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Goodafternoon , I think that the majority of parents here wants to know

what kind of things they sons learn , well... my speeh is about that Im
andrew matos and im going to talk about the things that we learn of fyrlos
Unit 1 a time to remember
this unit is a review from ac1 past tense which we use to describe actions
that we did in the past, in this unit we saw how to give a more accurate
information about ourself like your email , your studies , were did you grew
up and other things about our childhood with used to , which we use to
describe things that we did in the past but we dont do anymore for example
when i was a child I used to be in the elementary school now im in the
Unit 2 Caugh in the rush
this unit is about city problems , we saw how to talk about them using count
nouns like there arent enough schools or there should be fewers cars and
non counts nouns such as we need more security or there is too much
traffic , this unit is about indirect questions too ,that we can use to ask for
especific information in a more formal way , for example could you tell me
were the bathroom is or do you know where i can catch the bus? these are
simple questions but abit more formal and we can use them in conversations
with people who we dont know
Unit 3 Time for a change
In this unit we saw how to make comparissons or evalutions about houses
with adjectives or nouns, to give an example a evaluation could be
the apartament isnt big enough and with noun the apartament doesnt have
enough space
some examples of comparisons are some houses are almost as inconvenient
as some apartments
and with nouns some apartaments have as many rooms as houses
the second half of this unit is about wishes,
to write about present wishes we use the word wish + past tense like i wish i
had my own house or
i wish i were rich , we use these sentences to talk about things that we want
Unit 4 I,ve never Heard of that!
This unit is about the differences between simple past and present perfect ,
we use the simple past to describe an action that has an specific time in the
past and present perfect for things that happen without an specific time its
between the present and the past , like have you ever eaten a burrito? In
this unit is about food recipes too and how to make them using sequence
adverbs like first ,next, then, and finally
Unit 5 going places

This unit is about travelling plans and how to talk about the places that you
must like to go using im going if you are sure or i will if you arent sure , like
Im going to Washington the next year ,we saw modals to describe
necessitys and suggestions like you must have an ID which is a necessity
and you should get a credit card which is a suggestion

Unit 6 ok . no problem
In this unit we saw the introduction of gerund (which is more specific of use
ing that we use in a base form verb) and how to make or ask for a request ,
it can be use nouns or either pronouns in the request you can you use
modals or would you mind + gerund , would you mind taking out the dog's or
could you take it out please
Unit 7 what is this for?
This unit teaches about some devices and inventions and how to explain
their functionalities using infinities or gerund ,for example with infinities tv is
generally used to watch tv and with gerund would be tv is used for watching
tv. in this unit we saw how to give some advices or suggestions using
imperatives and infinities like the tv is generally used to watch tv but be sure
to press the turn on button first
Unit 8 lets celebrate?
This unit is about holidays and especial events of the year and how to
describe what happend in those days using relatives clauses of times such
:when , after and before, to give us an example Valentine's Day is the day
when people expend their Money in gifts , after they send their gift to
someone they like, before they realize that the person which they like is in
love with someone else
Unit 9 times have changed
In this unit we saw how to talk about past , present and future , making use
of time contrast like , in the eighties people used to dress weird, now days
they continue dressing weird but now they are called hipsters.
In unit 9 we saw conditional sentences with if clauses that we used to talk
about a consequences that can happen if a certain condition happens like if
you dont know how to use your money you may get broke
Unit -10 I hate working on weekends
This unit is about jobs and how to know if you apply for that job depending of
your personal traits , we can use gerunds to make short sentence to express
our opinion about something, like I hate the Mondays , someone who
agrees can say so do i if the person disagrees he could say I dont (if the
sentence were negative like I cant stand Mondays and the person agrees

he said neither do I instead of so do I )

In this unit we saw some negative and positive traits like as efficient and
forgetful, we saw clauses with because , like I could never be a teacher
because Im very impatient with kids

Unit 11 its really worth seeing!

This unit teaches about passive voice (in past or present)
To change from active to passive we change the subject for the object, if the
sentence was in simple past we use past of be with past participle like the
cows milk was extracted first time by early cultures
If the sentence was in simple present we use the present of be with past
participle ,the milk is is used in most parts of the world
Unit -12 What Happened?
This unit its teaches about accidents and things that happens using past
continuous which we use to talk about actions in the past when the still were
in progress then we can use simple past to interrupt the action or change the
focus of the sentence for example ,I was using my computer when suddenly
the lights went out ,
A the end of the unit we saw present perfect continuous for example Ive
been calling corpoelec employers since that day to complaint but they dont
answer , we use present perfect continues to describe an action that started
in the past but it continue in the present time
Unit 13 good book terrible movie
The topic of this unit were movies and books , in this unit we saw how to
use participle as an adjective, we use present perfect to express what we
think about something for example Stanley Kubricks movies are amazing, in
the opposite site we have past participle which we use to describe how we
feel about something like I was amazed by Stanley Kubrick movies, in this
unit we saw something very important which is the relative pronouns we use
them with persons or things we use who for persons , which for things and
that for both , example Stanley Kubrick is a director who create a film based
on the book clockwork orange which is a book from Anthony burgess ,I was
using both the whole speech
Unit 14 what it means?
This unit is about meaning s of some things like body gestures and sings in
this unit teaches how to use modals and adverbs in a sentence to express
possibility of something: might, maybe and perhaps are a slight possibility
could and probably are in a middle term and must a definitely are the
strongest in terms of possibility , for example Venezuela is definitely in
troubles but maybe someday the things are going to get better , this unit

teaches about some signs meanings they are in 3 categories permission ,

obligation and prohibition one example of permission ,that sign probably
means that you can drive a train here , one example of obligation is
that ,sign maybe it means that you have to wear a gas mask , and the last
one prohibition is that sign which definitely means you cant be a evangelic

Unit 15 what would you do?

In this unit we talked about money and the things that we would do if we
found 750.000 dollars with if clause but in this case with a unreal or
imaginary situation , its called unreal conditional and we use to describe a
unreal circumstances for example if I found 750.000 I could invest it in real
state , later in this unit we saw past modals like would have or should have ,
we use them with past participle to ask or make and opinion or a suggestion
of the things that we would or should have done different in the past like I
spent the 750 000 $ that I found but now Im afraid of going to jail what I
should have done? If I had thought about it, I would have returned it
Unit 16 whats your excuse
This is the last unit and is about excuse and request , we saw the request
in the unit 6 in this unit we saw how to communicate to another person of
this request for example if someone told me , can you bring Doritos I say to
another person he ask me to bring Dorito , this is a reporter request another
sample ,
if someone say me bring dorito , I said he say to bring dorito or
he told me to bring dorito , we can do reporter speech with statements , like
I have planned a date, we can say he told me that he had planned a date ,
make reporter speech from statments looks easy , but we have to be aware
of make the correct transition of timing in the sentences , the statement in
the past example was in present perfect but when we turned into a reporter
speech it changes to past perfect .
Well that were all the units of the book, but we saw a lot more thing about
english with games , disccuion ,and activities so to summary fyr lois is a
great place to study english a bit expensive but a great a place were you
can find very special teachers , very friendly classmates and a quality
english class , so your sons are in good hands , im andrew matos thanks
for listening

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