassadors
post of assignment. The Ambassador should familiarize himself with the operation of
his post of assignment by going through relevant documents, such as treaties and
agreements between the Philippines and the host country and, if necessary, with
other countries that are part of his jurisdiction. He should meet with concerned
officials, offices, and divisions which could give substantial inputs regarding his post and
country of assignment. He should consult with the appropriate Department officials
regarding general matters of administration and official procedures.
(4) Preliminaries for Presentation of Credentials
4.1. Promptly upon arrival at the post, the newly appointed Ambassador shall
request for an informal conference with the Minister or Secretary of Foreign
Affairs to arrange for the formal presentation of his letter of credence and the
letter of recall of his predecessor, if any, to the Chief of State.
4.2. He shall at the same time, in his own name, address a formal note to the
Secretary or Minister of Foreign Affairs, communicating the fact of his appointment
and requesting the designation of a time and place for his official reception. In the
informal conference, he shall present to the Minister or Secretary of Foreign
Affairs the open copy of his letter of credence as well as the copy of his address
to be delivered during the presentation of his credentials.

4.3. If the diplomatic representative has the rank of Charge dAffaires, the
letter of credence is addressed to the Minister or Secretary of Foreign Affairs. He
shall address a formal note to the latter, conveying to the Minister or Secretary
the open copy of his letter of credence and shall await the Ministers or
Secretarys pleasure for presentation of the original.
4.4. A copy of the letter of credence shall be placed in the archives of the mission.
(5) Ceremony in Presentation of Credentials
5.1. On the occasion of the presentation of letters of credence to the Chief of
State, it is customary in most capitals for the incoming Ambassador to make a
brief address. The address shall be delivered either in English or Filipino. Copies
of the address and of the reply must be sent to the Department. The speeches made
in the ceremonies are purely formal and should not allude to any controversial matter
between the two governments.
5.2. The Chief of Protocol of the post should be consulted as to the proper attire
to be worn in the ceremony.
5.3. The newly appointed diplomatic representative should be accompanied by
all Foreign Service Officers, attachs and other officers assigned to the mission in
a diplomatic capacity when presenting his letter of credence, if this arrangement is in
accordance with local protocol.
(6) Entry Upon Official Day
The official duties of a diplomatic representative in so far as the receiving state is
concerned begin on the day of his presentation of the letter of credence by the
Ambassador to the Chief of State, or in the case of a charge d affaires, to the
Minister or Secretary of Foreign Affairs. If the formal audience or reception is
delayed, it is customary for the Minister or Secretary of Foreign Affairs to make
necessary arrangements for the transaction of diplomatic business with the new
representative pending such reception.
(7) Official Calls Upon Entry to Duty
The diplomatic representative shall, immediately upon his arrival, study the local
rules and practices regarding official calls on other officials of the host
government and members of the diplomatic corps, which a mission already
established should have in its files. In his initial official visits, he may be
accompanied by the ranking Foreign Service Officer assigned to the mission in a
diplomatic capacity. In all cases, he should call on the diplomatic
representatives of ASEAN member states
(8) Subordinate Diplomatic Officers
No previous approval by a receiving government is ordinarily required in the case of
subordinate diplomatic personnel in a mission, although it is generally recognized
that the receiving government has the right to object to any prospective
diplomatic officer. In some countries, however, previous approval is required for
military and other armed forces attachs.
(9) Preparation before Departure of other Diplomatic Officers

Subordinate diplomatic personnel, before their departure for their foreign posts,
should familiarize themselves with the work of the mission to which they are to be
assigned. They should read the Post Reports and other pertinent documents in the
Department. The Office of Personnel and Administrative Services shall program their
enrolment in the pre-departure orientation seminar conducted by the Foreign Service

Calls for Subordinate Officers

10.1. Local practice shall be followed as to whether subordinate diplomatic

officers should call or not on their counterparts in the diplomatic corps or on other
officials of the Foreign Office of the host government. In lieu of calls, the cards of
the officers, accompanied by the card of the Head of Mission, are usually sent to
members of the diplomatic corps with the mark p.p.(pour presenter) in pencil at
the lower left-hand corner of the card of the Head of Mission.
10.2. In the large capitals, calls might be impracticable. However, in all cases, the
mission shall send notes to the Foreign Office and to the other diplomatic
missions at the post informing them of the arrival and assumption of duties of the
subordinate diplomatic officer.
10.3. The arrival of all subordinate personnel, diplomatic and non-diplomatic, and
changes in the order of precedence in the mission shall be communicated in a
formal note to the Foreign Office of the host government.

Need for Authority from the Receiving Government

Performance of consular functions on the part of the consular officer requires

previous authority from the foreign government given in the form of an exequatur; or
pending its issuance, a provisional recognition.

Commission on Exequatur

The consular commission is the formal appointment of a consular officer by the

Head of State of the sending government, and the exequatur is the formal
acceptance by the receiving government for him to perform consular functions.
The consular commission is transmitted by the Department to the diplomatic
mission, if there be one, in the country where the consular office is located, with
instructions to request for an exequatur from the host Foreign Office. When
obtained, the exequatur is transmitted by the diplomatic mission to the consular

Provisional Recognition

Whenever there is delay in the issuance of a consular commission and/or of the

exequatur, a provisional recognition shall be requested beforehand to enable the
consular officer to perform consular functions. A provisional recognition is requested
by the diplomatic mission, upon instructions from the Home Office, in a note to the
local Foreign Office, which grants provisional recognition in a return note.

Preparation for Duty and Official Calls

14.1. A principal officer who will head a consular post shall prepare for his
assignment in the same manner that the diplomatic representative does.

14.2. A consular officer, upon assuming his official duties, shall send his official
card to, or call personally on, the proper local officials and his counterparts in the
consular corps, depending upon the local custom. The principal officer shall, in all
cases, call on the heads of ASEAN missions in the area of his assignment.

(1) For incoming Ambassadors
1.1. Checklist for Preparatory Arrangements
The concerned Embassy should furnish in advance the Office of Protocol and State Visits
of the Department of Foreign Affairs with the following:

Car flag of the Ambassadors country

Audio cassette or CD and musical score of the national anthem
Advance copy of the speech which the Ambassador will hand over during the
presentation of credentials
Open copies of the Letters of Credence and Recall
Two (2) 2 x 2 photographs of the Ambassador designate
Two (2) 2 x 2 photographs of the Ambassador-designates spouse (if any)

1.2. Pre-arrival Arrangements

1.1.1 For a resident Ambassador-designate: The Embassy makes
arrangements with the Office of Protocol and State Visits (OPSV) of the
Department of Foreign Affairs for the arrival and presentation of credentials
of the Ambassador designate. The Embassy is requested to inform the
Department as soon as available or at least 3-4 weeks before the intended arrival in
Manila so that initial verification of calendar possibilities for the courtesy calls
and presentation of credentials could be made. However, the exact date
and time of presentation of credentials are set only after the
Ambassador-designate has actually arrived in the Philippines.
1.1.2 For a non-resident Ambassador-designate: Arrangements for the
arrival and presentation of credentials are made with the Office of
Protocol and State Visits through the Philippine Embassy in the capital where
the Ambassador-designate is a resident, and when applicable, through the
consulate in Manila of the Ambassador-designates country. The Office of
Protocol and State Visits can also make arrangements for the hotel and
vehicle needs of the Ambassador-designate upon his request. Procedures for
preparing the schedule of calls of a non-resident Ambassador-designate are
similar to those of a resident Ambassador-designate. Scheduling of
presentation of credentials of non-resident Ambassadors-designates
are done on certain pre-determined periods/dates of the year. The nonresident Ambassadors are advised of the exact dates of presentation of


credentials as early as possible in order to provide ample preparation time for

travel arrangements.
1.3. Arrival in the Philippines
1.3.1. For arrivals during regular working days, the Ambassador-designate
is met by the Deputy Chief of Protocol of the Department of Foreign
Affairs. For arrivals on weekends, legal, official and religious holidays, the
Ambassador-designate is met by a Protocol Officer of the Department of
Foreign Affairs. However, it would be appreciated if the Ambassadordesignate could arrive at a convenient day or time (avoiding, as
much as possible, legal, official and religious holidays, as well as
early morning and late night arrivals). Following are regular holidays
observed in the Philippines:
Regular National Holidays
New Years Day
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Araw ng Kagitingan
Labor Day
Independence Day
National Heroes Day
Bonifacio Day
Christmas Day
Rizal Day

January 1
April 9
May 1
June 12
(last Sunday of August)
November 30
December 25
December 30

Nationwide Special Public Non-Working Holidays

Anniversary of EDSA
February 25
People Power Revolution
Black Saturday
Eid El Fitr
All Saints Day
November 1
Christmas Eve
December 24
Last Day of the Year
(Special Holiday) December 31
1.3.2. The Office of Protocol and State Visits makes appropriate
arrangements for airport courtesies and related matters with the airport
authorities regarding the arrival of the Ambassador-designate. A
designated airport lounge, at the NAIA Terminal he/she will be arriving in, will
be used for the reception of the arriving Ambassador-designate. Aside from the
Embassys Charg dAffaires a.i., a reasonable number of Embassy staff
and spouses, if so desired, may be allowed at the airport for the
Ambassador-designates arrival. Entry of persons and vehicles into
restricted areas of the airport is subject to pre-arranged standard
procedure. Immigration, customs and quarantine formalities for the
Ambassador-designate and his party will be attended to and facilitated by
the Office of Protocol and State Visits.
1.4. Official Welcome at the Department of Foreign Affairs; Calls on the
DFA Chief of Protocol, the Assistant Secretary for the Geographic Region
and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs
1.4.1. The Ambassador-designate, accompanied by an Embassy official
normally the Charg dAffaires a.i.,), arrives at the Department of Foreign

Affairs to make calls on the DFA Chief of Protocol, the Assistant Secretary
for the Geographic Region and thereafter on the Secretary of Foreign
1.4.2. Upon arrival at the Office of Protocol and State Visits, the
Ambassador-designate signs the Register of Ambassadors and
Distinguished Visitors. After a briefing on the ceremony and arrangements
for the presentation of credentials, the Ambassador-designate is escorted
by a Protocol Officer for the call on the Assistant Secretary of the
Geographic Region. Thereafter, the Chief of Protocol accompanies the
Ambassador-designate and his companion to the Office of the Secretary
of Foreign Affairs.
1.4.3. During the call on the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassador
designate hands over to the Secretary the open copies of the
Ambassadors Letter of Credence and the Letter of Recall of his
predecessor, as well as a copy of the text of the presentation speech, the
original of which the Ambassador-designate shall hand over to the
President during the presentation of credentials ceremony.
1.5. Calls on Other High Government Officials
The Department, through the office handling the geographic region of the
Ambassador-designate, should be informed if the Ambassador-designate
intends to pay courtesy calls on other high government officials after the
presentation of credentials. However, such calls are to be arranged by the
Embassy directly with the offices of said officials.
(2) For Outgoing Ambassadors
2.1. Farewell Calls
2.1.1. For a resident Ambassador: When an Ambassador is about to end
his/her tour of duty, the Embassy informs the Department, through a note
verbale, indicating his/her intended date of departure. The Department would
appreciate receiving information on the departure preferably 2-3 weeks
before the Ambassadors intended departure. Requests for farewell calls on the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the President are arranged through the
office of Protocol and State Visits in coordination with the concerned
geographic office. The Office of Protocol and State Visits will inform the
Embassy of the exact time/date of farewell calls on the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs and the President. All other farewell calls of the
Ambassador on other government officials (other than the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs and the President) may be arranged by the Embassy
directly with the offices of said officials, however, the office handling the
geographic region of the Ambassador-designate should be informed of such calls.
2.1.2. For a non-resident Ambassador: The procedure of arranging and
scheduling farewell calls of a non-resident Ambassador shall be similar to
that of a resident Ambassador. However, the Ambassadors intention to
come to the Philippines to pay his farewell calls on Philippine officials must be
communicated as early as possible to the Philippine Embassy, in the capital
where the Ambassador-designate is a resident, well in advance.
2.2. Airport Arrangements for Departure

The Office of Protocol and State Visits, upon receipt of the notice of the
Ambassadors departure, makes appropriate arrangements with the
airport authorities. A special lounge at the airport will be used for the
sending off of the Ambassador.
During regular working days, the DFA Chief of Protocol/Deputy Chief of Protocol
sends off the outgoing Ambassador at the designated special lounge at
the airport. For departures on weekends, legal, official and religious
holidays, the Ambassador is sent off by a Protocol Officer of the
Department of Foreign Affairs. However, it would be appreciated if the
Ambassador-designate could depart at a convenient day/time
(avoiding, as much as possible, legal, official and religious holidays,
as well as early morning and late night departures).


