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Write the correct pronoun

example my sister: SHE
1. Bernard and you: YOU
2. The dog: IT
3. the pencils:THEY
4. Paul: HE
5. My mother: SHE
Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be.
6. Madrid ______IS____ in Spain.
7. ______ARE_______ you from Bahamas?
8. I _____AM________ a teacher.
9. Madagascar________ISN'T____ (NOT) in the Pacific Ocean.
10. __________ARE_____your friends Spanish?
11. Sushi ______IS____ a Japanese kind of food.
12. _____IS_______ Penlope Cruz from Seville?
13. You _______AREN'T_______ (NOT) my friend.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got.
14. I _____HAVE GOT__________ two cousins.
15. My parents _____HAVE GOT____________ a red car.
16. __HAVE_______ you __GOT_______ a nice apartment?
17. My boyfriend ________HASN'T GOT_______ (NOT) a dog.
18. ___HAS ______ your sister _____GOT_____ a History book?
19. Peter and his sister _______HAVE GOT_________ dark hair.
20. You ______HAVE GOT_______ a lot of friends.
21. I _______HAVEN'T GOT__________(NOT) a big bedroom.
Turn these sentences into the negative.
22. Nancy was worried about her exam.
Nancy wasn't worried about her exam
23. Jude likes that painting
Jude doesn't like that painting
24. You were upset yesterday.
You weren't upset yesterday.
25. Susans home has got three bedrooms.
Susan's home hasn't got three bedrooms
26. Your friends have got a pet.
Your frinds haven't got a pet
27. The test was very easy.
The test wasn't very easy

Turn these sentences into the interrogative

28. They have got a nice cat.
Have they got a nice cat?
29. My brother is watching a TV show right now.
Is my mother watching a TV show right now?
30. Peter is the best lawyer in town.
Is Peter the best lawyer in town?
31. Henry wanted a new computer game.
Did Henry want a new computer game?
32. Jack drove home safely
Dis Jack drive home safely?
Choose the correct answer:
33. Is your mum a / an teacher?
34. Have you got some / any history books?
35. Ive got some / any flowers on the shelf.
36. Ive got a / some money here.
37. Ive got some / any milk in the fridge.
38. Have you got a / an good job?
39. Are you a / an electrician?
40. I havent got some / any water with me.
41. Are there some / any cafs near here?
42. Lets have a / some tea.
Choose the correct answer
43. I was / were at the theatre last night.
44. I readed / read a tale last night.
45. We did read / read that book last year
46. Helen didn't saw / didn't see her friends last night.
47. Claudia was / were angry with me.
48. Kevin was live / lived in Paris when he was a boy.
49. The children breaked / broke a window.
Complete the questions using THERE WAS, THERE WERE, THERE WASN'T,

any cars at the parking lot?

a mouse in the house. They were scared.
any money in the purse?
some beautiful paintings in my friend's house.
any homework yesterday.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple.
55. Your teacher _____EXPLAINS__________(EXPLAIN) the lesson very well.
56. My aunt _____DOESN'T TRAVEL________ (NOT TRAVEL) every year.
57. ________DOES___ Jane ____WORK________ (WORK) in a laboratory?
58. My sister _______DANCES__________ (DANCE) ballet.
59. ______DO____ YOU ____SPEAK______ (SPEAK) German?
60. She _________DOESN'T PLAY_______ (NOT PLAY) the piano.
Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Continuous.
61. John _____IS TALKING__________ (TALK) too loud now.
62. I ________AM STUDYING________ (STUDY) Science at the moment.
63. Paul ______IS LISTENING__________ (LISTEN) to the radio now.
64. My dad _______IS WASHING_________ (WASH) the car right now.
65. _______ARE_____ you ____EXERCISING____ (EXERCISE) at the gym right now?
66. I ______AM PLAYING____________ (PLAY) a computer game right now.
Complete the sentences below with the verbs in brackets. Use the PAST SIMPLE
67. Julia ______WASHED_______(WASH) her hands after the art lesson.
68. Claire ______XERCISED_________ (EXERCISE) at the gym last night.
69. I ______WENT_________ (GO) to the supermarket to buy milk.
70. The children _______CLEANED___________ (CLEAN) their house.
71. John and I ________ATE_________ (EAT) at the restaurant at two o'clock.
72. You ________PLAYED_________ (PLAY) the guitar last night.
Choose the correct answer
73. Tom didn't work / didn't worked at the caf two years ago.
74. I haved / had a pet snake when I was ten.
75. Did Dave work / Did Dave worked at the hotel yesterday?
76. I went / was go to the market by bus.
77. Did they went / Did they go to a concert?
78. Jack has got / have got a blue tracksuit.
79. My dog dont sleep / doesnt sleep in the house.
80. I meets / meet my friends at the sports club every Saturday.
81. Do / Does you like watching TV?
82. Youve got a history lesson now. Where are your / its books?
83. Nancy havent got / hasnt got a coat.
84. Is there / There isn't a computer on the desk in Dave's room.
85. Lynn and Naomi have got a dog. This is their / her dog.
Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:
86. name / My / Philip / is /
My name is Philip
87. Bob / at / is / concert / a /
Bob is at a concert
88. is / father / from / Ireland / Petes
Pete's father is from Ireland
89. The / good / party /the /food / isn't / at / very /
The food at the party isn't very good.

90. got / have / now / a / You / lesson / History

You have got a History lesson now.
91. Anne / one / got / brother / has /
Anne has got one brother
92. has / cats / got / three / Sharon
Sharon has got three cats
93. aren't / The / pencils / pencil case / the / in /
The pencils aren't in the pencil case.
94. Susan_____HASGOT________greeneyes.
95. Tom'shair_____IS____________long.
96. Peter_______IS________verytall.
97. We________HAVEGOT________anEnglishlessontoday.
98. Mylastname______HASGOT__________fourlettersinit.
99. Mybrother____HASGOT_________adog.

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