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PLANT (Ranunculiae)

I feel so alone, forsaken and depressed

Darkness in case All this negative dark emotional state
As if heavy black cloud has descended (the Dark Pulsatilla)
Forsaken, abandoned feeling; Huge Hormonal mothering/forsaken
Separation anxiety If someone loves me, I feel theyd leave me
Theyre trapped; Chronically closing in on you, oppression
They are under a hex (intrigue) They have to work to get out of it
Suspicious; Someone is out to get them
Prone to depression; Almost suicidal
Hard workers! They feel horrible, but they are still going for it
Exhilarated; mania, industrious, Perfectionist; Hard on herself
Dont like company; Dont like touch; A lot of lamenting, a lot of sighing
Painful Mothering Female Pains; Dysmenorrhea, Endometriosis, ovarian cancer, retained placenta
Neck Trap
Neck injuries, stiffness, chills down spine
lancing electrical muscle and nerve pain

A lot of pain
A big remedy for Fibromyalgia (musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder)
a lot of neurological type pains; Sharp or lancing pains, electrical pains
Muscles and nerve pains
Chorea (shakes)
Big for befallments in general
Worse at 11 or 12 p.m.
Sweats, cold tremors starting from the back; Chills down the spine
Menstrual and female tract stuff, very important
Terrific dysmenorrheal pain; worse the heavier the flow * Terrific cramping; Shooting pain across the pelvis or
down the thighs; Changeable pains, PMS irritability
Labor; failure to progress in labor, retained placenta
Irregularity in the menstrual cycle; Cycle does tend to be late
Uterus/Ovaries; Endometriosis (uterine tissue growth outside uterus), fibroids, ovarian cancer, poly-cystic ovaries; Neuralgic pains in ovaries (where they scan and nothing wrong)
Severe headaches, often associate with cervical (neck) stiffness
Swelling tongue
Neck Injuries (is an injury remedy) whiplash; never been well since neck injury
Spine injuries (as well as neck)
(of persecution)
of getting murdered; Claustrophobia; Fear of suffocation

Cimicifuga Mental State

Darkness in case
Theyre trapped
some darkness trying to get out of
See dark objects, dark people
Delusion; see mice running around,
like in prisons
Pre-sentiment of death

Fear of tunnels
(places they can be trapped)
They often look dark complexion

Dark side
Dont like company
Dont like touch
A lot of lamenting, a lot of sighing
All this negative dark emotional state


Someone is out to get them

Fear of getting murdered

Fear of being encaged

Ranunculiae family
(Foresaken, Reactive)

The Dark Pulsatilla

Tubercular Miasm
(chronic oppression)

Chronically closing in on you,

At a certain point feels I have a few
hours and I have to figure out how to
get out of here

Figuring out how to get to next place

Im trapped (a prisoner) in
something and need to get
Delusion: Entrapped in wires (as if in
caged in wires)
Feeling trapped and trying to get
Tubercular miasm
They are under a hex
They have to work to get out of it

With intrigue
Prone to depression

Almost suicidal
As if a heavy black cloud has

(strange things going on)

Sense of being trapped or imprisoned,
sense need to use psychic powers to
escape (Crot-c)

On other side, can be wild,

can be mania, hysteria,

buoyancy, exhilarated,
Hard workers!
Even horrible pain and fatigue and yet
keeps working
They feel horrible, but they are still
going for it
Hard on herself

Forsaken, abandoned feeling

Dealing with abandonment issue
No parental support growing up
Her family didnt help or care for her
at all
Only one taking care of mother

If someone loves me,

I feel theyd leave me

Separation anxiety
Anxiety attacks
Will I ever see them again?
Huge hormonal

Some connection to mothering, to

being forsaken, etc.