(1) Attire
The Ambassador-designate and members of his/her entourage may wear
their national dress, diplomatic uniform, complete morning formals or
business suit. A rosette or miniatures of decorations, if any, may be worn on
the occasion.
(2) Members of the Ambassador-designate's entourage
The entourage for the presentation of credentials shall be composed of the
members of the diplomatic staff and shall not exceed a total of six (6)
persons, including the Ambassador-designate. (A complete list of the
entourage must be submitted to the Office of Protocol and State Visits at
least 48 hours before the date of the presentation of credentials).
(3) Departure for Malacaang Palace
3.1. The DFA Chief of Protocol, together with the Director of Ceremonials
and the Philippine Military Aide, proceed to the Ambassador-designates
residence in the ceremonial car with motorcade escorts. They are met at
the door of the residence by a diplomatic officer who accompanies them to the
room where the Ambassador-designate awaits to welcome them and
introduce his/her spouse and members of the diplomatic staff present.
3.2. The Ambassador-designate hands over to the Philippine Military Aide the
original Letters of Credence and Recall together with the original text of
the presentation speech for safekeeping until the actual ceremony.
3.3. From the residence of the Ambassador-designate, the party shall
proceed to Malacaang Palace in the following manner:
3.1.1. The Ambassador-designate, assisted by the Philippine
Military Aide, boards the ceremonial car on the right side and takes the rear
right seat. The DFA Chief of Protocol boards the ceremonial car on
the left side and takes the rear left seat. The Philippine Military Aide
takes the front seat to the right of the chauffeur. The Philippine flag
is unfurled and remains so during the time the ceremonial car is in use
by the Ambassador-designate.


3.1.2. The rest of the entourage board their respective vehicles

arranged in the order of precedence. It would be practical to have
at least two entourage members per vehicle in order to shorten
the length of the motorcade. The car of the Charg dAffaires shall
fly the flag of his/her country.
3.1.3. The motorcade with escort cars and motorcycles leading the
way proceed to Malacaan Palace.

(4) Arrival Honors at Malacaan Palace

4.1. When the motorcade comes to a stop at the palace grounds, the Ambassadordesignate and other passengers of the ceremonial car wait for few seconds before
alighting. This momentary delay is to enable the rest of the entourage to
leave their vehicles and position themselves at the point of disembarkation of
the Ambassador-designate.
4.2. After alighting from the ceremonial car, the DFA Chief of Protocol introduces
the Military Host of the Presidential Security Group Honor Guards to the
Ambassador-designate. They then proceed to the salute base, followed by
the rest of the entourage, for the rendering of honors to the Ambassadordesignate by the Honor Guards. In proceeding to the place of honor at the
salute base, the Ambassador-designate is escorted on his left by the Military
Host of the Presidential Security Group and on his right by the DFA Chief of
Protocol. The Philippine Military Aide will be directly behind the Military Host
from the Presidential Security Group.
4.3. The rest of the entourage are guided by the Director of Ceremonials to the
area behind the principal personages and position themselves in a horizontal
line in accordance with their order of precedence. The highest ranking
diplomatic staff member shall be the person at the right-most end of the line,
to his left will be the other entourage members according to descending order
of precedence. The Director of Ceremonials shall be positioned at the left flank of
the line.
4.4. As soon as the Ambassador-designate and his entourage are in their
respective places, the Honor Guards execute Present Arms and the band
plays the national anthem of the Ambassador-designate, followed by the
Philippine National Anthem. During the playing of the anthems, all
participants stand at attention and render appropriate respect.
4.5. At the conclusion of the anthems, the Military Host from the Presidential
Security Group invites the Ambassador-designate to review the troops. For
this purpose, the Ambassador-designate is jointly escorted by the Military
Host from the Presidential Security Group and the Honor Guards
Commander. They proceed leftward to the front line of the assembled band
and troops.
4.6. As they walk down the line to the right side and reach the center where the
Colors are located, the Ambassador-designate may salute the Colors by
executing a hand salute or by a slight bow of the head.
4.7. At the end of the line, they turn right and return in a diagonal angle to their
original angle to their original places at the salute base. (This movement is
similar to tracing the sides of a triangle).


4.8. The ceremony concludes when the Honor Guards Commander offers a
handshake and executes a salute to the Ambassador-designate
4.9. As soon as the ceremony is over, the Ambassador-designate and the
members of his entourage are escorted to the main doorway of Malacaan
Palace. The Ambassador-designate is flanked on the right by the DFA Chief
of Protocol and on the left by the Military Aide. The others follow according to
their order of precedence. At the doorway, the Chief of Presidential Protocol
awaits the Ambassador-designate. The DFA Chief of Protocol introduces the
Chief of Presidential Protocol to the Ambassador-designate.
4.10. The Chief of Presidential Protocol escorts the Ambassador-designate into
the presidential palace and leads him to the table where the Presidential Registry Book is
located. While the Ambassador-designate is signing the book, the rest of the entourage
are assembled slightly behind him.4.11. The Chief of Presidential Protocol invites
the Ambassador-designate and his entourage to a designated holding room
for a briefing on the scenario of the presentation of credentials.
(5) The Presentation of Credentials Ceremony
5.1. Upon the signal of the Chief of Presidential Protocol, the Ambassadordesignate and his entourage are invited to take their positions. The
Ambassador-designate takes the front position and slightly behind him on his
left is the Philippine Military Aide and on his right is the DFA Chief of Protocol. Behind
them on a horizontal line is the entourage of the Ambassador-designate, with
the highest ranking member being the person in the right end followed to his left by
the other members in descending order of precedence. The Director of Ceremonials
takes his position on the left flank of the line formed by the entourage
5.2. Upon arrival, the President proceeds to the designated position for the start
of the presentation of credentials flanked to the right by the
Secretary/Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs (a pace behind the President),
and to the left by the Chief of Presidential Protocol (also apace behind).
5.3. The DFA Chief of Protocol then introduces the Ambassador-designate to the
President as follows:
Mr. /Mme President, I have the honor to present, His/Her Excellency (name)
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the (country) to the Republic
of the Philippines.
5.4. The Ambassador-designate delivers brief remarks (not the whole speech,
but only a few sentences). The Philippine Military Aide steps forward to hand
over the folder, continuing the Letters of Credence and Recall and the original text of
the presentation speech to the Ambassador-designate. The Ambassadordesignate then steps forward and hands to the President the said folder.
5.5. The President delivers his/her remarks. The President and the new
Ambassador shake hands and exchange amenities. The President informs the new
Ambassador that he/she may now wish to present the members of his
entourage. The Ambassador presents individually the members of the
entourage who step forward, (the most senior in rank at the head of the line) and
shake hands with the President. Then the entourage members return to their
designated places.
5.6. After the introduction of the entourage the following photo opportunities may

a. The President and the new Ambassador;

b. The President, The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the new Ambassador and
his entourage.
5.7. The President invites the Ambassador for a private conversation in the
adjoining room together with the Secretary/Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs.
The invitation may expressly include the most senior staff member of the
Ambassador. The rest of the entourage returns to wait at the receiving salon.
At the conclusion of the private conversation, the Ambassador takes leave of the
President and the Secretary/ Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs.
5.8. The Ambassador is escorted from the room by the Chief of Presidential
Protocol, then through the cordon of honor guards. The rest of the entourage
follows the Ambassador. At the foyer, the Chief of Presidential Protocol bids
farewell to the Ambassador and his entourage.
5.9. The Ambassador, assisted by the Philippine Military Aide, boards the
ceremonial car on the right side and takes the rear right seat. The DFA Chief
of Protocol boards the ceremonial car on the left side and takes the rear left
seat. The Philippine Military Aide takes the front seat to the right of the
chauffeur. The car flag of the Ambassadors country is unfurled at the
ceremonial car. The car flag on the motor car of the Charg dAffaires is no
longer flown. The motorcade proceeds to Rizal Park.
(6) Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Monument of the National Hero, Dr. Jose P.
NOTE: This is an integral part of the presentation ceremonies
6.1. Arrival/Anthems
6.1.1. In front of the monument of the National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal, the new
Ambassador, accompanied by the DFA Chief of Protocol/Protocol Official, is
greeted by the Military Host. The DFA Chief of Protocol/Protocol Official and
the military Host escort the Ambassador to his place of honor at a position facing but
distant from the monument.
6.1.2. The Ambassador is flanked on his right by the Chief of Protocol
and on his left by the Military Host. The Ambassadors entourage is guided
by the Director of Ceremonials to their respective positions in a horizontal
line behind the Ambassador and his escorts.
6.1.3. The Commander orders the Ceremonial Guards to present arms. The
military band plays the national anthem of the country of the Ambassador
followed by the Philippine National Anthem. All civilian and military participants
stand at attention and render appropriate respect to the national anthem.
After the last note of the anthem, the guards are commanded to Order Arms.
6.2. Processional/Wreath Offering
6.2.1. The rest of the entourage remains in place while the Ambassador,
on cue of and escorted by the Military Host and the DFA Chief of
Protocol/Protocol Official, walks toward the monument. The DFA Chief of
Protocol/Protocol Official and the Military Host stop at the foot of the
steps.6.2.2. The Ambassador goes up to the base of the monument where

he stops to place the wreath. The wreath is brought up and put in place by the
Ambassador with the help of the military wreath bearers.
6.3. Gun Salute and Taps/Recessional
6.3.1. When the wreath is in place, the Ambassador, still facing the
monument, takes two to three steps backwards and stands at
attention. At this time, the ceremonial guards are commanded to
Present Arms, followed by three volleys of rifle fire and the playing
of Taps by the band. At the last note of Taps, the ceremonial
guards are commanded to Order Arms (BABAta!in the Filipino
6.3.2. This is the signal for the Ambassador to turn around, walk away
from the monument and toward the DFA Chief of Protocol/Protocol
Official and the Philippine Military Aide. When the Ambassador
reaches them, the DFA Chief of Protocol/Protocol Official and the
Philippine Military Aide take their respective escort positions beside
the Ambassador and they walk back to the Ambassadors original
place of honor at the start of the ceremony.
6.3.3. On reaching their places in front of the rest of the entourage, the
Ambassador and his escorts turn around to face the monument. At
the conclusion of the ceremony, the Ambassador shakes hands with
the Commander of the Ceremonial Guards.
6.3.4. The Ambassador is escorted to the ceremonial car by the Military
Host and the DFA Chief of Protocol / Protocol Official, followed by
the Military Aide and the rest of the entourage who board their
respective vehicles for the motorcade back to the residence of the
6.3.5. After a few minutes of congratulatory amenities and informal
conversation at the Ambassadors residence, the DFA Chief of
Protocol/Protocol Official, the Military Aide, and their staff take leave
of the Ambassador, his/her spouse and the diplomatic staff.


The Philippine Flag and Anthem, motto, coat-of-arms and other heraldic items
are national symbols which embody the national ideals and traditions, and which
express the principles of sovereignty and national solidarity; they seek to manifest the
national virtues and to inculcate in the minds and hearts of our people a just pride in
their native land. Thus, utmost reverence and respect should be accorded to these
symbols. Republic Act 8491, or the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines,
prescribes how these national symbols should be properly treated.

Care of the National Flag

The use and care of the flag of the Philippines shall be done in a manner manifesting deep
respect for the national emblem. Every precaution shall be exercised in its handling and
(2) Display of the National Flag in Philippine Missions and Official Functions Abroad
2.1. The flag shall be flown over a Philippine mission or consulate between the hours of
sunrise and sunset on all Philippine national holidays; on certain holidays in
the country where the mission or consulate is located; and on such other
occasions as the officer in charge may deem appropriate. When necessary, the
flag may also be flown for purposes of protection. However, the local usages
in this display of the flag should be appropriately considered.
2.2. The flag should be displayed only from sunrise to sunset or between hours as
may be designated by the Department. It should always be hoisted briskly and
lowered slowly and ceremoniously. It should not be flown when the weather is
inclement. The flag shall not be raised when the weather is inclement. If
already raised, the flag shall not be lowered.
2.3. The flag, if flown from a flagpole, shall have its blue field on top in time of
peace and the red field on top in time of war; if in a hanging position, the blue
field shall be to the right (left of the observer) in time of peace, and the red
field to the right (left of the observer) in time of war. The flagpole staff must
be straight and slightly tapering at the top.
2.4. If planted on the ground, the flagpole shall be at a prominent place and shall
be of such height as would give the flag commanding position in relation to the
buildings in the vicinity. If attached to a building, the flagpole shall be on top of
its roof or anchored on a sill projecting at an angle upward. If on a stage or platform

or Philippine government office, the flag shall be at the left (facing the stage)
or the left of the office upon entering.
2.5. When the Philippine flag is flown with another flag, the flags, if both are
national flags, must be flown on separate staffs of the same height and shall
be of equal size. If in Philippine territory, the Philippine flag shall be hoisted
first and lowered last. If the other flag is not a national flag, it may be flown in
the same line yard as the Philippine flag but below the latter and it cannot be
of greater size than the Philippine flag.
2.6. In Philippine territory, when displayed with another flag, the Philippine flag
shall be on the right of the other flag. If there is a line of other flags, the
Philippine flag shall be in the middle of the line. When carried in a parade with flags
which are not national flags, the Philippine flag shall be in front of the center of the
2.7. When used on a speakers platform, the flag should be displayed above and behind
the speaker, never on the front of the platform. If flown from a staff, it should
be on the speakers right.
2.8. No flag or pennant should ever be flown above the Philippine flag, except the church
pennant which should fly above the flag during divine services on board a Philippine war
2.9. The flag shall be hoisted to the top briskly and lowered ceremoniously. The
flag shall never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, flood, water or
other objects. After being lowered, the flag shall be handled and folded solemnly as part
of the ceremony.
2.10. The flag should never be draped over the head, top, or other part of a
vehicle or of a railroad train or boat. When the flag is displayed in a motorcar,
the staff should be affixed firmly to the chassis.
2.11. The colors should never be draped with black crepe except when the President
declares a national mourning.
2.12. The flag should be loaned only when the purpose for which it is requested is a
proper one, e.g., to drape on the casket of a deceased veteran.
2.13. When it is desired to use the national colors as a covering for a speakers
desk, in general, bunting should be used. Bunting should be arranged with
the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below.
2.14. A flag worn out through wear and tear shall not be thrown away. It shall be
solemnly burned to avoid misuse or desecration. The flag shall be replaced
immediately when it begins to show signs of wear and tear.
(3) Salute to the Flag
During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or
in a review, all persons present should face the flag, stand at attention, and salute.
The salute is executed by placing the right hand over the heart. Men should remove
their hats or head dresses with the right hand and hold them at the left breast. The
salute to the flag in the moving column is rendered at the moment the flag passes.
When the national anthem is played, the same manner of saluting the flag is to be

