Campaign Report Winter 2015

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winter 2015

S h ow cas i n g SA F E s w o r k i n N ew Z ea l an d
I N S ID E Pig campaign update | Live Export | New Go Veg website

New Zealand bans cosmetics testing cruelty

SAFE is delighted that the government has taken a crucial step in improving the countrys
animal welfare laws by announcing a ban on cosmetics testing on animals as part of
the new Animal Welfare Act. The ban is a milestone victory for SAFE and supporters who have
campaigned determinedly for over three years.

A huge thank you to you for helping SAFE ensure

animals will not now suffer in cruel tests.
This is a joint effort by all caring Kiwis who should be proud that
we are now officially the latest country to go cruelty-free. Special
thanks also goes to Green Party MP Mojo Mathers, who worked
tirelessly for a ban.
Were delighted the government has accepted that
cosmetics testing on animals is abhorrent and should not
be allowed. Thanks so much to everyone who sent an email,
attended a protest or made a submission,
says SAFE Head of Campaigns, Mandy Carter.
The cosmetics campaign has been a long, hard-fought campaign
for SAFE, starting in 2011 when we launched our SAFEshopper
cruelty-free list. The campaign was developed because we saw
there was a global trend towards cosmetics animal testing bans.
We encouraged people to lobby the government by sending emails
to Prime Minister John Key calling for a New Zealand ban, which
soon attracted thousands of responses.
In 2012 the Animal Welfare Act came under review, presenting
us with an opportunity to call for specific amendments to help
animals, including a ban on cosmetics testing. We created a
website,, that made it easy for the public to
support SAFEs submission and make their own. Nearly 80% of
submissions received by the government came via our site.
SAFE led this high-profile campaign. We organised meetings
with politicians, recruited a top New Zealand lawyer to help write
alternative legislation and teamed up with other organisations
like Humane Society International (HSI). SAFE also presented a

15,500-strong petition, ran a nationwide billboard and print advertising

campaign calling on PM John Key to Hop to it, co-ordinated support from
28 cosmetics companies, submitted a detailed legislative proposal to the
gwwovernment and held actions and promotions throughout.
The ban is the latest in a growing global cruelty-free trend, with similar
test bans already in place in Norway, Israel, India, the 28 member states
of the European Union and the Brazilian state of So Paulo. Legislative
measures are also under discussion in Australia, Brazil, South Korea,
Taiwan and the United States.
Cosmetics animal testing can include force-feeding animals with
chemicals or restraining them so that chemicals can be dripped in their
eyes. Testing methods used can result in severe pain and distress.

We do urge some caution, however. This is only a ban on testing within
New Zealand. That means imported cosmetics are still potentially tested
on animals abroad. With a ban on cosmetics testing in place, SAFE will
now focus attention on achieving a ban on the import and sale of
animal-tested cosmetics. The European Union already has such a ban
in place and it is logical for New Zealand to follow suit, says Mandy.

In the meantime shoppers can

make sure they are cruelty-free
by downloading SAFEs free
phone app SAFEshopper
or searching online

Making a real
Looking back on another busy year
I cannot help but be happy about
our achievements for animals.
Over the years, SAFE has become a highly
respected and effective advocacy organisation for
animals and we are finally starting to see results.
The sow stall and calf bashing bans, the
psychoactive substance and cosmetics testing bans
and the massive awareness about factory farming
are all tangible results of SAFEs hard work.
I am proud of our team. We are punching above
our weight against an opposition that is much
better resourced and funded. Despite our uphill
battle, SAFE has continued to grow and change
with the times.
Our new website is very popular and through
social media we now reach a large segment of the
population. Our opinions are sought after by the
media and our support base is ever-increasing.
All these developments are positive but working
in animal rights means that you are always acutely
aware of all the work that lies ahead.
Animal exploitation is so ingrained in our society
that you cannot help but wonder if we will ever get
to the point at which animals are respected and
no longer abused.
At SAFE, we are under no illusion that we have a
massive battle in front of us but we are up for it.
I invite you to join us on the battlefront and be part
of creating a better world for all animals.
On behalf of all of us at SAFE, thank you.

Pork industry under fire AGAIN

MPI Confirms: Pig Cruelty Is 100% Legal.
Late last year it was revealed that the pig farms that shocked the
nation when exposed on the Sunday programme (June 14) would not
be prosecuted. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) said there was
insufficient evidence to support a prosecution.
Footage of the Canterbury farm revealed a sow that was kept in a farrowing
crate so tight her newborn piglets were squashed to death. Other pigs were
kept in overcrowded fattening pens with dozens of rats running over them.
Another farm in Kumeu was also investigated after workers were filmed
physically abusing the animals, including bashing a sow to death with
a hammer over a prolonged period of time.
While it may seem ridiculous that such blatant cruelty is not enough
evidence, the reality is that the laws protecting animals are extremely weak.
Following the announcement by MPI, Campbell Live revealed new footage
from Farmwatch and SAFE, which showed more cruelty to pigs.
This expos ran over a number of days and again turned the nation
against factory pig farming. This time the cruelty was portrayed as legal
and standard in the industry, making it very difficult for the industry to
respond with their usual excuses.
Where to now? We have proved beyond a doubt that the pig industry has
not changed despite the overwhelming surge of feeling against their cruelty.

