Pursanova Disk Technology

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(650) 703-1265

Pursanova Disk

Use it in conjunction with the PursaLex Tube & the result

will be amazing.

Edited by: Jerry Carlson, of Renewable Farming

Pursanova JV [Germany] has succeeded in

measuring and storing the molecular
oscillations of pollutants such as rust and
lime. Starting from these natural oscillations
Pursanova develops new active oscillations.
The active oscillations are stored on a carrier
material [P-Disk], which is capable of
constantly emitting these oscillations into the
water. This occurs without any external
energy input; only energy supplied by
environmental warmth is used. The water
accepts/absorbs these oscillations and
spreads them in the direction of its flow. The
oscillations spread through the entire
succeeding water column faster than the
actual flow velocity of the water. That's the
reason why this method also works well in
pipes which are seldom or never used. In the
water, the active oscillations interfere with the
natural oscillations [connatural ] and alter
the characteristics of substances. The result:
The physical properties of substances
contained in water (or other liquids) are
modified. For example in the case of rust,
oxygen no longer recognizes trivalent iron as
such and hence no new rust is formed.

2015 The Copyright to this document is owned by Pursanova Ltd., Inc. No part of this document may be reproduced.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.

An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty



Existing scale eliminated in a lime slurry system

Company: SouthWest Water and Northern Ireland Water, UK

SouthWest Water supplies water to the entire southwest of England. Northern Ireland
Water is responsible for all of Northern Ireland.

Lime scale, as well as other salts and corrosion, can be found in almost any water. The main
cause of scale is calcite, the most common form of calcium carbonate. It occurs naturally in
chalk, limestone and marble. For every 0.24 (6mm) of lime scale buildup in a pipe, 40%
more energy is needed to pump water.

Most water produced or purified by water companies also involves adjusting the pH or
acid-alkaline balance to fulfill system requirements. Its common to infuse the water with
lime slurry, which is almost pure lime, to raise the pH. Lime slurry fouling causes multiple
technical problems for water companies. Scale that constricts hoses or pipes also builds up
in pumps and storage tanks. This leads to much lower pump efficiency and frequent pump
breakdowns. Service teams must stand by to fix the problem 24/7, all year long. Often,
hoses are used for slurry instead of metal pipes, because hoses are easier to replace.

The picture at left shows a cross section of a pipe as it
normally looks after a few days of operation. This
example is from another British utility, Crownhill
water works at Plymouth, UK. The picture was taken
right before installation of the Pursanova Disk. The
end of this pipe, about 180 meters downstream, looks
the same as at this end, so it can be assumed that the
full length is fouled. The Pursanova Disk shown in
this report was installed at the feed valve just
upstream of this pipe.
After installing our new Pursanova Disk, which is
made by Pursanova JV Company in Germany, scale
didnt build up anymore (see image on left; the cross-
section of this hose is totally clean). The company
examined the end of the180-meter hose and found
no further buildup. Pumps feeding the lime slurry got
far less wear than before. Seals in the pumps are
lasting longer and there are far fewer emergency

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Lime scale water treatment

Dissolved lime and other salts are found in almost every type of water.
We commonly refer to lime scale as the primary cause of hard water.
Depending on the amount of calcium carbonate, dissolved carbonic
acid and water temperature, the minerals start to crystallize and
deposit on pipe surfaces. In homes this
is simply annoying in most cases, but
mineral deposits cause substantial
problems for technical applications.

These deposits reduce heat transfer in heat exchangers and
sharply lower efficiency of heating /cooling systems. Other
symptoms are increasing pressure losses and decreasing
flow rates.
Heat exchanger coils: Left, with
Pursanova Disk. Right, without.

To reduce such deposits, water is processed chemically in
many installations. But if great water quantities or very bad water are involved, this proves
technically or economically impossible. Currently the Pursanova Disk is treating lime scale
in several thousand industrial installations around the world. Our years of success prove
how successful and reliable the Pursanova Disk is to avoid buildup of lime scale in pipes or
machines. Experience with extremes such as water temperatures above 150C (302 F) in
pressure lines, or water hardness far beyond 50 dH (1 dH is 17.9 ppm), show how
powerful the Pursanova Disk is.

After starting to use the Pursanova Disks, many
customers find they can cut back sharply on
chemical products, or not use them at all. An
example would be a commercial dishwasher
working without softener salt. Another is a big
cooling loop, which now needs cleaning only once a
year instead of every six weeks.

NOTE: 1 milligram per liter (mg/L) is the equivalent of 1 part per million (ppm). Soft water is 3dH and 0 to

50 mg/L CaCo3; medium soft water is 3 to 6 dH and 50 to 100 mg/L CaCo3; slightly hard water is 6 to 12
dH and 100 to 200 mg/L CaCo3; moderately hard water is 12 to 18 dH and 200 to 300 mg/L CaCo3; hard
water is over 18 dH and over 300 mg/L CaCo3.

Slightly Hard
Moderately Hard
Very Hard

Grain/Gallon (gpg)
Less than 1.0
1.0 to 3.5
3.5 to 7.0
7.0 to10.5
10.5 & above

Mg/Liter (ppm)
Less than 17.1
17.1 to 60
60 to 120
120 to 180
180 & above

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Shower cubicles, valves and fittings

Many shower cubicles are made of glass, and scaling makes a great
mess of them. Pursanova Disks can help reduce the problem.
When you are showering, hot water splashes against the shower
cubicle walls. These droplets evaporate very quickly, leaving scale
behind. In many homes, this scale must be wiped off directly after
showering so that only minor stains occur.

Using a Pursanova Disk (or a complete home system from Pursanova), far less deposit
forms. Water on the shower wall flows away more quickly because of lower surface
tension, so fewer droplets form. Some stains may still occur, but these can generally be
removed easily with a sponge or cloth if you do this twice per week.

