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PGP(r) Command Line 9.0.

6 Release Notes
Copyright (c) 1991-2006 by PGP Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for using this PGP Corporation product. These Release Notes contain
important information regarding this release of PGP Command Line. PGP
Corporation strongly recommends you read this entire document.
PGP Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please use the
information in the Contacting PGP Corporation section to contact us.
Warning: Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.

-------------------What's In This File?


About PGP Command Line

New Features
Supported Platforms
System Requirements
Installation Instructions
Additional Information
Using PGP Command Line
Contacting PGP Corporation
Copyright and Trademarks

---------------------About PGP Command Line

Thank you for using PGP Command Line, a software product from PGP Corporation
that provides a command-line interface to PGP functionality and automates the
processes of encrypting/signing, decrypting/verifying, and file wiping.
PGP Command Line requires a valid license for proper operation.

-----------New Features
New features in PGP Command Line 9.0 include:
* Additional platforms: You can install PGP Command Line on AIX, HP-UX, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, and Mac OS X, in addition to the platforms supported by PGP
Command Line 8.5: Solaris and Windows (Red Hat Linux 7.3, 8, and 9 are no longer
* Self-Decrypting Archives (SDAs): You can now create SDAs, which are compressed
and conventionally encrypted archives that require a passphrase to decrypt.
Because the archive includes an executable appropriate for the target platform,
the recipient does not need to have PGP software installed on the system on
which they open the archive. This allows you to securely transfer data to
recipients who are not currently using any PGP software.

* Key reconstruction: In a PGP Universal environment, PGP Command Line can store
key reconstruction data on a designated PGP Universal Server. This gives you a
backup capability in case of a lost private key or private key passphrase. The
key reconstruction data is stored protected on the PGP Universal Server.
* Secure directory deletion: You can now securely and recursively delete entire
directories, ensuring your sensitive data cannot be recovered by the
* XML key output: PGP key data can be output in a machine-readable XML format,
allowing administrators to easily write scripts to automate key-handling
procedures and policies.
* Additional key-management features: PGP Command Line 9.0 includes many keymanagement enhancements, including support for reconstituting split keys using
SKEP over TLS, more data in fingerprint displays, import and export of X.509
certificates, and the ability to add an ADK, revoker, allowed cipher, and
preferred compression method to a key during generation.
* Licensing: PGP Command Line 9.0 has multiple licensing options that support a
variety of configurations and requirements.
* PGP Zip: The PGP Archive feature has been renamed PGP Zip.

------------------Supported Platforms
You can install PGP Command Line onto these platforms:
* AIX 5.2 and 5.3
* HP-UX 11i
* Mac OS X 10.3.x, 10.4, and 10.4.1
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 on x86
* Solaris 8 and 9 (Sparc only; x86 is not supported)
* Windows Server 2003 (SP 1), Windows XP (SP 1 and 2), and Windows 2000 (SP 4)
Microsoft Windows NT and Red Hat Linux 7.3, 8, and 9 are no longer supported

------------------System Requirements
System requirements for PGP Command Line are the same as the system requirements
for the host operating system.
Note: In addition to the hard drive space required by the operating system, PGP
Command Line requires additional space for both the data on which cryptographic
operations (such as encryption, decryption, signing, and verifying) are applied
and temporary files created in the process of performing those operations. For a
given file being encrypted or decrypted, PGP Command Line can require several
times the size of the original file in free hard drive space (depending on how
much the file was compressed), enough to hold the original file or files and the
file resulting from the encryption or decryption operation. In cases where PGP
Zip functionality is used on a file, PGP Command Line may also require several
times the size of the original file or files in free hard drive space, enough to
hold the original file, a temporary file created when handling the archive, and

the file resulting from the encryption or decryption operation. Make sure you
have adequate free hard drive space on your system before using PGP Command Line.
For more information about the system requirements for specific platforms, refer
to the PGP Command Line User's Guide.

------------------------Installation Instructions
This section includes instructions for installing PGP Command Line on all
supported platforms.

To install PGP Command Line on AIX

Before You Install
Before you install PGP Command Line on AIX, do the following:
* Check which version of the standard C++ library you have installed: you need
to have version 5 or higher to use PGP Command Line.
* Check the location of the standard C++ library: if this library is installed
in the default location of /usr/local/lib or in any location other than /usr/lib,
you must set the shell environment variable LIBPATH to include the path
/usr/local/lib (or wherever the library is installed).
* For AIX, you need to install the required versions of libraries; attempting to
run PGP Command Line after installation will produce an error unless the
following versions are installed:
o libstdc++ ver. 5 (or higher)
o libxml2 ver. 2.6.4 (or higher)
o libiconv ver. 1.8 (or higher)
o zlib ver. 1.2.1 (or higher)
Please refer to the documentation provided by IBM to install these libraries.

