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Aarona M. Garcia

Name of Business:

Blossom and Scents

Location: Circle C Congressional Avenue Quezon City

Contact number:



I chose this business because the staff is approachable. She let

me interview her without hesitations. I had a hard time looking for
someone to answer all of my questions since all of them are busy.
I asked them to allow me to take a photo of their business permits
but they didnt allow us.

II. Table of Contents


Business Information
Table of Contents
History / Background
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers
7. Questions and Answers

8. Documentation
9. Autobiography

III. History/Background

The Blossom and Scent were established in 2009 by Elma Garcia,

the founder.

IV. Questions and Answers

1. What is the name of your business?
- Blossom and Scent
2. Who is the owner?
- Elma Garcia
3. Where is the business located?

- Circle C Congressional Avenue

4. Why did you decided to establish this kind of business?
- I love scents and I want other people to appreciate it too.
5. Before you started, have you ever thought that this kind of
business will be successful?
- Yes
6. What made you think so?
- Because everyone wants to smell good. A lot of people might
patronize my business.
7. Did you go through hardships and struggles?
- Yes
8. What kinds of hardships are they?
- Financial and emotional problems
9. Have you ever thought about giving up?
- No.
10. If yes, who motivated you not to give up?
11. As an entrepreneur, do you think, you are able to make you
dreams come true?
12. Who inspired you?
- My family
13. Do you think, you can inspire other people?
- Yes, not just other people but also myself.
14. If yes, how?
- By my hard work, they will also work hard like me.
15. From scale 1-10, how hard did you work?

16.What are the things that you sacrificed to be able to establish your
- I stopped myself from buying stuffs that I want to be able to save
17. How old were you when you started?
- 26 years old.
18. When did you start?
- 2009
19. How much was your capital?
- 80+ thousand
20. Does your business help other people?
21. In what particular way?
- I supply them affordable perfumes that makes them smell good and
presentable, and gives them extra self confidence.
22. Do you have competitors?
- Yes
23. If yes, what do you think makes your business better than your

- Our scents smells better than theirs and it lasts longer. And our staffs are
24. Do you plan to establish other kind of business?
- No.
25. Is your business, ECO Friendly?

V. Documentation

VI. Autobiography
My name is Aarona Garcia. Im 15 years old currently in 9 th grade
at Sauyo High School. I am the youngest daughter of Arnulfo and
Lorna Garcia. We live in #3025 Valeriana Compound Sauyo Road,
Novaliches, Quezon City.
My favorite color is black. My mom gets mad because almost all of
my clothes are black. People thought Im tomboy because Im too
boyish. But no, Im definitely not. I love to dance, I want to learn
hiphop, but I dont have time for that and I dont want my body to
ache for a whole week. I love to sleep and eat. Im just a simple 15
year old girl whos addicted French Fries and Pancit Canton. I
dont eat vegetables, I uhhh hate them. I feel like throwing up
whenever I try them.
I never had a boyfriend I dont plan having one anyways.
My favorite subject is English I just find it easy thats why I like it.
Or maybe I like it thats why I find it easy? Nevermind. I also love

reading books. But I really hate wattpad, wattpad stories are

nonsense. All about high school teenage life, love stories, it sucks.
Those stories are way too common. I want something that has
mysteries. Something that will leave me wondering what will
happen next. Like stories in asianfanfics, an online fan fictions site.
I love MUSIC. I listen to it whenever Im happy, sad, it has alwas
been there for me. Im the only child in our home even though I
have sisters, thats why music is the best company for me. Since I
used to dance before, it helps me relieve the loneliness I feel.

VII. Experiences
I had so much fun doing my research paper. Although a lot refused
to be interviewed which made it hard for me, I still kept looking for
someone to interview. A lot also refused for some privacy reasons.
They didnt allow us to take a photo of their identification cards and
business permits since its a private document.
As a teenager, its a challenge for me since Im not used to
interacting with others especially, strangers. This project helped
me enhance my communicating skills. Talking to strangers helped
me set aside my shyness.
At first, I thought this project would be really hard, but I was wrong.
Its actually easier than our business plan before. My classmates
helped me find someone to interview since Im kind of shy to
approach first. I met someone nice and answered my questions
truthfully to help me do my project. Its hard to convince someone

to help me by answering my questions since theyre working but

she let me have some of her spare time thats why Im thankful.

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