Green Wall Final2

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A Green Wall commonly referred to as a Vertical Garden, is a descriptive term that is

used to refer to all forms of vegetated wall surfaces. Green wall technologies can be divided
into two major categories:
Green facades are a type of green wall system in which climbing plants or cascading
groundcovers are trained to cover. Green facades can be anchored to existing walls or
built as freestanding structures, such as fences or columns.
Living wall systems are composed of pre- vegetated panels, vertical modules or planted
blankets that are fixed vertically to a structural wall or frame. These panels can be made of
plastic, expanded polystyrene and metal.

How it Works/Install (!green-wall-types/cbiq)

Hydroponic/Soil Less Green Wall Systems- Hydroponic systems are generally grown on preconstructed panels prior to vertical installation using a specialist growing medium as root
support. When ready the panels are transported to site and attached to a framework on the side
of the wall/structure to be covered. Once installed plants will continue to grow and further cover
the structure. This technique takes advantage of the fact that plants do not require soil to grow.

Figure 1 Hydroponic modular living wall

Figure 1 Living hydroponic plant walls provide a connection to nature, a design focal point, and
can be used for biofiltration of indoor air.

Substrate/Soil\Based Systems- These systems typically use moulded troughs or containers

that are built on or attached to existing walls or similar structures. Planting is supported by soilbased substrates; utilising a lightweight combination of recycled materials containing the right
balance of nutrients with a free-draining medium. The natural water retention properties allow
irrigation systems to be simple thus lowering installation and maintenance costs.

Figure 3 Soil-based modular living wall

Green Wall Benefits

Green Wall systems combine great design scope with a number of ecological and performance
Improves aesthetics

A well designed and maintained Green Wall can significantly enhance a buildings appearance whether its to add a new aesthetic dimension, refresh a tired faade or add colour and texture
to a complete wall or section.
Response to site: the site is located adjacent to old building that the sun has faded all walls. By
using green wall the building of caf gallery has aesthetic appeal.

Regulate temperature
A green wall used on appropriate elevations can reduce energy costs by both providing an
additional layer of insulation and acting as a screen to the sun, actually keeping the building
Response to site: the site is facing to the sun in afternoon. By using green wall, surface
temperature will be reduced, resulting in significant energy saving and airconditioning costs.

Protect building faades

Green wall systems can help to protect a buildings faade and extend its life, acting as an
effective shield to heavy rain and hail and helping to protect from the damaging effects of UV
Response to site: As mentioned earlier, the site is surrounded by buildings which their exterior
has been affected by rain and the sun therefor green walls considered for caf gallery building.

Improve air quality

A green wall in an urban area can help improve local air quality, both by absorbing carbon
dioxide and releasing oxygen, and by trapping dust and other pollutants.
Response to site: interior green wall will improve the indoor air quality. Green walls metabolize
harmful toxins while releasing oxygen into the gallery, actually creates a cleaner and more
invigorating environment.

Reduce noise
By adding a layer of insulation (both thermal and acoustic) green walls absorb sound - making a
positive impact for both the buildings occupants and the local environment.
Response to site: caf gallery is located alongside of road and many open-spaced restaurant,
Plants have been used

to reduce noise. Living green walls expand on this concept as

vegetation naturally blocks high frequency sounds while the supporting structure can help to
diminish low frequency noise.

Green wall plant used

Pothos is chosen for interior green wall. Photos is one of the best plants for low-light places, is a
vining plant that is super easy to care for and can be coaxed to climb or to hang from its resting
Betel leaf is chosen for exterior green walls. It is evergreen, perennial creeper. It has shiny
heart-shaped leaves. It makes good ground and wall cover in subtropical and tropical areas.

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