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Set No.

Code No: T0823/R07

II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November 2010

(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. The emf in a thermocouple with the test junction at t 0 C. On gas thermometer
scale and reference junction at ice point is given by,
= 0.20 t-5 104 t2 mV.
The millivoltmeter is calibrated at ice and steam points. What will this thermometer read in a place, where gas thermometer reads 700 C?
2. One mole of an ideal gas at 0.5 MPa ( =1.4) and 305 K (state 1) is heated at
constant pressure till the volume is doubled (state 2), and then it is allowed to
expand reversibly and adiabatically till the temperature is reduced to 305 K (state
3). Calculate the heat and work interaction. If it is desired to restore the system
from state 3 to its original state by a reversible isothermal path, determine the
amount of work to the done on the system.
3. (a) What is critical point? Define critical temperature and critical pressure.
(b) What are real gases? Do you expect real gases to obey ideal gas law. Give
suitable explanation.
4. Write short notes on any two:
(a) Compressors,
(b) Pumps,
(c) Turbines.


5. (a) Differentiate between reversible and irreversible change.

(b) A Carnot engine absorbs 1100 kJ energy as heat from a reservoir at 500K and
rejects energy to a sink at 305 K. Determine the efficiency of the engine and
energy rejected to the sink.
6. One kg of water at 273 K is brought into contact with a heat reservoir at 373 K.
When the water has reached 373 K, find the entropy change of the water, of the
reservoir, and of the universe. Specific heat of water is 4.187 kJ kg1 K1 .
7. A refrigeration plant produces 0.135 kg/s of the ice at -40 C from water at 290 C. If
the power required to drive the plant is 24kW, determine the capacity of the ice
plant in tones and the actual COP. Cp of ice is 2.1 kJ kg1 K1 .
8. Discuss in brief generalized correlation of thermodynamic properties for gass. [16]
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Set No. 2

Code No: T0823/R07

II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November 2010

(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. The emf in a thermocouple with the test junction at t 0 C on gas thermometer scale
and reference junction at ice point is given by,
= 0.20t-5 104 t2 mV.
The millivoltmeter is calibrated at ice and steam points what will this thermometer
read in a place, where the gas thermometer reads 500 C?
2. (a) What is the necessity of classifying point and path functions?
(b) What is heat? Is it a path function? Explain.


3. It is desired to design a tank to store 10 k-mol methane at 6.0 MPa and 300 K.
Determine the size of the tank using the following laws:
(a) Ideal gas law
(b) Van der Waals equation.
The Van der Waals constants are a = 228.5 kPa



and b = 0.0427m3 /kmol.


4. Saturated vapour steam at 100 kPa (tsat = 99.630 C) is compressed adiabatically to

305 kPa. If the compressor efficiency is 76 percent, what is the work required and
what are the properties of the discharge stream?
5. (a) Give two statements of the second law of thermodynamics.
(b) A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperature of 7600 C and a
sink temperature of 260 C. What is the least rate of heat rejection per kW net
output of the engine?
6. One gram mol of nitrogen behaving as an ideal gas undergoes an irreversible isothermal compression from 1 to 8 atm at 1250 C in a piston cylinder assembly. The heat
removed from the gas as a result of compression process is absorbed by heat sink
maintained at a temperature of 240 C. The irreversible process is 80% efficient as
compared to reversible process. Calculate S of the gas, S of the reservoir and
Stotal .
7. (a) Define refrigeration. What is 1 ton of refrigeration?
(b) What is refrigeration cycle?


8. (a) Present the four Maxwell relations, which are commonly used.
(b) State the energy minimum principle.
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Set No. 2

Code No: T0823/R07


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Set No. 3

Code No: T0823/R07

II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November 2010

(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Discuss in brief heat and work.
(b) A car of 1000 kg mass is moving with a speed of 90 km/h on a road, which is
100 m above the sea level. Calculate the kinetic energy and potential energy
of the car.
2. One mol of an ideal gas ( =1.4) at 105 kPa and 305 K is compressed to a pressure
of 1.6 MPa. If the compression process can be approximated as P 1.3 = constant,
determine the work done on the gas and the energy transferred as heat.
3. It is desired to design a tank to store 12k mol methane at 5.9 MPa and 302K.
Determine the size of the tank using the Red lich - Kwong equation of state. The
critical constants of methane are Pc = 4.60 MPa and Tc = 190.6K.
4. An ideal gas ( =1.4) at 0.1 MPa and 300K enters an adiabatic compressor at the
rate of 1mol/s and leaves at 750K. Calculate the power consumed by the compressor. Make simplifying assumptions.
5. (a) What is Carnot principle?
(b) A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperature of 7500 C and a
sink temperature of 280 C. What is the least rate of heat rejection per kW net
output of the engine?
6. One mol nitrogen (=1.4) at 0.1 MPa and 300 K has been subjected to a series of
processes as a result of which it reached the state P=0.5 MPa and 600 K. Determine
the change in the entropy of nitrogen. Nitrogen may be treated as an ideal gas.
7. A refrigeration plant produces 0.139 kg/s of the ice at-50 C from water at 300 C. If
the power required to drive the plant is 22kW, determine the capacity of the ice
plant in tones and the actual COP. Cp of ice is 2.1 kJ kg1 K1 .
8. Suppose one kmol of an ideal gas is available at 1MPa and at ambient temperature
of 302K. If the gas is allowed to expand to 0.12 MPa, while in contact with the
ambient atmosphere and the final temperature of the gas is same as the ambient
temperature, calculate the maximum work that can be obtained from the gas. [16]

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Set No. 4

Code No: T0823/R07

II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November 2010

(Chemical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. The pressure of gas in a pipe line is measured with a mercury manometer having
one limb open to the atmosphere. If the difference in the height of mercury in
the two limbs is 540mm, calculate the gas pressure. The barometer reads 760mm
Hg, the acceleration due to gravity is 9.79 m/s2 , and the density of mercury is
13,640kg/m3 .
2. One mole of an ideal gas ( =1.4) at 0.6 MPa and 303 K (state 1) is heated at
constant pressure till the volume is doubled (state 2), and then it is allowed to
expand reversibly and adiabatically till the temperature is reduced to 303 K (state
3). Calculate the heat and work interactions. If it is desired to restore the system
from state 3 to its original state by a reversible isothermal path, determine the
amount of work to the done on the system.
3. (a) Name the two conditions, which every equation of state should satisfy.
(b) What are the units of the Van der Waals constants a and b.


4. Discuss the conservation of energy for flow processes and derive suitable equations.
5. A reversible engine operating between a reservoir at 600K and the ambient atmosphere at 300K drives a refrigerator operating between 240K and the ambient
atmosphere. Determine the ratio of energy rejected by both the devices to the
ambient atmosphere to the energy absorbed by the engine from the reservoir at
6. Calculate the entropy change when m kg of a fluid at temperature T1 , is mixed
with 0.8m kg of same fluid at temperature T2 . The specific heat capacity of the
fluid is C.
7. A refrigeration plant produces 0.135 kg/s of the ice at -40 C from water at 290 C. If
the power required to drive the plant is 24kW, determine the capacity of the ice
plant in tones and the actual COP. Cp of ice is 2.1 kJ kg1 K1 .
8. (a) Define CP and C in terms of partial derivatives of entropy.
(b) The fundamental relation of a particular thermodynamic system is given by
S=(KUVN)1/3 . Obtain equation of state of the system.

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