It also helps to rinse shower cubicle walls immediately after showering with cold water run
through a Pursanova Disk. The cold droplets evaporate less, reducing scale formation.

Water treatment system

More then 70% of our earth is covered by water.

Unfortunately, only very little of this water can be
used as drinking water without proper water
treatment to clean and purify it.

Water is an excellent solvent for all kinds of
substances. When water comes in contact with
minerals, it dissolves some of the minerals. This
leads to water system scaling, corrosion and fouling.

When water is used for industrial processes, it has to be treated to make it suitable for
each kind of technical use. Often, water is part of a final product such as chemicals, and
must be pure. This is especially critical when producing pharmaceuticals: Water should
only hold the active substances and not be polluted by contaminants.

Water used in cooling or heating systems must also be conditioned to avoid scaling and
corrosion. These systems are one of the major applications for our Pursanova Disk.

In utility systems, filtering to remove sediment-type impurities in the water ahead of
treatment is a standard process. Chemical treatment after filtering is the most widely used
method in many utility systems. The Pursanova Disk can make chemical treatment more
efficient, and sometimes entirely replace the need for chemicals.

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In technically demanding systems, where either water is very poor quality or the process
itself causes problems, our customers tell us that chemicals arent producing the required
quality of water. Were doing more and more of these difficult projects where the
Pursanova Disk is able to deliver better results even when not using chemicals.

Those results include more stable production with fewer unplanned shutdowns, less
cleaning, and less wear or replacement of components. Major savings are often available
where the Pursanova Disk often in conjunction with the PursaLex Tube can sharply
reduce or eliminate water treatment chemicals. In many instances, weve seen new savings
pay for all investments in Pursonava technology within six months or less.

Pursanova expertise is available for a huge array of water treatment needs. This includes
treating seawater, coping with algae or marine growth; even purifying water on board

We have case studies available for these applications showing how the installation was
done and how monitoring and documentation was performed. In many cases, the client has
provided followup data on investment returns.

Cleaning up biological water pollution

When talking about microbiological pollution of water, a distinction needs to be drawn

between drinking water and technical water for industrial use.

In the United States and Europe, drinking water supplied by public utilities usually adheres
to strict regulations assuring its virtually free of microbiological pollution.

But in huge and complex systems it can happen that
bacteria such as legionella spread from parts of the
system which have little water flow. These legionella can
cause very dangerous diseases. Health authorities
monitor this pollution in public buildings and mandate
measures against it if necessary.

Biofilm, or fouling from growth of algae, can occur in technical water, especially in open
cooling systems. Microorganisms spawn in water and form a so-called biofilm on pipes and
machines. This film inhibits heat transfer, and may even clog entire systems.

Most of the time, chemical additives have little success in solving this problem, or the cost
is very high. Pursanova technology is used successfully in many projects to fight algae in
cooling systems. Because biological processes are persistent, it often takes a year or more
until a system is entirely free from microbial or algae growth.
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Biological water treatments are very complex and sensitive; they need extremely accurate
planning and implementation because each one is unique. In most cases where weve
installed a comprehensive Pursanova system, chemical treatment to inhibit microbial
growth was no longer needed. When biological water pollution is finally defeated, savings
can add up fast. Customers tell us their recovery of investment is normally less than three
months after the system is clean and clear.

Pitting - Corrosion

Metal pipes are subject to corrosion, and

typically theyll leak as the corrosion eats through
them. This is often called pitting, though this
term is not technically correct.
Pitting occurs on metals from galvanic action
electrical voltage when two different metals,
e.g. copper and iron, come into electrical contact
via touch or a conductive medium. Because of this
corrosion, holes slowly develop, starting inside
the pipe. To stop this conductive and corrosive activity, a section of brass must always be
fitted between copper and iron pipes to prevent direct and avoid galvanic corrosion.
Pursanova technology reduces or stops pitting caused by normal corrosion in metal pipes
carrying water. Reduced corrosion in pipes extends their leak-free life.

From more than a decade of industrial experience, Pursanova has proven able to reduce
Microbiological Influenced Corrosion often called MIC in industry jargon. This includes
significant reduction of corrosion from Sulfur Reducing Bacteria (SRB). Weve seen very
good case studies with Pursanova technology against other kinds of biofilm or bio fouling.

Of course Pursanova is not always able to prevent pitting, since strong chemical forces are
at work. Thus its always advisable to install a particle filter, with the appropriate
connective fittings, at the branch line entering the industrial site or home to prevent a
reactive metal setting up galvanic action from the outside.

There are other reasons for pitting as well, such as internal erosion from high velocity
water movement, or corrosion from soil or chemicals outside the pipe. The Pursanova Disk
has no effect on these external chemical forces.

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Countering sulfur reducing bacteria

Sulfur reducing bacteria (SRB) are common in nature. Theyre a source of the rotten egg
gas or hydrogen sulfide odor in many water sources. Strains of such bacteria have been
found in deep-sea volcanic fumaroles labeled black
smokers or white smokers. Hot water flowing from these
smokers is mineral-rich and sometimes more than 400C.
The SRB live on elemental sulfur from these smokers,
reducing the sulfur to hydrogen sulfide. Obviously, bacteria
living in such a harsh environment will have a very high
resistance against all kinds of treatment.

SRB are becoming a bigger problem in polluted water, and are especially challenging in the
oil and gas industry. Water coming up from wells with crude oil is separated and reused to
maintain pressure in the wells. This recycled water spreads the SRB to all water in the
system and theyre very hard to get rid of.

In pipes such as those in oil wells and refineries, SRB attack the sulfide in metal surfaces
and corrode them severely. This Microbiological Induced Corrosion can impose corrosion
rates of well above 10 millimeters per year enough to eat through smaller pipes in less
than a year.

