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Subject Code: MC943

MCA IV Semester [R09] Regular Examinations, April 2011

Data Warehousing and Mining
Time: 3 Hours

Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. a) What are the data Mining primitives?
b) What are the difference between OLAP and OLTP?
2. a) Explain the Data ware house architecture with a diagram
b) What are the various schemas of multi dimensional data bases?
3.a) How to define the cubes of different multi dimensional schemas with DMQL ?
b) Describe the Architecture for on-line analytical mining.
4.a) Discuss the Decision Tree Induction Classification with an example.
b) What are the steps involved in data pre processing..
5.a) How to analyze the Attribute Relevance?
b) Discuss the data integration.
6.a) Explain the Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering with example
b) Explain the DB Scan clustering
7.a) Explain the Apriori algorithm?
b) What are the various classifications of Association rule mining ?
8. Write short notes on the following
a) Mining multimedia databases.
b) Mining World Wide Web

Subject Code: MC401

MCA IV Semester [R06] Supplementary Examinations, April 2011
Data Warehousing and Mining
Time: 3 Hours

Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1.a) What are the major issues in the data mining ?
b) What are the difference between OLAP and OLTP
2.a) Explain the Data ware house architecture with a diagram
b) What are the various schemas of multi dimensional data bases ?
3.a) How to define the cubes of different multi dimensional schemas with DMQL ?
b) Discuss the Apriori algorithm to generate Frequent set generation.
4.a) Discuss the Nave Bayesian Classification with an example.
b) What are the steps involved in data pre processing..
5.a) Explain all the steps involved in Data cleaning
b)Discuss the data integration.
6.a) Explain the Agglomerative Hierarchical clustering with example
b) Explain the DB Scan clustering
7.a) What are the data Mining primitives?
b) What is the top-level syntax of DMQL
8. Write short notes on the following
a) Mining multimedia databases.
b) Mining World Wide Web

Subject Code: MC427

MCA IV Semester [NR] Supplementary Examinations, April 2011
Computer Communications
Time: 3 Hours

Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks


Explain detail about OSI Reference models

Discuss about Design issues of Data Link Layer

Write short notes on

a) FDM

Explain about Distance vector routing algorithms

a) Define Router? Explain how the Routing Can be Classified

b) Write about Mobile IP

Explain about the services provided by Transport layer?

Discuss about RSA Algorithm

a) List out various DNS Resource records for IPV4?

b) Write about SMTP

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