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zagrebtower” LEASE AGREEMENT COVER SHEET 1, Lessor EUROPOLIS Zagrebiower 4.0.0. Radnitka cesta 80 10.000 Zagreb O1B: 49224786032 2. Lessee Ministerstvo zastite okolisa i prirode Ulice Republike Austrije 14 10000 Zagreb OIB: 19370100881 3. Lease Object 685.92 (six hundred eighty-five point ninety- two) m*, Level 22 (twenty-two), offices; 697.36 (six hundred ninety-seven point thirty- six) m?, Level 21 (twenty-one), offices; 1,755.11 (one thousand seven hundred fifty- five point eleven) mé, Level 7 (seven), offices; 806.46 (cight thousand six point forty-six) m?, Level 3 (three), offices; 49 (forty-nine) parking spaces in the under- ‘ground garage as indicated in Annex 1.24; 1 (one) outdoor parking space. With beginning as of the I January 2015 (First of January two thousand fifteen) the Lessor undertakes to notify the Lessee on available free space for lease within the building, which notification doesn’t prevent the Lessor from free negotiations with third parties in relation to the same space. This clause may not apply if the Lessor by virtue of already executed lease agreements is obliged to offer the vaca- ted space to third party. UGOVOR 0 ZAKUPU NASLOVNICA Zakupodavac EUROPOLIS Zagrebtower d.0.0. Radni¢ka cesta 80 10 000 Zagreb IB: 49224786032 Zakup! Ministarstvo zastite okolisa i prirode Ulice Republike Austrije 14 10 000 Zagreb OMB: 19370100881 Predmet Zakupa 685,92 (Gest stotina osamdeset pet cijelih deve~ eset dva) m*, nivo 22 (dvadeset dva), uredi; 697,36 (Sest stotina devedeset sedam cjjel trideset Sest) m?, nivo 21 (dvadeset jedan), ure- di; 1.75511 (tisuéu sedam stotina pedeset pet cije- lih jedanaest) m’, nivo 7 (sedam), uredi;, 806,46 (osam stotina i Sest) m4, nivo 3 (tri), uredi; est cijelih Cetrdeset 49 (Getrdeset devet) parkimnih mjesta u podze- ‘mnoj garazi opisanih u Prilogu 1.24; | Gedna) vanjsko parkimo mjesto. (Od dana 1. sijetnja 2015. (prvog sijetnja dvije tisuée petnaeste) Zakupodavac se obvezuje Zakupnika obavijestiti o raspolo2ivom slobod- ‘nom prostoru za zakup unutar 2grade koja oba- vijest Zakupodavea ne sprjeéava wi slobodnim pregovorima sa treim osobama vezanih za isti prostor. Ova Klauzula ne dolazi do primjene ako Zakupodavae po veé sklopljenim ugovori- ma 0 zakupu ima obvezu treéoj osobi ponuditi ispraznjen prostor za zakup. Sette 1 von 26 ZAGREBTOWER: Mietvertrag / Lease Agreement 4. Lease Commencement Date Floors 3 (three), 21 (twenty-one), 22 (twenty two) and 50 (fifty) parking spaces as of 10 October 2014 (tenths of October two thousand fourteen) and floor 7 (seven) as of 24 October 2014 (twenty- fourths of October two thousand fourteen), stipulated as well as the handover dates of the single parts of the Lease Object. 5. Lease Term Limited to 5 (five) years, calculated from the Leese Commencement Date determined in Clause 4 of this Cover sheet 6. Rent and Service Charges Rent: - EUR 39,448.50 (EUR thirty-nine thousend four hundred forty-eight point fifty) month- ly (EUR 10.00 (EUR ten)/m’) for offices, which includes Rent for 45 (forty-five) par- king spaces in the underground garage; - EUR 200.00 (EUR two hundred) monthly (EUR $0.00 (EUR fifty)/space) for 4 (four) parking spaces in the underground garage; + EUR 50.00 (EUR fifty) monthly for the ‘outdoor parking space; ‘each amount plus applicable value added tax respectively. For the months September, October, Novem- ber and December of each calendar year, the Lessee shall be obliged to pay only 50% (fifty percent) of the Rent for the Lease Object. In order to avoid any doubt it is determined that even in this months of Lease Term, where the Rent for the Lease Object is decreased, the Lessee shall be obliged to pay