Desalination RO plant performance improved by using Pursanova Disk

Fresh, clean water is extremely scarce in much of the world. In many regions, even deep-
well water must be treated for use as drinking water. A general description for such water
is a high content of Total Dissolved Solids or TDS. This can include calcium, iron and a
wide array of elements. Water from wells in desert regions, or in systems where surface
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water is recycled, can contain harmful levels of TDS. In such cases, Pursanova turns to our
reverse osmosis (RO) systems to refine water for safe drinking or industrial uses. High
concentrations of TDS typically create a series of high-maintenance challenges for any RO
system, especially those with high volumes and high pressure. Some solids can be filtered
ahead of the RO unit, but salts and other dissolved solids quickly foul the RO membranes.
This requires higher and higher pressure at the supply side to overcome clogging of the

For example, a Saudi Arabian company runs several of our RO systems to produce drinking
water. Before our new Pursanova technology was installed for this firm, it was common to
replace the initial sediment filter every week, and replace all membranes in their RO
system every three months.

The customer also relied on injection of
expensive chemicals to slow, but not stop, the
fouling. Our new Pursanova Disk technology
was installed at one of the customers RO
systems during a time in the maintenance
cycle where the membranes were already
partly blocked. Immediately, the decline of
water production stopped and slowly began to
increase indicating that membrane fouling
had stopped.

Another positive side effect: Bacterial counts in the finished water declined, and stabilized
far below 100 CFU/ml, a safe level.

Seeing stable results over several weeks, the customer quit adding chemicals to the water,
saving a major expense. Over a years time, no further fouling of RO membranes occurred.
No membrane replacements were needed. After confirming these results on the test RO
system for more than a year, the customer added Pursanova Disks to all his RO systems.

The customers return of investment (ROI) for the Pursanova Disk in this case was less than
two months. No chemicals are needed, and production remains high. And of course, the
lifetime of membranes throughout the RO system is far higher.

Add another benefit: The customer saves substantial electricity because less pressure is
needed to maintain production of clean RO water.

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Molecular oscillation technology to reduce emitter clogging in trickle irrigation

Trickle irrigation can save immense amounts of water, compared with sprinkler irrigation.
But the tiny emitter nozzles of trickle systems can quickly clog with scale, leading to
uneven application and higher pressure requirements. The Pursanova Disk can be installed
on a trickle irrigation feed pipeline to reduce emitter clogging.

Pursanova Disk technology works using specifically modulated molecular oscillations or
lattice oscillations. It is not based on the use of fields created by electric coils or magnets,
thus it requires no electricity at the point of use.

One of our studies of reduced emitter clogging with the Pursanova Disk was performed in a
field belonging to Isfahan University of Technology in Iran.

We conducted two main treatments of irrigation water: with and without the Pursanova
Disk. In addition, each of these treatments were subdivided into three levels of salinity in
the irrigation water.

At the 1% water salinity level, irrigation water treatment had a significant benefit on
average emitter discharge: It was higher for water treated with the Pursanova Disk,
compared with the untreated control. Average emitter discharge rates decreased during
the experiment on both treated and untreated sides, but the decline was slower with the
Pursanova Disk.

At the 5% salinity level, the Pursanova Disk had a significant benefit on the distribution
uniformity of emitters.

Based on this and other studies, we recommend the Pursanova Disk to achieve lower
emitter clogging and higher distribution uniformity in trickle irrigation systems.

Simple, fast, reliable

The Pursanova Disk (1) is installed around the water pipe

(2). Micro-fine oscillations influence the water to dissolve
more lime scale and break down rust so it can be flushed
through the system. Due to altered properties of the water,
very little new corrosion builds up. In some installations,
existing scale and corrosion are dispersed, so piping
gradually regains its original inner diameter. Pressure loss and repair work are minimized.

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Lime scale and other salts treated

Lime or calcium carbonate is dissolved in almost all water.
Depending on hardness and temperature of the water, the
calcium carbonate precipitates and deposits in pipes, machines
and on surface areas.

These deposits build up, resulting in clogged pipes and machine
malfunctions. Even a thin scale of lime sharply reduces energy
transfer in heat exchangers.

Under normal conditions, the Pursanova Disk modifies lime in a way that keeps it dissolved
in water up to very high temperatures (>100C) and concentrations. Lime and other salts
are not removed from the water, but their properties are altered so they dont precipitate
as quickly.

We have treated water with 10,000 units or more of total dissolved solids, without getting
scaling problems in the machine.

Treating rust and corrosion

Rust or iron oxide is often found in steel or iron pipe work, or systems with iron
components. This leads to poor water quality, high maintenance costs, or premature failure
of equipment.

Rust its chemical formula is Fe2O3 is oxidized iron.

Where iron pipes are used for water in industry and in some
homes, brownish discoloration of water and pressure losses
occur frequently as water and organisms in the water
oxidize the pipes. Eventually, rust eats through the pipe and
creates leaks. Under normal conditions, Pursanova
technology can reduce or even totally stop less persistent
forms of rusting. Rust particles are dissolved and flushed
out; then a protective coating of black iron oxide (Fe3O4)
forms on the iron surface.

Operating conditions

The Pursanova Disk is energized by ambient temperature differentials. However,

oscillations created by the Pursanova Disk are subject to certain kinds of environmental
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interference, such as strong electromagnetic pollution. Depending on intensity, these

influences are capable of reducing or erasing the impact of a Pursanova Disk on water.
Thus, Pursanova Disks must be installed with a clearance of at least 20 inches (50.8
centimeters) from any electric conductor.

Measuring electrical fields at the point of installation is essential to ensure a Pursanova
Disk is installed at the best position for optimum results.

Monitoring water treatment performance

We encourage clients to establish a trial period to confirm how the Pursanova Disk
enhances the performance of your water system.

Here are a few ways you can monitor performance of the Pursanova Disks in the trial
and long-term as well.

