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Math 1 (Allen)

Function Notes (for sections 2.1 and 2.2)

A function f is a rule that assigns to each element x in a set A exactly one element, called f(x), in a
set B. Set A is called the
of the function f, and set B contains the
Alternate definition: y is a function of x if for every x there is exactly one y. The variable x is
referred to as the input, argument, or
variable, and y is referred to as the
output, or the
There are many ways to represent functions functions can be expressed as a set of ordered pairs
(input, output), numerically (as in a table), graphically, in words, or symbolically (with an
equation or formula). You will see several different representations of functions in calculus.
1) Which of the following tables represent y as a function of x?













2) Do any of the above tables represent x as a function of y? If so, which tables?

3) Use the
test to determine which of the following graphs represent
functions. If the graph represents a function, state the domain and range.

** We will do additional examples like problem 3 in class, as well as discuss how to find specific
values of a function from a graph. **
4) Which of the following equations defines y as a function of x?
a) y = x2
b) x = y 2
c) 3x + 5y = 30
d) y = x

e) x = y

Function notation: If y is a function of x, then you would think of the inputs as x and the outputs
as f(x) (f of x). That is, y = f(x) (y is a function of x).
5) Evaluate the function f(x) = x2 3 for the following (check your work with a neighbor).
a) f(0)

b) f(2)

c) f(6)

6) Given f(x) = 6x + 5, g(x) = x2 + 2x, and A(x) =

a) f(-x)

e) A(4)

b) f(x2 + 3)

d) For what value(s) of x does f(x) = 6?

, find the following.

c) f(3 + h)

f) A(4 + h)

d) g(x + 2)

g) simplify

** We will also look at a few examples of piecewise defined functions. **

f (a + h) f (a )

7) The domain of a function is the set of all possible inputs (real numbers that you can plug in to
the function, where the output is also a real number). Identify the domain of the following:
a) f ( x) = x 2 + 10 x

d) D(x) =

x 2 + 2x

b) B(x) = 7x + 11

e) R( x) =


c) H(x) =


f) f ( x) =


Functions defined "verbally" / Interpreting functions:

8) Suppose f(t) = the number of students attending West Valley College, t years after 2010.
Interpret the following: f(5) = 11,700

9) Let h(t) = the height of a baseball t seconds after it was hit. What does h(2) = 60 mean?

10) ACME car rental charges $30 per day plus $0.12 per mile. Write the cost of a one-day rental as
a function of x, where x = the miles driven.

11) If a particle is moving at the rate of 12 meters per minute, write the distance traveled by the
particle as a function of t, where t = minutes.

A somewhat unusual function is what is known as a ceiling function, denoted x , where x =

the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. For example, 3.5 = 4, since the smallest integer
greater than or equal to 3.5 is 4.

12) In Arpangistan, postage for anything weighing up to 2 ounces costs 75 cents; any package
weighing more than 2 ounces costs 40 cents per ounce, where the weight is always rounded up to
the next highest ounce (for instance, 6.4 ounces would be treated as 7 ounces). Find the piecewise
function that determines the postage. Hint: You will need the ceiling function.

13) For each of the following functions, create a table of values, and then plot the points and
sketch the graph.
a) f ( x) = x

b) g(x) = x2 2x

We will also discuss sketching piecewise functions, and using our calculators to sketch functions.

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