Khallupz User Interface User Manual

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Introduction to Khallupz:

Khallupz is the web-based game which could be played by users all around the
world. There are two type of game in this system. One is word game and another is
Image game. For each game there are certain rules defined. There are three more
types in both game scramble, continuous and normal type.
In normal game player will be asked one question. User will get only one chance to
select right answer if the answer selected is wrong then penalties will be according
to defined by admin. In scramble game type word or images that are in grid are
changing position with reference to the time set by admin. And in continuous game
player will be provided with three questions one after another with 3 right answer
selection and 3 wrong selection with penalties defined by admin for wrong
There are certain rules for counting score in this game it is based on total time take
plus penalties for each wrong attempts in a game. It can be denoted by a formula
Total Score = total time taken + (wrong answer count * penalty)
E.g. total time taken = 1000ms
Wrong answer count = 2
Penalty = 500
Total Score = 1000 + (2*500) = 2000
And there is again another scoring which is used for ranking of players that is
reputation score which is total score divided by games played. Its formula is
Reputation Score = total score/ total games played
E.g. player has total score of 192845
Total games played = 20
Reputation Score = 192845/20 = 9642.25
There is a logic counting ranking reference to reputation score which is Lower the
reputation score higher will be the rank.
For example,
If player A has Reputation score of 9642 and player B has Reputation score of 8356
then Player B will be Ranked First and Player A will be Ranked Second.

Using Khallupz System:

1. Open your browser.
2. Type in your browser.

Register User:
1. Click Register button in home screen.

2. Add your details and give a unique maximum of 16 character username for
you and check both mandatory agreement policies to register.

3. After completing all fields click Register button to register.


1. Click Login button in home page.

2. Fill your Username and Password in corresponding text boxes.

3. Click Log me in button.

Forgot Password:
1. Click Forget password? in login page.

2. Type your email address and click Email Link.

3. An email will be sent to your email address to reset your password.

Home Page:
1. After logging in we will get Game Home Page.

2. There are mainly three things in Game Home Page: Game Type Settings and
User menu.

a. Game Type menu:

It is a dropdown menu where player can find all the active game which are
assigned by admin to player.

b. Settings Menu:
It is a dropdown menu where player can select sound option.

c. User Menu:
It is a dropdown menu where player can get statistics, manage and logout

1. Statistics:
It displays the Baseball Card of current user.

2. Manage:
In manage section we can manage our account by editing fields user
image (Edit, Delete), change password option, age, country, gender
and favorite link. After editing complete click submit button.

Game Type:
1. Word Game Type:
After selecting a word game type from game type menu we will get word
game index. There are some fields in word game index page. They are listed
Game title
User Search Bar
Rank Bar
Tries bar
Finder Question
Timer and Score
Game Grid
Start Button
End Button
Reveal Button
Advertisement Box
User Profile Box

1. Game Title:
In this section we will find game title and game type. The two sections are
separated with [Large brackets].

2. User Search Box:

In this section we can type username and find user to display its Baseball

3. Rank Bar:
Rank bar is the green bar in the game grid. In this bar we can find top five
players in game. Each top 5 players username with reputation score () is
displayed in rank bar. If we hover on player in rank bar we can see a tool tip
displaying member since, rank, score and location.

4. Tries Bar:

Tries bar indicates the number of correct answers and wrong answers
selected by player. Tries bar shows 3 wrong tries and 3 right tries in a game.

5. Finder Question:
It is a blue area on game page where first rules for the game is displayed and
when start button is clicked the question is displayed in it.

6. Timer and Score:

In this section of the game timer and score is displayed both are separated
with slash (/) respectively. It is the part in Finder Question.

7. Game Grid:
In this section of the game first game title is displayed. There are 9 cells in
game grid. The color of grid are randomly selected and scrambling. After
player click start button it displays random answers with a correct answer.
Player can select a wrong answer at a time and the wrong answer will be
indicated with red color. And if player select right answer cell is indicated with
green color for one second and changes all grid answers with the change in
question in continuous game and if it is normal game then grid cell is again

Game Grid before start is clicked.

Game Grid after start is clicked.

8. Start Button:
It is the green button in game grid. I starts the game. When start is clicked
question appears in Finder question, timer starts and answers in grid appears.

9. End Button:
It is the red button in the game. It resets the game.


Reveal Button:

It is the blue button in game. When it is clicked it displays correct answer

indicated by green grid cell. It is only activated when game is started. It
cannot be clicked before and after the game.


Advertisement Box:

It is the first blue box in game where at the top some text input by admin is
displayed and an image of advertisement is displayed.


User Profile Box:

User Profile Box is the second box in game where text profile, profile image,
Username, reputation score/ position, text Rivals, and the 5 rivals of the
player is displayed accordingly.

2.Image Game Type:

After selecting a image game type from game type menu we will get image
game index. There are some fields in word game index page. They are listed
Game title
User Search Bar
Rank Bar

Tries bar
Finder Question
Timer and Score
Game Grid
Start Button
End Button
Reveal Button
Advertisement Box
User Profile Box

1. Game Title:
Same as in Word Game.

2. User Search Box:

Same as in Word Game.

3. Rank Bar:
Same as in Word Game.

4. Tries Bar:
Same as in Word Game.

5. Finder Question:
Same as in Word Game.

6. Timer and Score:

Same as in Word Game.

7. Game Grid:
In image game Grid there are 9 grids that displays black background at
beginning and when player clicks start the image starts to load while
loading image grid are disabled and text Loading is displayed. The
timer in Finder Question will not load until the image is fully load. In

scramble game the grid with image changes position randomly as per the
time admin has defined. And in continuous game after player clicks right
answer a text NEXT! will be displayed and time again pause until the
images are fully loaded. As in the word game when player clicks wrong
answer the boarder of the grid becomes red colored and when player
clicks right answer the boarder color of grid becomes green.

Image Game Grid before start is clicked.

Image Game Grid While Loading Images With Timer.

Image Game Grid After Image is Loaded.

Image Game Grid While Loading Next Question.

Image Game Grid When Next Question is fully Loaded.

Image Game Grid When Wrong Answer Is Selected.

8. Start Button:
Same as in Word Game.

9. End Button:
Same as in Word Game.

10. Reveal Button:

Same as in Word Game.

11. Advertisement Box:

Same as in Word Game.

12. User Profile Box:

Same as in Word Game.

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