1. Analyze data from on-line monitoring built into your system.

In many industrial applications, online monitoring makes it easy to compare performance
before and after installation of a Pursanova Disk. For example, you may want to record flow
rates to see if there is any scaling buildup or reduction in the network.

We often measure pairs of systems, one with the Pursanova Disk and one without. They
may not be the same size, but encounter the same problems. Example: In the left graph, the
trend of flow rates in the untreated system is decreasing over time, indicating scaling
buildup. On the right graph, flow rates of the treated system are stable or increasing.

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2. Measure energy consumption

A constricted pipeline increases counter-pressure, so a pump needs more energy to force

the same rate of liquid through a pipe. You may be able to monitor energy variations on
your systems electric meter, or measure amps at the motor with an electricians

In a refinery where crude oil is heated to 400C, fouling in a heat exchanger can sharply
raise total energy use. In the graph above, you can see a comparison of two energy
consumption trends. The first shows seven months before installation of the Pursanova
Disk. Fuel consumption per treated ton of gas condensate increased from 4.56 to 5.7 cubic
meters of fuel gas per ton in the untreated system. The second graph shows seven months
following installation. Fuel consumption per treated ton declined slightly, from 5.62 to 5.35
cubic meters per ton. The savings in this large refinery have been more then 30,000 cubic
meters of fuel gas a month when both systems were equipped with the Pursanova Disk.

3. Measure content of calcium or total iron in the water in a closed loop

Ca mg/l
CaO mg/l
CaCO mg/l
Without Pursanova Disk
With Pursanova Disk

Doing a water analysis is a very easy and efficient way of checking whats going on in the
water system. We do this whenever possible. Typically we check calcium or iron in the
water. Its easier to read and interpret the values in a closed loop than in a big open loop.
In a closed loop, any change in calcium or iron content gives a direct indication of
treatment benefits. In an open system, new makeup water injects a big variable, so changes
compared to total volume of water might be marginal.

The table above shows the values of calcium in a closed loop before installing a Pursanova
Disk, then eight weeks after the installation. We found a dramatic increase in all the values.
No fresh water was added, so the higher dissolved calcium values had to originate from
inside the system by dissolving scale deposits.
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4. Measure improvements of inner volume in a heat exchanger

Primary [Liter]
Secondary [Liter]

Some heat exchangers cant be opened for cleaning. Water can be drained or added, but
their welded construction prevents a thorough cleanout. These are typically small units. In
this test case, we measured how much water we could fill in an already blocked and scaled
heat exchanger. Since we knew the manufacturers specified water capacity of the unit
when new, the difference between that value and the amount of water we could add would
be the assumed volume of built-up scale.

As the table above shows, the difference between the original spec and current actual
volume was drastic, especially on the secondary side. The unit was designed to hold 14.8
liters on the secondary side, but could accept only 4.5 liters. More than 10 liters of its
capacity was blocked by deposited scale.

A Pursanova Disk was installed, and the exchanger was operated normally for two weeks.
Then we drained the water and again measured how much replacement water it would
hold. The primary side could hold the original specified new volume again, indicating it was
totally clean. On the secondary side, where far more scaling was found, most of the scale
was lifted off the internal surfaces after just two weeks with the Pursanova Disk.

5. Find total dissolved solids in an open water loop

Measuring the cleanup of a seriously fouled open loop system is more difficult, whether
youre fighting rust, calcium scale or biomass buildup. Initially, the water content of total
dissolved solids may increase, then gradually fall as the Pursanova Disk removes
encrustations. The theoretical chart above shows that your data may not be smoothly

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linear, but somewhat erratic as the system gradually gets cleaner. In a fouled system,
patches of encrustations can break loose, pushing up TDS values for a while. But the longer
term trend is down until reaching a stable level far lower than during the original descaling
readings. In such open loops, regular maintenance typically drains and replaces the
solution, which flushes out dissolved metals and minerals.

6. Visual inspection

Many customers prefer visual inspection
of their systems before and after
installation of the Pursanova Disk. Seeing
is believing. Of course, many parts arent
visually accessible, and production must
be stopped, so visual inspection typically
occurs during planned maintenance.
Remotely controlled scopes which can be inserted in pipes are helpful to check internal
lines. We can recommend other measures of performance, depending on the application.

PURSANOVA Disk sizes and availability

PURSANOVA Disks are available from sizes starting at inch up to 80

inches. Sizes up to 24 inches are constantly on stock and can be shipped in
one week. Starting from 8 inches and bigger, Pursanova Disks are available
only as HCI (High Capacity) Disks.

There are different models of Pursanova Disks for different applications and
flow rates. In several projects, Pursanova has treated flow rates well above
20,000 cubic meters per hour.

For larger devices, particularly for industrial applications, please contact us directly with a
description of your application.

Pursanova Disks in hotels

Youve probably noted during your hotel stays that hotels are very concerned about water
quality for their guests. They try to maintain a high standard regardless of their local
municipal water sources.

Hotel managers must also consider water performance in their kitchens, heating and
ventilating systems, pools and laundry.
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Many of our hotel clients face problems in more than one of these areas:

If the hotels local water is rather soft, then corrosion of the pipes or tanks is a big issue. If a
guest stays in an expensive hotel and sees brown water in the tub or sink, he or she will not
be pleased.

If there is calcium in the water, the problem of lime buildup in showers, tubs and sinks
generates more time and expense for cleanup. More cleaning agents are required and the
lifetime of a shower head is reduced. Weve helped hotels with such serious calcium
problems that they had to replace all shower heads twice a year.

All hotels fear having bacteria like legionella in the water. They exert a lot of effort to avoid
an accident with water-borne bacteria, which can give them a bad reputation and expose
them to liability.

The Pursanova Disk is able to solve all the above problems. Over the years, weve equipped
about 100 hotels around the world with our water quality technology. This includes
applications from solving a problem in one machine or area, through equipping for all
water treatment of the entire hotel.

