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Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 908914

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Preparation of porous magnetic nanocomposites using corncob powders as

template and their applications for electromagnetic wave absorption
Xue-Gang Chen a,, Ji-Peng Cheng b, Shuang-Shuang Lv c, Ping-Ping Zhang d, Shu-Ting Liu a, Ying Ye a,

Department of Ocean Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, PR China
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, PR China
Department of Nonmetallic Research, Zhejiang Institute of Geology & Mineral Resources, Hangzhou 310007, PR China
Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Hangzhou 310012, PR China

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 30 August 2011
Received in revised form 1 March 2012
Accepted 3 March 2012
Available online 10 March 2012
A. Functional composites
D. X-ray diffraction (XRD)
B. Magnetic properties
A. Nanocomposites
E. Heat treatment

a b s t r a c t
Strong absorption, low density, and thin matching thickness are important parameters for electromagnetic (EM) wave absorbers. In this study, we prepared novel porous magnetic nanocomposites using
corncob powders as template. The presence of corncob will signicantly decrease the bulk density of
samples from more than 4.0 to about 0.55 g cm3. The porous structures remarkably decreased the permittivity (e) and permeability (l) and enhanced the impendence matching between the absorber and air.
The porous magnetic nanocomposites exhibit enhanced absorption for EM waves at thin matching thickness. The optimum thickness is only 1.01.4 mm, with bandwidth of RL < 5 dB of about 8 GHz, covering
the half X-band and the whole Ku-band. The areal density of magnetic absorbers at this study is only
about 0.71.0 kg m2 at thickness of 1.01.4 mm, much lower than the reported values of other magnetic
absorbers. Due to the strong absorption at low density and thin matching thickness, the porous magnetic
nanocomposites prepared using corncob powders as template are promising light-weight EM wave
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Corn is one of the major crops in the world, sharing equal
importance with rice and wheat. Corncob is the agricultural
byproduct of corn produced by peeling off the corn kernels. About
800 million tons of corn is produced per annum all over the world,
which giving about 150 million tons of corncob [1]. The major
compositions of corncob include cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin,
and so on [2]. Therefore, the researches on the utilization of corncob focused on the extracting of organic compounds and preparation of absorbers [3,4]. For instance, high concentration ethanol [5]
and xylose [6] can be produced from pre-treated corncob. Like
other herb husks, corncob can also be activated by acid treatment
[7] or calcination [8,9], the resulting products activated carbon exhibit strong adsorption capacities. Nevertheless, corncob in agriculture is usually abandoned or burnt in air, not only wasted the
resources in corncob, but also polluted the environment. Therefore,
the utilization of corncob is still an important issue for the treatment of agricultural wastes.

Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 571 88206399; fax: +86 571 88208890
(X.G. Chen), tel.: +86 571 87984550; fax: +86 571 88208890 (Y. Ye).
E-mail addresses: (X.-G. Chen),
(Y. Ye).
0266-3538/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Electromagnetic (EM) wave absorbers are widely used in

domestic and military elds, either to protect the human being
from EM wave irradiation or to protect the military equipment
from being detected by radar waves [10,11]. Ideal EM wave absorbers should exhibit strong absorption and broad bandwidth for EM
waves on the basis of thin matching thickness and low density
[11,12]. The requirements of strong absorption and broad bandwidth can be achieved by traditional magnetic or magnetic/carbon
absorbers such as ferrite [1317], carbonyl iron [1820], carbon
nanotube nanocomposites [2123], and so on. However, decreasing the matching thickness and density is still a challenge for the
EM wave absorbers. Various methods have been applied to prepare
EM wave absorbers with wide-band strong absorption and low
density, among which preparation of porous magnetic nanocomposites is an efcient way [2427]. For example, Liu et al. fabricated porous carbon/Co nanocomposites using a solgel method
[28], which present enhanced EM wave absorption with low density. Porous Fe3O4/Fe/SiO2 nanorods were prepared using a series
of heat treatment, showing excellent EM wave absorption properties [29].
However, these methods usually use activated carbon as template or require rigorous reagents and procedures, which increased
the preparation cost of porous magnetic materials. In this study,
we prepared novel low-density porous magnetic (including Fe
and FeNi) nanocomposites using corncob powders as template.

