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Dhaka Univ. J. Sci.

60(2): 247-252, 2012 (July)

Exterior Algebra with Differential Forms on Manifolds

Md. Showkat Ali, K. M. Ahmed, M. R Khan and Md. Mirazul Islam
Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
E-mail: and and
Received on 12. 10. 2011. Accepted for Publication on 25. 03. 2012

The concept of an exterior algebra was originally introduced by H. Grassman for the purpose of studying linear spaces. Subsequently Elie
Cartan developed the theory of exterior differentiation and successfully applied it to the study of differential geometry [8], [9] or differential
equations. More recently, exterior algebra has become powerful and irreplaceable tools in the study of differential manifolds with
differential forms and we develop theorems on exterior algebra with examples.

I. Introduction

Due to Elie Cartans systematic development of the

method of exterior differentiation, the alternating tensors
have played an important role in the study of manifolds
[2]. An alternating contravariant tensor of order
is also
called an exterior vector of degree
or an exterior vector. The space
( ) is called the exterior space of
of degree . For convenience, we have the following
( )= ,
( ) = . More importantly,
there exists an operation, the exterior (wedge) product, for
exterior vectors such that the product of two exterior
vectors is another exterior vector. Differential forms are
an important component of the apparatus of differential
geometry [10], they are also systematically employed in
topology, in the theory of differential equations, in
mechanics, in the theory of complex manifolds and in the
theory of functions of several complex variables. Currents
are a generalization of differential forms, similar to
generalized functions. The algebraic analogue of the
theory of differential forms makes it possible to define
differential forms on algebraic varieties and analytic
spaces. Differential forms arise in some important
physical contexts. For example, in Maxwells theory of
electromagnetism, the Faraday 2 form, or electromagnetic
field strength, is



( ),

( ). Then we have

Distributive Law
( + )
( +
Anti-commutative Law
= (1)
Associative Law

Remark 1. Suppose ,
commutative law implies

formed from the electromagnetic fields. In this paper we

have studied theorems on exterior algebra with
differential forms.
II. Exterior Algebra
Definition 1. Suppose
an exterior -vector. Let

is an exterior

-vector and

( )

is the alternating mapping that defined in [4].
is an exterior ( + )-vector, called the
exterior (wedge) product of and .
Theorem 2.1. [4] The exterior product satisfies the
( ),
following rules. Suppose , ,

( ). Then the anti-


= 0.

Generally, if there are repeated exterior 1-vectors in a

polynomial wedge product, then the product is zero.
( ) by
Definition 2. Denote the formal sum
Then ( ) is a 2 - dimensional vector space. Let

( ),

product of and

f ab dx a dx b , where f ab are

( ).

( ). Define the exterior (wedge)


Then ( ) becomes an algebra with respect to the exterior

product and is called the exterior algebra or Grassman algebra
of .
{1, (1 ),

} is a basis of the vector space ( ).

), ,
Similarly, we have an exterior algebra for the dual space ,

( ) is called an exterior form of degree

An element of
or exterior -form on ; it is an alternating -valued -linear
function on .


Md. Showkat Ali et al.

The vector spaces

( ) and
( ) are dual to each
other by a certain pairing. Suppose

( )
and ( ) . Then

>= det (<



,1 < < }
, 1 < < }, the basis of ( )
( ) respectively satisfy the following

>= det (<

{ }={
{ }{


Conversely, if
are linearly independent, then they
can be extended to a basis { ,
, , } of .


0. This completes the proof of the

Theorem 2.4 (Cartans Lemma) [4]. Suppose { , ,

and { , , } are two sets of vectors in such that


= 0.


are linearly independent, then
expressed as linear combination of :




can be

Thus these two bases are dual to each other.

Theorem 2.2. Suppose :
is a linear map. Then

commutes with the exterior product, that is, for any

( ) and ( ),


Proof. Choose any


)( , ,

( + )!


( )



)) =

), ,

proof of the theorem.



( )

( ), ,


) = 0.

( )

( ,,

. This completes the


( ), is that
= 0.


Proof. When + > (2) and (3) are trivially true. In the
following we assume that + . Necessity is obvious, so
we need only show sufficiency. Extend
to a basis
{ ,, ,
, , } of . Then can be expressed as
+ +


( ). Plugging into (3) we get




Proof. If
, , are linearly dependent, then we may
assume without loss of generality that can be expressed
as a linear combination of


Theorem 2.3. A necessary and sufficient condition for the

vectors , ,
to be linearly dependent is

= 0.

+ +


( ( ), , (


( + )!

. Then


Theorem 2.5. Suppose

linearly independent
vectors in
and ( ). A necessary and sufficient
condition for
to be expressible in the form

+ +



Inside the summation, the terms

( +1

are all basis vectors of

( ). Therefore (4) gives

of the theorem.