the Service Charge in full agreed amount and for the en- tire Lease Object. Service Charges: + EUR 15,345.47 (BUR fifteen thousand Datum Poéetka Zakupa Katovi 3 (ti), 21 (vadeset jedan), 22 (dvadeset va) i $0 (pedeset) parkimmih mjesta na dan 10. listopada 2014, (desetog listopada dvije tisuée Getrnaeste) i kat 7 (sedam) na dan 24. listopada 2014, (dva- deset Zetvrtog listopada dvie tsuée etmaeste), ‘koji datumi su i ugovoreni datumi primopredaje pojedinih dijelova Predmeta Zakupa, Trajanje Zakupa Ogranigeno na odredeno vrijeme od S (pet) godina, ratunajui od Datuma Poéetka Zakupa sukladno totki 4. ove Naslovnice. Zakupnina i TroSkovi odrzavanja Zakupnina: - FUR 39.448,50 (BUR trideset devet tisuéa ‘etiri stotina etrdeset osam cijelih pedeset) mijese’no (EUR 10,00 (BUR deset)im?) za urede, Sto ukijuéuje Zakupninu za 45 (Setrde- set pet) parkinih mjesta u podzemnoj garazi; + EUR 200,00 (EUR dvije stotine) mjeseéno (EUR 50,00 (EUR pedeset)/mjestu) za 4 (Se- tir) parkimnih mjesta u podzemnoj garazi; - EUR 50,00 (EUR pedeset) mjeseéno za vanj- sko parkirno mjesto; svaki iznos uveéan za odgovarajuéi porez dodanu vrijednost, Za mjesece rujan, listopad, studeni i prosinac svake kalendarske godine, Zakupnik je obvezan plaéati samo 50% (pedeset posto) Zakupnine za Predmet Zakupa, Radi izbjegavanja svake sum- nije utvrduje se da je iu ovim mjesecima, u Kojima je Zakupnina za Predmet Zakupa sma- jena, Zakupnik obvezan plaéati Troskove odt- Zayanja u punom ugovorenom iznost i za cje- Jokupni Predmet Zakupa. Troskovi odrZavanja iznose: ~ BUR 15.345,47 (EUR petnaest tisuéa tri sto- ZAGREBTOWER: Mietvertrag / Lease Agreement thtee hundred forty-five point forty-seven) (EUR 3.89 (EUR three point cighty- nine)'m*) monthly advance payment for of- fices Service Charges; - EUR 519.40 (EUR five hundred nineteen Point forty) (EUR 10.60 (EUR ten point sixty)/space) monthly advance payment for Service Charges for 49 (forty-nine) parking spaces in the underground garage; - BUR 4.97 (EUR four point ninety-seven) ‘monthly for the outdoor parking space; each amount plus applicable value added tax respectively. Stable Value No more than 3% (three per cent) p.a., accord- ing to Clause 5.8, Use To be used exclusively for administrative i office purposes in compliance with business activities of the Lessee. . List of Annexes Annex 1: Plan of Offices Annex 1.2: Plan of parking spaces in the un- derground garage (-1) Annex 1.2.1: Plan of parking spaces in the ‘underground garage (-2) Annex 1.2A: List of parking spaces in the underground garage Annex 2: Standard Equipment Description Annex 3: Additional Lessee fit-out works Annex 4; Service Charges Annex 5: Calculation of Rent tine Setrdeset pet cijelih cetrdeset sedam) rjesetno (FUR 3,89 (EUR tri eijelih osam- desct devet)in?) za urede; - EUR 519,40 (BUR pet stotina devetnaest cijelih Settdeset) mjesetno (EUR 10,60 (EUR deset cijelih Sezdeset)/mjestu) za 49 (Cetrdeset devet) parkitnih mjesta u podzem- noj garazis - BUR 4,97 (EUR éetiti cijeli devedeset se- dam) mjesetno za vanjsko parkimo mjesto; svaki iznos uveéan za odgovarajuéi porez na dodanu vaijednost. Stabilna vrijednost Najvise 3% (tri posto) godisnje, sukladno slan- ku 5.8. Koristenje Iskljutivo koristenje u administrative, odnos- ro uredske svrhe unutar predmeta poslovanja Zakupnika. Popis Priloga Prilog 1.1: Nacrt Ureda Prilog 1.2: Nacrt parkimnih mjesta u podzem- nj garazi (-1 Prilog 1.2.1: Naert parkimih mjesta u podzem- rnoj garadi (-2) Prilog 1.2A: Popis parkimnih mjesta u podzem- oj garazi Prilog2: Opis standardne opreme Prilog 3: Dodatni radovi opremanja za Za skupnika Prilog 4: Troskovi odréavanja Prilog S: Obraéun Zakupnine

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