(4) Conduct of Flag-Raising Ceremony

4.1. All government offices and foreign missions shall observe the flag-raising
ceremony every Monday morning and the flag-lowering ceremony every
Friday afternoon. The ceremony shall be simple and dignified and shall
include the playing or singing of the Philippine National Anthem.
4.2. The observance of the flag ceremony in official or civic gatherings shall be
simple and dignified and shall include the playing or singing of the anthem in
its original Filipino lyrics and march tempo.
4.3. During the flag-raising ceremony, the assembly shall stand in formation
facing the flag. At the moment the first note of the anthem is heard, everyone
in the premises shall come to attention; moving vehicles shall stop. All
persons present shall place their right palms over their chests, those with
hats shall uncover; while those in military, scouting, security guard, and
citizens military training uniforms shall give the salute prescribed by their
regulations, which salute shall be completed upon the last note of the
4.4. The assembly shall sing the Philippine national anthem, accompanied by a band, if
available, and at the first note, the flag shall be raised briskly. The same
procedure shall be observed when the flag is passing in review or in parade.
(5) Conduct of the Flag-Lowering Ceremony
During the flag-lowering, the flag shall be lowered solemnly and slowly so that the flag shall be
down the mast at the sound of the last note of the anthem. Those in the assembly
shall observe the same deportment or shall observe the same behavior as for the
flag-raising ceremony.
(6) Half Mast
The flag shall be flown at half-mast as a sign or mourning on all the buildings and
places where it is displayed, as provided for in this Act, on the day of official
announcement of the death of any of the following officials:
a. The President or a former President; for ten (10) days;
b. The Vice-President, the Chief Justice, the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, for seven (7) days; and
c. Other persons as determined by the government.
The flag, when flown at half-mast, shall be first hoisted to peak for a moment then
lowered to the half-mast position. The flag shall again be raised to the peak before it is lowered
for the day. The flag may be used to cover the caskets of the honored dead of the
military, veterans of previous wars, national artists, and of civilians who have rendered
distinguished service to the nation, as may be determined by the local government unit
concerned. In such cases, the flag shall be placed such that the white triangle shall
be at the head and the blue portion shall cover the right side of the caskets. The
flag shall not be lowered to the grave or allowed to touch the ground, but shall be
folded solemnly and handed over to the heirs of the deceased.
(7) Pledge to the Flag
The following shall be the Pledge of Allegiance to the Philippine flag:
Ako ay Pilipino
Buong katapatang nanunumpa
Sa watawat ng Pilipinas
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag

Na may dangal, katarungan at kalayaan

Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang
Makakalikasan at
Such pledge shall be recited while standing with the right hand with palm open raised shoulder
high. Individuals whose faith or religious beliefs prohibit them from making such pledge must
nonetheless show full respect when the pledge is being rendered by standing at attention.
(8) Flag Days
The period from May 28 to June 12 of each year is declared as Flag Days, during which period
all offices, agencies and instrumentalities or government, Philippine business
establishments, institutions of learning and private homes are enjoined to display the
(9) Specifications of the National Flag
9.1. The flag shall have the following proportions. The width of the flag, 1; the
length of the flag, 2; and the sides of the white triangle, 1.
9.2. The technical specifications shall be as follows: The blue color shall bear Cable No.
80173; the white color, Cable No.80001; the red color, Cable No. 80108; and the
golden yellow, Cable No.80068.
9.3. All requisitions for the purchase of the Philippine National Flag must be
based on strict compliance with the design, color, craftsmanship and material
requirements of the Government. Coordinate with the DFA Home Office for
the purchase and acquisition of the Flag.
(10) Prohibited Acts on the Use of the Philippine Flag
It shall be prohibited
10.1. To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on or cast contempt or commit any act
or omission casting dishonor or ridicule upon the flag or over its surface;
10.2. To dip the flag to any person or object by way of compliment or salute;
10.3. To use the flag:
a. As a drapery, festoon, tablecloth;
b. As covering for ceilings, walls, statues, or other objects;
c. As a pennant in the hood, side, back and top of motor vehicles;
d. As a staff or whip;
e. For unveiling monuments or statues; and
f. As trademarks, or for industrial, commercial or agricultural labels or
To display the flag:
a. Under any painting or picture;
b. Horizontally face-up. It shall always be hoisted aloft and be allowed to fall freely;
c. Below any platform; ord. In discotheques, cockpits, night and day clubs, casinos,
gambling joints and places of vice or where frivolity prevails.
10.4. To wear the flag in whole or in part as a costume or uniform;
10.5. To add any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawings, advertisement,
or imprint of any nature on the flag;
10.6. To print, paint or attach representation of the flag on
handkerchiefs ,napkins, cushions, and other articles or merchandise;
10.7. To display in public any foreign flag, except in embassies and other
diplomatic establishments, and in offices of international organizations; and

10.8. To use, display or be part of any advertisement or infomercial.

(1) The National anthem, Lupang Hinirang, shall always be sung in the national language within or
outside the country. The following shall be the lyrics of the National Anthem:
Bayang magiliw,
Perlas ng Silanganan
Alab ng puso,
Sa Dibdib moy buhay.
Lupang Hinirang,
Duyan ka ng magiting,
Sa manlulupig,
Di ka pasisiil.
Sa dagat at bundok,
Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,
May dilag ang tula,
At awit sa paglayang minamahal.
Ang kislap ng watawat moy
Tagumpay na nagniningning,
Ang bituin at araw niya,
Kailan pa may di magdidilim,
Lupa ng araw ng luwalhatit pagsinta,
Buhay ay langit sa piling mo,
Aming ligaya na pag may mang-aapi,
Ang mamatay nang dahil sa iyo.
(2) The rendition of the National Anthem, whether played or sung, shall be in
accordance with the musical arrangement and composition of Julian Felipe.
(3) When the National Anthem is played at a public gathering, whether by a band or by singing or
both, or reproduced by any means, the attending public shall sing the anthem. The
singing must be done with fervor.
(4) As a sign of respect, all persons shall stand at attention and face the Philippine flag,
if there is one displayed, and if there is none, they shall face the band or the
conductor. At the first note, all persons shall execute a salute by placing their right
palms over their left chests. Those in military, scouting, citizen military training and
security guard uniforms shall give the salute prescribed by their regulations. The salute
shall be completed upon the last note of the anthem.
(5) The anthem shall not be played and sung for mere recreation, amusement or
entertainment purposes except on the following occasions:
a) International competitions where the Philippines is the host or has a representative;
b) Local competitions;
c) During the signing off and signing on of radio broadcasting and television
d) Before the initial and last screening of films and before the opening of theater
performances; and
e) Other occasions as may be allowed by the National Historical Institute (NHI).


The National Coat-of-Arms shall have: Paleways of two (2) pieces, azure and
gules; a chief argent studded with three (3) mullets equidistant from each other;
and, in point of honor, avoid argent over all the sun rayonnant with eight minor
and lesser rays. Beneath shall be the scroll with the words REPUBLIKA
NG PILIPINAS, in scribed thereon.
(1) The Great Seal shall be circular in form, with the arms as described in the
preceding section, but without the scroll and the inscription thereon. Surrounding the whole
shall be a double marginal circle within which shall appear the words Republika ng
Pilipinas. For the purpose of placing The Great Seal, the color of the arms shall
not be deemed essential but tincture representation must be used.
(2) The Great Seal shall also bear the National Motto.
(3) The Great Seal shall be affixed to or placed upon all commissions signed by the
President and upon such other official documents and papers of the Republic of the
Philippines as may be provided by law, or as may be required by custom and
usage. The President shall have custody of the Great Seal.
(1) Any government entity, including the military, may adopt appropriate coat-ofarms, administrative seals, logo, insignia, badges, patches, and banners; and
initiate awards, citations, orders or decorations; as may be authorized by
Congress or the Office of the President.
(2) Such heraldic devices and items shall be filed with the National Historical
Institute (NHI) for recording and evaluation as to precedence, design, customs
and traditions. The NHI shall promulgate the corresponding rules and regulations
which shall be submitted for approval to the Office of the President or to Congress.
(3) All government offices including the military are to purchase all heraldic items
and devices from manufacturers accredited and authorized by the NHI. Such
items and devices shall be subject to inspection by the purchasing agencys internal
inspector and the COA representatives using the design and specifications
approved by the Office of the President or by the Congress, through the NHI.
(4) No government official or employee shall accept any order or decoration from
any foreign government without the consent of Congress, and without the prior
evaluation and documentation of such order or decoration by the NHI.


(1) Conventions on Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges
The status, rights, privileges and immunities of members of the diplomatic and
consular staff and household are governed by the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations and the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Officers and employees
assigned abroad should be thoroughly acquainted with the provisions of these
(2) Customs Privileges
While basic rules and practices on customs privileges are universally established
by the Conventions, supplementary regulations may vary among countries.
(3) Offenses against Diplomats
In the Philippines, offenses committed against an accredited diplomat are legally
considered as criminal acts. Sec. 6 of Republic Act No. 75, s.1946, provides:
Any person who assaults, strikes, wounds, imprisons or in any manner offers
violence to the person of an ambassador or a public minister, in violation of the
law of nations, shall be imprisoned for not more than three years, and fined not
exceeding two hundred pesos, in the discretion of the court, in addition to the
penalties that may be imposed under the Revised Penal Code.
Importation of Motor Vehicles
Except as may be otherwise be provided for in reciprocal arrangements, only one
car for the official use of the head of mission, to be registered in the name of the
Embassy or Mission, shall be allowed to be imported or purchased tax-free and
duty-free. Each Mission or Embassy is allowed to import or purchase tax-free and
duty-free, depending upon the size of each mission, not more than five motor vehicles for
official use.
Importation for Personal Use
2.1 Heads of Posts, during each tour of duty, may import or purchase for
personal use not more than two motor vehicles tax-free and duty-free.
2.2 Other consular officers, except honorary consular officials, during each tour of
duty, may import or purchase locally for personal use one (1) motor vehicle
tax-free and duty-free.


2.3 Administrative and other staff members of the diplomatic missions and
consular establishments, including Filipino citizens and permanent residents and
those who do not have diplomatic or consular officer status, are not entitled to
import motor vehicles tax-free and duty-free.
(3) Replacement of Motor Vehicles
Replacement of motor vehicles by means of imparting or purchasing tax-free and
duty-free vehicles shall be allowed only after three (3) years from the date of
registration of the motor vehicle to be replaced. In any case the old vehicle is sold to a
non-privileged buyer, taxes and duties must be paid thereon, based on the value
assessed at the time of sale to the non-privileged buyer.
(4) Disposal of Motor Vehicle
When the owner of a motor vehicle which was imported tax-free and duty-free is
transferred to another station before the end of the three-year period, the car may be
re-exported or sold to another person who has the same privilege of importing or
purchasing a motor vehicle tax-free and duty-free.
(5) Sale of Tax-Exempt Motor Vehicle
Any sale to any person or entity of any motor vehicle imported tax-free and duty-free
should be reported to the Department and the corresponding license plates should be
surrendered to the Department.
(1) Place of Residence
Diplomatic officers and employees shall, as a rule, establish their residence at the
seat of the mission. With the approval of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, however,
they may establish temporary residence at a place other than the seat of the
mission, if conveniently near it, and within the country where the mission is located.
Consular officers and employees shall reside within the consular districts to which they are
assigned and as near as practicable to the office.
(2) Selection of Offices and Quarters
Offices as well as residential quarters for diplomatic and consular officers shall be as
presentable and dignified as the appropriations there for permit. Except in combined offices,
consular offices shall be as centrally and conveniently located as possible preferably in the
business districts.
(3) Coat of Arms
The coat of arms of the mission shall be placed above or by the principal entrance of
the residence of the Head of Mission and of the chancery, unless such arrangement is not
practicable or is in conflict with local customs. The same rule is applicable to
consular offices and residences.
(4) Acquisition of Property for Office and Residential Quarters
Without in any way placing the Philippine Government under obligation, the
feasibility shall be explored for acquiring ownership of real estate to house the
chancery or the consular office and the residence of the Head of Mission or the Head

of Consular Post and possibly of the other personnel, in lieu of the general practice of paying rental
on leased properties.
(5) Office Plan
Diplomatic and consular offices shall be so planned that visitors shall enter first a waiting room or
public reception room where an information or reception clerk shall be placed on constant duty
during office hours. In diplomatic missions, the consular section shall as much as
practicable be separated from the rest of the mission. If the mission occupies a
building of more than one floor, the consular section should be on the first floor.