=0 ; +1
+ +

Theorem 2.6. Suppose

sets of vectors in . If {
independent and


. This completes the proof


; 1 are two
, 1 } is linearly

Exterior Algebra with Differential Forms on Manifolds


= !(




times to get



Since { ,
; 1 } is linearly independent, the
left hand side of (6) is not equal to zero, that is,
{ ,
; 1 } is also linearly independent
(Theorem 2.3).We can also obtain from (6) that

( )=


are linear combinations of
are also linearly independent.
Proof: Wedge-multiply (5) by itself

= 0,

which means
{ , ,, ,
, } is linearly
dependent. Therefore
can be expressed as a linear
combination of
,, , ,,
.The above
conclusion is also true for
. This completes the proof
of the theorem.

is an -dimensional smooth manifold. The
bundle of exterior -forms on

( ) is a
( )-module. The elements of
( ) are
called exterior differential -forms on . Therefore, an
exterior differential -form on
is a smooth skewsymmetric covariant tensor field of order on .
( ) =
Similarly, the exterior form bundle

( ) is also a vector bundle on . The elements

( ) are called exterior
of the space of its sections
( ) can be
differential forms on . Obviously
expressed as the direct sum
( ),


i.e., every differential form

can be written as
+ +
, where
is an exterior differential
-form. The wedge product of exterior forms can be
extended to the space of exterior differential form ( ).

( )

( ),

( )

( ),

Remark 3. The tensor algebras ( ) and

( ), with
respect to the tensor product and the exterior algebra ( ),
with respect to the exterior product are all graded algebras.
Theorem 3.1. [7] Suppose
is an -dimensional smooth
manifold. Then there exists a unique map : ( ) ( )
such that ( ( ))
( ) and such that satisfies the

( ),

(i) For any



is an exterior differential -

form. Then



( ) to denote the space

is a vector bundle on . Use
of the smooth sections of the exterior bundle ( ):
( ) = ( ( )).

, let

( ) is zero when + >


(iii) If

( )=

( )

(ii) Suppose

III. Exterior Differentiation

where the right hand side is a wedge product of two exterior

forms. It is obvious that
( ). The space ( )
then becomes an algebra with respect to addition, scalar
multiplication and the wedge product. Moreover, it is a graded
algebra. This means that ( ) is a direct sum (8) of a
sequence of vector space and the wedge product
defines a

Remark 2. For a geometrical application of theorem 2.6

refer to Chern [5].

( ). For any

+ (1)

is a smooth function on

( ) then,


is precisely the

differential of .
(iv) If
The map

( ), then

) = 0.

defined above is called the exterior derivative.

Theorem 3.2. (Poincares Lemma). [4]

exterior differential form ,

= 0, i.e., for any


Theorem 3.3. [10] Let M be a C manifold. Then the set

( ) of all k-forms on M can be naturally identified with

that of all multi-linear and alternating maps, as C (M )

modules, from k-fold direct product of ( )to C (M ) .

Now, we shall characterize the exterior differentiation without

using the local expression namely, we have the following


Md. Showkat Ali et al.

Theorem 3.4. Let M be a C manifold and ( )

an arbitrary k-form on M. Then for arbitrary vector fields
( ), we have

d ( X 1 , , X k 1 )

1 k 1
{ ( 1) i 1 X i ( ( X 1 , ,
k 1 i 1

Xi ,, Xk 1)) (1)i j ([Xi , X j ], X1,, X i ,

On the other hand, when we calculate the right hand side of

the formula using [ X i , X j ] 0 , we obtain the same value.
This finishes the proof.

We can consider theorem 3.4 as a definition of the exterior

differentiation that is independent of the local coordinates.

1) If
Here the symbol X i means X i omitted. In particular, the
often-used case of k = 1 is

d ( X , Y ) { X (Y ) Y ( X ) ([ X , Y ])}.




The vector formed by its coefficients


) is the

2) Suppose =
smooth functions on . Then


, ,


be the vector ( , , ), then the vector

formed by the coefficients of

field , denoted by
3) Suppose


is just the


of the vector

. Then


i1 ik

is a smooth function on , then


gradient of , denoted by

Proof. If we consider the right hand side of the formula to

be proved as a map from the (k + 1)-fold direct product of
X (M ) to C (M ) , we see that it satisfies the conditions
of degree (k +1) alternating form as a map between

modules over C (M ) . Since it is easy to verify this by

Theorem 2.8, we see that the right hand side is a (k +1)
form on M. If two differential forms coincide in some
neighborhood of an arbitrary point, they coincide on the
whole. Then consider a local coordinate system
(U , x1 , x n ) around an arbitrary point p M . Let the
local expression of with respect to the local coordinate
system be

f i1ik dxi1 dxik .

Example 1. Suppose the Cartesian coordinates in are

given by ( , , ).

i j

, X j ,, Xk1)}.

k 1

{ (1) s1
f j j j }.
(k 1)! s1
x j 1 s k1

d ( X1,, X k 1 )

dxi1 dxik .


means the divergence of the vector field
= ( , , ).

