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A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind

Jonathon Twiz

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Treat Your Mind Like A Muscle Youre Developing

We all have a beautiful consciousness that is meant to be explored,

nurtured, and developed. We can enhance our bodies through physical
exercise and eating right, enhance our brains by learning new things, but why
dont we continually work out and develop the core essence of our being?
How come we dont give our consciousness a workout, or feed it new
experiences and knowledge so it can grow and expand? This part of ourselves
has been neglected by society. I feel this is part of the problem that leaves
people so disconnected from anything meaningful in life. Part of why so many
people are depressed and feel like they are living a pointless life in a world
that does little to nurture the human spirit.
This guide is meant to give you simple methods for expanding your mind.
Keep in mind that we are just scratching the surface and expanding your

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

consciousness is an ongoing lifelong journey. This is created as a simple to
follow guide that is easy to remember without being overly complicated. By
the time you are finished reading this, you will understand 6 basic things you
can do to help expand your awareness.

This guide will discuss 7 simple ways you can begin

expanding your mind. They are the following:
1. Meditation
2. Stepping Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
3. Study Inspirational & Thought Provoking People
4. Work With Your Energy
5. Stimulate The Pineal Gland
6. Experiment With Entheogens
7. Feed Your Mind

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Learning how to quite the mind from all the noise and chaos of daily life
allows you to connect with your inner self. Your inner self is the part of you
that has been there before you were conditioned to function in society and
fit in with the rest of the world. We all have a stream of consciousness that
naturally flows through us and when we take time to listen, we can
strengthen the connection between our body and soul.
Meditation can be challenging since it requires you to remain still and not get
restless or distracted with thoughts or outside stimuli. The best thing to do
for beginners is to focus on your breathing. Pay attention to the sensation of
air entering and exiting your nostrils. Develop a sensitivity to the air
entering your lungs, as well as the energy entering your body.
Lack of focus can be an obstacle when doing meditation. When thoughts
enter your mind dont try to fight them and force them out of your mind.
Instead, simply ignore them, and they will eventually ignore you. You will get
better at this over time.
Fighting your thought is like trying to iron out the waves of water. Instead,
be patient and the thoughts in your heads will become like birds chapping
outside quietly in the background. Before you know it the noise will no longer
be there and you will be sitting in perfect silence. It takes practice but it
will happen.
It can be difficult to sit in stillness for an extended period of time so try
starting with 5 minute meditation sessions. If you can, do it every day, in the
morning or before you sleep. Get in the habit of maintaining a routine and try
committing to it for at least 30 days.
You can also try using guided meditations. Here is a link to several that I
use. You can download them into your computer or mp3 player by clicking
Kundalini Meditation

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Binaural Beats are also an effective way to enhance your meditation. They
help by putting your mind in an optimal state of consciousness that will
enable you to tune out from the outside world and tune into yourself, it can
be very hypnotic. You should always put on a good pair of headphones in
order to get the full effect.
Here is an example of a Binaural Beat you can use during your mediation,
Click Here
Meditation brings us into peace with ourselves and takes our minds off the
everyday problems around us. Meditation done regularly will develop
sustained concentration which is an important skill for expanding your mind.
Improved concentration in addition to reduced stress and increased energy
will enable you to better connect with your home. the Infinite inside you.
With dedication and skill you will be able to rise into the higher dimensions
of consciousness. Focusing our attention within is a vital step to expanding
into the endless fractal nature of our own consciousness. In order to
experience the Macro consciousness of the Infinite we must first intimately
experience the micro consciousness of the individual. The deeper you go, the
less individuality you will feel and the more boundless and infinite you
We are all individual neurons in the great cosmic Brain of the Universe. An
unhealthy neuron cannot connect and interact efficiently with the rest of
the brain. It will languish behind while the brain moves on without it. If we
take care of our neuron (our individual consciousness), we will better
interact with the universal consciousness (brain), the divinity, the Source,
the field, the Infiniteetc

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zones

Stepping out of your comfort zone to explore new experiences is one the
best methods of personal development. Staying in your comfort zone does
not allow us to grow, or keeps us growing slowly.
We are programed to stay in a safe zone and remain in familiar situations,
places, and people. From a survival point of view this is perfectly logical. But
we arent cavemen/cavewomen anymore. For the majority of us, we are living
in suburban sprawls of complacency.
The comfort zone, as defined by Lifehacker, is a "behavioral space where

your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress
and risk" In our comfort zone, there is a sense of familiarity, security and
certainty. Stepping outside of our comfort zone opens ourselves up to risk,
stress, and anxiety where we are not sure what will happen and how we will
There is minimal stress within our comfort zone. A little bit of healthy
stress can be a catalyst for growth and a motivation to make changes in our

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Staying in your comfort zone can result in consistent, steady performance.
Stepping out of your comfort zone into a new and challenging space can
create the conditions for optimal performance. If you think about it, have
you ever done something you were extremely proud of while you were on
autopilot mode or have all of your accomplishments been achieved when you
were forced to push past your limits?

