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Mathematics IV

Divide mentally 2-to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit number without remainder

II. Dividing mentally 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit number without remainder


textbooks in Math 4


flash cards, chart, picture of fruits, show board

Value: Health consciousness

III. 1. Drill
Contest A Step for Victory
Teacher tells the pupils that theyre going to have a contest. It will be called A Step for
Victory. Pupils will be grouped by 5. A participant from each group will be called. The teacher
will flash the cards. Two numbers are written on the cards: the first number gives the product and
the second number gives the quotient of the number pair the contestant will say. The first one to
give the correct answer will make a step until he or she reaches the vase. Upon reaching the
vase, he/she will be given a flower to be placed in their flower vase. The group with the most
number of flowers in the vase will be declared as winner.


24, ___, ___, 6

18, ___, ___, 2
25, ___, ___, 1
16, ___, ___, 4
20, ___, ___, 5
2. Review
a. Im thinking of a number. When you divide it by 9, the quotient is 8. What is the number?
b. The dividend is 54, the quotient is 6. What is the divisor?
c. The divisor is 9, the quotient is 7. What is the dividend?
d. The divisor is 7, the quotient is 21. What is the dividend?
e. The dividend is 279, the divisor is 9. What is the quotient?
3. Motivation
What is your favorite fruit? Why?

Why are fruits important to our body? What do they do to our body? to our health?

What vitamins can we get from mangoes?

B. 1. Presentation
Read the problem carefully and give the answer without using your pencil and paper.
Kent and his three friends picked 124 mangoes from the farm. They divided the mangoes equally
among themselves. How many mangoes did each boy receive?

Group the pupils into 4.

Each pupil in the group must participate in giving answers.
Conduct a game of numbers.
Comprehension check-up will be asked after the answer is given.
Who picked mangoes from the farm?
How many mangoes did they pick?

What did they do with the mangoes?
What are the given facts?
What is the process to be used?
What is the correct number sentence for the word problem?
Can you get the quotient without using your pencil and paper? How?
Answer: By mental computation/calculation.
The teacher will also give additional exercises.
36 3 =
60 3 =
72 8 =
105 5 =
213 3 =
2. Analysis and Discussion

How do we get the answer?

How many digits are there in the dividends? the divisor?
Can we get the answer without using our paper and pencil? How?

3. Practice Exercises
Divide the following numbers mentally.
a. Using flash cards with division facts (2 digits by 1 digit combination)
b. Divide.
39 3
84 4
50 5
848 4
846 6
4. Generalization
How do we divide numbers mentally?
When we divide numbers mentally, we look at the dividend and the divisor if they are
compatible number. Compatible numbers, when the divisor exactly divides the dividend without
remainder. If the dividend is not exactly divisible by the divisor change it to the nearest number
that is exactly divisible by the divisor or vice versa. Then divide without using paper and pencil.
C. Application
1. Miss Roxas has 44 pupils. She grouped her pupils into 4 groups for their Science experiment.
How many members are there in each group? Can you solve the problem mentally? Is dividing
mentally important? Why?
2. Divide mentally:

88 4 =

96 3 =

255 5 =

IV. Evaluation
Calculate the quotient mentally.

1) 66 6

4) 884 4

2) 99 3

5) 819 9

3) 110 5

V. Assignment
Divide mentally.
1) 49 7 = ___

4) 550 5 = ___

2) 63 9 = ___

5) 442 2 = ___

3) 120 6 = ___

497 7 =

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