My Encounter With You..

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My Encounter with You

Her aroma has always been magical, and the natural fragrance of her body was still lingering with me.
The excitement to meet her again after 3 months was sending chill down my spines, and I knew it too that
she has also been missing the warmth of my palms that used to crawl over her sensuous skin, making her
body tremble with pleasure and turn up the heat of her body slowly and slowly, only to burn down the bed
sheet into ashes. The rubbing of skin against skin used to be so intense as if the heat was being transferred
from one body to the other, reminding me of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Fuck! Even in this kind
of mood I simply cannot overcome my fixation with science.
And there she was, after keeping in a tantalizing phase of mind for like an hour at the arrival section of
the airport. Every time we met after a short gap, she always felt new to me, as every time her subtle touch
aroused my senses, making me to crave for her even more. It was due to this hypnotization that I didnt
feel how those teasing 4-5hours vanished away, and finally we were having the key of the hotel room we
had booked in advance. As the distance between us was melting away with each single step towards the
room, my anticipation was losing its patience. The thrill of immersing myself in her bodily fluids was
overpowering my basic senses, and it was looking evident from my trembling fingers and the fact that I
was not able to concentrate when inserting the key inside the door lock, which my lust filled was quick to
relate with something similar that is going to happen in the next few minutes, may be for the entire night.
I just wished my metaphor regard not being able to insert the key in the door lock turns wrong.
Through researches it has been found that womens sexual drive and their periods get affected through
the pheromones released by the males underarms, and women can sense it, unless the guy hasnt recently
visited a public toilet of any railway station in India, even the major ones. She definitely sensed my
longing for her, which in turn also triggered her brain to destroy me completely with her womanly
pheromones which was oozing through her neck and warm underarms. It was a viscous circle that was
taking me down, really down. Obviously, that was the plan- to go down on her. No; not on her feet, but, a
little higher.
As we entered inside the room, which was quite fresh and soothing, she removed her jacket and the act of
back stretching her both arms was nothing less than spotting two full moons at the same time, which
bulged out right in front of my eyes, and all I wished was to aim for the moons. The view was like another
blow to my senses! I wished the room to be a military bunker, because I didnt want to world to hear the
explosions that were about to happen inside it.

For the first few minutes, we were pretending to be civilized human beings, checking out the bathroom,
wardrobe, TV, etc. But, the fire was burning inside both of us, which I could feel through my hot ear lobes
and dried up lips. I knew she was feeling that too, and so without wasting any time, I pushed her on the
wall all of a sudden while she was lingering around me and pretending not to be affected by my manly
smell. She was surprised, but there was no sign of resistance either. She didnt utter even a single word or
questioned my intentions for doing so. Then I placed my both hands on her back, right on her lower back,
and I started to bring my lips closer to her. Our eyes were locked, and the moment was so intense that we
could easily feel each others pulse rate.
My lips came closer, and closer, and hers didnt have anywhere to escape. And, the way she closed her
eyes in anticipation showed that she had already surrendered. Holding her lower back firmly, finally I
allowed our lips to unite, and as they did, a hot gush of air escaped through her nose, which was filled
with the desire to feel and touch me. But, it was happening just on the gaseous level, and hence I decided
to take it on the fluid level, so I parted away my lips and allowed my wet tongue to taste the nervousness
which was building on her trembling lips. Even she wanted to taste my desire to be inside her, and thus
she decided to bury her shyness deep down under her lust to get completely filled with my thick and hard
masculinity. And, in just few seconds our wet and slippery tongue were caressing and touching each other,
and taking care of our parched up lips. Our saliva filled lips started to move more vigorously, and the
frequent meeting of the tongues was like adding more fuel to the fire that broke inside us. Within a minute
our lips were completely wet and slipping over each other. Unable to control myself, I brought my both
hands below her hips, grabbed her curvy ass with a firm grip and raised her feet a little above the floor,
which brought her warm and moist neck right before my nose and lips. Even she wanted to make sure that
I could not escape, so she brought her both legs behind my hips and locked her ankles firmly against each
other. Her neck was so warm and the little sweat on it was so sexy that I simply wanted to rip off her tshirt and dig my face deep into her sexy cleavage. To make her feel what I am feeling like, I started biting
her neck with my lips and licking off sweat with my tongue, like a lion licks off the blood from the
lifeless, but still warm body of a freshly hunted prey.
The way I was moving my luscious tongue all over her neck was filling every inch of her body with pure
pleasure. With every lick and bite that I was making on her neck and below the ears, the rate of blood
flow inside her young body was getting pumped up, which my tongue was able to sense through her
pulsating veins. I knew I had activated the lusty part of her brain; it was now busy in releasing tons of sex
hormones, which in turn activated the sweat glands all through her body, and even the one which makes a
girl wet and horny. The smell of her underarms and neck was getting stronger with every passing
moment, which compelled me to bring her feet back to the floor, and without giving her any time to