Installation Procedure
You must have root or administrator privileges on the system on which you are
installing PGP Command Line.
To install PGP Command Line onto an AIX system:
1. If you have an existing version of PGP Command Line installed on the system,
uninstall it.
2. Download the installer application, PGPCommandLine906AIX.tar, to a known
location on your system.
3. Untar the package. You will get the file: PGPCommandLine906AIX.rpm.
4. Type rpm -ivh PGPCommandLine906AIX.rpm and press Enter.

The AIX PGP Command Line application, pgp, is installed by default into the
directory /usr/bin/pgp.
By adding the option --prefix to the rpm command, you can install PGP Command
Line to a location other than the default.
Type rpm --prefix=/opt -ivh PGPCommandLine906AIX.rpm and press Enter.
This command installs the application binary in the directory /opt/bin/pgp,
libraries in /opt/lib, and so on. You will need to edit the environmental
variable LIBPATH to include the new library path so that PGP Command Line can
function in a location other than the default.

To install PGP Command Line on HP-UX

Before You Install
Before you install PGP Command Line on HP-UX 11i, do the following:
* Check which version of the standard C++ library you have installed: you need
to have version 5 or higher to use PGP Command Line.
* Check the location of the standard C++ library: if this library is installed
in the default location of /usr/local/lib or in any location other than /usr/lib,
you must set the shell environment variable SHLIB-PATH to include the path
/usr/local/lib (or wherever the library is installed).
* For HP-UX 11i, you need to install the required versions of libraries:
attempting to run PGP Command Line after installation will produce an error
unless the following versions are installed:
o libstdc++ ver. 5 (or higher)
o libxml2 ver. 2.6.4 (or higher)
o libiconv ver. 1.8 (or higher)
o zlib ver. 1.2.1 (or higher)
These are available as part of GCC version 3.3.3 or above, available at,1703,547,0

Installation Procedure
You need to have root or administrator privileges on the system on which you are
installing PGP Command Line.
To install PGP Command Line onto an HP-UX system:
1. If you have an existing version of PGP Command Line installed on the system,
uninstall it.
2. Download the installer application, PGPCommandLine906HPUX.tar, to a known
location on your system.
3. Untar the package. You will get the file: PGPCommandLine906HPUX.depot.
4. Type swinstall -s /absolute/path/to/PGPCommandLine906HPUX.depot and press

The HP-UX PGP Command Line application, pgp, is installed by default into

To install PGP Command Line on Mac OS X

Installation Procedure
To install PGP Command Line onto a Mac OS X system:
1. Close all applications.
2. Download the installer application PGPCommandLine906MacOSX.tgz to a known
location on your system.
3. Double-click the file PGPCommandLine906MacOSX.tgz.
4. If you have Stuffit Expander, it will automatically uncompress this file into
PGPCommandLine906MacOSX.tar and then untar it into PGPCommandLine906MacOSX.pkg.
5. Double-click PGPCommandLine906MacOSX.pkg.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
The Mac OS X PGP Command Line application, pgp, is installed into /usr/bin/.
After you run PGP Command Line for the first time, its home directory will be
created automatically in the directory %HOME/.pgp.

To install PGP Command Line on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Installation Procedure
You need to have root or administrator privileges on the system on which you are
installing PGP Command Line.
To install PGP Command Line onto a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system:
1. If you have an existing version of PGP Command Line installed on the system,
uninstall it.
2. Download the installer application, PGPCommandLine906Linux.tar, to a known
location on the system.
3. Untar the package. You will get the file: PGPCommandLine906Linux.rpm.
4. Type rpm -ivh PGPCommandLine906Linux.rpm and press Enter.
The Red Hat Enterprise Linux PGP Command Line application, pgp, is installed by
default into /usr/bin/.
By adding the option --prefix to the rpm command, you can install PGP Command
Line to a location other than the default.
Type rpm --prefix=/opt -ivh PGPCommandLine906Linux.rpm and press Enter.

This command installs the application binary in the directory /opt/bin/pgp,

libraries in /opt/lib, and so on. You will need to edit the environment variable
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the new library path for the software to function in
a location other than the default.

To install PGP Command Line on Solaris

Before You Install

Before you install PGP Command Line on Solaris 8 or 9, do the following:
* Check which version of the standard C++ library you have installed: you need
to have version 5 or higher to use PGP Command Line. This library is included
with the libs-gcc-3.3 and gcc-3.3.2 packages or higher from
* Check the location of the standard C++ library: if this library is installed
in the default location of /usr/local/lib or in any location other than /usr/lib,
you must set the shell environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the path
/usr/local/lib (or wherever the library is installed).
* For Solaris 8 and 9, you need to install the required versions of libraries:
attempting to run PGP Command Line after installation will produce an error
unless the following versions are installed:
o libstdc++ ver. 5 (or higher)
o libxml2 ver. 2.6.4 (or higher)
o libiconv ver. 1.8 (or higher)
o zlib ver. 1.2.1 (or higher)