"In an increasingly competitive, cautious and accelerated world, those who

are willing to take risks, step out of their comfort zone and into the
discomfort of uncertainty will be those who will reap the biggest rewards,"
Staying within your comfort zone isnt a bad thing, but allowing it to hold you
back from your true potential is.

"Being slightly uncomfortable, whether or not by choice, can push us to

achieve goals we never thought we could. But its important to remember
that we dont need to challenge ourselves and be productive all the time,"
Stepping outside the comfort zone is an important step toward personal
growth because we cant expect to evolve if we only stick to habit and
routine. Reaching new levels involve the risk of attempting something we may
not succeed at. This can be daunting in addition to thinking that we may
potentially worsen our currently comfortable situation in the process.
As children we are natural risk takers but as we get older we hold ourselves
back. As we get older be compare the pros and cons of our actions and often
we let the cons discourage us from taking action. This pattern of decision
making comes at a cost to our ultimate potential for lifelong growth and

"We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure," author John Gardner wrote
in Self-Renewal. "It is a powerful obstacle to growth. It assures the
progressive narrowing of the personality and prevents exploration and
experimentation. There is no learning without some difficulty and fumbling.
If you want to keep on learning, you must keep on risking failure, all your life.
Its as simple as that."
Stepping out of your comfort zone could be anything from exploring a more
fulfilling career. Seeking out new relationships and leaving toxic
relationships. Travelling alone to a country whose language you dont

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

understand. Starting and finishing difficult tasks that you previously werent
willing to put in the time to accomplish because you thought they were too
challenging. Opening yourself up to new perspectives and critically analyzing
prior belief systems and traditions you held on to. Moving with new circles
of people and disconnecting from friendships that are comfortable but add
no value to your life. Starting a new business and committing to the time and
financial investment needed to make it successful. Whatever it is that you
want to accomplish but have always been too afraid to pursue, conquering
that can become your catalyst for growth.
Write down 5 things that you are too afraid to do and rate them on a scale
of 1 to 10 with 1 being the least difficult to do and 10 being the most
difficult to do. Now order the tasks from lowest difficulty to highest
difficulty. Set a goal to complete them within a week, month, or a year.
Whatever timeframe is appropriate for you. The faster you do them, the
faster you develop.

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Study Inspirational & Thought Provoking People

People who continually strive to improve themselves usually have one or

several role models, mentors, coaches, or figures to look up to and aspire to
be like (in their own unique and individual way). Having one or more in our
lives brings us closer to self-improvement.


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to
copy. Oliver Goldsmith.
Witnessing a role models success may give you a different perspective when
problem solving situations in your own life. Role models can change your point
of view and be the facilitator of what changes you entirely. If you chose a
role model who struggled with similar problems and obstacles, he/she will
provide you answers to those problems or provide you with another way to
look at those problems. A role model may encourage you to mimic their
qualities that make them successful such as their discipline, pragmatism,
lateral thinking, etc.
Here are some tips for choosing a role model.

Look for people who achieved similar results that you are trying to achieve
yourself. Look for people who have a vision.
Look for people who struggled with similar problems in their past and study
how they overcame them.
You can find someone whose life story is so fascinating, that it simply
encourages you and motivates you tremendously.
If you lack discipline you can find someone who has plenty of it, and mimic
the things they do to stay focused.
Your role model can be alive or dead, Ancient or current, famous or unknown,
it doesnt matter. What only matters are the qualities that you wish to study
and/or mimic in that person. When the student is ready, the teacher
appears . You have to know what are you after, and in what aspect do you
need guidance, direction, and inspiration. You can more easily find your role
model after you have figured these out.
You can also try asking yourself these questions.

What kind of person do I want to be?

What do I want to achieve and is there someone who has achieved it?
Is there anyone that empowers me with his/her words, vision, qualities?
The pictures you saw above are people who inspire me. Terrence McKenna,
Alan Watts, and Steve Jobs.