X.-G. Chen et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 908914


We examined the complex permittivity (e) and permeability (l),

and calculated the EM wave absorption of the porous magnetic
nanocomposites as a function of thickness. The use of corncob
powders is found to be essential for the EM wave absorption of
porous magnetic nanocomposites which showing enhanced reection loss (RL) and absorption bands at thin matching thickness.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Materials
Corncob powders were obtained from Hangzhou, China, and
was washed thoroughly by water and dried at 60 C before usage.
Ferric nitrate (Fe(NO3)39H2O, AR), Nickel Nitrate (Ni(NO3)26H2O,
AR), Citric acid (C6H8O7, AR), and Dimethylformamide (DMF) were
purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., Shanghai,
China. Polyamic acid (PAA) was obtained from Guangcheng plastic
Co., Ltd., Changzhou, China. All reagents are used without further
2.2. Preparation of porous magnetic nanocomposites
In a typical procedure, 20 g ferric nitrate (11.6 g ferric nitrate
and 8.4 g nickel nitrate for the preparation of porous FeNi nanocomposite) and 20 g citric acid were dissolved in 50 mL deionized
water under continuous stirring. A certain amount (20 g) corncob
powders were added into the mixture. After stirred vigorously,
the product was dried in a temperature-controlled oven at 80 C
for 1 h and then heated at 140 C for 1 h. The obtained samples
were calcined at 500 C for 2 h under air and then reduced at
450 C for 30 min under mixed atmosphere of 200 mL min1 H2
and 500 mL min1 N2. After cooled to room temperature and
coated by polyimide (PI, prepared from cyclo-dehydration of PAA
using DMF as solvent) [30,31], porous Fe (or porous FeNi) nanocomposite was prepared.
In order to investigate the effects of corncob powders on the
structure, morphology, and EM characteristics of magnetic samples, we prepared FeNi alloy without using corncob powders as
template, while other conditions are kept constant.
2.3. Characterizations
The phase purity and crystal structure of the samples were
determined by a D/max 2550 X-ray diffractometer (XRD) (Rigaku,
Japan) with Cu Ka radiation (k = 0.15406 nm) at a scan rate of
0.02 s1. The operation voltage and current were maintained at
36 kV and 34 mA, respectively. The surface morphologies and elemental compositions of the samples were studied by an S-4800
scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS) (Hitachi, Japan) at accelerating voltage of 5.0 kV. The
complex permittivity and permeability were determined by a
HP8720ES vector network analyzer at EM wave frequency of 2
18 GHz and thickness of 2 mm. The lling rate of the samples is
60% with parafn as substrate.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. XRD patterns
Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of the samples. The porous Fe
nanocomposite is mainly composed by Fe (Iron, JCPDF # 060696) and Fe3O4 (magnetite, JCPDF # 72-2303). The relative intensity and sharply shape of the corresponding peaks indicate that
both Fe and Fe3O4 are well crystallized, and the content of Fe is
much higher than that of Fe3O4. Both porous FeNi and FeNi alloy

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of (a) porous Fe nanocomposite, (b) porous FeNi nanocomposite, and (c) FeNi alloy prepared without using corncob powders.

that prepared without using corncob exhibit similar diffraction

patterns, which can be indexed to well-crystallized FeNi (Taenite,
JCPDF # 47-1417) with characteristic peaks of 111, 200, and 220.
EDS results show that all three samples exhibit 1823 atomic percent of carbon, which may be derived from the carbonization of citric acid and corncob powders.
3.2. SEM characterizations
The SEM images of the samples are shown in Fig. 2. When using
corncob powders as template, the obtained Fe and FeNi nanocomposites exhibit similar porous structures. The porous nanocomposites maintained the initial plate-like structures of corncob
powders. The diameter of Fe and FeNi particles in the nanocomposites is about 100 nm, forming pores with diameter of 20200 nm.
When without using corncob powders as template, however, the
resulting FeNi particles are melted together, without showing
any pores. The diameter of a single FeNi alloy is about 200
500 nm, growing according to the VLS mechanism [32]. It is indicated that during the heat treatment, corncob will be decomposed
to carbon and releasing numerous gases, which separated the magnetic particles and construct porous structures. The magnetic
nanocomposites will benet from the porous structures, because
the presence of pores will signicantly decrease the bulk density
of samples and enhance their EM wave absorption via scattering
effect [33].
3.3. Complex permittivity and permeability
Relative complex permittivity (e = e0  je00 ) and complex permeability (l = l0  jl00 ) are essential parameters for the EM wave
absorbers. e0 and l0 are the dielectric constant and real magnetic
permeability of absorber, while the imaginary part suggests the
dielectric or magnetic loss for EM waves [34]. As shown in Fig. 3,
the e0 of porous Fe and porous FeNi decrease slightly with the
increasing of frequency. On the contrast, the e00 of porous Fe and
porous FeNi increase with frequency. The e of magnetic particles
is usually predominated by various polarizations, and orientational
polarization is the most promising mechanism in this study
according to the curves [3537]. The e0 and e00 of porous FeNi are
relative higher than that of porous Fe and exhibit a peak at frequency of 1314 GHz, which may be attributed to the dielectric
resonance effect [38]. The dielectric loss tangents (tan de = e00 /e0 )
of samples were calculated from the measured e0 and e00 . The tan de
of porous Fe decreases with frequency at 213 GHz and increases
signicantly thereafter. The tan de of porous FeNi increases with
frequency and shows a peak at about 14 GHz. According to the
tan de values, the dielectric loss of porous Fe and porous FeNi