I kiss him good-bye and am afraid Ill

never see him again
I had no parental support growing
I was sexually abused at 6
I used to be a dancer, that was an escape
All this fear inside
She doesnt have any control
Im nervous upset
I dont know where I am
Dreams people are always hurting
me, couldnt get to mom

Ranunculiae family (Staph, Puls, Acon, Hell)

(infrequent use) Cramp bark

Delusions and dreams of rats
A lot of pain
A big remedy for Fibromyalgia (musculoskeletal

Fear of murder
Fear of suffocation
Cimicifuga Case 1

Girl, 17
Cc cramps * w/menstrual cycle
Very heavy flow 7 days
Stated late, 14 years old
pain and fatigue disorder)
Feels very heavy
Gets depressed easily with cycle
a lot of neurological type pains
Feels ugly
Muscles and nerve pains
Wants to put bag on head
Fog makes her depressed
Big for befallments in general
Doesnt feel happy
Sharp or lancing pains, electrical pains
Cant sleep w/full moon
Yellow fever (uncommon^)
Scared really easily
Afraid of people breaking into house
Chills down the spine ^
Worse watching news
Worse at 11 or 12 p.m. ^
Worse w/noises
Sweats, cold tremors starting from the back ^
Worse at night
Worse alone
Always plans what do when robber breaks in
Menstrual and female tract stuff, very important
2 years ago mono
A lot of problems
Doesnt like school
Cycle does tend to be late
Depressed about school
Really grumpy
PMS irritability
Terrific dysmenorrheal, pain is worse the heavier Irritable in morning
Shy around guys
the flow *
Trouble warming up
Terrific cramping
A lot of bladder infections
Shooting pain across the pelvis or down the thighs Gets really stiff neck once a month, cant move head
Changeable pains
Sighs a lot
With cycle, during labor or after delivery
Started 2nd grade, mom took her to haunted house
Lots of female tract problems, failure to progress in couldnt sleep for month afterwards
Its really about getting murdered, someone breaking in
labor, retained placenta
murdering her
Irregularity in the menstrual cycle

Endometriosis, fiberoids, ovarian cancer, polycystic ovaries

Neuralgic pains in ovaries, where they scan and
nothing wrong, neuralgic pains

Severe headaches, often associate with cervical
(neck) stiffness
Swelling tongue
Injuries to neck (is an injury remedy) whiplash; or
never been well since injury to neck
Spine injuries (as well as neck)

Rubric: cramping w/menstrual cycle

Cimicifuga case 2

Woman referred by psycho 28

Dealing with abandonment issue
Always cold
Very fatigued
Tongue gets swollen at weird times *
Separation anxiety with boyfriend
Kiss him good-bye and think shell never see him again
Whole day anxious
A lot of trauma growing up worn out cant cope anymore

Cimicifuga cont.
Always worked with children
But felt drained and had to quit
No parental support growing up
I feel really old
Sex abused at 6, remembered at 20
Divorce, mother turned scitso mentally ill <- where
abandonment comes in
Her family didint help or care for her at all
Only one taking care of mother
In college reallyhard
Wheni was 22 mother died of ovarian cancer
2 relationships with men, yucky
I used to be a dancer
It was my escape <At home with mom, when mom left I was so afraid Id
never see her again
Dad rarely saw
Anal cleaning taking care of mom
All this fear inside
She doesnt have any control
Im nervous upset
I dont know where I am
Dreams people are always hurting me, couldnt get to
Dreams of boyfriend saying doesnt love her
If someone loves me, I feel theyd leave me
My mom and I were sick and symbiotic
Mom was mental healthy while had cancer for 1
After mom died I was numb
And later severely depressed
Shed go to me for decisions, I had lot of responsibility
She gets anxiety attacks
Parents of man who sexually abused her were going to
be at this wedding
Icky man, chased me with lobsters
Very afraid of men
Recurring nightmare lying on her back and man in
black cape stuck me with a knife in the neck
No one was there for her
Afraid boyfriend would go away
Had ovarian cysts
Heavy periods
Been suicidal
Always been able to get out of bed
But sees dead bird and gets really sad, feels horrible
about the world
Hands on chest, this ickyness in my chest
My neck was stiff in high school all the time
Tongue swollen, too big for mouth

LM1, LM2, LM3 didnt do much

10 months tried 2-3 other remedies
Gave her 1M just worked
All separation anxiety improved
Got married
Swelling went away

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