From the linearity of differential forms with respect to the

functions on M, it is enough to consider only vector fields

From theorems, two fundamental formulas in a vector calculus

follow immediately. Suppose
is a smooth function on
and is a smooth tangent vector field on . Then


i1 ik





(i 1, , k 1)
x j

neighborhood of P. Then [ X i , X j ] 0


near P.

Moreover by the alternating property of differential

forms, we may assume that j1 j k 1 . Then, if we
apply (8) to ( X 1 , , X k 1 ), we have


) = 0,
) = 0.

Theorem 3.5. Suppose is a differential 1-form on a smooth

manifold .
and are smooth tangent vector fields on .
> =
[ , ], >




> <

Exterior Algebra with Differential Forms on Manifolds

Proof: Given
> =
[ , ], >




> <

Since both sides of (9) are linear with respect to

may assume that is a monomial

; where

L.H.S: <




are smooth functions on

> =<

, we

> <
> <



< , > < , > <[ , ], >= <
< ,
> <[ , ],
) (
) [ , ] =

Therefore L.H.S = R.H.S. This completes the proof of the

IV. Differential Forms

The most important tensors are differential forms. The
main reason for their importance in the fact under mild
compactness assumptions, it is possible to define the
integration of a form of degree k on a manifold of
dimension k.
Definition 3. A differential form of degree k on a
manifold M is a smooth section of the bundle ( ) and
we denoted by (

For a vector space the exterior product of


is the ( + ) antisymmetric form defined by

g =
Ant(f g).
! !

Example 2. Let
( ) be a differential 1-form on

such that for any

= holds. Then
= 0.
Exterior forms are more interesting than tensors, for the
following reasons: we shall define on

a natural differential operator that is depending only on the
differential structure of M. This operator gives information on
the topology of the manifolds.
Remark 4. Using Theorem 3.5 the Frobenius condition for dimensional distributions method can be rephrased in its dual
form. Suppose
= { , , } is a smooth -dimensional
distributions on . Then for any point , ( ) is an dimensional linear subspace of . Let
( ( )) =



( ).

( ( )) is certainly ( )-dimensional subspace of ,

called the annihilator subspace of ( ) . In a neighborhood of
an arbitrary point, there exist
linearly independent
differential 1-forms
that span the annihilator
subspace ( ( )) at any point in the neighborhood. In fact,
is spanned by linearly independent smooth tangent vector
in a neighborhood. Therefore there exist
smooth tangent vector fields
such that
{ ,, ,
} is linearly independent everywhere
in that neighborhood.
Suppose { , ,
} are the dual differential 1 forms in that neighborhood. Then at every point , ( ( )) is
spanned by
. Locally the distribution
therefore equivalent to the system of equations
= 0,


Often called a Pfaffian system of equations [1].

By (9), we have
> =
< [ , ] ,
[ , ],


Hence the distribution



if and only if <
1 .

= <



} satisfies the Frobenius

1 ,

> = 0, 1 ,

Theorem 4.1. [3] Suppose

is an -dimensional distribution
satisfying the Frobenius condition on a manifold . Then
through any point
, there exists a maximal integral
manifold ( ) of
such that any integral manifold of
is an open submanifold of ( ) with respect to the
topology .
The term maximal integral manifold in this theorem means
that it is not proper subset of another integral manifold [6].


Md. Showkat Ali et al.

Suppose :
is a smooth map from a smooth
to a smooth manifold . Then it induces a
linear map between the spaces of exterior differential
forms: : ( ) ( ).
In fact,
induces a tangent mapping ( )
and the definition of the
( )

: ( ) ( ) for each homogeneous part of
( ) and ( ) as follows:

( ), 1, then

any smooth tangent vector fields



> =<

( ) such that for

, , on ,


( )


= ( )

: ( ) ( ).

( )

( )

( )

Proof: Since both and

are linear, we need only
consider the operation of both sides of (11)
on a
monomial .
First suppose
is a smooth function on
( ). Choose any smooth tangent vector field
on .
Then it follows from (11) that
)> = < ,
> =
) = < , ( ) >.

Next suppose
on . Then

)= (



)= (

) = (


This completes the proof of the theorem.


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( )

) =
) = (

is a differential 1-form on and
is an exterior
differential ( 1) form on
. Then by the induction
hypothesis we have

In other words, the following diagram commutes.

< ,

Theorem 4.2. Suppose :

is a smooth map from
a smooth manifold
to a smooth manifold . Then the

induced map
: ( ) ( ) commutes with the
exterior derivative , that is,

The importance of the induced map also rests on the

fact that it commutes with the exterior derivative .

Now assume that (11) holds for exterior differential forms of

degree < . We need to show that it also holds for exterior
differential -forms. Suppose

where < , > is the pairing. If

( ), we define

( ) the map distributes over the


exterior product, that is, for any , ( ) ,


( ) =


, where

, are smooth functions

10. Sternberg, S., 1964, Lectures on differential geometry, PrenticeHall.

Exterior Algebra with Differential Forms on Manifolds


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