(1) Upon Entrance to Duty
Calls are made in accordance with local practice. This can be ascertained from the
Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, upon whom the Ambassador calls soon after the presentation
of his credentials.
(2) Arranging Calls for Diplomatic and Consular Officers
A Head of Mission desiring to make a call on the Head of State, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs or any other ranking official of the receiving Government shall
ordinarily course his request through the Chief of Protocol of the Foreign Office. The
same rules apply to calls by subordinate diplomatic officers on officials of the Foreign Office or
other offices of the receiving Government. Subordinate officers do not, however,
ordinarily call on officers of much higher category and rank than theirs. Calls of
consular officers are arranged directly with the officer concerned.
(3) Making and Returning Calls
A courtesy call should be made promptly at the appointed time. It should generally
not exceed fifteen minutes, unless the parties manifestly desire to prolong it. Calls
made by officers of equal or superior rank shall be returned, but calls of officers of lower
rank may be merely acknowledged by leaving cards at the latters offices. As a matter of
courteous consideration, however, a call of an officer of lower rank may be returned.
Calls should be returned within a week or, at most, ten days.
(4) Calls among Diplomatic Ladies
Inquiries with the local Protocol Office should be made as to what calls should be
made by wives of the Head of Mission on wives of officials of the receiving Government
or members of the Diplomatic Corps.
(5) Calling Cards - The following forms may be used for official calling cards (5.5 X 9

Juan de la Cruz
Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of the Philippines


Juan de la Cruz
Third Secretary and Vice Consul
Embassy of the Philippines

Less formal cards may indicate the address and telephone number at the bottom, thus:

Juan de la Cruz
Second Secretary
Embassy of the Philippines
11-24 Nampeidi-machi
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 150

Tel. No. 346-4245

Fax No. (03) 349 2731


(1) Invitations to Subordinate Officers
Invitations issued by the Head of Mission to his subordinate officers and employees
to official social functions partake of the nature of official orders and may not be
declined, except for unavoidable reasons. Subordinate officers shall arrive earlier
than the other guests to assist the Head of Mission in their entertainment.
(2) Form of Invitations
Invitations to special occasions, such as the national holiday reception, shall be
specially printed with the seal of the Republic of the Philippines at the middle-top. Invitations to
less formal occasions may be made on printed forms with blanks left to be filled with
the name of the invitee, the time, place, and, if desired, the purpose of the invitation
at the space at the top. Invitations shall be issued in the name of the Head of
Mission and his wife, if she is present at the post.
(3) Accepting Invitations
R.S.V.P. invitations shall be answered as soon as conveniently practicable. The
answer must be categorical and never conditional or indefinite.

(4) Greeting the Head of Mission

Personnel of the Foreign Service establishment shall greet their Head of Mission
and the latters spouse in any ceremony or social gathering even though they had seen the
latter shortly earlier.
(5) Guest of Honor and Other Guests
To avoid difficulties in seating arrangements in a formal party, guests who outrank the
guest of honor should, if possible, not be invited.
(6) Place Cards
Place cards shall state only the simple titles of Heads of Mission and other high
ranking guests as The Minister of Foreign Affairs or The Ambassador of Spain, but the
surname shall be used on place cards for the wives, as Mrs. Romulo.
(7) Seating Arrangement
Under a single table arrangement, the guest of honor is always seated immediately
to the right of the host or hostess, and the next ranking guest immediately to the left,
and so forth. Ladies, as much as possible, should alternate with gentlemen.
Husbands and wives should not, as much as possible, be seated side by side. When
two guests are of the same rank and one is of the same nationality as the host,
precedence shall be given the other. A Head of Mission who is single may request the
wife of a subordinate to be a hostess for a social function although he may also
make, in the alternative, the guest of honor his co-host.
(8) Use of Card for Certain Occasions
Cards are used for certain occasions to express felicitations, bid farewell, etc., proper
abbreviated annotations being written in pencil on the lower left corner, as follows:

pour presenter (to introduce an official)

pour remercier (to express thanks)
pour consoler (to express condolence)
pour feliciter (to extend felicitations)
pour prendre conge (to take leave)

(9) Dress
Officers shall see to it that they are properly dressed for each function or ceremony.
The dress desired is ordinarily indicated at the lower right hand corner of the
invitation card.
9.1 Full or evening dress or white tie, used by gentlemen for formal
evening functions, consists of:
1) Black swallow tail coat with satin or fine grosgrain lapels;
2) Black trousers with side braid along each outseam;
3) White shirt with a stiff bosom;
4) Wing collar and white bow tie;
5) White waistcoat, single or double breasted, with or without lapels;
6) Black silk socks and black patent leather shoes;
7) High silk top hat or opera hat and white buck-skin gloves; and
8) When necessary, black or dark blue overcoat with white silk muffler.

9.2. Dinner dress, ordinarily black tie, and more colloquially, tuxedo,
consists of the following:

Black hip-length coat with silk or satin lapels;

Black trousers with wide braid along each outseam (same as full evening dress);
White, stiff or pleated bosomed shirt; or a soft evening shirt with studs
instead of buttons;
Turn-down, or attached collar and a black bow tie;
Low-cut black waistcoat, unless coat is double breasted; and
Opera hat or black homburg (usually the latter)

In the Philippines and other tropical countries, or in summer in temperate places,

the coat may be of white or light cream color.
9.3. The morning dress or cutaway worn at formal functions held
during the day, consists of
1) Black or oxford-gray cutaway tailcoat, hanging open in front, but without
silk or satin lapels;
2) Matching waistcoat or drove-gray double breasted waistcoat;
3) Striped trousers, either gray and black or black with white lines;
4) White shirt with stiff front, or soft with stiff or semi-stiff collar;
5) Turn-down collar being more often used than wing collar even on formal
occasions, and a gray or black and white four-in-hand tie, or ascot;
6) Black socks and shoes; and
7) Top hat; or gray homburg on certain occasions if the gray cutaway is

Meeting and Seeing-off Officials

A Head of Mission shall ordinarily meet and see-off the Head of State and the
Secretary or Minister of Foreign Affairs when any of them leaves for, or arrives
from, other countries. The wife of the Head of Mission shall ordinarily be present
when the official arriving or departing is accompanied by his wife. A Head of Mission shall also
meet and see-off important official personages coming from, or going to the Philippines on
official missions.


Leaving Post

A Head of Mission, upon leaving his post, on termination of his tour of duty,
personally bids farewell to the Head of the State, the Chief of the Foreign Office, to
other Heads of Mission and to close friends, he sends cards marked p.p.c. in


(1) Which name to use
1.1 Use the conservative approach, i.e., title followed by the last name, if spoken.
In writing, note the different variations in different countries and cultures:
1.1.1 In the Philippines and most countries the order is: first name/s,
middle name (maiden name of mother in males and single women,
and family name of husbands in married women), and the last (family)
Examples: Juan Villa Cruz, Christine Guzman Santiago
Note that in the Philippines, especially among women professionals, it is
also becoming popular to have a hyphenated family name
containing both the maiden family name of the woman and her
husbands family name.
Example: Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
Note also that in the Philippines it is common to see Ma. in
names of women, e.g. Ma. Erlinda Romero, sometimes even men,
Jose Ma. Roque. T his is an abbreviated form of Maria, a
common first name in the country.

Among the Chinese, or people of Chinese descent, the order is

reversed - last name followed by the first name.
Example: Yao Ming, Lee Kuan Yew


Among the Indians name + s / o or d / o

(Rajiv don of India)
Priyanba Daughter of Sonia


Malaysian name + bint or binte (Ahmad bint Abdullah)(Fatima binte


Note: It is always advisable to learn the local culture and practice

pertaining to the use of names to properly address people.
(2) It is always a sign of respect and courtesy to remember the names of people and to be able to
say or write them correctly. This is the first step towards establishing friendships and
goodwill with other people, whether in formal or informal circumstances. In official
documents, memoranda, correspondence, and invitations, it is essential to get the
names right.
2.1 If you forget the name of the person you are speaking to, politely say


Could you please repeat your name for me so I could get it right? (If you
still cant remember, you can say, Before I excuse myself, please tell me your
name again.) Or I am sorry, but could I get your name again.


There are other tactful ways of saving yourself without the other person knowing that at
the moment you have no idea what he/she is called.
If you encounter someone who greets you warmly but whose name or
face you cant recall, stall.
Return the persons greetings.
Then let him/her do the talking, listening attentively and at the same time trying to
remember his/her name.
Sometimes the conversation will give you a clue as to the persons identity.
In the meanwhile, try to appear as if you remember him/her as well.
You can ask for a calling card or simply ask What do they call you for short?
if the occasion permits.
If you cannot recall the persons name and the conversation continues
longer than you expected, sometimes it is better to ask the person apologetically
and politely to remind you of his name rather than calling him by a name that you are not sure
is his.
Take extra care in pronouncing someones name if it is uncommon or
difficult to pronounce.
To ask that person to check your pronunciation of his/her name or to inquire
about the correct way of saying it is appropriate and a compliment to that person.
Never make fun of another persons name or ask how he or she ever
came to be called that way. This is rude and inconsiderate.
Be sensitive to one who is trying to pronounce a difficult name. Inform him/her of
the proper way to say your name.
If someone mispronounces your name, correct the other person immediately and
To make light of the situation so as not to embarrass the other, you can tell some
anecdotes on the difficulty people have had with your name.
2.3. When you greet people you have not seen in a long time or those you dont usually
encounter, it is polite to identify yourself immediately.
How are you Mr. Cruz? Im David Singson, we attended a conference together a couple
of months ago.
Im Ric Suarez. Mrs. Santos, We go to the same gym.
(3) Making Introduction

3.1 Introducing people to each other

3.1.1 The proper protocol in introducing people to each other is guided by
considering their sex, age and rank, thus, introduce:
a man to a woman;
a younger person to an older woman, also single women are
introduced to married women and the younger one is
introduced to the older one;
a lower ranking person to a higher-ranking person.
Example: Alice may I introduce Ric Cortazar
then say to the man:
Ric I would like you to meet Alice Cruz.
However, if Ric is a person occupying a high rank (say President of a
company) than Alice, the position should be considered first.
Mr. Cortazar, may I present Alice Cruz.
Alice, this is Mr. Cortazar, President of the company.
Should a person join a group, it is easier to say:
Example: I would like you all to meet Gerry Alonzo.
Gerry meet Diane Santos, Patricia Noble, and Nena Ortiz.
Introduce newcomer first to the group and then the group,
usually at random, without observing priorities, if all are more
or less of equal ranking.
However, should the group include people of rank, it is best
to introduce the newcomer, to the people of higher rank.
Example: Your Excellency, Mr. Ambassador this is
Gerry Alonzo.
Rulers of countries, church dignitaries and chiefs of
delegations representing a country are always given the higher
priority when people are introduced to them.
4.1 When you are doing the introductions, make sure to speak clearly and pronounce the
names carefully and correctly. It is also polite to look at the persons you are
speaking to. It is accepted to provide descriptions about the persons you are
introducing, especially if it is relevant to the conversation. Observe
professional titles, such as Doctor or Attorney, when introducing people. (Be
careful with the use of the title DOCTOR, even if the person has a doctorate
degree (PhD). This is usually appropriate only for Doctors of medicine.)
4.2 In the Philippines, titles such as Senator, Governor, Ambassador,
Congressman, etc. are retained even though the persons term of office
may have ended.