We will continue to campaign, but pigs need help NOW.

If you are with us in believing animals deserve respect, please
help us create a New Zealand without factory farming.
Hans Kriek
Executive Director

follow us:
Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest: SAFEnewzealand
YouTube: SAFEAnimalAdvocacy

ALL pork
This sends an uncompromising
message to the industry that you
will NOT tolerate their cruelty.

Animal Welfare Act Update

Success! The Animal Welfare Act was updated,
and thanks to your support, it included some
real changes for animals.
Cosmetics testing on animals within New Zealand will be
banned. The loopholes that allow the ongoing use of some
of the most horrific factory farming practices have been
removed. And best of all, most political parties are now
talking about factory farming.
Rosie, Issie, Fiona,
Nadia, Rosamund at
SAFEs World Day for
Laboratory Animals
Action in Cashel Mall,

But it is not enough. Layer hens can still be kept in cages,

mother pigs are still unable to turn around for weeks on end,
and cows are increasingly denied the opportunity to graze.
The groundwork has been done, but the big changes are
still to come. Soon, the government is going to be making
regulations. These will build upon the Animal Welfare Act and
contain laws that can be directly enforced. Without our input,
these laws are likely to be weak, and do little for the animals.

This is why SAFE is going to continue to need your

support. With your help, we will build upon past
accomplishments and make the big changes the
animals so desperately need.

World Day for Lab Animals

On World Day for Laboratory Animals, volunteers around
the country dressed in rabbit costumes to promote our
SAFEshopper phone app to members of the public.
With a rabbit in a cage, a vivisector and others handing
out the SAFEshopper cards, we called on people to boycott
cruelty when they buy cosmetics.
The ban on cosmetics testing on animals was a huge victory,
but without an import ban as well, cruelly tested products
can still be sold in New Zealand.

Make sure you are

shopping compassionately
with our free SAFEshopper
phone app available for
iPhone and Android.

Go Veg For All the Animals

Our new-look Go Veg campaign is now
up and running. Packed with all the help
you need for switching to an animal-free
diet, including information on animals,
the environment and our health, as well
as recipes and suggestions for eating out.

But dont just take our word for it!

See what you think

On the move!
With the help of so
me fantastic volun
SAFE Wellington rec
ently relocated to
new offices
in Kelburn. Special
thanks to all our vo
including Eric, Joe
and Brendan for the
ir help.

If you want to be

informed about SA
FE activities
in Wellington, cont
act hannah@safe

Council says No
to cruel mega factory farm
... but company appeals
310,000 hens have been saved from a life
of misery following the rejection of a proposal
to build a huge caged-hen factory farm
south of Auckland.
Auckland Council decided to refuse Craddocks
Farm permission to build the colony cage egg
facility, which would have been the largest
colony cage farm in the country, producing
10% of New Zealands egg supply.
It is clear that communities do not want
these horror factory farms, says Hans
Kriek. It goes against everything
New Zealand stands for.

Craddocks Appeal
Craddocks Farms is appealing the
councils decision. Sign up to our
newsletter to be kept informed about
what you can do, at

Defending Ducks on April Fools

Duck shooters got quite a shock during April when
they found out that SAFE was planning to give ducks
camouflage jackets to make them harder to shoot.
It was an April Fools joke, of course, but some shooters
fell for it. To be fair, many noticed the date pretty early on
but by the afternoon several of them had taken the decoy.

Social media was abuzz with discussion,

bringing attention to the issue:
duck shooting is cruel.

Call to ban all lead shot

Ten years ago, SAFEs campaign against the use of
lead shot led to a partial ban. Lead shot stays in the
environment for years, and can poison unsuspecting
ducks that eat it. Due to lobbying by Fish and Game,
some loopholes were introduced that allow some
hunters to still use lead shot. SAFE is now leading
the call to discontinue the use of this dangerous
and polluting ammunition.

TAKE ACTION for a ban on our website.

This headstone (made by

volunteer Nic Eason) was
used as part of an action
against lead shot held
outside D.O.C. Wellington

STOP PRESS! Live export horror

On June 10th SAFE was notified that 50,000 sheep and
3,000 cattle were to be sent to Mexico on a live export
shipment from Timaru at dawn the next day, the largest cargo
of animals ever to leave New Zealand.
Although the shipment was purportedly for breeding purposes rather than
for slaughter (which is illegal), a stressful, terrifying ocean journey of several
weeks lies ahead with a huge potential for serious suffering. SAFE feels this
latest shipment ignores the spirit of our ban on live export because these animals
will eventually be slaughtered in Mexico after they are no longer required for
breeding and the journey is exactly the same, which is a major issue. Scientific
studies show live export can cause huge stress and death in many cases.
The export of live animals for slaughter has been banned in New Zealand since
2003, after 5000 sheep died on an Australian shipment bound for Saudi Arabia,
causing outrage amongst the public. In Australia, more than 2,500,000 sheep,
cattle, and goats have died on live export ships since 1981.
There has been massive interest in this, including as far as Shanghai with talk
of the damage this will do to our international reputation. For these 53,000
animals their journey has begun but SAFE is not going to let this issue go.
We have sought answers from the government and are calling for a complete
and final ban on ALL live exports.

