IOBY ReClaiming Home 2015 Giving Levels

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Levels of Giving

Every Foot Counts Partner: $10

Give a footor even 10! This donation level represents repairing 10 feet of vinyl gutters for our neighborhoods homes.
Gutters are an essential part of maintaining a homes safety and beauty. They protect a home from water damage to siding,
erosion to the foundation and surrounding soil, and prevent flooding under a home and in the basement. Every foot counts!
Raise The Roof Partner: $22
This donation level provides one bundle of new roof shingles. Maintaining a roofs integrity means maintaining a homes
long term value. A strong roof provides a protective outer layer from the harsh Cleveland weather and preserves a familys
valuable items inside the home.
Front Porch Partner: $87
Help to repair a front porch! This donation level represents the average cost for supplies to paint a front porch. Just imagine
sitting on the front porch watching the summer sun turn into evening on a newly painted porch!
Area Code Donor $216
This level is great for individual neighbors who want to bring this neighborhood project to life and re-build pride in the ClarkFulton & Stockyards!
Zip Code Giver: $441.02
This level of giving shows your neighborhood spirit with a donation amount reflecting our zip code! Great for business
partners in the 44102!
Neighborhood Pride Partner: $1,214
This is the average cost per home repairs for our summertime ReClaiming Home project. This level of giving is perfect for
neighborhood businesses to show pride in our Clark-Fulton & Stockyards neighborhoods!

*Please note that gratuity to IOBY is not required and can be removed from the donation total by selecting the
REMOVE icon located next to the indicated amount at checkout*

ReClaiming Home 2015

What Is ReClaiming Home?
Reclaiming Home is designed to help residents of the near-westside neighborhoods of Cleveland re-build pride in their
home and surroundings through exterior home improvements in partnership with World Changers- Student Construction
Trips and the Stockyard, Clark-Fulton, & Brooklyn Centre Community Development Office (SCFBC). World Changers will
be assisting these residents by organizing a group of young adults to repair their homes, while the SCFBC facilitates the
conversation with residents on needs and visions for their homes.
Why Give to ReClaiming Home?

Living on a low or fixed income makes maintaining a home safe and secure difficult for many residents of the Clark-Fulton
and Stockyards neighborhoods. Acknowledging the fundamental human right to housing, security, peace, and dignity,
SCFBC and World Changers partnered in this effort to set a catalyst for community pride and ownership. The project will
grant 5 homeowners the opportunity to have exterior repairs that would normally be out of their financial means
Interested in donating or exploring the project? Check out our campaign page or Like ReClaiming Home on Facebook



ReClaiming Home 2015

Qu es ReClaiming Home ?
ReClaiming Home est diseado para ayudar a los residentes de los barrios cercanos al lado oeste de Cleveland reconstruir el orgullo en su hogar y sus alrededores a travs de reparaciones de hogar. World Changers estarn ayudando
a estos residentes con la ayuda de un grupo de adultos jvenes para reparar sus hogares, mientras que SCFBC facilita la
conversacin con los residentes sobre las necesidades y visiones de sus hogares.
Por qu dar a ReClaiming Home?

Vivir con entrada baja hace mantener un hogar seguro y protegido difcil para muchos residentes de los barrios Clark Fulton y Stockyards. Reconociendo el derecho humano fundamental a la vivienda, la seguridad, la paz y la dignidad,
SCFBC y World Changers asociaron en este esfuerzo para establecer un catalizador para el orgullo y la propiedad
comunitaria. El proyecto otorgar 5 propietarios la oportunidad de hacer las reparaciones exteriores que normalmente
estaran fuera de sus medios financieros.
Interesado en donar o explorar el proyecto? Visita a nuestra pgina de campaa o Like ReClaiming Home en

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