SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)

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SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)

History of SGML:

• SGML was developed in 1960s to solve the problem of porting documents from
one kind of computer to another.

• SGML was created by Charles Goldfarb, Ed Mosher, and Ray Lorie as a

proprietary file format for document interchange at IBM.

SGML Primer:

• SGML is a METALANGUAGE. That is describing a Markup Language. Here

the Markup means conventions in the Languages. For example typist has to
maintain the same space during the start of every paragraph.

• SGML provides a formal way to describe all of the parts—headings, styles,

paragraphs, and so on—that make up a document.

• SGML uses markup, formatting, and other processing commands added to a

document’s text to describe the parts of an SGML document

• The description of an SGML document focuses solely on structure and is not

related to any visual formatting.

• SGML separates a document’s structure from its physical appearance, thereby

removing all dependency on platform, operating systems, and software.

• An SGML aided document is called a SGML application.

An SGML document is made up of three different parts:

• Declaration—an SGML declaration specifies which characters and

delimiters are legal to use within a particular document.

• Document Type Definition—An SGML DTD is a list of rules to which an

SGML document must conform, including information about what markup is
valid in the document and the document’s structure.

• Document Instance—this is the actual document that contains the content

and markup to be rendered by an SGML system. Many SGML documents
may reference the same declaration and DTD.
SGML constructs in HTML :


In the above example we have element UI which has start and end tags but the
contents in the elements with only start tag, this is because the elements are in
between the UI’s tags.
The attributes in the elements have certain type of representation.

Consider the following example

<H1 id=“Head”>
The Attributes are delimited with Double quotes and the value contains alpha

The Attributes are delimited with either a Double quotes or Single quotes.
The Values of the Attributes may be characters (a-z) or (A-Z), Numbers (0-9) and
some Special characters.
Animation in DHTML

Animation is the sequence of frames. It plays a major role in

developing a web page for highlighting certain specific areas, making use of 3-D view

Macromedia FLASH:

The major source of Animation in dhtml is the Flash. We can develop

attractive flash movies with help of macromedia Flash. Below is a program which
embeds flash movies in it and in its link.

Program to embed Flash movie into a page using ActiveX controls:

<Title>Embedding a Flash Movie in the web page </Title>
<font color="red"></font>
<Head>Web Page Designing</Head>

<body bgcolor="black">

<object classid="clsid: d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"

id="flash1" name="flash1"
width="550" height="400" bgcolor="black">

<param name="movie" value="top_contents.swf" />

<param name="quality" value="high" />

<embed src="top_contents.swf"
id="flash1" name="flash1"
width="600" height="400"
quality="autohigh" bgcolor="black"


<object classid="clsid: d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"

id="flash1" name="flash1"
width="200" height="170" bgcolor="black">

<param name="movie" value="top_menu.swf" />

<param name="quality" value="high" />
<embed src="top_menu.swf"
id="flash1" name="flash1"
width="350" height="220"
quality="autohigh" bgcolor="black"


<marquee bgcolor="Black"




<a href="Hitachi.html" style="text-decoration: none;" ><span class="style10" >Hitachi

Flash Add</span>

<a href="canon.html" style="text-decoration: none;" ><span class="style10">Canon

Flash Game</span>
<img src="new.gif" border="0" height="20" width="50">

<a href="winxp.html" style="text-decoration: none;" ><span class="style10">Windows

Intro Flash</span><br>

</center> </marquee>

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