Here are a few of the international 5-star hotels who are our honored customers. We list
them in alphabetic order:

Accor Group, Balboa Bay Club, Four Seasons, Grand Hotel Bad Ragaz, Hayman Island
Resort, Le Meridien, Maritime, Mariott, Novotel, The Oberoi, Renaissance Hotel Group, The
Ritz Carlton, Sofitel, The Threadneedles Hotel, Van der Valk Group.

Typical applications are:

 Drinking water, where we install
Pursanova technology right at the water
supply to protect the piping, hot water
boiler and circulation pump system.

 Kitchen, where we take care of all facilities
such as the dishwasher, critical for sparkling plates and other dining tableware.

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 Laundry, to stop scale in the washing machine and assure clean towels, tablecloths and
other items. Customers often find they can reduce detergents as much as 50 % in
washing machines, and totally eliminate descaling additives. Managers tell us that
towels washed in Pursanova treated water are softer, as less calcium residue is left in
the fabric. Also, theres less scaling at washing machine shaft seals and valves, which
increases machine life.

 Swimming pool, to stop scaling and reduce chemicals required for treating pool water.

 Golf course, where we treat the irrigation system.

 Heating, ventilating and cooling systems, where we treat the chiller, the cooling
tower or the supply system of cold water.

 Wellness area, where we treat various issues such as steam generators for the steam

 Gardens, where we treat the irrigation system or fountains.

There are many more applications weve solved in the hotel industry. If you have questions,
or an application to be solved, please contact us at info@pursanova.com.

Dishwasher at home or professional dishwasher tunnels

In areas with very hard water, mineral deposits

build on inner surfaces of dishwashers unless
water is treated or other appropriate measures
are taken. Some units provide a small container
for adding a chemical to soften the water.

Large commercial dishwashers normally specify
treated water. But we see many commercial and
smaller systems with scale buildup. This occurs mostly where theres lighter flow and less
water abrasion. Getting rid of this scale, which can harbor bacteria, requires cleaning the
interior using aggressive chemicals.
The Pursanova Disk helps keep calcium carbonate dissolved in the water, so less scale or
none at all precipitates in these machines. Typically, this allows users to cut dishwasher
detergent as much as 50%. And its frequently possible to eliminate descaling additives
entirely. We have customers who have run commercial dishwashers without additives for
years, without any scaling in the machine.

2015 The Copyright to this document is owned by Pursanova Ltd., Inc. No part of this document may be reproduced.


Scaling in Washing machines

In areas with very hard water, which is used untreated in the washing machine, there are
often found scale deposits at the inner surfaces of these, if appropriate measures are not
taken. Detergents to avoid this scaling are added to most washing machines.

Under normal conditions, Pursanova maintains the calcium carbonate in the water so far
less scale, or no scale at all, is precipitated and deposited in these machines. This results in
savings in detergent of up to 50 % on washing machines and it is frequently possible to do
without descaling additives entirely. Customers report that clothing washed in the machine
is softer, as less calcium is be left in the fabric. Also, scaling that typically occurs at the
seal shafts and valves of washing machines is significantly less. That increase the machine
life and reduces the need of servicing.

Swimming pools (Algae & Bacteria)

Algae often proliferate in open systems such as

water tanks, fountains, ponds and swimming pools.
Its an especially difficult problem in warmer

The problem in swimming pools begins when
untreated, very hard water deposits scale on the
walls and bottom. The scale provides an initial
habitat for algae and other microbial life. The scale
encrustations in a swimming pool show up first along the evaporation edge of the surface.
(See the white horizontal band above the surface of the pool in the nearby photo.) These
can be hard to remove. But under normal conditions, Pursanova technology removes this
scale and keeps it from recurring. Usually, minor scale residues can be simply wiped off.
The Pursanova system changes water in a way that sharply reduces or eliminates algae
buildup. Often, customers can use only half of the chlorine which they once needed.

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Cooling tower water treatment

Massive evaporative cooling towers are used to chill the recycled cooling w ater for power
plants. Water is sprayed onto the top surfaces of the tower. As it flows down, air evaporates
some of the water, chilling the remaining water so it can be recycled to cooling the heat
exchangers inside the steam generation system.

Often, such towers develop scaling or algae growth, even when water is chemically treated.
Our Pursanova system is being used very successfully in such cooling towers. We work
with many size towers, from small units cooling a single machine up to batteries of massive
towers for big industrial complexes or power plants.

The primary way we manage this is by keeping more calcium carbonate in solution. This
causes a substantial drop in scaling on tower surfaces.

An algae buildup can foul the entire cooling loop. The Pursanova Bio Disk is also able to
significantly slow the growth of algae. Rather then multiplying, algae blooms gradually turn
brown and settle into the systems sump pumps for removal.

We have many successful Pursanova Disk systems where cooling towers and their
connected heat exchangers are not fouling anymore. Also, corrosion is stopped or reduced
to a very low level. There are very few algae found mainly at parts of the cooling tower
without a constant flow of water and theyre no longer reducing efficiency.

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Enhancing performance of small steam generators

Small steam generators with a capacity of around 5 to
20 kilograms of steam per hour are used for many
applications such as steam baths. One major
application is to humidify air, such as in a paper or
tobacco production facility. These generators heat the
water, and steam is piped to where its needed. Fresh
replacement water is automatically fed into the
heating chamber. Often a small steam generator is the
only machine in the business requiring treated water.

In such steam generators, deposits of lime and other
solids form thick layers of scale quickly. The normal
maintenance procedure is to shut down and cool the
generator, open it and clean manually using a lot of
chemicals. Investing in an ion exchanger or chemical
water treatment is often not economical; its done only when the water is very bad.

