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[3ds Max] What is the best way to model cracks/holes in planar objects?


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03-29-2013, 03:10 PM

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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 871

[3ds Max] What is the best way to model cracks/holes in planar objects?

Alright, I am a super noob when it comes to 3ds Max; this is my explanation of why I ask this kind of probably super obvious question.
That said, how would you guys go about creating a big crack in something like this and bridging the gap between the outer and inner
surfaces? I tried creating a cylinder, scrambling around the vertices to make a cracked shape, and then using ProCutter to cut out the
edges (you can see some of this work in the side), but this leaves me with strange unweldable vertices and edges which won't bridge,
which tells me I have gone about this in a totally wrong way.
What is the best way to do this?


03-29-2013, 04:26 PM

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I'm a nOOd 2, but what I would prolly do:

1. Make 2 copies of yout tunnel section.
2. 1st copy delete the one half
3. 2nd copy delete the other half
4. Cap the new ends (create polys)
5. Drag verts to the desired visual locations on each half (keep them seperate so you can work on only one at a time yet have both
6. Attach the 1st copy to the second to make one mesh.

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03-29-2013, 08:20 PM

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Posts: 871

Sorry, I'm having trouble seeing in my mind the process you are describing. What is going on in steps 4 and 5?

03-29-2013, 09:29 PM


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Use textures and normal map. It is better for performance.


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03-29-2013, 09:56 PM

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Posts: 871

Oops, I worded my post in a confusing way. What I'm trying to do here is cut a jaggedy hole in the ceiling of this mesh so that it can be
used with TWI's sewer rubble mesh.

03-30-2013, 10:11 AM

Senior Member

I quickly made this as an example:

Join Date: Mar 2012

Posts: 246

What I did:
- select those polygons on the outside of the wall where you want to cut that hole into
- right click, select "cut", cut the jagged hole, then delete the resulting polygons you want to remove
- repeat that on the inside of the wall: select the polygons, right click -> "cut", cut the hole, select and remove the resulting polygons
- then bridge the edges of the outer and inner wall one by one.
Hope it helps, don't hesitate to ask for further info.

03-30-2013, 01:42 PM


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FYI, you don't need to bridge the edges one by one. If both holes have the same number of edges (in this case they do) just select
both holes with border selection (the one between edges and faces on your editable poly) and hit bridge.

03-30-2013, 10:56 PM

Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 871

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It worked!

Thanks guys!

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