4.3 Some suggested words of introductions are: Madam may I present (mans name)
Sir may I present (a younger persons name) May I introduce I have great
pleasure in introducing (Name of guest speaker).
4.4 When you are being introduced it is always advisable to smile and
acknowledge both the person making the introduction and the person/s being
introduced to you. Should a man be seated, it is polite for him to stand up shake
hands with other men and bow slightly to the women unless they offer to shake his hand.
Shaking hands with the person you are meeting for the first time is already
acceptable in most countries. However, when a man and a woman are being
introduced to each other, it might be more prudent for the man to wait for the woman
to extend her hand first. It is also prudent for a man not to address a woman
by her first name or nickname unless she indicates that she wishes him to do
so, this is especially true for formal occasions and business meetings.
4.5 When being introduced you may politely say How do you do? or How are
you? You may also want to repeat the other persons name to help you
remember it: How do you do, Mr. Bautista? A warm Hi, Hello, or Good afternoon (or
whatever is appropriate), is also acceptable.
Avoid using lines such as: My pleasure, Charmed, Im sure,Delighted to
make your acquaintance. These are unnatural and trite responses. You may
say instead Im glad to meet you. Or Ive heard so much about you. But say
these only if you really mean them.
Should the person introducing you mispronounce your name, or provided
incorrect information about you, point out the error immediately and set it right.
Do this politely without offending or embarrassing the person introducing you.
4.6 There is nothing improper about introducing yourself to others, but do it politely
and courteously. Timing is very important, especially if you are to interrupt a group of
people in the middle of a conversation. Make sure that the group is receptive
to your approach by making eye contact and offering a smile. Always be friendly in
your approach and when necessary say: excuse me.
When introducing yourself, state both your first and last names and avoid
using mister or miss or any other title or honorific. If it is relevant to the
conversation or you need to indicate what you do, simply state it: I am
Ricardo Cruz, I am a lawyer or Good evening, I am Christina Santos,
Second Secretary of the Philippine Embassy in New Delhi
4.7 Introductions are not always necessary. For instance, if you are walking with a
group and you chance upon a person you know, it is not necessary to make
introductions even if you talk briefly to that person. Also when eating out with
a group and a friend or acquaintance passes by your table, you are under no
obligation to present him to the group.
4.8 It is prudent to consider that there might be local and cultural variations when
making introductions. It is always wise to know the local practice and to follow them to
avoid any misunderstanding.

5.1 In handshakes, the proper precedence are:

The person of authority extends his/her hands first.

A woman extends her hand to a man.
A dignitary of the church extends his hand to a woman.
An elder woman extends her hand first to a younger woman.

5.2 Always shake hands with your right hand. In some cultures, shaking hands
using the left hand is considered very impolite.
5.3 Always accept a gesture of handshake. It is considered rude and disrespectful
to ignore or refuse an offer of handshake.
5.4 If you are holding a drink, especially during cocktails, hold it with your left
hand so that your right hand is always free to shake hands when your are
introduced to somebody.
5.5 If your hands are both full, say with a drink on one hand and an appetizer on
the other, and a person extends his hand to you, just politely say It is so nice
to meet you, excuse me (or forgive me) but my hands are full. Make sure,
however, to extend a gesture of handshake to that person if another
opportunity arises and if it still appropriate, e.g., before you leave or before that
person leaves.
5.6 Shaking hands is not only for introductions, it is also an appropriate gesture
when an agreement has been reached; when a meeting has been concluded;
or when saying goodbye in formal occasions and official functions.
5.7 Handshakes should be firm, but not too tight. It usually lasts no longer than 4
seconds. Always give a warm handshake, avoid being reluctant and hurried, however,
also avoid being over eager, and never exaggerate your handshake.

6.1 Types of Cards
6.1.1 Calling Card

Ricardo S. Cruz

A calling card contains only the name and profession of the holder.

Business Card
Ricardo S. Cruz
Embassy of the Philippines

Tel. No. ___


A business card contains the name, profession of the holder and other information such as
address and contact number of the holder.

6.2 Calling and Business Cards should always be formal. Fonts and font sizes
should be easy to read. Use standard white stationery and avoid colored
stationeries and those with decorations. Never use a scented card. Avoid
putting pictures or unnecessary graphics, such as borders, drawings, and other
art works.
6.3 Remember that Cards serve many purposes. Aside from giving a new acquaintance a
ready reference or guide in pronouncing your name, they are utilized in informal
greetings or conveying informal messages. This is done by simply writing in pencil
on the left hand corner of the card accepted French abbreviations, such as:

pour remercier
pour presenter
pour consoler
pour feliciter
pour prendre conge

to express thanks or appreciation

to introduce or present somebody
to convey sympathies or condolence
to congratulate or felicitate
to take leave or say adieu

6.4 Timing is also important in giving your card. Sometimes, it is not advisable to
present your card immediately upon being introduced or when entering an office. One
should wait for the proper occasion. Remarks like What sort of business
are you in? or I hear you are an investment banker, how do I reach you
could be the right moment to present a card.
6.5 In giving a card, always be polite and accompany it with a phrase like:May I give you
my card in case I can be of help to you?
6.6 When someone offers you a card, take it with your right hand. Glance at it
and put it in a pocket or in handbag after a little while. Never put a card in
your pocket or handbag without reading its content, this is considered as
6.7 In some cultures, like the Japanese and Chinese, you have to use both
hands, using thumb and forefinger, in handing your card. The name printed
on the card should face the receiver. Bow slightly as you hand the card to the
6.8 It is the same when receiving a card from a Japanese or Chinese, use both hands,
using thumb and forefingers, to receive card. Look at the card, read it to show
appreciation. Do not put the card away immediately. Wait for a little while
before putting card in your pocket or until giver has left. When you are seated
and in front of a table, it is also very polite to place the cards on the table for a
while, or throughout the duration of your conversation.
(7) Addressing Officials

Addressing Government Officials: A Sampling


Introductions and

Letter Salutation

Speaking to

Place Card

The President

The President The

White House
(Abroad he is
introduced as
The President of the
United States of

Dear Mr. President:

Mr. President

The President

The First Lady

Mrs. Madison
(She is the only official
woman always
addressed out of
respect as Mrs.
Maddison, without a
given name. A social
invitation would be
addressed to:
The President and
Mrs. Madison
The Vice President

Dear Mrs. Madison

Mrs. Madison

Mrs. Madison

Dear Mr. Vice


Mrs. Adams

Mrs. Adams

Dear Mrs. Adams

Mrs. Adams

Mrs. Adams

Dear Mr. Speaker

Mr. Speaker

The Speaker of
the House

Dear Mr. Chief


Mr. Chief

The Chief Justice

Dear Justice: or
Dear Justice Zissu:

Justice or
Justice Zissu

Justice Zissu

Dear Mr. Secretary

The Secretary
or Secretary
de la Cruz

The Secretary of

The VicePresident

Vice Presidents
Speaker of the

Chief Justice

The White House

A social invitation
would be addressed
The Vice President
and Mrs. Adams
Mrs. John Adams
The Honorable
Michael Duncan
Speaker of the House
or, socially: The
Speaker of the House
and Mrs. Duncan
The Chief Justice
The Supreme Court
Address or, socially:
The Chief Justice and
Mrs. Warner


Cabinet Member

Justice Jissu
The Supreme Court or,
Justice Zissu and Mrs.
The Honorable Juan
de la Cruz Secretary of
Labor or, socially:
The Secretary of Labor
and Mrs. De la Cruz


of Labor


Director of

US Senator




State Senator


The Honorable Mark

Lopez Undersecretary
of Labor or, socially:
The Undersecretary of
Labor and Mrs. Lopez
The Honorable Juan
Palma Atty. General of
the United States or,
socially: The Attorney
General and Mrs.
The Honorable Diane
Director of Central
Intelligence or, socially:
The Director of Central
Intelligence and Mr.
Jose Ruiz
The Honorable Fred
United States Senate
or, socially:
Senator and Mrs. Fred
The Honorable Sarah
House of
or, socially:
The Honorable Sarah
Tune and Mr. Chris
The Honorable David
American Embassy
or, socially:
The Honorable David
Luce and Mrs. Luce
The Honorable Hilario
H. Davide
Governor of Cebu
or, socially:
Governor and Mrs.
Hilario Davide
The Honorable Jorge
R. Morales
or, socially:
State Senator Jorge
Morales and Mrs.
The Honorable
Michael L. Rama
Mayor of Cebu City
or socially:
Mayor and Mrs.
Michael L. Rama

Dear Mr.

Mr. Attorney

Undersecretary of

Dear Director:


The Director of

Dear Senator Lee

Senator or
Senator Lee

Senator Lee

Dear Ms. Thune

Ms. Thune

The Honorable
Thune or Ms.

Dear Ambassador


Ambassador Luce

Dear Governor:


The Governor of

Dear Governor


Dear Senator


The Honorable
Judge Morales

Dear Mr. Mayor

Mayor Rama

The Mayor of
Cebu City

Dear Mr. Attorney


The Attorney

Dear Mr.

Dear Mayor Rama


Governor Fine


The Honorable Robert

Judge, RTC Branch 3
Cebu City
or, socially:
Judge and Mrs. Robert

Dear Judge Quinlan

Judge Quinlan

Judge Quinlan

Addressing Women
Addressing the Spouses of Officially Ranked People

When an
officials wife
uses her
husbands name
When an
officials wife
goes by her own
Spouse of high
ranking woman
When both
husband and
wife have rank

Introduction and
The Secretary of
Commerce and
Mrs. Cruz

Letter Salutation

Speaking to:

Place Card

Dear Mrs. Cruz

Mrs. Cruz

Mrs. Roe

The Secretary of
Commerce and
Ms. Lisa Abella

Dear Mrs. Abella

Ms. Smith

Ms. Smith

Senator Miriam
Defensor and Mr.
Dave Defensor
The Honorable
David Green and
The Honorable
Ann Green

Dear Mr.

Mr. Defensor

Mr. Defensor

Dear Senator

Senator Green

Jerome Tate and
Lieutenant Tate

Dear Lieutenant

Lieutenant Tate:


We call women in this country Mrs., Miss, or Ms., followed by a surname. When we
meet a woman from another country, we often have trouble catching a complicated
name, and we dont know whether to call her Miss or Mrs. The Solution is to call
her simply Madame. French is the language of diplomacy throughout the world, and
Madame is almost as much of a catch-all as Ms. In the American idiom.
Use Madame for a woman who is out of her teens or if you know for a fact that she is
married. It makes life very simple. You dont have to say Madame Abdourahmane
when youre taking with her. Just Madame will do.
The Honorable in front of a persons name is a title held for life by a person who holds
or has held high office at the federal, state, or city levels. However, there is a nuance
that must be remembered: A person who is addressed by others as The Honorable should not
put the title on her own business cards, a personal letterhead, or on the invitations she

extends. If, for example, an ex-official is now a partner in a law firm, on firms stationery his
name would be listed with the other partners with The Honorable before it, but if it his stationery
alone, his name should not bear that honorific. In other words, it is a distinction
bestowed by someone else on a person, not by the person on himself.
The following are among those who carry The Honorable title through their lives:
The President and the Vice President
Cabinet members, Deputy Secretaries, Undersecretaries, and Assistant Secretaries
Presidential Assistants
American career and appointed ambassadors
American representatives (including alternates and deputies) to international
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, associate justices, judges of other courts
All members of Congress
The Secretary of the Senate;
the clerk of the House
The sergeants at arms of the Senate and House
Librarian of Congress
Comptroller General (General Accounting Office)
Heads, assistant heads, and commissioners of U.S. government agencies
Governor and lieutenant governor of a state
Secretary of State, Chief Justice, and attorney general of a state
State treasurer, comptroller, or auditor
State senator, representative, assemblyman, or delegate
Members of the city council, commissioners, etc.
In addressing an invitation to a married woman who is in office and whose husband has
no rank, her name precedes his:
The Honorable Julia Rosen and Mr. Geoffrey Rosen
When she is no longer in office, she still retains The Honorable, but her name returns to its place
after her husbands:
Mr. Geoffrey Rosen and The Honorable Julia Rosen
Since we do much business with Great Britain, it is important for those having a great
deal of contact with the country to understand its layers of leadership: the Crown, the
government, and the peers of the realm. Protocol for the Royal Family is carefully prescribed, and
even though philosophically we do not adhere to the principles of a monarchy, we should
respect our British friends admiration for it. It is impossible to please the British in their
own country and to please British business people visiting here if we are totally unknowledgeable
about their countrys history or the Crown.
One does not write directly to a member of the Royal Family; write to The Private Secretary
Her Majesty the Queen

His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

His Royal Highness, The Prince Charles, Prince of Wales
Her Royal Highness, The Princess Ann (married to Commodore Timothy Lawrence of the
Royal Navy)
His Royal Highness, The Prince William
His Royal Highness, The Prince Harry
His Royal Highness, The Duke of York
Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of York
His Royal Highness, The Prince Edward (married to Sophie Reese Jones, The Countess of
If you are fortunate enough to be invited to tea by Her Majesty the Queen, your invitation will come
from her Master of the Household, and it might read as follows:
The Master of the Household
is Commanded by Her Majesty to invite
[your name written on this line]
to an Afternoon Party at Buckingham Palace
on Tuesday, February 4thfrom four to six oclock