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

For those of you who follow my blog and YouTube channel you are well aware
by now that I am a Psychonaut. Terrence McKenna is one of the most
profound and insightful people who can really guide and show perspective for
anyone who seeks to explore the depths of their consciousness with
Entheogens. The depth at which he analyzes the psychedelic experience and
how it applies to his spiritual development and counter culture gave me a lot
of guidance toward what I can get out of using entheogens like Ayahuasca,
Mushrooms, and DMT.
My Favorite Terrence McKenna Speech
Alan Watts is a profound spiritual and philosophical person. His perspective
on life and our place in the universe always uplifts me no matter how shitty
my day is. My spirituality has advanced farther after listening to many of his
lectures and quotes online. The confidence he has instilled in my spiritual
development is priceless. You might find value in listening to him as well.
My Favorite Alan Watts Speech
And Another One
Steve Jobs inspires my entrepreneurial spirit. Say what you want about
being a Capitalist but we all strive to have more freedom and control in our
lives and taking control of your financial future by writing your own paycheck
is better than working a job that youre not passionate about. I am always
inspired by Steve Jobs inability to accept failure. He absolutely refused to
allow his company to sell shit products. He was insanely and infectiously
passionate about what he did and his vision guided his success. Thats the
kind of vision I have for a lot of ideas I want to bring into fruition and
watching how Steve Jobs operates can be very inspirational.
My Favorite Steve Jobs Quote
This is an example of how I apply my role models to different aspects of my
Find people who inspire you and learn from them. Often, when I am doing
work, I will have Alan Watts or Terrance McKenna speeches, lectures, or


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

interviews playing in the background. This is a great use of time and just 15
minutes a day of listening to your favorite philosopher, spiritual teacher,
business guru, poet, etc can do a lot for your perspective. Analyzing how
other people think, breaking down their ideas and determining how it applies
to your life and how you can shape and reinvent those ideas is a wonderful


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Work With Your Energy

Your mood affects your mind. The amount of stress that you encounter and
how you deal with it will affect the way you think and your ability to be
Working with your energy can benefit you energetically, spiritually,
emotionally, mentally or physically.
Domino effects can occur after working with your energy. An effect may
manifest as an insight or change in attitude that results in a change of
behavior that results in a long-lasting improvement in physical health,
emotional health, and/or quality of life.
There are many ways to work work with your energy. You can try
participating in mind body activities such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gung. You can


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

start practicing Acupressure, Reiki, and more advanced meditations that
primarily focus on your energy such as Kundalini or Chi meditations. These
activities address imbalances and blocks at the energy level of the body.
These energy therapies can shift an incoherent field into balance.
Previously I talked about associating yourself with inspirational people. In
this section you should also take note that you should disconnect with people
who drain your energy. Toxic relationships will counteract the progress you
make with energy work.
The energy body is more in tune with the non physical world. Experiences
that we cannot interact with through the physical realms are more
accessible through our energy bodies. Your energy body is effected by its
physical and non physical environment, and subsequently, how your energy
body is effected will effect your physical body. A healthy energy body will
promote health in your physical body. Our awareness and conscious expansion
through experience is further facilitated through the advancement of our
energy body.
Taking more control of how your energy flows through your body will also
benefit your ability to sharpen your pineal gland which is what we will discuss
in the following section.


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Stimulate The Pineal Gland


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Many spiritual teachers like to refer to the pineal gland as the third eye,
inner eye, all-seeing eye, spiritual eye, or minds eye. They often encourage
us to strengthen the functions of our pineal gland, because this gland allows
us to access healing energies that contain high frequency.
In spirituality it is believed that when the third eye is activated and
functioning properly, it allows us to encounter more ethereal experiences,
sensing what is beyond the physical realm.
The next time you go to bed, focus your awareness towards your third eye
right before you start dozing off. Concentrated attention on it will stimulate
it, helping you to open it. Do this when your brain is in stage one of non rapid
eye movement sleep, which is the in between stage of wakefulness and sleep.
Another good time to activate your third eye is right after you wake up.
Instead of getting out of bed, lie still and focus your awareness towards
your third eye with the intention of opening it. The more you practice using
your pineal gland to experience beyond the material world, the stronger it
will become.
It is also important to physically take care of your pineal gland by watching
the food you eat. Below is a list of 6 additional things you can do to help open
and decalcify your third eye.
1. Balance Your PH Levels. Eat more green leafy vegetables, and start
juicing to bring your body toward a proper pH balance. Other good
superfoods include chlorella, spirulina, sea moss, and wheatgrass.
An Acidic body chemistry is not healthy for the pineal gland. Heavy meat can
create an acidic environment for you body. You dont have to stop eating
meat, especially if you are on the Paleo diet, but make an effort to add a lot
more vegetables to your diet to balance the acidity of the meat.
2. Drink alkaline or distilled water. Alkaline water helps balance the
body's pH, which is usually acidic because of our high acid food diet, stress
and exposure to environmental toxins.
Distilled water removes heavy toxins and metals out of the human body
which can effect the function of the pineal gland.
3. Avoid fluoride & Chlorine. Fluoride is toxic to the human system and
one of the main contributors to pineal gland calcification. Primarily you