X.-G. Chen et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 908914

Fig. 2. SEM images of (a and b) porous Fe nanocomposite, (c and d) porous FeNi nanocomposite, and (e and f) FeNi alloy prepared without using corncob as template.

increases with frequency and porous Fe present higher dielectric

loss for EM waves at 213 GHz.
The l0 of porous magnetic nanocomposite decreases slightly
with the increasing of frequency. However, the l00 and magnetic
loss tangent (tan dm = l00 /l0 ) increases with frequency rstly and
exhibit maximums at frequency of about 412 GHz. The magnetic
loss types include hysteresis loss, eddy current effect, natural resonance, and so on [39]. According to the l values, the magnetic loss
of porous Fe and FeNi nanocomposites is manly induced by eddy
current loss and natural resonance effect. Both l00 and tan dm values
of porous FeNi are higher than that of porous Fe, indicating that
porous FeNi exhibit higher magnetic loss for EM waves.
When without using corncob powders as template, however,
the as-prepared FeNi alloy shows much higher e, l, and loss tangent than that of porous FeNi (Fig. 4), which may be ascribed to
the melting and adhesion of FeNi particles. The conductive network formed by melting and adhesion will signicantly improve
the conductivity, and therefore increased the e, l, and loss tangent.
Both e and l of FeNi alloy decrease with the increasing frequency
and exhibit some peaks. The peaks of tan dm appear at frequency of
6.2 GHz, 9.2 GHz, and 12.5 GHz, which are the natural resonance
peaks of FeNi alloy. The C value with formula of C = l00 (l0 )2 f1,
which was suggested by Wu et al. [40] indicates that the magnetic
loss of FeNi alloy is predominated by natural resonance effect.
3.4. EM wave absorption properties
According to the transmission line theory, the RL values of single-layer EM wave absorbers can be evaluated from the measured e
and l using the following equations [41]:

Z in Z 0

2pfd p
tanh j

Z in  Z 0 

RLdB 20 log 
Z in Z 0 

where Zin and Z0 are the impedance of absorber and air, respectively. e and l are the complex permittivity and permeability of absorber, respectively. f is the frequency of EM wave. d is the thickness
of the absorber. c is the velocity of light. Fig. 5 shows the calculated
three-dimensional and color-lling patterns of RL values for porous
Fe and porous FeNi prepared using corncob powders as template.
Both porous Fe and porous FeNi absorbers present weak absorption
(RL < 5 dB) for EM waves at thickness of less than 1 mm. With the
increasing of thickness, the absorption band with maximum RL
move to lower frequencies. The maximum RL values of porous Fe
and porous FeNi absorbers are 37.9 dB and 40.8 dB, respectively.
Both porous Fe and porous FeNi absorbers show low RL (2.5 dB to
10 dB) but wide-band absorption for EM waves at high frequency
(818 GHz) and high thickness (410 mm). To obtain the optimum
thickness and frequency of porous magnetic absorbers, we analyzed
the variations of bandwidth of RL as a function of thickness. As
shown in Fig. 6a and b, the bandwidth of RL < 10 dB (B10) for both
porous Fe and porous FeNi is 0 at thickness of less than 0.7 mm. The
B10 values increase dramatically with thickness from 0.7 mm to
1.3 mm and decrease thereafter. The maximum B10 values for porous Fe and porous FeNi absorbers are 3.6 GHz at 1.3 mm and
2.8 GHz at 1.0 mm, respectively. The variation of bandwidth of
RL < 5 dB (B5) for porous FeNi is similar to the B10 values. The
B5 value of porous FeNi absorber increases with thickness from

X.-G. Chen et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 908914


Fig. 3. Frequency dependence of complex permittivity, permeability, and loss tangent for porous Fe (hollow patterned lines) and porous FeNi (solid patterned lines) prepared
using corncob powders as template. The lling rate is 60% using parafn as substrate.

Fig. 4. Frequency dependence of electromagnetic parameters for FeNi alloy prepared without using corncob powders as template. The lling rate is 60% using parafn as


X.-G. Chen et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 908914

Fig. 5. Three-dimensional and color-lling patterns of RL for (a and b) porous Fe and (c and d) porous FeNi nanocomposites at lling rate of 60% using parafn as substrate.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 6. Effects of thickness on the bandwidth of (a) RL < 5 dB and (b) RL < 10 dB, (c) maximum RL for porous Fe (hollow patterned lines) and porous FeNi (solid patterned
lines), (d) frequency dependence of RL for porous Fe (hollow patterned lines) and porous FeNi (solid patterned lines) at optimum thickness.