Installation Procedure
You need to have root or administrator privileges on the system on which you are
installing PGP Command Line.
To install PGP Command Line onto a Solaris system in the default directory:
1. If you have an existing version of PGP Command Line installed on the system,
uninstall it.
2. Download the installer application, PGPCommandLine906Solaris.tar, to a known
location on your system.
3. Untar the package. You will get the file: PGPCommandLine906Solaris.pkg.
4. Type pkgadd -d PGPCommandLine906Solaris.pkg and press Enter.
5. At the first prompt, enter "1" or "all" to install the package.
If the directories /usr/bin and /usr/lib are not owned by root:bin, the install
application "pkgadd" will ask if you want to change the ownership/group on these
directories. It is not necessary to change them, but as an admin you may do so
if you wish.
The Solaris PGP Command Line application, pgp, is installed by default into

To install PGP Command Line onto a Solaris system in another directory:

1. If you have an existing version of PGP Command Line installed on the system,
uninstall it.
2. Download the installer application, PGPCommandLine906Solaris.tar, to a known
location on your system.
3. Untar the package. You will get the file: PGPCommandLine906Solaris.pkg.
4. Type pkgadd -a none -d PGPCommandLine906Solaris.pkg and press Enter.
This will force an interactive installation.
5. At the first prompt, enter "1" or "all" to install the package.
6. You will be asked to enter the path to the packages base directory. For
example, if you enter /opt, the binary will be installed to /opt/bin/pgp,
libraries will be installed to /opt/lib, and so on. Note that you need to edit
the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the new library path so that
PGP Command Line can function in this location.

To install PGP Command Line on Windows

Installation Procedure
To install PGP Command Line onto a Windows system:
1. Close all Windows applications.
2. Download the installer application,, to a known
3. Unzip You will get the file:
4. Double click on PGPCommandLine906Win32.msi.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
6. If prompted, restart your machine.
The Windows PGP Command Line application, pgp.exe, is installed into:
C:\Program Files\PGP Corporation\PGP Command Line\.
After you run PGP Command Line for the first time, its home directory will be
created automatically in the user's home directory: C:\Documents and
Settings\<user>\My Documents\PGP\.
Application data is stored in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\
Application Data\PGP Corporation\PGP.


PGP Command Line requires a valid license to operate. If you use PGP Command
Line without entering a license or after your license has expired, only basic
functionality will be available; you will only be able to list the keys on your
keyring, view a fingerprint, and export keys.
Note: As PGP Command Line does not operate normally until licensed, you should
license it immediately after installation.
Use --license-authorize to license PGP Command Line. The following options are
* --license-name <Name>
Where <Name> is your name or a descriptive name.
* --license-organization <Org>
Where <Org> is the name of your company.
* --license-number <Number>
Where <Number> is a valid license number.
For example:
pgp --license-authorize --license-name "Alice Cameron" --license-organization
"Example Corporation" --license-number "aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd-eeeee-fff"
Refer to the PGP Command Line User's Guide for more information about licensing.

---------------------Additional Information
This section includes important information about using PGP Command Line.
PGP Command Line 9.0.x
* No known issues at this time.
PGP Command Line 8.5
* If you install PGP Command Line 8.5 on a Windows system that has PGP Desktop
8.0.3 or below, and then you uninstall PGP Command Line 8.5, you must then also
uninstall and reinstall PGP Desktop to restore it to proper operation. PGP
Desktop 8.1 and greater do not require this.
Resolution: PGP Desktop 8.0.3 and earlier are not supported for use with PGP
Command Line 9.0, so this requirement is moot. This requirement does not affect
versions of PGP Desktop that are supported for use with PGP Command Line 9.0,
Versions 8.1 and greater.

---------------------Using PGP Command Line

PGP Command Line uses a command-line interface: you type commands at a command
prompt using the following syntax:
pgp command [option] <argument>

For example, to get assistance with the commands available in PGP Command Line,
use the --help command:
pgp --help
Refer to the PGP Command Line online help files, man pages, or the PGP Command
Line User's Guide for more information about using PGP Command Line.

Documentation for PGP Command Line includes HTML-based online help for Windows
and Mac OS X, man pages for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
and the PGP Command Line User's Guide (in PDF format) on all platforms.
Additional information about PGP technology and cryptography is available in An
Introduction to Cryptography, which is included with PGP Command Line on all
Documentation feedback is welcome. Send email to or visit the
Documentation forum on

-------------------------Contacting PGP Corporation

For general information about PGP Corporation, please visit the PGP Web site:
For Product Support and Customer Service, please visit the Support page of the
PGP website:
To access the PGP Command Line section of the PGP Support forums, please go to:
For any other contacts at PGP Corporation, please go to the Contact Us section
of the PGP Web site:

Copyright 19912006 by PGP Corporation. All Rights Reserved. "PGP", "Pretty
Good Privacy", and the PGP logo are registered trademarks of PGP Corporation in
the U.S. and other countries. All other registered and unregistered trademarks
in this document are the sole property of their respective owners.

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