Pursanova has equipped many such machines. (See also our case study about fitness clubs.)
When a Pursanova system is installed on steam generators where expended steam is
replaced by fresh water, very little scale will form, even if the water supply has
concentrations of dissolved solids. If some scale does coat internal surfaces, its soft and can
be easily removed during normal servicing no need for aggressive chemicals.

In companies with several steam generation machines, those treating the feed water with a
Pursanova Disk or combination of the Disk and PursaLex Tube generally require about
50% less overall service time and expense.

Cleaning scale and algae in a fountain and saving a lot of effort

City o f B erlin, G ermany


In big public water fountains, substantial amounts of water

evaporate daily and must be replaced by fresh water.
Typically, the evaporation intensifies the concentration of
dissolved solids, which precipitate on fountain surfaces. The
deposits show up first at points with the fastest

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Its also common to find algae blooms in such fountains,

despite addition of chemicals to the water. Cleaning a
big fountain is costly. High-pressure cleaners and strong
chemicals are typically used. For some ornate and large
European fountains with carved artwork, annual
cleanings add up beyond 10,000 euros a year.

Such fountains involve both lime scaling and biological growth challenges. This is one
reason we developed the Pursanova Bio Disk.

Our Bio Disk was installed in the
recirculation pipe of the Berlin
fountain pictured at left. The water
gets recirculated and thus treated
many times a day. After our
installation, no further chemicals
were used. Results appeared quickly.

On the red granite tiers with
overflowing water, all surfaces with a
constant flow of water became free of
scale without any other cleaning.

In many open fountains, a lot of biomass like leaves, bird droppings and pollen get mixed
into the water. These accelerate algae growth. Where there is a constant nutrient load like
this, the Pursanova Bio Disk probably wont totally stop emergence of new algae. But in
fountains weve treated, most of the algae blooms typically last only a few days, turn brown
and settle to the bottom.

These residues are easily flushed out by draining the fountain and spraying surfaces with a
water hose or pressure washer. Typically, the required time for cleaning such a fountain
equipped with a Pursanova Bio Disk is less than half that it was before. Also, the Pursanova
system totally eliminates costs for chemicals and the dosing systems used to inject them
periodically. Water in the fountains is clearer, more appealing and chemical-free for
visitors, who often splash in the water at these public sites.

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Scale in washing machine and dishwasher due to hard water
Company: D ivani H otel G roup, G reece

The Divani Hotel Group has business hotels in cities,

plus tourist hotels along the coastlines of Greece.

The photo at left shows one of their large laundry
systems. Lime scale accumulated in the washing
drums, forcing an expensive cleanup with labor and
chemicals twice a month.

Lime scale also built up in the hotels dishwashers, requiring monthly chemical cleaning.

Two Pursanova Disks were installed around the cold and hot water supply lines to the
dishwashers and washing machines in this hotel.

Here are results reported to us by hotel managers:
 Dishwashers no longer need extra chemical cleaning. No new lime scale develops on
the inner surfaces.
 In the laundry washing machines, lime scale stopped accumulating, and existing
deposits started to soften. The washing machines never had to be cleaned
chemically again.
 After the first positive experiences, no more fabric softener was used, and laundry
came out as soft as it had with the softener chemicals. New towels became soft after
the first washing, and can be used right away instead of having to be washed at least
twice before the fabric softens enough for guest use.

Brown drinking water from the tap

We find that carbon steel pipes or galvanized steel pipes are still used in older water
systems. These corrode and emit brown, rusty water. This often shows up if there has been
no water flow for some time, such as several weeks. If the brown water flushes out quickly,
theres little concern as these are minor corrosion spots.

But if brown water persists every morning, and leaves stains on
sinks or other bathroom fixures, this indicates serious corrosion
in the water system.

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A Pursanova Disk can probably help, although it cant stop galvanic corrosion caused by
mixed metals in the pipes and plumbing; this is a very aggressive form of corrosion. Old
and impure metals in piping can also be difficult to deal with. Also, some well water
contains large amounts of rust from the soil or well casing.

But in most cases, the reason for this corrosion is only corrosive water, or extended times
where water is not used. In these situations, the Pursanova Disk offers next to a 100%
chance of solving the brown water problem.

There are very easy ways to verify success of the Pursanova Disk. You can easily take a
series of water samples in plastic bottles, as seen in the nearby photo. The bottles should be
of the same type and size, and should be closed after taking the sample.

Before installation of the Pursanova Disk, take samples from both the hot water tap and
cold water tap, so you can learn if both hot and cold water have a problem. Take the first
sample after the tap has been unused a day or two. Then, run some water for a few seconds
and take further samples to get an idea of how fast the rust is flushed out. Repeat this for
both hot and cold so you have a series of samples. Put the bottles in a row in the order they
were sampled, and you can easily see if the water color lightens up as rust is flushed out.

Keep the untreated water samples for comparison, and repeat this procedure after
installing the Pursanova Disk (or a complete Pursanova system).

Another simple check: Fill a sink and observe the water color. A white sink is best for this
test. As you upgrade your system, repeat the observation under the same light conditions.

In more complex installations like big apartment buildings, hotels or hospitals, Pursanova
does such visual inspections and also documents our own laboratory analysis of iron
content in the water. We have hundreds of industrial cases where we brought corrosion
under control and reduced the corrosion rate to less then two millimeters per year.
Millimeters per year (MPY) is a common U.S. standard to describe the corrosion rate in a
pipe or other metallic surface.

MPY - Mils per year or MPY is used to give the corrosion rate i n a pipe, a pipe system or
other metallic surfaces. To calculate the material loss or weight loss of a metal surface,
there is a formula using the type of metal, the size of the sample area and the time of
exposure, giving the value of mils per year. The expression MPY is mostly used in the
United States. One Mil is equal to one thousandth of an Inch. (In metric expression, one
MPY equals 0.0254 millimeters per year.)

