Carolina Dies at Age Nine After A Long Agony. and Life Is Beautiful? (Fr. Aldo Trento)

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Carolina dies at age nine after a long agony. And life is beautiful? (Fr.

Aldo Trento)

Sunday, May 31, feast of the Holy Trinity, the Lord has sorely tested me. Carolina, after
a long agony, died nine years old. The mother had left her with her father and
newborn life lived only pain. Seeing her in the bed, full of sensors, it aroused great
tenderness: "Lord, why her and not me?".
An hour after his death bed was already occupied by another child sick with leukemia
and AIDS, a disease carried by dads who along with some perverts had sexually
abused him.
At the end of the day, before going to bed, I read a script that says life is beautiful. I
feel anger: how can you say that life is beautiful when you still see the death and
suffering? Life is hard, terribly hard, so almost no one goes to visit the terminally ill
Violeta Parra also that, in a moment of euphoria singing "thanks to life that has given
me so much," in the end has had to sing "Damn heart why do you throb, cursed heart
why do you vibrate?". And realizing that life is not the answer has committed suicide.
My brother lost his daughters, one aged 28, who died of cancer, and the other, 26, in a
car accident. They died in the same year: one in August and the other on Christmas
Eve. Ten years have passed, and life goes unbearable, full of unanswered pain. In
neither of the funerals I was given the opportunity to preside over the Mass. My very
presence unleashed in parents anger with God who had taken them, the only two
daughters. And life is beautiful?
If life was beautiful in itself, it would be difficult to explain the number of desperate
people who filled the world. After original sin, the life has lost its beauty: this is why
the Word was made flesh, and only from that moment, when the Lady said yes, reality
returned to bloom filling with positivity. The beauty is meeting Christ: only thus we can
say that life is beautiful. The disease itself, if it were not sustained by Christ, it would
be a tragedy, why not surprise me that there is a school of thought that supports
euthanasia. Life is not a reason in itself: conversely, we would not understand the
I often meet people physically destroyed, but passionate for life, and the origin of this
position there is always a great personal relationship with Christ. Don Jos is since two
years in bed, immobile, blind and with legs full of sores. When he is asked how he feels
he responds "very good." Ooh "very good"? His body looks like a piece of marble but
Jos repeats: "I am very well. Here I do not miss anything: I have to eat, I have many
friends, but the most important thing is that I have Jesus and, thanks to the encounter
with Him, my life has become beautiful. " And to those who insist asking if it would be
happy to be healed of by Jesus, he replied: "Certainly, but provided not to go back to
my previous messy life."
It is only the encounter with Christ which allows Don Jos to say that life is beautiful.
Even I, checking the progress of my disease, I follow by offering everything to Jesus
and, in this offer, I find that it is nice to live.
Christ can not wait.

In recent months I have a new patient per day. Its not time to free a bed that my
phone rings: it's a Polish missionary, asks "please have a bed free for a 17 year old girl
with a brain tumor? Doctors call it terminal, because there is nothing to do, and have
released her from the hospital without even verify if she has a hut to live." Thanking
the Lord, there is usually always a missionary who takes care of the poor and that is
when you need contact with us.
Where did this quickly embracing people who are suffering come from? St. Paul said:
"Caritas Christi impels us" (the love of Christ urges us). It's nice to see every day that
this humble people always end up in our arms, no matter the time. Christ can not wait.
I often wonder why we do not follow the testimony of the Holy Father, his passion for
Christ and for the poor. A reporter from the Vatican told a fact: some young drug
addicts, not having a place to sleep, came to a Catholic church for shelter but were
driven out. Afterwards they knew Moroccans who welcame them into their home and
over time these young men soon joined ISIS.
Read More: Carolina died in nine years. And life is beautiful? | 25 th June 2015
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