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

should be using non-fluoride toothpaste. Avoid swimming in pools that use
4. Practice Sun Gazing. The pineal gland is crystal like and reacts very well
to the sun. The safest time to look at the sun is when it is rising or setting.
The amount of natural sunlight that enters your eyes and pineal gland is
tremendously beneficial for the pineal gland and its decalcification. You can
do this daily for 2-5 minutes. If you can wake up early enough try doing it in
the morning and evening to get the full benefit from it.
5. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts. Try to keep a positive outlook on life and
yourself. Your thoughts are powerful and having a strong mental attitude and
belief in yourself and your locust of control will help you develop your pineal
gland. Your thoughts are powerful!
6. Use herbs. Herbs like mugwort, wood betony, worm wood tea, and gotu
kola have very good healing properties for the pineal gland. Worm wood in
particular is one that is good at inducing lucid and vivid dreams.


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Experiment With Entheogens

Please Read Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: This section isnt for everyone, and some might have issues
with me recommending it. Psychedelics are illegal in most countries especially
in Canada & the U.S.A. The effects of psychedelics may be unpredictable.
They depend on the amount taken, the persons mood and personality, and
the environment in which the Entheogen is used.
One may encounter severe terrifying thoughts and feelings, fear of losing
control, and fear of insanity during a trip. During a trip the ability to make
sensible judgments and see common dangers can be impaired. A psychedelic
user might try to step out a window to get a closer look at the ground, or
consider it fun to admire the sunset, blissfully unaware that he/she is
standing in the middle of a busy intersection. With this in mind, one should
only take psychedelics in a safe environment away from potential safety

A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

hazards. The occurrence of these dangers can be controlled if taken in the
right environment and dose.

Dont let the disclaimer discourage you from exploring your consciousness; it wouldnt be
responsible for me to not tell you what the potential dangers are if you have never explored
the world of psychedelics before.

Throughout history in most parts of the world, the use of sacred plants and
medicines to facilitate spiritual experiences have been used by Shamans and
mystics. Humans have always made use of psychoactive plants, wherever
they are available, to intensify the spiritual experience.
An Entheogen ("generating the divine within") is an organic chemical
substance used in a shamanic, or spiritual context. Entheogenic chemicals
induce altered states of consciousness, as well as physiological effects.
Entheogens can supplement many practices for transcendence
and revelation, including meditation, yoga, and prayer.

The word Entheogen is used to refer to psychoactive substances used for

their spiritual effects, a terminology that is often chosen to
contrast recreational use of the same substances.

Entheogens enable its user to recognize that there are realms of

experience, states of consciousness, and modes of being that extend beyond
our daily experiences and psychological conditioning. These experiences
expand ones belief system leaving people less dogmatic and more open to
never before experienced realms of reality.
Psychedelic experiences can spark a deep interest in exploring the nature of
your consciousness, your life, and relationship to your environment, which
may became especially clear and meaningful during psychedelic sessions.
The psychedelic experience can sometimes deliver a guiding vision which
provides direction and meaning for one's life thereafter. Users can
experience intense emotions such as love, empathy and compassion during
these visions.
Deep insight into thought and inquiry while on psychedelics can lead to
profound epiphanies that otherwise werent accessible during normal states