escape from my clutches, I grabbed both her wrists and raised them over her head. Using my right hand, I
pressed both her wrists tightly against the wall, and that released the hot aroma of her sexy sweaty
underarms which was building there since last few minutes. The smell of her pheromones loaded
underarms gave rise to a tsunami of testosterone inside my brain, turning me into a beast, waiting to eat
her up; from her quivering lips to toes which were contracting and releasing in both excitement and
I wanted more of her womanly fragrance, and so I moved my lips towards her right underarms; as my lips
went closer to her moist underarm, the manliness part of me was getting harder, bigger and hotter. Even
my underwear was finding it tough to keep my manliness in leash. As my lips came in contact with her
thirst quenching underarm, I went out of control and started kissing it like anything.. my lips was trying to
take her entire underarm like a hungry beast, and the feel of her sweet and stubble hair of underarm
brushing against my tongue was driving me crazy. Even she started shivering a little in excitement, and
my other hand started pressing her breasts, feeling every part of her soft and juicy body. While I was lost
in savoring hot sweat of her underarm, unable to control, she turned her face right, and started to bite my
ear with her lips. Nothing else she could do; she was helpless, but filled with pleasure; she was feeling the
movement of my lips and tongue all over her underarm, which was making it wetter and more slippery.
Suddenly she gave a firm bite on my ear, which somehow loosened my grip over her wrists which were
pressed against the wall. I thought she is going to get away now, but then she surprised me; she grabbed
my hand which was pressing and caressing her breasts, and took it inside her t-shirt, placing my palm
right on her bra. Unable to think what my next move should be, I fell on my knees and grabbed both her
breasts with my hands, and started kissing and licking her warm belly. She was breathing so vigorously
that it was getting tough for me to keep her bosoms in control. She also wanted more; with her right hand
she unhooked her bra, and with left hand she was grabbing my hair as if I am her slave, and I am at her
service to please her. In few seconds, the firmly placed cups of her tight bra became lifeless, and without
wasting even a second, my palms found their way to her bare bosoms, which were firm and full of
hotness. After all, she was just 23 yrs old.
As my palms felt her protruding nipples, which were now filled with warm blood, I started sucking and
licking her navel with my tongue, waiting to get inside her as soon as possible. The hot oven within her
body was making me sweaty as well. Unable to wait anymore, she grabbed my shoulder part of my shirt
with both hands, and pulled me up, as my face leveled with hers, she started kissing me with full passion,
making me feel what she wants, and how badly she wants. Then she pushed me with all energy that had
left inside her, and I fell on the bed, waiting to be assaulted by the sexiest and hottest girl I have ever met.
My legs were hanging through the bed, from the knees. She parted them a little, and placed her right knee

right between my inner thighs, just close to my manliness; and then she sat on the rock hard part of my
masculinity, bringing her wet femininity as close as possible. The feel of both the organs being so close to
each other, yet not in contact was driving me nuts! Then she started unbuttoning my shirt and used her
nails to scratch my bare chest and abs, expressing her desire to rip her apart, and quench her thirst.
Unable to keep my lady waiting anymore, I used my strength to get up a little and turned her down on the
bed, and now I was over her heated up body, right between her thighs. We again started kissing each other
and I brought my hands to her jean, to unbutton and unzip it. Unable to keep my lips away from hers for
long, I suddenly removed her jean, and mine as well.. the contact of my hairy and toned thighs with her
smooth and soft thighs was extremely pleasurable. Our skins were rubbing against each other; the
sweating of our skin was causing more friction and sticky kind of feeling, which was definitely highly
erotic in nature. We were turning and rolling all over the bed now, pressing every part of our bodies
against each other, trying to suck each others lips, uniting the slimy tongues to mix our desire filled
saliva. My thighs were crushing down below her sexy and curvy thighs, which was making me harder,
and her wetter. She was breathing heavily and sweating already, soaking the bed sheet in her erotic smell.
Our rolling bodies came to halt, and I was over her body, with my manliness tightly pressed against her
womanliness. She wanted more, and thats why she spread her legs wide apart, waiting to be drilled by
my erection. But, my plan was to tease her more, so I started moving my hips with the purpose to rub my
erection with her wetness. And when I did, she closed her eyes in utter pleasure, and her lips opened up
involuntarily, and she grabbed my muscular shoulders with her sharp nails, hinting me how much deep I
need to penetrate her. The rubbing of genitals was making her smell wilder and sexier. As I removed the
bra or rather say the only barrier between my chest and her bosoms, she locked her legs and started
pressing my hips towards her. I could easily feel the wetness on her underwear, and she was feeling my
phallus, completely swelled up with hot blood. Her erect nipples were challenging me in this case, which
were rubbing with mines, smaller ones. Her nails were almost piercing my skin, and my palms were busy
exploring her moist and sexy smelling body. Every time my erection was pressed roughly against her wet
and slippery area, her expression on her face was worth million dollars.
I knew the moment has come when I need to show the art of love making. Getting a little away from lips
and underarms, I removed the only remaining part of cloth that was on our body. And as I did, she
grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me towards her, with her both legs locked at the ankles. And the
moment my erection came in contact with her wetness, it felt absolutely amazing, unable to explain kind
of feeling it was. I wanted to fill her completely with my love and passion for her; the exchange of body
fluids which was going to happen will bring us closer, not just on the physical level, but emotional and

spiritual level as well. From where I see, it is just two bodies uniting to destroy each others ego, fear, and
self-consciousness; ending up as one individual, swimming in the ocean of bodily fluids.
.. Love You ;)

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