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Photogrammetry is an art, science and technology of obtaining reliable information about

physical objects and the environment through process of recording, measuring and interpreting
photographic images and pattern of recorded radiant electromagnetic energy and other
phenomenon. Photogrammetry is one of the core subjects taught to students fifth semester
Degree in Geomatics Science program at UiTM. The objective of this course is to impart
knowledge to students in connection with photogrammetry procedures as practiced by the
Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia and Licensed Land Surveyors.
In this task, students are required analyse the differentiation of PhotoMod and Photomodeler
that will be use in this current semester.

PhotoModeler helps to create accurate, high-quality 3D models and measurements from
photographs using normal camera. PhotoModeler Scanner contains all the capabilities of
PhotoModeler, and adds scanning and dense surface modeling along with the SmartMatch tool
and idealize as well. PhotoModeler Motion contains all the capabilites of both products, and
adds measuring and modeling over time. See the chart on the product overview page for a
quick comparison of the products.
PhotoModeler, as the base product, is a powerful and affordable tool to build accurate models
and get measurements from your photos. Use PhotoModeler to build:

CAD-like models of a wide variety of objects and scenes.

Models using points, lines, edges, surfaces (photo textured or shaded) and other

Automated projects, using the included target detection features.

Photomodeler is widely use in:Forensic appltication.

Provide accurate measurement and 3D model for many accident reconstruction and forensic
task. The is number of application for photogrammetry in accident reconstruction and forensic. It
categories to four.

Accident scene diagram

Vehicle crush measurement
Crime scene
Surveillance video

It used widely in measurement and modeling tool in architecture, preservation, conservation and
cultural resource management application for :

Documenting and measuring older builder and structures for conservation and

Generation 3D model for visualization and view studies.
Generate elevation drawing of existing structures.
Generate rectified photograph of facades from single and multiple photo projects
Produce photo-textures 3D models for realistic wallaby
Surveying existing structures and objects.
Obtain scan of facades those with complex shape and natural textures.

Photomodeler software had many capabilities and features that support the requirement of
engineering and scientists. Mechanical , civil, and chemical engineering use Photomodeler for
diverse set of measuring and dimensioning task. The use of photomodeler by research
scientists and academics is only limited by the imagination.
It can be use to

Generates as-building drawing.

Perform high-density surface modeling
Measure and model existing installation and equipment.
Do reverse-modeling of mechanical parts.
Model cylindrical objects such as pipes and vessels without pre-targeting.
Perform dynamic measurement on equipment or processes
Export model for use in CAD programs
Track deformation and other movement changes with photomodeler motion.

Photomodeler use widely in survey. It generate high accuracy in cloud point that the laser
scanner can provide. Photomodeler capable of generation result as standalone application, or

for combining with data sets from other devices for control and aligment of crtical survey

Land surveys, slope/grade and property lines

Document as-build conditions of structures large and small
Stockpile shape and volume measurement
Site damage inspection
Compare site or structure condition over time
Collect data from a safe distance in hazardous environment.
Works with ground, aerial and underwater photo.

The PHOTOMOD software family comprises a wide range of products for the remote sensing
data photogrammetric processing. This software allows extracting the geometrically accurate
spatial information from almost all commercially available types of imagery, whether obtained by
film or digital cameras, high resolution satellite scanners or synthetic aperture radars.

PHOTOMODs flexible modular architecture and powerful import/export tools permit a variety of








configuration), High productivity distributed network environment for accomplishing large

projects, complementary workplaces that can be used along with third-party systems to increase
the overall productivity during the most time-consuming and labor-intensive operations like
feature extraction and DTM creation.
Today PHOTOMOD is the most popular digital photogrammetric software in Russia and is also
used in 70 countries all over the world. PHOTOMOD is the only digital photogrammetric system
with the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense certificate and also the main digital
photogrammetric software for the Federal Space agency of the Russian Federation
(ROSCOSMOS) and Russian Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography
Photomod consist of the program features:
PHOTOMOD geomosaic is use for working types of georeferences digital images, including
aerial and space imagery and digitized raster map. The input and output format includes, TIFF,
BMP, IMG, DGN, PIX, JPEG. It can support multi-channel imagery of unlimited size arbitrary
output channel combination. It capabilities is consist of

Creating high-precision mosaics from orthorectified images.

Builiding precise mosaics from georeferenced images of various formats.
In images processing, it able to radiometric images enhancements, pan-sharpening and

dust correct.
Seam line creation, able to create algorithm objects outlines and images discontinuities

for high quality of mosaic target.

Automatic tiling of mosaic, able to create single sheet creation, auto slicing into sheets

using image outlines and auto slicing mosaic into user defined sheets.
Automatic in creation of control point.
Images superposition using tie points manual entering of tie position and can be
automatic in creation of points measurement.


HOTOMOD UAS allows the user to process UAS data and acquire all types of value added
photogrammetric products: DEM, 2D and 3D-vectors, orthomosaics. The main techniques of
UAS data processing in the PHOTOMOD system are rigorous photogrammetric processing of
images with accuracy comparable with ground sample distance (GSD), and simplified method
with absolute accuracies of about tens of meters. Functionality, high performance, simplified
user-friendly interface and automation of photogrammetric operations are key benefits, allowing
the user to consider PHOTOMOD as the optimal solution for UAV/UAS data processing. The
system allows the user to improve processing performance due to distributed processing
approach, and uses most effectively the computational capabilities available. Block layout
creation, cutlines building, tie points search and measurement, as well as DEM building and
filtering are available in the system in fully automatic mode. While there are many advantages
of an unmanned survey, the features of the UAV data pose serious problems for
photogrammetric processing. The low quality of images, the low accuracy of the on-board GPS /
IMU data, the use of uncalibrated consumer cameras and bugs related to the instability of the
flight all this required adding to the PHOTOMOD system special tools to neutralize these
disadvantages and to obtain high-quality deliverables.

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