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In an open water system, a corrosion rate of around 1 MPY is normal. If your system has a
corrosion rate of around 10 MPY, you should take action. With corrosion rates of 20 MPY
and above, you should be very concerned, as the corrosion is eating the metal rather fast.

Based on our experience from several hundred successfully solved cases, weve usually
cleared brown water caused by light corrosion within 6 to 8 weeks or less. Investing in the
Pursanova Disk could save you a lot of money compared with the cost of replacing a
plumbing system.

Cooling water systems

Company: S audi A ramco, S audi A rabia

Saudi Aramco is a government-owned company. Its the worlds largest crude oil producer,
with the worlds largest proven crude oil and natural gas reserves making it the worlds
most valuable company.

With almost 60,000 employees, Aramco pumps from more than 250 oil and gas fields. The
firm also operates a series of refineries such as the one at Riyad, where weve installed our
Pursanova technology. This refinery was commissioned in 1981 and normally refines more
than 100,000 barrels of crude daily.

The cooling water system has a central cooling tower fed by a pipe network several
kilometers long. The refinery has almost 300 heat exchangers, plus supporting pumps and
control units. The total one-time water capacity in the system is around 5,500 cubic meters.
Feed water for the cooling system is high in total dissolved solids: about 2,000 TDS. The
evaporative or blowdown side has around 5,000 TDS, all of which indicates heavy fouling
and scaling. The refinery schedules a planned maintenance shutdown every three years.

During shutdowns, most of the heat exchangers on the water supply side are opened and
inspected. Usually, heavy fouling and scaling is found in tubes and outer shell, plus the inlet
and outlet pipes. Also, corrosion is a serious issue at some places. Cleaning is expensive:
Workers must disassemble the heat exchanger, clean it chemically and physically, and re-
assemble it with any new parts needed.

The first trail with the Pursanova Disk was done at a few of the most critical heat
exchangers which were designed to allow opening and checking the results during regular

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The two top pictures at left
(marked before) show how inlets
of the heat exchanger tubes
normally look after scale buildup
from the waters heavy load of
dissolved solids. Corrosion and
mud particles are found as well.

The two bottom pictures at left
were taken after six months of
operation with the Pursanova Disk
installed. They show a more
general view of the inlet and outlet
ends of one path (one set of tubes)
of this 6-path heat exchanger.

Internal surfaces and the surrounding shell were totally clean. No scale, fouling or trace of
corrosion could be found. On the lower right photo, you can see a pile of sludge, which
indicates that the sacrificial anode was effective. When taking these pictures, there was no
mechanical cleaning done. We simply recorded the picture and closed the heat exchanger
again, as a baseline to see if the Pursanova Disk would remove existing fouling.

After seeing results in this Pursanova-treated heat exchanger, company managers
broadened our test. We installed similar Pursanova Disk systems on another 50 heat
exchangers. Then after several months of operation, the heat exchangers were opened for
cleaning during a scheduled shutdown. The evidence was very clear: The Pursanova-
treated exchangers were either totally clean, or far cleaner than untreated ones.

The Pursanova Disk was
installed on the U-shaped water
feed line. To confirm its effect,
pictures where taken upstream
and downstream of the
Pursanova Disk. (The Pursanova
Disk effects only the water
downstream of the water flow
past the Disk.) The photos show
that the upstream, untreated
pipe still has fouling and scale. Downstream of the Pursanova Disk, all scale is gone.

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The two photos below show the difference more clearly. Left photo: Upstream from the
Pursanova effect, the pipe is still scaled and corroded. Right photo: Downstream, its clean
and free of corrosion.

The picture at right shows the disassembled
header of a heat exchanger after several
months of operating downstream of a
Pursanova Disk. When this header was dropped
onto a truck for transporting to a cleaning shop,
all the scale and fouling fell to the bottom. No
scale clung to the surfaces, and no corrosion
was seen. The company found that periodic
cleaning of heat exchangers in Pursanova-
treated systems has been very easy. Theres no
need of aggressive chemicals. In most cases the
mud and debris can be removed with a simple high-pressure washer.

After this extended trial, we discussed several ways forward with the company. The
ultimate goal: Treat the entire cooling system with Pursanova technologies, including the
Pursanova Disk. The project is divided into four phases spread over three years. When all
evidence is gathered from this project, the company will know if its possible to lengthen
the service cycles for the heat exchangers on the water side. Keeping the refinery in
operation more days without shutdowns can add large amounts of revenue to the

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Energy saving steam boiler - less downtime

Company: MPOB Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Kuala Lumpur,

About the customer
The Malaysian Palm Oil Board is a national
organization of the government of Malaysia to
support and promote palm oil plantations and use
of palm oil products. Palm oil is used locally for
cooking, and the food industry uses it in processed
food products.

The Board sponsors Centers of Excellence where
researchers test new technology that could
improve palm oil plantations and processing mills.
Malaysia is the global technology leader in palm
oil. As Malaysian plantations crowd existing land,
the industry is expanding into Indonesia.

In each mill there is a steam boiler with capacity to
produce 20 to 40 cubic meters of water per hour
into steam. Steam is used for power generation
and in the refining process of the palm fruits or
seeds. Steam is used to cook the seeds and
separate the desirable seed from the unwanted
covering husk. Palm oil mills are located all over the country.

The Problem
Because palm mills are located in many remote areas, they rely on a wide variety of water
sources for steam boiler feed water: Surface water, water from reservoirs, or ground water.
In most of these steam boilers, corrosion and scaling is never brought really fully under
control. Thick encrustations are a costly headache as they interfere with heat transfer.

The solution
Pursanova got the chance to do a 12-month case study monitored closely by the Palm Oil
Board in one mill to see if the Pursanova Ring is able to improve source water quality and
save money. We installed just one 4-inch Pursanova Disk at the feed line of the boiler. To
assure that this was the only change, the mill continued chemical treatment of the water.