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

of awareness. After using psychedelics, you will soon realize that the range
of experiences that occur in our daily life represents a small slice of a vast
spectrum that psychedelics expose you to.
Experimenting with Entheogens can be life altering, these are boundary
dissolving substances that will shatter your perception of life and being. In
the disclaimer I stressed that there is a possibility of you having a bad trip,
an instance when you loose control of your ability to snap out of it and end
the negative experience. People who don't know how to interact with their
trip may find it unpleasant, a lot depends on your state of mind, your
openness, and your pre-ordained notions of what the experience will be like.
How To Prevent A Bad Trip
You can literally talk to your experience as if it were a person. When ever
you start to see or feel negative things in your experience simply tell it to
show you something positive. Show me something better, Show me
something positive, those are the words I literally say in my head when I
feel a bad trip coming on and to this day I have not had a bad trip since I
started interacting with it in this way.
Another thing you can do is have a Safe word or phrase. Something positive
you can say that will pull you out of any negative experiences during your
trip. For me I say the word Light! or I will repeat several times Its just
beauty, its just beauty! and I have gotten consistent results with that
Talking to your experience or having a safe word can trigger a chain reaction
of positive visuals and feelings throughout your trip.
I should also note that if you are going through a rough patch in your life,
whether its emotional trauma, feeling guilty about something, going through
a divorce, etc, any kind of negative life scenario that has been on your mind,
psychedelics will zoom in on that experience and really bring it to surface.
Everything you have swept under the rug emotionally will resurface, good or
If you are prepared to deal with that and process these feelings it can be
very therapeutic. If you are not prepared to deal with it or wasnt expecting
these feelings to resurface, it could be the beginning of a bad trip. Some
psychedelics like Psilocybin mushrooms are known to do this, other


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

psychedelics like MDMA have a therapeutic reputation for allowing its users
to relive trauma without the damaging emotional consequences.
Because of how powerful psychedelics can be when it comes to personal
development and spiritual evolution, I think that everyone should do
Psychedelics at least once in their lifetime (thats just my personal opinion
and not official advice). It may not be for everyone, but everyone should
give it a chance at least once to have access to what it can potentially do for
For beginners, start with Psilocybin mushrooms. Easiest and safest to access
and it is organic. Those of you who are more curious about Ayahuasca or
Iboga should start with mushrooms before getting into the more intense
When doing mushrooms for the first time, you should have someone nearby
who is not tripping with you just incase you have a bad trip. Put on some good
music, a special playlist or relaxing meditation music. Wear loose
comfortable clothes, make sure your room is dark and lay down on your bed
and just relax.
Dont buy mushrooms in powdered form because you never know if it was
mixed with something else. Always get it in the dried mushroom form. You
can also grow it at your own risk, visit for
recommended grow kits and spores you can use.
If you want to go on a more intense spiritual journey by taking Ayahuasca or
Iboga I would recommend saving the money for the full cultural experience
of visiting South America or Gabon to facilitate the ceremonies. Here are
some recommended Shamans and places that will facilitate this for you.
Orlando Chujandema, his way of giving you Ayahuasca is more hardcore. If
you can rough it out in the rainforest with him and you are not too picky
about your accommodation, he is your man. He is very knowledgeable and
reputable about the spirit world. I must warn you though, you will take
Ayahuasca with him a minimum of 3 times, for your second intake he will
leave you in the rainforest all by yourself for a few days. Why? He does this
because he feels you should be one with the earth and the jungle with no
interruption from human interaction.


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Contact Info: Orlando - New Rising Sun
Pulse Tours, if you want to explore more of Peru and have better
accommodation all while still getting a good Ayahuasca experience you should
check out Pulse Tours. P.S. they wont leave you alone in the jungle ;)
Contact Info: Pulse Tours
Here is a list of common chemicals you should not have in your body when
taking Ayahuasca.. it could kill you!
For those of you who want to travel to Gabon to try Iboga in a safe and
authentic environment, you can contact the Ebando Foundation. Iboga is one
of the strongest psychedelics you can take, some people have be known to
trip for several days after taking it. I wouldnt recommend Iboga if you are
not in decent physical shape, or if you have cardiopulmonary issues.
Contact Info:
Click here for more info on Preparation & Safety
I would also recommend websites such as Erowood to get access to a vast
collection of information about psychedelics including recommended dosage.
Psychedelics enable its users to experience modes of reality foreign to our
perception. The psychedelic experience makes you realize that youre not
simply consciousness in your body, but your consciousness extends
throughout the universe, and you are connected with space-time in a
symbiotic harmonious way. The effects on the mind are completely
subjective and tailored to you, like a movie that was made just for you.


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Feed Your Mind

I left the most obvious way to expand your mind for last. Intellect and
knowledge are the heart of wisdom and personal growth. On the path take an
interest in deep thinking. Nurture your ability to study and analyze ideas and
inward perspectives.
Feeding your mind requires you to read books and watch documentaries. This
will broaden your perspective and heighten your awareness. You can take it a
step further by starting a book club with like minded people so you can share
new information among each other. I like to watch a lot of documentaries
and TED talks in my spare time.


A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Recommended Reading:
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A Brief Guide To Expanding Your Mind Jonathon Twiz

Jonathon Twiz

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