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NUT National Executive Election 2010 Sara Tomlinson http://saratomlinson.posterous.


Fighting for teachers rights ! Joint Divisional secretary Lambeth NUT

since 2002
! Member of National Gender advisory
As secretary of Lambeth NUT schools and led ballots for industrial
I have represented teachers as action over excessive workload. ! Regional President for London Region
lead negotiator on the Lambeth I have built union membership and ! Member of steering committee for Anti-
WAMG. have built a local committee that Academies Alliance
I have fought for the authority to im- reflects our membership locally ! Member of Steering committee for Anti-
plement the Rarely Cover policy, with primary teachers, women Sats alliance
fought for union policy on lesson teachers and black teachers taking ! Delegate to Women!s TUC 2010
observations to be implemented in leading roles.

My Campaigning Record. . . Fighting for a better education

I have campaigned on education !I am currently leading the cam- system. . .
for many years. . . paign to stop an academy in Lam-
! I have successfully lead a cam- beth from being built on the site of a ! I believe that our children deserve better. SATs, testing and league
paign to stop my school, Glenbrook current primary school. tables have a damaging effect on children!s education . . .
Primary in Lambeth, from being ! I have actively supported the
turned in to t through academy for 3- fights of other unions throughout the ! I have organised an event with Michael Rosen, children!s author,
18 year olds. borough, taking our branch banner, for teachers to discuss the alternatives to SATs and how we could or-
! As a parent, I lead a successful collection money and delegations of
campaign to stop the closure of my teachers to meetings and to many ganise to teach in the way that we as teachers feel is best for the
children!s school. picket lines. children in our schools. Over 100 Lambeth teachers attended.

An active campaigner for equalities. . .

!In 2005 I organised a Lambeth teachers to ! I have encouraged and
Where now for our union?
public meeting to launch protest at the appearance helped to develop women Whoever wins the next general the fight to defend our members
the “Tell it Like it Is” book. of Nick Griffin, leader of and primary school teach- election, our union will need to conditions and the fight against cuts
A book that about the un- the BNP on Question time ers to take a leading role be ready to fight back against to the funding of education. Our
derachievement of black and I am chair of Lambeth in our branch. cuts in our service. There is noth- union must fight hard for teachers
boys and institutional Unite Against Fascism. Women now make up the
racism. This event was !I have encouraged and majority of our committee. ing inevitable about public sector to take back professional control of
rolled out into union meet- supported the setting up of ! I represent Inner Lon- workers having to sacrifice wages our jobs.
ing in many Lambeth a large and strong black don on the national and pensions in a recession. These We must oppose the licence teach,
schools. teachers network in our Women!s Advisory Com- cuts can and must be resisted. OFSTED and top down, imposed
!I led a delegation of local branch. mittee. Our union has to be at the centre of assessment systems.

Sara Tomlinson Sara is also supporting Alex Kenny

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