24th June (Wednesday), 2015 Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Rice Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

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June 24 ,2015

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Oryza Overnight Recap Chicago Rough

Rice Futures Little Changed while Wheat
and Corn Continue to Show Strength
Jun 23, 2015

Chicago rough rice futures for Jul delivery are currently seen trading 1 cent per cwt (about $0.22
per ton) higher at $9.855 per cwt (about $217 per ton) during early floor trading in Chicago. The
other grains are seen trading with mixed results; soybeans are currently seen trading about 0.3%
lower, wheat is listed about 1.5% higher and corn is currently noted about 1.3% higher.U.S.
stocks traded mixed on Tuesday as investors watched domestic data reports for further signs of
economic improvement and remained optimistic on a Greece deal.
The Nasdaq Composite touched a fresh intraday high after a record close on Monday. However,
the index struggled to hold slight gains. The Russell 2000 extended gains to hit a new high after
also closing at a record on Monday. The morning's economic data was mixed, with durable
goods falling more than expected and the initial read on U.S. PMI the lowest since October 2013.
Anticipation of resolution in the Greece debt crisis helped Japan's blue-chip Nikkei index hit a
15-year high and supported broad gains in European stocks.
The European Central Bank on Tuesday lifted the ceiling on emergency liquidity to Greek banks
for a second time in two days, Reuters cited a banking source as saying. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average traded up 42 points, or 0.24 percent, at 18,162.32. The S&P 500 traded up 4
points, or 0.18%, at 2,126, with telecommunications leading seven sectors higher and utilities the
greatest laggard. The Nasdaq traded up 2 points, or 0.04%, at 5,156. Gold is currently trading
about 0.5% lower, crude oil is seen trading about 1% lower, and the U.S. dollar is currently
trading about 1.2% higher at 9:00am Chicago time.

Thai Agriculture Minister Plans AntiDrought Measures for Rice Farmers

Jun 23, 2015

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Thailand's Agriculture Minister again requested the rice farmers to suspend the main crop rice
planting in two million rai (around 320,000 hectares) land in the Chao Phraya River Basin of the
Central Region until normal rainfall resumes as water in the reservoirs has reached exceptionally
low levels, according to local sources.The Minister noted that the government cannot honour the
farmers' demands to pay a compensation of about 1,000 baht per rai (around $185 per hectare) to
suspend rice planting. He noted that the government is requesting the farmers to delay rice
planting only by two months, and the two-month delay in income would not entitle them for a
He however said that he would propose a package of measures to assist farmers in the economic
cabinet meeting next week.The measures reportedly include providing farming costs to famers
delaying rice planting; suspending interest collection until new crops produce yield and generate
revenues for farmers; providing water to about 4 million rai (around 640,000 hectares), including
3.4 million rai (about 544,000 hectares) in which rice is already planted and 600,000 rai (around

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96,000 hectares) in which alternative crops are being planned; and encourage and support
farmers to grow crops that require less water in the 2 million rai (about 322,000 hectares) land.

Brazil Paddy Rice Index Declines Slightly

from Last Week
Jun 23, 2015

The Brazilian paddy rice index maintained by CEPEA reached around 33.69 real per 50
kilograms as of June 22, 2015, down about 0.06% from around 33.71 real per 50 kilograms
recorded on June 15, 2015.
In terms of USD per ton, the index reached around $219 per ton on June 22, 2015, up about 1%
from around $217 per ton recorded on June 15, 2015.

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Global Rice Quotes

June 23rd, 2015

Long grain white rice - high quality

Thailand 100% B grade 375-385

Vietnam 5% broken


India 5% broken


Pakistan 5% broken


Myanmar 5% broken


Cambodia 5% broken


U.S. 4% broken 450-460

Uruguay 5% broken


Argentina 5% broken


Long grain white rice - low quality

Thailand 25% broken


Vietnam 25% broken


Pakistan 25% broken


Cambodia 25% broken 410-420

India 25% broken


U.S. 15% broken


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Long grain parboiled rice

Thailand parboiled 100% stxd


Pakistan parboiled 5% broken stxd


India parboiled 5% broken stxd 365-375

U.S. parboiled 4% broken


Brazil parboiled 5% broken


Uruguay parboiled 5% broken NQ

Long grain fragrant rice

Thailand Hommali 92% 815-825

Vietnam Jasmine


India basmati 2% broken


Pakistan basmati 2% broken


Cambodia Phka Mails



Vietnam 100% broken 310-320

Thailand A1 Super

Pakistan 100% broken stxd

Cambodia A1 Super



India 100% broken stxd 280-290

Egypt medium grain brokens


U.S. pet food


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Brazil half grain NQ

All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel, oryza.com

Mauritius Buys 6,000 Tons of Long-Grain

White Rice from India
Jun 23, 2015

The state purchasing agency in Mauritius has purchased 6,000 tons of long-grain white rice from
India in a tender (for same amount of rice) that closed on June 3. 2015, Reuters quoted European
The agency reportedly purchased 4,500 tons of rice at $389.90 per ton (c&f) and 1,500 tons at
$397.00 per ton (c&f), and seeks delivery between July 1 and September 30, 2015.

Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap Prices

Unchanged ahead of Iraqi Grain Board
Jun 23, 2015

The U.S. cash market was unchanged with farmers' price ideas holding firm well above buyers'
interest and as a result things were quiet today.Analysts note that many in the industry are
hopeful that the U.S. will be awarded a piece of the latest Iraqi Grain Board tender; however,
there are others who have their doubts.There is growing concern that if the U.S. does not
generate additional export business prices may have to come off even further to get some moving
before new crop is available.

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EU Farmers Association Hails Council

Suggestions Regarding Organic Legislation
Jun 23, 2015

The EU farm Ministers Council has reached an understanding over the EU organic legislation,
according to a news release on the Copa-Cogeca (Association of European farmers and Agricooperatives) website.The Copa-Cogeca President hailed the EU farm Minister for striking a
compromising solution, especially the maintenance of mixed farms in the region's rice sector. He
noted that the suggestions would improve the European Commission's original proposal in many
ways. This will allow farmers to gradually develop outlets for all their products and thus
safeguard their farm's viability without being exposed to serious risks. Moreover, a ban could
have deterred farmers from converting to organic farming or maintaining this specific production
method, he said.

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The Chairman of Copa-Cogecas Working Party on Organic Farming added that the decision if
implemented would also ensure that imports will comply with the EU production standards.
This will help to ensure fairer competition between EU farmers and farmers in non
EU countries whose products can bear the same EU organic logo, and will maintain
consumer confidence," he said."We also invite European Parliament to work on the basis of the
EU Councils compromise agreement and on the way to harmonise the approaches taken by the
control bodies and control authorities in case of adventitious contamination, he added.The
Copa-Cogeca Secretary-General urged the Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to act
quickly as a proper decision would help them make necessary investments and develop their

Saline-Tolerant Rice Varieties Offer

Promising Future to Bangladesh Rice
Jun 23, 2015

In Bangladesh, the negative impact of

climate change has resulted in farmland in
turning saline, more so in southern coastal
regionconsidered as nation's rice bowl.
Large acres of land are left fallow across
the country and rice cultivation has
salinity.Aid agencies, however, are
optimistic about rice varieties that can
naturally tackle salty soil. Bangladesh is a
low-lying delta and is vulnerable to violent
storms and floods and protecting
agriculture from natural calamities is critical for agriculture. At the Bangladesh Rice Research
Institute scientists have developed new varieties by crossbreeding rice varieties that can naturally
withstand salty soil.

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Though seeds are free for farmers, many of them were hesitant to adopt. The scientists from
Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) have been demonstrating to the farmers at the
field the cultivation techniques for the rice varieties in poor soil. Extension education has been
critical in disseminating how to grow rice varieties and in the past 4 years around 180,000
farmers participated in training programs.
Salinity can be different from adjoining fields, or even within, due to rainfall, elevation and
exposure to salt water from nearby rivers. Based on degrees of salinity, different types of saltresistant rice varieties can be cultivated. The saline-resistant rice varieties have been found
effective and have higher yields and the potential to mitigate salinitys adverse impacts.

Agricultural Experts Call for Modern Rice Farming

Technologies in Vietnam
Jun 23, 2015

Agricultural experts in Vietnam have noted that various rice farming technologies in the country
are outdated and urged the government to facilitate restructuring of the rice as well as total
agricultural mechanization in the country, according to local sources.Speaking at a Ministry
conference last week, they noted that though mechanization happened at various stages of rice
production, most of the machinery used is outdated. An official from the Agriculture Ministry's
Department for Agro-Forestry-Fisheries and Salt Processing noted that tillers used in Vietnam
are of only 1.6 horsepower (HP) per hectares, and are much lower to 4 HP/ha, 10 Hp/ha and 8
Hp/ha in Thailand, Korea and China respectively.
They also noted that there were many shortcomings in the application of agricultural engineering
in the country, and may projects in this area were ""impractical, inadequate and uncreative." For
instance they said government involvement in the manufacturing of heavy farm machinery has
been meagre and private players have been restricting to smaller machinery.The Deputy
chairman of the Vietnam Agricultural Engineering Society (VSAE) noted that government
policies in this area are commendable but their implementation is not to a desirable extent. He
added that farmers and enterprises are finding difficult to access financial assistance to
modernize their operations.


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The Principal of the Vietnam National University of Agriculture added that if policies are nit
implemented properly, they will have to continue importing machinery from China and other

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development instructed relevant agencies to
review and highlight shortcomings in the mechanization sector to enable the government to be
able to double the level of agricultural mechanization from the current 1.6 Hp/ha to 3.2 HP/ha.


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