Take action over at

SAFE Youth - doing their bit for animals

All around New Zealand SAFE Youth members are helping
animals. Some have started up animal rights groups at their
schools, others are writing blogs and creating websites and
one generous member asked his friends to donate to SAFE
instead of buying him a present for his birthday!

PIC:safe youth stuff

If your child or teen loves animals, why not enourage them to

join us and be a part of this caring and compassionate group.
SAFE Youth membership is free and open to children between
eight and fourteen years. SAFE Youth members receive a
membership badge and three newsletters per year.

For more information about SAFE Youth and how

to join visit SAFE Youth on our website.

Maja was inspired to help animals after learning about

animal feelings at the Animal Sanctuary in Matakana.

Rodeo fight gets a new contender

In February SAFE teamed up with global
kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts superstar
Mark Hunt, (aka the Super Samoan), in calling
for a ban on rodeos.
Mark asked people to take a stand against the cruelty
inflicted on animals in rodeos saying, As a fighter I
choose to get into the cage, so does my opponent.
Animals in rodeos do not. In my world the strong protect
the weak. It is not right to inflict pain and scare animals
for entertainment.
During rodeo events animals are chased and thrown to
the ground, grabbed and wrestled aggressively and painful
injuries and even death may result. Following the death
of two bulls this past season SAFE is demanding action.

Visit our website to TAKE ACTION against rodeo.

Auckland Zoo
Elephant Import Criticised
SAFE is disappointed that after years of debate and
controversy Auckland Zoo has continued with their plans
to import elephants from Sri Lanka, despite attracting
a raft of criticism from elephant experts.
The Born Free Foundation says,
Exporting elephants from range states to overseas zoos is
ill-conceived, unsustainable and inhumane. We firmly believe that
this export to New Zealand will result in little or no conservation
benefit to wild elephants, and come at a significant cost to the
welfare of the individual elephants involved.
SAFE, conservation groups and wildlife experts have long opposed
the import of more elephants. The zoos lone elephant, Burma,
has now been on her own since 2009 when Kashin was euthanised
after losing her battle with chronic health problems, largely caused
by being kept in captivity.
Kashin suffered painful arthritis and foot abscesses, problems
often associated with elephants kept in zoos, due to standing on
hard floors and not having the space to roam and exercise.
SAFE believes that Burma should be moved to a dedicated
sanctuary where she can live with other elephants. At the moment
Auckland Zoo has imported a single female elephant but has plans
to bring in another one in the near future.

PIC:elephant in zoo


SAFE Volunteers in action!


It has been an action-packed six months for our

dedicated SAFE volunteers around the country.
Of course, we could not let the rodeo come to town
without a protest! Over 50 volunteers turned out to
protest the rodeo in Christchurch in November last year,
creating a colourful display of costumes and signs, which
attracted many toots of support from passing motorists.
The Nelson volunteers group held a similar protest in
January this year, handing out rodeo cruelty fact sheets
to rodeo-goers, some of whom even left the event after
reading the information.
We have attended some large expos, which are always a
great way to raise awareness in the community. Attending
busy events such as the Pet Expo and the Go Green Expo
helps us attract many new supporters and they are great
opportunities to educate people about subjects such as
factory farming, veganism and cruelty-free living. We also
attended many smaller community events at universities,
markets and school fairs.
Volunteers play a vital role in helping to spread awareness
about important facts that the animal-exploiting
industries try to hide from us. Most New Zealanders are
against animal cruelty but simply do not know the facts,
so it is important that we continue to educate people in
this way so they can make informed choices.
Christchurch volunteer
picnic at Riccarton Bush

Help SAFE put an end to ALL live exports

On June 10th, SAFE was notified that 53,000 animals were about to
be shipped from Timaru to Mexico - the largest cargo of animals ever to
leave New Zealand (see page 4).
For these unfortunate sheep and cows, a grueling and terrifying ocean
journey lies ahead. Some will not adapt to the conditions and food
onboard and end up sick or starve to death. The government has no way
of ensuring the welfare of those that do survive the crossing.

Please visit and make a donation

towards our campaign for a final ban on ALL live exports.
Together, we can bring an end to the needless suffering
of these poor animals. Thank you.

Keen to get involved?

Whether you can spare a little or a lot of
your time wed love to hear from you. To find
out more about volunteering in your area

SAFE Business Supporters

We would like to thank SAFE Business
Supporter members Putti and
Oasis Beauty NZ Ltd for their on-going
support of our work to help animals.
SBS is our new corporate partnership scheme that
allows the business community to assist SAFE in our
work on behalf of all animals in New Zealand. The
programme enables companies that value our work
to join us as business members, and receive special
promotional benefits.

The SAFE Christchurch team drove straight to the port and

demanded access to the ship which was denied.

For more information, contact SAFEs

Promotions Manager Amanda Sorrenson

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