Game of Thrones LARP Rules

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Game of Thrones LARP Rules

Welcome to the Game of Thrones inspired live action roleplaying set of rules. These
simplistic rules are designed to accommodate 300+ players, 4 armies, and their respective
leadership. These rules are open source and can be used / altered / improved as you see
These simple and easy LARP rules will allow for multiple armies to engage each other in the
field of battle, pitting combatant against combatant as they fight to sit on the Iron Throne.
When a player arrives on site they should choose their House. These players become
soldiers in the war. Those few who arrive in costume may take on the mantle of leadership
as a Character of Note. Armies, lead by their leaders, will clash until only one remains

Rules of Combat
This LARP uses safe padded boffer weapons. Each player, whether you are a Soldier or a
Character of Note, has a certain number of Body Points. Weapons subtract 1 Body Point of
damage each time they successfully hit. Once the target reaches zero, they are dead and
removed from that battle. Head, hands and groin are invalid striking targets. Weapon
swings can be no greater than 90 degrees and we follow a lightest touch rule. That is to say
a combatant will only swing as hard as they need to, to ensure their target feels the touch.
Outside of boffer weapon swings there should be zero contact between players. This
includes tackles, pushing, shoves, etc
Up to 4 armies can fight at once. Each starting in a separate area of the battle field known
as their Castle. Each army must have a minimum of 25 Soldiers to take part in a battle.
When a player is defeated they will remain on the field for 1 minute to all for any special
abilities to be used on their corpses, then they return to their Castle, out of game. It is
important to stay at your Castle when you are defeated because there are certain powers
that allow for you to come back from the dead, in one form or another.

Houses of the Realms

4 of the major houses in the GoT realm are represented here. Players make take part in any
house they choose to represent. Special abilities and powers are allocated for Characters of
Note (CoN). To qualify for CoN position, a player must arrive on game day, properly
represented in full costume, as that Character of Note. The following Houses and
Characters of Note are allowed for play:

House Baratheon

Body Points: 10

Stannis Baratheon
Body Points: 20
Special Power: Dismember
By striking a target on a limb, Stannis may call out Dismember! rendering that limb useless
for the rest of the battle. Stannis may use this ability 5 times per battle.

Melisandre the Red Woman

Body Points: 5
Special Power: Shadow Child
With a successful strike to the torso, the target opponent dies and turns into a shadow,
Shadows Children are fully healed when created and fight under the command of
Melisandre. Melisandre may use this ability 2 times per battle.

The Night's Watch

Body Points: 10

Jon Snow
Body Points: 20
Special Power: Knowing Nothing
After death Jon Snow will be reborn, starting at his home castle. This Special Power can
only be used once per battle. He doesnt even know how to die right.

Mance Rayder
Body Points: 20
Special Power: Summon Wilder
Mance may summon up to 10 Wilders per battle. Wilders have 5 Body Points and are
summoned from dead or defeated players at any Castle.

House Lannister
Body Points: 10

Jaime Lannister
Body Points: 20
Special Power: Undying Love
So long as Cersei is alive Jaime cannot be killed. Jaime can only fight with a single sword in
his left hand.

Cersei Lannister
Body Points: 5
Special Power: Paying debts
By touching any member of her own house in the back with her weapon Cersei may sacrifice
them to heal herself of Jaime.

House Targaryen
Body Points: 15

Daenerys Targaryen
Body Points: 10
Special Power: Charm
Striking a target in the torso with her weapon, Daenerys can inspire servitude in an enemy.
That target now fights for House Targaryen until death or the battle ends in victory.
Daenerys may use this ability twice per battle.

Body Points: 20
Special Power: Firebreath
May use super soaker to breathe fire for 5 hit damage. Water must strike target for at least 3
seconds per person.

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