The British Government


The Prime

The Home
(Equivalent of
our Secretary of

Introduction and
The Rt. Hon
Margaret Thatcher,
(MP means
member of
or, socially:
The Prime Minister
and Mr. Ivan
The Rt. Hon. Ron
Coates, P.C., M.P.
Home Secretary
or, socially
The Rt. Hon. Ron
and Mrs. Coates


Speaking to

Place Card

Dear Prime

Madam Prime

The Prime

Dear Mr.
Coates: or, if
Dear Sir Ron:
or Dear Lord

Mr. Coates or if
he is titled, it
might be Sir
Ronald or Lord

The Home

(Other Cabinet post would be addressed in a similar manner)

A British
Ambassador to
the United States

His Excellency
David Leeds
Ambassador of
Great Britain or, if
titled, it might be:
His Excellency Sir
David Leeds

Leeds: or, if
Dear Sir David


Mr. Ambassador
or Sir David

Ambassador of
Great Britain

The Peerage

A non-royal Duke

Introduction and
The Duke of
The Duke and
Duchess of

Letter Salutation

Speaking to

Place Card

Dear Duke:
Dear Duchess


The Duke of

(The English often address a duke and duchess as Your Grace and speak to them as
His Grace the Duke of. . . but Americans are not expected to follow this procedure).
Dukes eldest
son and

eldest son;
Earls wife, a
Viscount eldest
son of an earl



Marquess of
Chester or,
The Marquess
and Marchioness
of Chester
Earl of Meads
or, socially:
Earl and
Countess of
or, socially:
Viscount and
The Lord
Lyndhurst or,
Lord and Lady
Sir Albert
Northrop, Bt.
or, socially:
Sir Albert and
Lady Northrop

Dear Lord

Introduction and
His Excellency
Eric C. Johnson
or, socially:
General and

Lord Chester

Lord Chester

Lady Chester

Lady Chester

Lord Meads

Lord Meads

Lady Meads

Lady Meads

Lord Brentwood


Dear Lady
Dear Lord of
Dear Lady of
Dear Viscount

Lady Brentwood
Dear Lady
Dear Lord

Lord Lyndhurst

Lord Lyndhurst

Lady Lyndhurst

Lady Lyndhurst

Sir Albert

Sir Albert

Dear Lady

Lady Northrop

Lady Northrop

Letter Salutation

Speaking to

Place Card

Dear Governor


The Governor
General of

Dear Lady
Dear Sir Albert:

Canadian Official



Governor of

Prime Minister of

Premier of a
province of

Member of

Member of the
House of

Mayor of a city or

Chief Justice

Mrs. Johnson
His Honour The
Gerald L. Dowd
or, socially:
Governor and
Mrs. Dowd
The Right
Andrew C. Fitch,
P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of
or, socially:
The Prime
Minister and Mrs.
The Honourable
Carolyn Cadre
Premier of the
Province of
or, socially:
The Honourable
Carolyn Cadre
and Mr. Jacques
The Honourable
Laura Flynn
The Senate,
or, socially:
The Honourable
Laura Flynn and
Mr. Lesley Flynn
Samuel Morris
Esq., M.P.
House of
Commons or,
Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Morris
His Worship
Mayor Kenneth
City Hall
or, socially:
His Worship
Mayor Kenneth
Woods and Mrs.
The Right

Dear Lieutenant


The Lieutenant
Governor of

Dear Mr. Prime


Prime Minister

The Prime
Minister of

Dear Madam

Premier Cadre

The Premier of

Dear Senator


The Honourable
Laura Flynn

Dear Mr. Morris

Mr. Morris

Samuel Morris
Esq., M.P.

Dear Mr. Mayor

Mr. Mayor

The Mayor of

Dear Mr. Chief

Chief Justice

The Chief


Roger C. Bolton
Chief Justice of
or, socially:
The Right
Roger C. Bolton
and Mrs. Bolton



Justice of

Note: Since people in Great Britain and the Commonwealth spell Honourable with u, it
is proper to use their own spelling.
Diplomatic Protocol with Other Nations
Writing to Officials of Foreign Republics
When you write to foreign officials of a foreign republic, follow the style given in this
table of the country of France

President of the

Prime Minister of
the Republic of

Minister of
Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of

and Addressing
His Excellency
Henri Vaudoyer
President of the
Republic of
or, socially:
The President
of France and
His Excellency
Jean de
Prime Minister
of the Republic
of France
or, socially:
The Prime
Minister of the
Republic of
France and
Her Excellency
Jeanne dArcy
Minister of
Foreign Affairs
or, socially:
The Minister of
Foreign Affairs


Speaking to

Place Card

Dear Mr.

Mr. President

The President
of the Republic
of France

Dear Mr. Prime


Mr. Prime

The Prime
Minister of the
Republic of

Dear Madame


The Minister of
Foreign Affairs
of the Republic
of France


and Monsiuer
Pierre dArcy
The United Nations

The Secretary

A foreign UN

The United
to the United

Introduction and
Her Excellency
General of the
United Nations


Speaking to

Place Card

Dear Madame


The Secretary
General of the
United Nations

His Excellency
Ambassador of
Mission of
Japan to the
United Nations
The Honorable
Henry Gregory
United States
s to the United

Dear Mr.



Dear Mr.



The Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps have the following commissioned
officers according to rank:
Lieutenant General
Major General
Brigadier General
Lieutenant Colonel
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
The Navy and Coast Guard have the following:
Vice Admiral
Rear Admiral

Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant, junior grade
How to Address a Military Man or Women
Examples of
Military Rank

Introduction and Letter Salutation Speaking to

Place Card
First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Dear Lieutenant Lieutenant Dix
Lieutenant Dix
Richard Dix,
or, socially:
First Lieutenant
and Mrs.
Richard Dix
Captain in the
Captain Joseph
Dear Captain
Captain von
Captain von
von Sauers,
von Sauers
Sauers or
or, socially:
Captain and
Mrs. Joseph von
Lieutenant Col
Dear Colonel
Colonel Haig
Colonel Haig
Frank Haig,
or, socially:
Lieutenant Col.
and Mrs. Frank
Chief Warrant
Chief Warrant
Dear Chief
Chief Warrant
Ms. Turner
Officer Jane
Warrant Officer
Officer Turner
or, informally:
or, socially:
Chief Warrant
Ms. Turner
Officer Jane
Dear Ms. Turner
Turner and Mr.
John Turner
Master Sergeant Dear Sergeant
Sergeant Tatum
Mr. Tatum
d Officers in Army, Tony Tatum or,
Air Force, and
Marine Corps
Master Sergeant
and Mrs. Tony
Follow same form for any rating, including Sergeant Major, Sergeant First Class, Platoon
Sergeant, Corporal, Specialist (classes 4 to 9), Private First Class, etc)
Enlisted person in
the Navy

SN Robert Peltz
Address of his
or, socially:
Seaman and
Mrs. Robert

Dear Seaman


Seaman Peltz

Seaman Peltz

Retired officer in
the Army or Air

Retired Officer in
Navy or Coast

Cadet at West
(same Air Force
Academy, with
address change)

Midshipman at
U.S. Naval
Academy; Cadet
at US Coast

Major Robert
or, socially:
Major and Mrs.
Robert Orr
Rear Admiral
Spencer Davis,
or, socially:
Rear Admiral
and Mrs.
Spencer Davis
Cadet Mark
Boland, US
Army Company
---, Corps of
United States
West Point, NY
19 0996
Joan Doan
US Naval
Cadet Stephen
United States
Coast Guard

Dear Major Orr

Major Orr

Major Orr

Dear Admiral

Admiral Davis

Admiral Davis

Dear Mr. Boland

Mr. Boland

Mr. Boland

Dear Ms or Miss

Ms. Or Miss

Ms. Doan

Or Dear Mr. Cole

Mr. Cole

Dear Cadet

Mr. Cole

The Roman Catholic Hierarchy


The Pope

The Apostolic
Delegate in
Washington (the

Introduction and
His Holiness,
the Pope
His Holiness
Pope Augustus
His Excellency,
The Most
Bishop of


Speaking to

Your Holiness

Your Holiness


Your Excellency/
His Excellency the
Apostolic Delegate


Place Card

Excellency the
Apostolic Delegate



Bishop and




Washington DC
The Apostolic
His Eminence,
Archbishop of
St. Louis
The Most
Reverend Paul
Murphy, Bishop
(Archbishop) of
The Right
Reverend Julius
The Reverend
Father James
Church Rectory
Brother David
Joan Reynolds
Or Sister Mary

Your Eminence:
Or Dear
Dear Bishop
Dear Father

Dear Brother
Dear Sister


l Sheehan

l Sheehan

Excellency/ Bishop


Monsignor Coneo

Monsignor Coneo

Father Uy

Father Orr

Brother David
Or Brother Max
Sister Reynolds
Sister Mary

Brother David
Or Brother Max
Sister Reynolds
Sister Mary

The most common social events in diplomatic life are cocktail parties, formal dinners, vin
d honneur, luncheon, and teas.
1.1. At formal receptions, there is usually a receiving line to give each guest the
opportunity to greet the Host, Hostess and Guests of Honor. When entertaining
in honor of distinguished guests, the following receiving linear recommended:
a) Host, Guest of Honor, Hosts Wife, Wife of the Guest of Honor
b) Host, Guest of Honor, Wife of the Guest of Honor, Hostess
1.2. It is also customary to announce the arrival of guests. This is usually done either
by the Protocol Officer, Military Attach or a Junior Official. It is also useful to
have one or more Junior Officers standing near the end of the line.
1.3. At National Day receptions, the receiving line may include the Deputy Chief of
Mission (DCM) and his wife after the Chief of Mission (CM) and his wife.
1.4. The receiving line at the reception or cocktail party should be kept as short as
possible. A long receiving line tends to slow down a reception and serves no useful
1.5. At the end of the function, when the guests depart, the order of the reception line is
2.1. Toasting is a graceful means of expressing good feelings and sentiment to an
Honoree county. Thus, it is acceptable in almost all social functions such as Vin
d honneur, National Day receptions, official dinners and luncheons, cocktail
2.2. The toast is usually done either before or after dessert. A toast is usually
preceded by a remark by the Host, after which the Host invites other guests to join
him in a toast. The Honoree then responds with his own remarks and invites the guests
for another toast
2.3. In diplomatic functions, toasts are usually made for a country, the Head of State
or Government, and, as with other functions, the Host and Honoree. A toast can
also refer to the healthy cooperation and good relations between countries and
2.4. It is customary toast with wines, but other beverages are also acceptable,
especially in countries where wines or other alcoholic drinks are prohibited.
2.5. Sample of a very simple toast:

My friends
A toast to the Republic of the Philippines
To (name of person being toasted)
For his health, happiness and good fortune
To everyone here present and
To people of goodwill everywhere
Mabuhay (the audience takes their sips first before the person offering a
3.1. Cocktails, Wines, and Liquor
3.1.1. Different glasses are used for different drinks during parties and dinners.
For cocktails like martinis, stingers, Manhattan, side cars, and the like,
cocktail glasses are used. These are stemmed glasses designed to keep the
heat of the hand from the chilled content. Glasses for wines are also
stemmed for the same purpose. For liquors which can be served on-the-rocks,
i.e. with ice, such as scotch or vodka, tumblers or old-fashioned glasses are
used. For tall drinks such as gin and tonic, scotch with soda, bourbon with
ginger ale, Singapore sling, or any other drink requiring a glass with more volume,
highball glasses are used.
The following illustrates the different glasses and the drinks which they are used for:

3.1.2. Most common cocktails include: Martini, Sidecar, Whisky sour, Alexander,
Daiquiri, Manhattan, Gin and Tonic, Singapore sling, Tom Collins, Sangria,
Margarita. There are also a wide variety of wines, but there are basically
three categories: Red, White, and Rose wines.
3.1.3. If you are hosting a cocktail party in your residence, it is advisable to have
the following beverages called merry mixers Whisky, Rum, Gin, Vodka, White
wine, Red Wine, Tequila, Bourbon, Vermouth, Soda, Tonic water, Limejuice,
Beer, Soft drinks, and fruits juice. You should also have some orange slice,
cherries, onion pearls, assorted nuts, cocktail napkins, and toothpicks.