0 GHz at thickness of 0.10.6 mm to 8 GHz at 1.1 mm. It starts to

decrease thereafter and maintains at about 1 GHz at thickness of
7.710 mm. The B5 values of porous Fe absorber, however, exhibit
three peaks with the increasing of thickness. The maximum B5 value of porous Fe absorber is 6.8 GHz at 1.4 mm. All B5 values of porous Fe absorber are greater than 3 GHz at thickness of 1.210 mm.
Fig. 6c shows the maximum RL of porous Fe and porous FeNi
absorbers as a function of thickness. We can conclude that porous
FeNi exhibits higher maximum RL value (40.8 dB), but porous Fe
absorber shows wide range thickness of RL < 20 dB. According to
the higher B5, B10, and maximum RL values, it is suggested that
porous Fe is more suitable for the application in EM wave absorb-

ers. The optimum thickness for porous Fe and porous FeNi absorbers are 1.31.4 mm and 1.01.2 mm, respectively. At the optimum
thickness, as shown in Fig. 6d, the optimum EM wave frequency
should be 1018 GHz, showing RL values of less than 5 dB.
When without using corncob powders as template, as shown in
Fig. 7, the resulting FeNi alloy exhibit much lower RL values than
that of porous FeNi absorber. Although the e, l, and loss tangent
of FeNi alloy are much higher than that of porous FeNi, the extremely poor impendence matching caused by the huge difference between e and l prevented the EM waves from entering into the
absorber. As a result, the maximum RL for EM waves at 2
18 GHz with thickness of 0.110 mm is only about 5 dB.


X.-G. Chen et al. / Composites Science and Technology 72 (2012) 908914

Fig. 7. (a) Frequency dependence of RL at 2 mm and (b) three-dimensional pattern of RL for FeNi alloy prepared without using corncob powders. The lling rate is 60% with
parafn as substrate.

Table 1
Comparisons between magnetic absorbers of this study and other porous EM wave absorbers.

Bulk density
(g cm3)


Bandwidth of RL < 5 dB

Porous Fe using

0.53 0.05

Porous FeNi using


0.56 0.06

FeNi alloy
Porous cement/EPS
Porous carbon ber

4.1 0.2





Consequently, the use of corncob powders is essential for the

EM wave absorption of magnetic absorbers (Table 1). First, porous
structures will be fabricated when using corncob powders as template, which will signicantly decrease the bulk density of the
materials and absorbers. The density is of great importance to
the EM wave absorbers especially in military elds. The bulk densities of porous Fe and porous FeNi are only 0.53 0.05 g cm3 and
0.56 0.06 g cm3, respectively, which are much lower than that of
FeNi alloy (4.1 0.2 g cm3) prepared without using corncob powders. When applied as EM wave absorbers, the calculated areal
densities of porous Fe and porous FeNi absorbers at optimum
thickness are 0.95 kg m2 and 0.77 kg m2, respectively, much
lower than the reported values of magnetic EM wave absorbers
[42]. Second, the porous magnetic nanocomposites prepared using
corncob powders exhibit much higher EM wave absorption because of their improved impendence matching and scattering effect of porous materials. The bandwidth of RL < 5 dB, bandwidth
of RL < 10 dB and maximum RL of porous Fe and porous FeNi
absorbers are much higher than that of the counterpart. Furthermore, we compared our results with other porous EM wave
absorbers. As shown in Table 1, although the bandwidths of porous
carbon ber and porous cement composite are larger than that of
this study, their bulk densities and matching thicknesses are much
higher either. Therefore, this study provides an important method
to fabricate porous magnetic EM wave absorbers with low density,
strong absorption, and thin matching thickness.
4. Conclusions
In summary, we have fabricated novel porous magnetic nanocomposites using corncob powders as template in this study. The
use of corncob powders is found to be essential for the properties
of magnetic nanocomposites. First of all, the presence of corncob
signicantly decreased the bulk density of the samples, which
facilitated the applications for EM wave absorbers. The second,

Bandwidth of RL < 10 dB


Maximum RL

Areal density of absorber

(kg m2)







the porous structures decreased both e and l values of the samples

and the impendence matching between the absorber and air was
enhanced as a result. The porous magnetic nanocomposites exhibit
much stronger absorption for EM waves than the FeNi alloy that
prepared without using corncob powders. The matching thickness
of the porous magnetic absorbers is only 1.01.4 mm, with areal
density of only about 0.71.0 kg m2. The absorption bands of
RL < 5 dB covers half X-band and the whole Ku-band. This study
not only fabricated novel porous magnetic nanocomposites with
strong EM wave absorption at low density and thin matching
thickness, but also utilized the agricultural waste corncob. The
prepared porous magnetic nanocomposites are potential lightweight EM wave absorber with bright future.
This research is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds
for the Central Universities, Peoples Republic of China.
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