The result and findings
Over the 12-month trial, the customer found that the five types of chemicals used could be
reduced 15% to 55% with less scale and corrosion. This alone contributed to big savings.

After 12 months, the scheduled annual cleaning was far easier, faster and with less
manpower because encrustations were very soft compared to buildup before installing the
Pursanova Disk. Also, the Board determined that there was more efficient steam generation
due to fewer deposits on boiler tubes and in the heat drum, for improved heat transfer.
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Closed cooling water systems

There are two main types of cooling water systems. In an open cooling water system,
water is cooled either in a cooling tower with atmospheric air, or by using a fresh supply of
stream water, well water or seawater.

In the closed cooling water loop we will
describe here, the water is cooled by a
chiller or another heat exchange method.
No makeup water is added; the same water
is continually recirculated. Technically its
easier to assure water quality in a closed
loop system than in an open system.

Closed loop systems are essential when the
supply water must be so cool that its
difficult to chill enough with open-source
water such as well water. Also there are
many systems where heat exchangers are
so valuable, or continuous performance is so critical, that the owner cant risk fouling or
blockage due to uncertain water quality from an open loop.

For example, a large ship could easily use seawater directly for cooling, but the risk of
scaling within the engine is far too high. Thus a closed loop is chosen.

Corrosion is the biggest issue in a closed cooling loop. We see many cases where customers
have problems with corrosion in spite of extensive chemical treatment. Corrosion creates
several problems in the closed loop. Rust breaks loose and is transported by water into
parts of the system where it can cause blockage or malfunctions. Mold can build up a closed
loop, blocking the heat exchange channels. Performance quickly degrades.

When installing Pursanova Disks, we analyze the water, especially for iron content. When
starting a project, we often find the iron content is far above 10 parts per million.
Pursanova Disks are installed at the most efficient points, depending on the size of the
chilled cooling water loop. Often, this is directly upstream of the chiller itself. In a big
system like a shopping mall or large apartment building, we have to install several
Pursanova Disks throughout the chilled water system path.

After installation, Pursanova technicians check the quality of the recirculating water to
measure results. That includes content of iron and other minerals, as well as examining
water turbidity and color. Usually we find the water almost totally clear, with iron content
stabilized below two parts per million.

Most of our customers stop using anti-corrosion chemicals after seeing these reports and
the quality of the water. The return on investment normally is less then one year, counting
only the savings on chemicals and reduced maintenance,.

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The picture to the right shows a heat
exchanger tube bundle from a chiller
where the supply water is an open system
cooled in a cooling tower. You can see a
lot of scale and fouling coating the tubes.
This is the open side of the cooling loop,
connected to a cooling tower (where the
debris is coming from.) Inside the tubes,
the cooled water is protected by a
Pursanova Disk. Internal the water is
flowing and perfectly clean.

Hot water pump four weeks after installation

Same pump 10 weeks after installation

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Scale in ships
The Queen Elizabeth II and the Queen Mary II are famous as first-class luxury cruise liners.
Queen Elizabeth II was retired from ocean passenger service in 2008 and is docked in
Dubai. Queen Mary II, operated by Cunard Lines, is crossing the Atlantic from Southampton
to New York regularly during summer. In winter, she cruises in the southern hemisphere.

There is a lot of drinking water needed on these ships. Queen Mary II has a capacity of
2,600 passengers and a crew of 1500. In addition there are three swimming pools on board.

This water has to be produced at sea because it would be impossible to carry enough water
for all the people on extended voyages. The Queen Mary II converts sea water with six
banks of evaporators, each with a capacity of 3,000 liters an hour.

The common problem on such systems is buildup of scale, reducing performance of the
evaporators. Salt and lime scale from the seawater reduce heat transfer and constrict water

Problem: The ships were experiencing increased energy cost to operate the evaporators,
and output of fresh water was reduced. Also, the company was using a lot of chemicals to
try to keep the evaporator clean.

Solution: A 1-inch high capacity & 1.25 inch high capacity Pursanova Disk Disk was fitted
on the cold water supply to the evaporator and one on the supply to the water clarifier.

Results: After only 12 weeks of operation the ship experienced an increase in fresh water
production. When engineers opened the evaporation chamber inspection cover, the results
were amazing.

Evaporator 12 weeks after
Evaporator befre installation of

Pursanova Disk

Comments: The Disk was purchased and to our knowledge the components have not been
replaced due to scale buildup.

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Installation of Pursanova Disk in technical

(industrial) applications

PLEASE NOTE: The device you are going to install is a high-tech product. Please handle
with care and protect from physical impact such as dropping. Keep the Disk away from
contact with oil, chemicals, splashing water and strong electrical fields. To select the
correct place for installation, please follow installation instructions carefully.

(1) Clean pipe thoroughly with a dry cloth.

(2) Put five to six layers household plastic wrap (any shrink-wrap) around the pipe.

(3) Wrap enough tape around the pipe and the plastic to make the Disk fits snugly. Please
make sure the Pursanova Disk will fit totally tight! No gap, even a small one, must remain.

(4) Fit the Pursanova Disk according to the Installation Guidelines.

(5) Wrap another 5 to 6 layers of plastic shrink wrap around the Pursanova Disk and the
pipe to protect it. The purpose is to protect the Pursanova Disk against impacts and
corrosive moisture. See the photos on the next page for an example of an installation on a
large pipe.

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(6) Tighten one or two strong tie-wraps on each side of the Disk to hold it in place and to
reinforce the sealing tape. This Installation protects the PURSANOVA Disk against
externals, like splash water, dirt, dust or rain. But this has to be done securely so no
condensate is allowed underneath the cover.

(7) If the Pursanova Disk is installed outside, open to the weather, add a second protection
layer which will be completely watertight and resist degradation from sunlight.

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Other examples of Pursanova Disk installations

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Pursanova Disk

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