4.1. Dinner requirements
4.1.1. China show plates: dinner plates, salad plates, soup plates, and bread
plates (finer than those used for daily meals). Show plates are usually silver
or brass, capiz or wood to be placed directly under the dinner plates.
4.1.2. Silvers or cutlery: fork, knives, spoons, usually of silver, although high
quality stainless may be used.
4.1.3. Glasses
4.1.4. Linen: Tablecloth, napkins, placemats, table runners, doily.
4.1.5. Optional accessories: candelabra, salt and peppershakers, place card
holders, ashtrays, hostess bell.
4.1.6. Table centerpiece (usually flower or fruits).
4.1.7. Seating diagram, place cards, and finger bowls.
4.2. Seating Arrangements








Lady Host
Guest of Honor
Lady Guest of Honor





Lady Host
Guest of Honor
Lady Guest of Honor

5 1



4.2.3 Rectangular Table of Eight





Gentleman of Honor
Lady of Honor

4.2.4 Round Table of Eight




When Dining Out






Tables of Ten





When Only One Sex is Represented






Gentleman of Honor
Lady of Honor


Guest of Honor

Seating at a U-Shape Table




Seating at the Head Table





Guest of Honor
Lady of Honor
Master of Ceremonies

Multi Table Arrangements

Asst. Host


Asst. Host


Asst. Host

4.4. Table Settings

4.4.1. Formal Table Setting


4.4.2. Everyday Dinner Setting


4.4.3. Traditional Formal Service

4.4.5 Royal Service

4.4.6. Table Setting: Some Basic Guidelines

Forks are placed tines up on the left side of the dinner plate. The oyster fork, if
needed, is also placed on the left.
Spoons with their bowls facing up are placed on the right side of the dinner plate.
The soup spoon (with a large rounded head and loops heavy) is the only spoon on the


Knives are also placed on the right side of the dinner plate with the blades facing
the plate.
The silvers or utensils for all courses are arranged so that the diner picks up the
farthest utensils on each side as different courses are served.
The first large glass to the right of the plate is the water goblet.
The wine glasses are also set to the right above the dinner plate.
Use matching glasses for each wine.
The dessert spoon is placed above the dinner plate.
The salt and peppershaker are to the left of the dinner plate.
The bread plate with the butter knife on it is placed to the left of the dinner plate.
After dinner, place the unfolded table napkin on the dinner plate. While it is not necessary
to fold the used table napkin, place it on top of the dinner plate neatly.
If you do not want your guests to smoke, do not put ashtrays on the dinner table.
Prepare a seating diagram and display it at the entrance to the dining room for
guests to know their place at the dinner table.
Place cards are placed just above the dinner plates.
If chocolates and mints will be served, put them in open bowls between the
candles and the centerpiece.
A finger bowl with doily underneath is used at the meals end by each guest. Put in cold
water and a curl of lemon peel or flower dcor in the bowl.
Coffee may be served at the table in demitasse cups, the teaspoon lay on each
saucer, and the cups handle is directed towards the guest.
Candles may be white or colored, but white or ivory candles are preferable. Very elaborate
candles with color or metallic ornamentation are in poor taste and will detract the effect
of the centerpiece. Candle flames should be above eye level or well below. Candle is
seldom used in daytime
Do not overcrowd the table with ornaments, this will make serving difficult and
the table itself will look cluttered, making it less attractive to the guests.
Ensure proper lighting, if there is too little light, the food loses its attractiveness
since people like to see what they are eating.
4.5. Menu
4.5.1. Standard Menu

Hors d oeuvres
Fish course

Meat course

Optional items:


4.5.2. Sample menu for a formal dinner

Hors d oeuvres
Fish course
Coffee or Tea

shrimp cocktail
beef consomm
tenderloin steaks with tossed green salad

4.5.3. Sequence of food service

Hors d oeuvres
Bread / butter
White wine
Red wine
Tea / coffee

4.6. Dinner Service: Some Guidelines

In a formal dinner, the service calls for a procedure of exchanging one plate for
another so the place in front of the guest is always clean until dessert
Food is served from the left side of the guest and the plate is removed from the
right. The waiter or server removes the plate with the right hand.
All service starts with the Lady Guest of Honor followed by all other lady guests
with the Hostess the last to be served among the ladies. Then the male Guest of
Honor is served and then the other gentlemen and finally the Host.
In a larger table, it is preferable to simultaneously serve the guests so that food
will be eaten while still hot.


Dry crackers or dry toast and butter are usually served with the soup. They are
placed on the bread and butter plate.
White wine should be properly chilled and is served first. It is then poured into the
wine glass prior to the next course. All wines are served from the right of the
Salad is served after the soup or it may also before the meat course.
The following should not be brought to the guests: thermos bottle of hot water,
bottle of instant coffee, or can of milk. Instead, have a special container for
instant coffee and a similar one for tea. Use silver or porcelain coffee pot for hot
water, a cream and sugar set and a small container for lemon or calamansi .
Calamansi should be wrapped individually in cheesecloth.
Water glasses are filled at intervals throughout the meal.
Wines are poured before the courses and refilled when necessary.
A tray of chocolate or mints are passed around after dinner amenities are taking
place. These are called petit fours.
(5) Dinner Etiquette
5.1. Napkin
As soon as you sit down at the table, spread your napkin across your leg. A
regular sized napkin (16 inches square) must be completely unfolded; a large
dinner napkin (23 x 23 inches) should be only unfolded half. The napkin should
stay on the lap until you rise to leave the table.
If you must leave the table during the meal, put the napkin on the seat of the
chair (not on the table).
When dinner is over, fold the napkin neatly and leave it on the table to the left
of the plate. If using napkin rings, fold the napkins carefully and slip them into
their rings before leaving the table.
Dont use the napkin as a bib.
A woman should not blot her lipstick on the napkin.
5.2. Saying grace
If grace is to be said before the meal, follow your hosts lead. If the host remains
standing for the blessing of the food, you should do too.
Dont drink or eat anything before grace is said. Remain silent with your head
bowed until the end of the prayer. You may say Amen, then put your napkin in your
5.3. When to start eating
The last person to be served is the host/hostess. Everyone at the table should
wait until the last person is served before starting to eat. An exception to this
is when the host urges the guests to begin eating at once as soon as the food is

If there is no hostess, then the woman guest of honor on the hosts right
should be the first one to begin eating. Everyone else will follow her.
5.4. Serving oneself from the platter
All food bowls and platters are passed from the left.
To serve yourself from a platter, take the serving fork in your left hand and
spoon in your right and scoop up the food in order to transfer them to your
Leave the serving utensils lying neatly side by side in a manner that makes it easy for the
next person to serve himself.
Take modest portions. This is true even in a buffet, if the food is plentiful, you
can always go back for more.
5.5. Special food preference
If you have any reason (medical, religious, etc.) that would not allow you to
eat food normally served in parties, dinners or other formal meals, talk it over
your host prior to the event.
If you are not able to talk to the host prior to the event, just politely decline the
food that is being served and discreetly explain to the host why you could not
partake of the food. Being discreet on this matter will avoid embarrassment
on the part of the host. Also avoid discussing the matter during the meal, as
this might make the other guests uncomfortable. Be gracious not to draw
attention to yourself so that the others can enjoy the meal. Do not force the
host to prepare special food for you if the event is already going on, but if he insists
and does prepare one, be sure to thank your host.
Help yourself with the other food that you could eat, this would be very
reassuring to the host.
5.6. Spilling
If you spill anything that could be blot out with napkin, do so. For a minor stain,
such as drops of gravy or sauce, dab it and clean it as well as possible with three or
four pats of the napkin. Return the napkin to the lap folded in such a way not
to transfer the stain from the napkin to your clothes.
In a restaurant, the host should call the waiter to clean up the spill.
If you accidentally break a glass, or any dinnerware, or your spillage ruined a
tablecloth or any linen, sincerely apologize to your host. If the dinnerware or
linen is the personal property of the host, you can offer to replace the damaged
wares or linens.
Apologize to the other guests for having spilled something. Do not, however,
prolong the apologies. The sooner the party gets back to normal, with the
accident forgotten, the better for everyone.
5.7. Positions of Implements
When you pause from eating, put the fork, tines down, on the left side of the
plate and the knife, with blade facing inward, on the right. When dinner is
completely finished, put the knife, with blade facing inward, and fork next to
each other on the right side of the plate (as in American style).


In the case of coffee or tea, lay the spoon on the under saucer, do not leave it sticking up
in the cup. Do not, however, lay the spoon in the soup plate, leave it instead, in the
soup bowl. In a tall glass of iced tea with a tall spoon or stirrer, balance the
stirrer on the under-saucer when not in use. If there is no under saucer, the
stirrer remains upright in your glass; grasp it between your index and middle
finger while you drink so that it does not fall out of the glass.
5.8. Table Manners
Always maintain good posture at table with your body straight in the chair
and feet together on the floor.
When not eating, rest your hands on the table (with bottom of the wrists
balanced on the tables edge) or leave your hands under the table on your
lap. Do not put your elbows on top of the table.
Do not play with the utensils or with your food.
Rather than reach across the table to grab something you like, ask the
person nearest to the item to pass it on to you. Remember to say please when
asking a favor and thank you once your favor has been granted.
Do not pour salt and pepper over the food before you have even tasted it. If the
dinner or lunch is prepared by the host, do not ask for condiments or
sauces if none are provided, you may, however, do this in restaurants.
Cut your meat one piece at a time. Cut one small piece, then eat it before
cutting another.
The only way to eat is quietly. Chew only small bites of food and swallow
them with the mouth closed.
Do not eat too fast. Swallow each mouthful before shoveling in the next.
Never speak when your mouth is full.
Wipe as often as necessary your fingers and mouth with the napkin.
You may mop the sauce remaining on your plate, spear a small piece of roll of
bread on your fork, squish it around in the sauce and then put it in your
mouth taking care not to let it drip on you. Dont take a piece of bread in
your fingers and do the mopping up because that can be messy. Using the bread
on the fork is preferable.
If you are served certain food that you dislike, either politely decline or, if it
is already on your plate, leave it untouched, but as much as possible do try out all
food that is served to you.
The proper way of scooping soup is to tip your soup bowl on plate away from you
and spoon the soup away from you.
Pick up your soup cup or bowl only after everything floating around it bits
of meat, cheese, mushrooms, etc. has been consumed. Then and only then
can you pick it up and take it to the last sip.
Soup must not be cooled by stirring, lifting with the spoon, or blowing. If it
is too hot, spoon the soup along the rim of the plate where it cools faster.
Take the soup soundlessly, without a slurp.
If you take soup from a cup, you will need to wipe off your mouth.
Do not dunk a piece of bread or roll in the soup. If offered a spoon and a
bowl of breadcrumbs, serve yourself some on top of the soup, if you desire, but only a
very few.
Never break the cracker into the soup, it will make it soggy.
It is acceptable to tilt the soup plate backwards to get the remaining soup.
This is acceptable but it is best to leave a little on your plate.
Take your soup from the side of your spoon, not from the front, as it is too
large. Remove the soup plate from the right.

American style of eating

After cutting the meat, put the knife down on the plate, transfer the fork to your
right from the left, spear a piece of meat and then eat it. Here there is a transfer
of the fork after cutting, from the left hand to the right hand.
Continental style of eating
Keep your fork in the left hand and convey the food to the mouth after cutting a
piece of meat. The knife remains in your right hand. Here the fork is held in the
left hand and the knife in the right hand all through the meal. This is a much
quieter, more graceful and more efficient way of eating than the American way.
There is no clattering that occurs as one shifts the fork from the cutting positions
in the left hand to the eating position in the right, mean while laying the knife down on
the plate each time.
The order of holding the utensils can be reversed if you are left- handed.
Eating Dessert
Dessert is eaten more easily continental style.
It is easier to eat almost any dessert by using two implements a fork and a
Eat the dessert with the spoon in your right hand and use the fork as a buttress
on the left or do the opposite spoon in your left hand and fork in your right
whichever is comfortable to you.
Eating specific food
Filleted fish is easy to eat. If the fish is not filleted, however, the technique is to
insert the tip of the knife under the backbone, slide the knife under the fishbone
and then gently lift the fishbone with the knife. Put it on the side of the plate. If the
fish is served with the head, cut it off first before you fillet the fish.
The easiest way to eat noodles or pasta is with the fork in your left hand and the
knife (or spoon) on the right. Twirl the strands of pasta around the fork. Pile a
small amount of pasta on the fork and support by pushing the knife (or spoon)
against it to keep it intact. Then bring the fork to your mouth. (If you are left
handed, you can hold the fork with your right hand and the knife with your left.)
Some people use a piece of bread on the right hand as a pusher to act like a spoon in
keeping the noodles on the fork.
Some people eat pasta without using the spoon as support. This is perfectly fine.
Just twine some noodles around the fork, then, keep turning you fork around
slowly until the strands are rolled compactly around it and put it in your mouth.
Mix the sauce and grated cheese before eating the pasta dish. You may mop the
last pasta sauce with a piece of bread speared on your fork.
Never cut the strands of pasta into pieces.
Drinking wine and liquors
Drinking wine is optional and politely refusing it is fine.

Do not ask for a soft drink or beer unless it is offered.

Hold the wine glass at its stem. Do not place the wine glass in between your fingers nor
cup it with your palm. Wines taste better if they are chilled, and doing these with the
wine glass will warm the wines contained in them. Do these, however, with liquors,
such as brandy, as liquors taste better if they are warm.
Brandies should occupy only of the glass, never fill to the brim. A brandy glass
is held with the palm of the hands facing upwards and the stem is caught
between the third and fourth finger.
Always drink moderately.
(6) After the event
If you are the host, be sure to greet and thank your guests as they leave the
If you are a guest, be sure to thank your hosts before leaving the occasion. After
formal dinners, do not linger longer than is necessary unless the host insists that
you stay longer. On the other hand, if you have to leave earlier than the other guests,
politely apologize to the host and the other guests. A short explanation would be
reassuring to the host.
It is also acceptable to send a note of thanks the day after the event.


