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We are faced today with a crisis unlike any other faced by our nation before.
ISIS and Al Qaeda have levied war on our country and the West for years and we
have made little progress in fighting the war on terror. The reason we cannot defeat
them is two-fold. First, we are attacking units of terrorists who want to die.
Everyone knows that when we kill one member of ISIS, ten more members join the
fight against us. When we kill ten, a hundred follow. They believe they are
righteous in their attacks. Negotiations have failed. We cannot convince them that
their religion is wrong. I cannot convince you that your religion is wrong. The
compromise will never come. That is the first reason. The second reason why we
have faltered in our attempts to win the war on terror is we have not successfully
shut off the funding to these terror groups.

The first plan of attack to fight the war against ISIS and Al Qaeda shall consist
of boots on the ground in the Middle Eastern Countries to contain the threat. We
will use our military power and intelligence to thwart future terrorist attacks on the
West and on America to ensure the safety of our People. That aspect of the plan is

The new idea that will counteract the terrorist threats and lead to the demise
of these groups is the closing of the world black market of oil. Our intelligence tells
us that these groups, ISIS and Al Qaeda, primarily fund their operations with black
market oil. The first way they do this is through selling from the terrorist owned
refineries. A refinery owned by a terrorist, or owned by a person linked to a
terrorist group, will sell actual oil to an investor or oil company who in turn will pay
cash for the oil. The terrorist group will use this cash to fund its operations. The
investor, who would be a billionaire in the Middle East, a corporation in the Middle
East or abroad, or a foreign government, will take the oil as its own and sell the oil
as if that individual, corporation or government produced the oil in its own refinery.
The oil then goes on the real market and is sold to the rest of the world as the
investor covers the oil as its own. In this situation, the terrorists make their money
and the oil is eventually washed away onto the market.

In a similar situation, a terrorist oil-producing refinery will produce oil on
the real market and get paid for the oil it produced. This is happening in real life
scenarios where terror connected facilities are selling oil to OPEC and even the West
and Far East. We are buying the terrorists oil. They fund their operations with the
money from these sales, operating as a fronted corporation as an oil company and
then back-door fund the terror groups as stockholders and owners in the foreign
corporations. So, basically, the terrorists own the corporations and sell the oil on
the market in a legal way and then illegally fund their terrorist groups out of the
corporations they have set up.

To fix this problem is simple. We have to form a tripartite treaty between all
the oil producing companies and their governments, the oil buying countries, and
the Untied Nations. The treaty must involve the following requirements. First,
every oil purchase of any oil related investment such as a stock, option, ETF,
commodity, future or any other type of investment, by any investor at a range of
price over a low threshold of $5,000.00 US Dollars shall be red flagged and reviewed
by the newly formed committee under the UN Commission. Every $5,000 trade is
going to be reviewed by the newly formed UN Committee to determine where the
money come came from and where the money in the transaction went. This will
qualify every large oil transaction as a safe transaction and will stop the terrorists
investments cold.

Second, we will form another committee to review and audit the output of
every Middle Eastern oil refinery. Each refinery will have to report to the UN
Committee its monthly output and where all of its oil went every month. The
Committee will review each refinerys oil production and will counteract all
terrorist black market oil sales. If a refinery lies, steals, cheats, or produces false
information on an audit, the personnel of that refinery and its owners and everyone
connected will be shut down, prosecuted for criminal acts of terrorism and
financially prosecuted.

These ideas will stop the black market oil production in its tracks and if our
intelligence is right that ISIS and Al Qaeda are making most of their money off of
black market oil, this resolution will defeat these terrorist camps in a matter of
months. Further, these restrictions will not limit the free exchange of capital on the
world market system because we will not be limiting the markets in any way.

It s either this or trying to convince them that they are wrong.

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