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Delgado, Mary Joy C.


PHILO 1 / W / 7:3010:30

February 20, 2015

From an Engineers View:

Torre de Manila, a DMCI project that aims to provide a scenic view across
Manila, especially the most historic monument of all, the Rizal shrine, has
come to rise in 2016. But, despite the fact of providing convenience to many
people in the near future, many people are against of erecting this building
for it snatches attention whenever people will try to have a self-camera shots
with our National Hero, Jose Rizal. So, in order to get out of the scene,
everyone wants it to be demolished without even letting it to finish.
As an engineering student, I am against of this movement for making the
construction of Torre de Manila to stop. Here are some reasons:
First, when it comes to building and designs, engineers are truly an expert
especially when it comes to budgeting of materials. And by the looks of it,
DMCI had already spent too much for Torre de Manila. They are almost done
with the podium parking and the tenements construction is almost 33%
finished. If it will only be demolished, everything will be wasted.
Second, Torre de Manila being labeled as the Pambansang Photobomber ng
Pilipinas is not enough to just demolish the establishment. The reason was
too shallow. There are ways for taking photos without including the Torre de
Manila by means of changing the angle of the shot in order for it to be not
included. DMCI also provided some pictures that shows no trace of Torre de
Manila in the background when they come to get a shot of Jose Rizal in
Luneta. So, being a photobomber is not enough to be easily sweep away
from the ground.
Third, there are many people who are depending on this project like
engineers, architects, and even investors. If it will be only demolished, will
the people can give the workers needs? Can they provide a house for those
who already invested for it? Can they give jobs to those people who are
working in this project? The answer is no.
And lastly, patriotism is not tested on the building being erected on the spot
where it can grab attention of others instead of having more view of the
monument of Rizal. Being a patriot is serving people for the sake of country.
As of this, this one way on how DMCI will serve our country. They did not
purposely put this tenement behind Rizal Park to be a photobomber, but to
provide a better place where everyone can live with ease and comfort.
A journalist once quoted For formalities sake, we have to conform to the
laws were enforcing to make the use of them (laws). For me, there are no
laws that are meant to be followed all the time. Even the lawmakers were
(most of the time) the most responsible with breaking the rules. The laws
were made to give people restrictions, but laws are also giving people

Delgado, Mary Joy C.


PHILO 1 / W / 7:3010:30

February 20, 2015

reasons to break it. People say nowadays masarap ang bawal whenever
they feel breaking the rules that abide everyone. Were not perfect to follow
the rules all the time. We all make mistakes. So we cant blame Consunji
about that.
As an engineer, we build houses to provide convenience and comfort to the
people. This is how I understand TDM. They built this tenement to provide
convenience for those people who will be working in Manila or studying
within the University belt in the near future. This is one way of helping your
countrymen with this project. So I dont see why they should stop
constructing the building. Even if they say that they are not following the
law, the lawmakers themselves were the first one who started it. So before
saying anything, they must be our leader for us to follow. Therefore, Torre de
Manila must stay.

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