Invitations to special occasions such as National Day receptions shall be printed
with the seal of the Republic of the Philippines at the middle-top.
Invitations to less formal invitations shall be made on printed forms with blank
spaces left to be filled in with the name of the invitee, the time, and venue of the
event. The occasion for inviting shall be indicated at the upper left side of the corner
either printed or typewritten (or a slip of paper pasted).
Illustration of an Invitation

In honor of ________________________________________
The Secretary of Foreign Affairs
requests the pleasure of __________________________
to a dinner on _____________________ at 8:00 in the evening
at ________________________________________________
Name of person to be notified
Tel. No.__________________

Men Business Suite /
Barong Tagalog
Ladies Long Gown /
Cocktail oras appropriate

Formal invitations are phrased in the third person.


Wordings in an Invitation
1.1.1. To a person of higher rank


Request the honor of

1.1.2. To a person of equal or lower rank

-Cordially invite

Request the pleasure of


RSVP Repondez sil vous plait (answer if you please). Invitations to receptions,
garden parties, and teas do not require an answer unless a response is requested.


When invitations are telephoned or issued verbally, cards reminding guests of their
acceptance are usually sent. Appropriate word To remind you of. (function/


An invitation from the President or Heads of State of host countries is not to be

refused. It is always appropriate to prioritize these invitations even if there you
have prior commitments.


Invitations from ranking officials and superiors should also, as much as possible,
be accepted.


There are only very few acceptable reasons for regretting an invitation, especially
from ranking officials and superiors. These are recent death in the family, severe
illness, or other emergencies. Appropriate wording: Regret exceedingly that an
invitation of the President prevents their keeping their engagement to or
Regret that owing to the recent death of or Regret owing to the severe
illness of They will be unable to accept the very kind invitation of because


Invitations must be conveyed through official channels such as the DFA, the
Embassy of Invitee in Manila, the Philippine Embassy in Invitees Country.


For meetings, an agenda is usually prepared and sent with the invitation. For
conferences, a schedule of day-to-day activities and the topics to be discussed
should be sent to the invitee.


Acceptance of invitation
Wordings of Acceptance to an invitation: The Government of the Republic of the
Philippines is pleased to accept the invitation of ________________.; The
Minister of _____________________ has the honor to accept the kind invitation
of _______________________.

1.10. Regret to invitation

Wordings of Regrets to an invitation: The Government of the Philippines regrets
the kind invitation of________________.; The Minister of _________________
regrets being unable to accept the kind invitation of ______________________.
1.11. Acceptance or Regret to an invitation conveyed in same manner as the original
invitation, that is, through official channels.

Kind of visit/purpose of visit

1. Initial visit
2. Return visit
3. Conference
4. State visit

1.13. Secretariat is responsible for the documentation of visit/conference, it is also

responsible for the overall management of the event, from the preparation to the
actual implementation.
Check list for the Secretariat:

Delegation list
Official Delegates names, titles, ranks, positions
Alternate delegates
Accompanying family members
Accompanying support personnel
Personal Data
Health requirements
Food restrictions
Other information about Delegation

1.13.2. Travel Itinerary and Flight Details

Chartered Flight / Carrier / Commercial Flight/Private Flight
Date of departure from place of origin
Date of Arrival Time of Arrival
1.13.3. Hotel Accommodations
Advance registration
Room assignment
Information kits at Guests Rooms
Welcome drinks
Master list of Delegation members with room numbers
1.13.4. Local transportation
Cars for Delegation, accompanying personnel
Escorts Ambulance
1.13.5. Security requirements
Police escort
Security in Hotel
1.13.6. Conference venue
Communications and other logistics
Seating arrangements
Presidential tables or head table
Microphones and other equipment
1.13.7. Arrival of Guests at Airport
Reception at planeside

Flowers for Ladies / Garlands for Gentlemen

Introduction of receiving officials
Introduction of arriving guests
Assignment of Protocol Assistants to each Delegate
Collections of luggage and loading in Cars
1.13.8. From Airport to Hotel
Escorts and security
1.13.9 Arrival at hotel
Distribution of keys
Welcome drinks
Welcome by Hotel Manager
Flowers / Fruits in room
Information kit in Delegates Room
Escorting to Rooms
Demonstration on use of room facilities (if necessary)
Hot / cold water, TV monitor, etc.
Telephone connections
(Note: Always allow guests to have a short rest in the room after arrival before
proceeding to any activity such as the welcome dinner.)
1.13.10. Evening Activity
Welcome Dinner
Reception Line
Welcome speech by Host
Response by Chief Delegate
Return Toast
Exchange of gifts
Dinner proper
Evening entertainment
1.13.11. First Day of Visit and Subsequent Days
Courtesy call on President (optional) or on appropriate official
Visit to Rizal Monument at the Luneta (optional)
Start of official program of visit. A separate program for Spouses of
Delegates may be prepared.
Arrival at Conference Venue
Flag Arrangement
Seating Arrangement
Principal guest
Other Delegation Members
Public / Gallery
Conference kit containing Conference documents
Conference Proper
Presentation of Country Papers
Simultaneous translation (if necessary)
Distribution of copies of Country Paper to Delegates

1.13.12. Delegates consultation on side of meetings

1.13.13. Preparation / drafting of Conference Communiqu Press Conference
1.13.14. Signing of Conference Communiqu

bilateral treaty
Alphabetical order in French or English language of names of participating
countries multilateral treaty.
1.13.15. Closing ceremonies
Closing statement of Host
Closing statement of Chief Delegate
Media Coverage
Exchange of Decoration (optional)
1.13.16. Free Day (optional)
1.13.17. Departure
Advance check-in
Gather luggage
Motor to Airport
Airport Ceremony
Boarding Aircraft
1.13.18. Post conference activities by Host
Settle hotel bills
Clear Conference venue
Take out equipment
Prepare Conference report
Send appreciation letters to those who assisted in visit/conference


1.1. In business, assume all superiors and associates (those of equal rank) prefer to be
addressed formally. The use of first names, however, is acceptable in many
organizations, especially among peers. It is also perfectly normal, for employers,
especially older ones, to call subordinates by first names provided this is always
done professionally. Subordinates should never call their bosses by their first
names, unless they have been given permission to do so. Even in such
circumstances this should be done with respect. To be more respectful,
especially in the Philippines, it is preferable to attach the customary Sir or
Maam to the boss first name.
1.2. It is very important to maintain a professional demeanor in all official and
business situations. Never use foul language and avoid using slang words and
1.3. Meetings are very important in business, in the office, and especially in
diplomacy. Make sure to be prepared and prompt in attending meetings. It is
preferable to make an appointment if you would like to meet with or call on
someone. It is always an inconvenience to everyone involved if a meeting is
cancelled, especially on a very short notice, so unless it is necessary make sure
that you keep your commitments in participating in meetings.
1.4. Always be polite. Say Thank you, Please and Youre welcome. Be pleasant in
greeting people with Good morning or Good afternoon or other appropriate greetings.
1.5. Maintain amicable relations with officemates.
1.6. Always be considerate of people around you. Avoid interrupting those who are
1.7. Do not gossip. Stay away from office politics.
1.8. Always dress appropriately for office work.
1.9. Be professional by keeping your commitments.
Always follow office rules and regulations.
2.1. Answer a telephone call promptly and politely. Speak clearly and avoid interrupting the caller
if he is speaking.
2.2. Take the calls of your officemates if they are not present.
2.3. Have a paper and pencil ready for taking messages.

2.4. If you have to put a caller on hold, tell him why and thank him afterwards for
waiting. If the interruption will take a while, offer to call back and do call back.
2.5. Be polite enough to give the caller your undivided attention during telephone
2.6. End the call properly, dont abruptly end the conversation and put down the
phone. Let the caller hang up first.
2.7. For cellular phones or pagers, use the silent mode when you are in a meeting or in a
public place or event such as a cinema, concert, lecture, program, presentation or
a religious service.
2.8. It is also best to avoid entertaining calls during meetings and other functions.2.9.
When you are talking with someone avoid reading messages from your hand
phone. If it cannot be avoided, excuse yourself. This is also true when dealing
with calls.
3.1. The man walks ahead of the woman as they step into the restaurant to direct her
to their table. Although it is not necessary to open the door for a woman, this gesture is still
commonly acceptable and many consider this as polite.
3.2. Upon entering the restaurant, the man walks ahead of the woman to direct her to
their table. If there is a waiter at the entrance to attend to them, the man should
step back and allow the woman to enter before him.
3.3. On arriving at the table, the waiter or the man pulls out the chair for the woman.
3.4. When a group enters a restaurant and when one of them sees people he/she knows but
whom the rest may not be familiar with, the person should merely nod or briefly
greet his/her acquaintances while proceeding with the group to their table. Should it be
necessary to make introductions, the man at the table must stand when
presented to women. Women may remain seated when being introduced to other
3.5. A womans seat in a restaurant is determined by the view the location provides.
She should be given the seat that allows her to see and appreciate the view
outside. Otherwise, she should have the seat from where she may look out into
the main dining room of the restaurant. She should not be seated where passing
people or a swinging door may hit her or where she has to face a wall.
3.6. When two couples eat out together, the women take the wall seats, while the
men occupy the aisle seats. The man should be seated facing the woman.
3.7. Where a younger pair is out with an older pair, the older couple sits on the wall
seats. When a woman is in the company of two men, she should be seated between them.
3.8. The proper way to call a waiter to your table is to catch his eye and make a
signal such as raising your hand for him or her to come over. Do not attract
unnecessary attention to yourself by clapping your hands, whistling or calling out
pssst to your waiter. These are rude habits.
3.9. The host begins to settle the account with the restaurant. Call the waiter and ask
him/her for the bill. A simple statement check please will do. If the waiter is at a
distance, you can make a small card gesture designating the bill.
Upon receiving the bill, the host could look over it and should everything be in order,
the host returns the bill with the payment. If there is a mistake, raise it over
quietly to the waiters attention.
Tipping is optional as most restaurants include a service charge in your
check. In many countries the usual tip is around 10% of the total charge. You
may also tip through your credit card. Fill in the space for tip with the amount you
want to leave for your waiter.
4.1. Always occupy the right side of the moving stairway if you are not in the rush.
Leave the left side free for those who are in a hurry to stride through it.
4.2. If you are with a group, each of you should occupy only one step in the escalator and stand
behind one another.


5.1. Avoid talking out loud and attracting attention.
5.2. Give way to passengers who are stepping out.
5.3. Never smoke inside the elevator.
5.4. When you find yourself standing nearest the control panel of the elevator and
other passengers could not easily reach it, be gracious enough to ask what floor they are
headed and press the button for them.
6.1. If you are the host or invited some guests to such events, make sure that their tickets and
other arrangements are in order. It is best to accompany them until they are
seated or, when ushers are available, endorse them to an usher. The host
always lets his guests walk ahead of him.
6.2. When a man accompanies a woman to a theater, the man should take the aisle
seat. If two couples are attending such events, together, one man should enter
their row of seats first, then the women follow and the other man would be the
last to take his seat.
6.3. On opening nights, gala performances, and other occasions requiring formal
attire, women must be in a long gown or Filipino terno and the men should be in
suits or barongs. It is best to check in the invitation or tickets if there is
prescribed attire.
Baldrige, Letitia.
New Manners for New Times: A Complete Guide to Etiquette.
Scribner, New York, 2003Bernardo, Conchitina S.
The Complete Filipino.
Anvil Publishing Inc., Quezon City, 1997Lott, James E.
Practical Protocol. A Guide to International Courtesies.
Gulf Publishing Co., Houston, 1973Mitchell, Mary.
The Complete Idiots Guide to Etiquette;
Edition. Alpha (Penguin Group, USA) Inc. 2004Powers, John Robert.
Social Skills:
A Modern Guide to Global Living.
John Robert Powers International, Makati City, 2006Radlovic, Monte.
Etiquette and Protocol,
1957Santos, Jerril.
Procedures for Incoming and Outgoing Ambassadors and Presentation of Credentials.
Office of Protocol and State Visits, Department Foreign Affairs. Pasay City, 5 May 2006Ang
Watawat ng Pilipinas. Philippine Centennial Commission, 1997Executive Order No. 236:
Establishing the Honors Code of the Philippines to Create an Order of Precedence of
Honors Conferred and other Purposes. 19September 2003Kalayaan (Supplement of the
Anniversary of Philippine Independence. 12 June2002)Regulations of the Department of Foreign
Affairs. Pasay City, 28 April 1995.Republic Act No. 8491. An Act Prescribing the Code of the
National Flag, Anthem,Motto, Coat of Arms and other Heraldic Items and Devices of the
Philippines.12 February 1998Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963V


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