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USAID Ends IRD Suspension

June 23, 2015
ARLINGTON, VA IRD has been informed by USAID that the suspension
issued on January 26, 2015 has been lifted effective June 22, 2015. By this action
IRD is no longer excluded, without qualification or condition, from eligibility for
extensions or new awards of any type. The lifting of the suspension serves as
affirmation of IRDs present responsibility and the integrity of IRDs internal
control environment.
CEO Roger Ervin said, This is an extremely positive outcome for IRD and the
beneficiaries of our programs. We are more determined than ever to focus on
working closely with USAID and our other donor partners to support vulnerable
communities in challenging environments throughout the world.
"I know I speak for all of our employees when I say that IRD is committed to
maintaining the trust and confidence of all of donors and those we serve in over
25 countries. We look forward to a bright and productive future serving
communities and individuals to achieve their aspirations.
Roger Ervin, President and CEO of International Relief & Development, has
over 25 years of experience leading and managing large organizations with
complex missions, including executive positions at the U.S. Department of State,
the U.S. Commercial Service, and the African Development Bank.
IRD is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization responsible for
implementing relief and development programs worldwide. IRD's mission is to
empower the worlds most vulnerable communities to achieve self-sufficiency
through innovative solutions, applied knowledge, and targeted expertise. For
more information, visit

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