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Serie nou a revistei CONSTRUCII

Nr. 1 / 2014
ISSN 1221-2709
e-ISSN 2247-0328



Editor sef / Editor in Chief:
Dr. Emil-Sever GEORGESCU,
URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Bucharest Branch, Romania

Membri / Members:
Dr. Ioan Sorin BORCIA
URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Bucharest Branch, Romania

Prof. Dr. Florea CHIRIAC

Journal of the National Research and

Development Institute in Construction,
Urban Planning and Sustainable Spatial
Development, URBAN-INCERC,
INCERC Bucharest Branch, Romania

Member of the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, ASTR

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania


Corresponding Member of the Academy of Technical Sciences of
Romania, ASTR

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iolanda-Gabriela CRAIFALEANU

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania
URBAN-INCERC, INCERC Bucharest Branch, Romania



University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania

Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy
Member of the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, ASTR

Prof. Dr. Liviu DUMITRESCU

Editor ef / Editor in Chief:

Dr. ing. / Dr. Emil-Sever GEORGESCU

Association of Building Services Engineers in Romania

Redactor ef / Associate Editor:

Conf. univ. dr. ing. / Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Iolanda-Gabriela CRAIFALEANU

Prof. Dr. Dan LUNGU

Adresa redaciei / Editorial office

INCD URBAN-INCERC, Sucursala/ Branch
INCERC Bucuresti, Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 266,
sector 2, Bucuresti, Cod postal 021652,
Tel:+4021-255.78.66, Fax:+4021-255.00.62,

Prof. Dr. Theodor MATEESCU

Prof. Dr. Cristian GHIAUS

Institut National des Sciences Appliques, INSA, Lyon, France

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Dr. Sanda MANEA

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania

Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi", Iasi, Romania

Prof. Dr. Cornel MIHAILA

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Dr. Cristina OCHINCIUC

University of Architecture and Urbanism "Ion Mincu", Bucharest,

Prof. Dr. Radu PASCU

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Dr. Petre PATRUT

Indexed in international databases and

catalogues: Academic Journals Database
Academic Keys Bern
Dibner Library of Science and Technology
DOAJ EBSCO EconPapers Electronic
Journals Library Genamics JournalSeek
getCITED Google Scholar Ideas-RePEc
IndexCopernicusTM Intute Israel Institute of
Technology Technion Lupton Library
Munich Personal RePEcArchive National
Library of Australia OPACPlus Open JGate ProQuest/IIIustrata ResearchGATE
Structurae TIB/UB Hannover UlrichswebTM
Universia VUBIS WorldCat

Member of the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, ASTR

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania

Antonios POMONIS, MSc, CEng

Risk Management Solutions, Athens, Greece

Prof. Dr. Adrian RADU

Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, ASTR
Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi", Iasi, Romania

Prof. Dr. Victor RADU

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Horea SANDI

Member of the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, ASTR


Zeev Savion Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel

Dr. Henriette SZILAGYI

URBAN-INCERC, Cluj-Napoca Branch, Romania


Weir-Jones Group of Companies, Vancouver B.C., Canada


Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment - CSTB, France



Adrian G. MARCHI, Adrian M. IOANI: Riscul de

colaps progresiv al structurilor n cadre din beton
armat amplasate n zone seismice din Romnia ............ 3

Adrian G. MARCHI, Adrian M. IOANI: The risk for

progressive collapse of RC frame structures located in
seismic areas in Romania.............................................. 3

Bogdan MEZEI, Mihai ILIESCU, Ofelia CORBU,

Attila PUSKAS, Ligia MOGA: Beton armat dispers n
realizarea elementelor prefabricate pentru drumuri .......
..................................................................................... 12

Bogdan MEZEI, Mihai ILIESCU, Ofelia CORBU,

Attila PUSKAS, Ligia MOGA: Disperse reinforced
concrete used in obtaining prefabricated elements for
roads............................................................................ 12

Andreea HEGYI, Carmen DICO, Gabriela CLTAN,

Oana CAZAN: Studiu comparativ privind rezistenele
mecanice ale panourilor din lemn ncleiat de fag i
frasin............................................................................ 21

Andreea HEGYI, Carmen DICO, Gabriela CLTAN,

Oana CAZAN: Comparative study on the mechanical
performance of beech and ash laminated panels

Cornelia-Florentina DOBRESCU, Elena-Andreea

CALARASU: Analiza influenei fraciunilor granulare
asupra caracteristicilor geotehnice ale pmnturilor cu
comportament similar...................................................29

Cornelia-Florentina DOBRESCU, Elena-Andreea

CALARASU: Analysis of the influence of granular
fractions on geotechnical characteristics for soils with
similar behavior ..........................................................29

Georgeta BETU, Elena Carmen TELEMAN, Elena

AXINTE, Victoria Elena ROCA, Andrei AXINTE:
Studiu privind criteriile de modelare a fenomenului de
viscolire a zpezii n tuneluri aerodinamice cu strat

Georgeta BETU, Elena Carmen TELEMAN, Elena

AXINTE, Victoria Elena ROCA, Andrei AXINTE:
Study on the snow drifting modelling criteria in
boundary layer wind tunnels
..................................................................................... 34

Attila PUSKAS, Raul ZAGON, Henriette SZILAGYI,

Ofelia CORBU, Cornelia BAER, Horia
CONSTANTINESCU: Modelarea comportrii la
ncovoiere a planeelor prefabricate cu suprabetonare
pentru diferite suprafee de contact ............................. 46

Attila PUSKAS, Raul ZAGON, Henriette SZILAGYI,

Ofelia CORBU, Cornelia BAER, Horia
CONSTANTINESCU: Modelling of the bending
behaviour of double floor systems for different contact
surfaces........................................................................ 46

Adrian IACOB, Ion Daniel VIAN, Adriana Lucia

KADHIM-ABID, Irina BLIUC: Reabilitarea
higrotermic a cldirilor publice. Studiu de caz asupra
teatrului Luceafrul din Iai.................................... 54

Adrian IACOB, Ion Daniel VIAN, Adriana Lucia

KADHIM-ABID, Irina BLIUC: Hygrothermal
rehabilitation of public buildings.A case study on
Luceafrul theatre in Jassy ..................................... 54

Gheorghe-Alexandru BRBOS, Mircea PSTRAV,

Stadiul actual al cercetrilor privind betonul de ultranalt performan....................................................... 63

Gheorghe-Alexandru BRBOS, Mircea PSTRAV:

State-of-the-art report on ultra-high performance
concrete (UHPC)......................................................... 63

Toate drepturile asupra materialelor publicate n revist

sunt rezervate Sucursalei INCERC Bucureti.

All rights on materials published in the journal are

reserved to INCERC Bucharest Branch

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Punctele de vedere exprimate in articole aparin

autorilor, redacia rezervndu-i dreptul de a
prezenta i alte opinii.
The points of view expressed in the papers belong
to the authors; the editors reserve the right to also
present other opinions.

Sucursala INCERC Bucuresti,
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 266, sector 2, Bucuresti,
Cod postal 021652,
Tel:+4021-255.78.66, Fax:+4021-255.00.62,

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