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A free guide to lying detection

Released by
The ultimate source to self understanding


M.Farouk Radwan

A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

How to know if someone is lying to you

Suppose you met your friend with a smile on your face, then told him that you are
feeling sad. Would he believe you?
No, he would never believe you because he has seen the smile on your face; in
other words, he has seen the inconsistency between what you are saying and
the facial expression you're showing him.
We all know that nobody smiles when they're sad, but I'm not talking about
conscious inconsistencies here; I'm talking about the unconscious ones.
Your subconscious mind controls many of your involuntary functions like that of
breathing, sweating, heart-beating....etc. When someone attempts to lie, they can
have control over their facial expressions and tone of voice, but their
unconscious mind still controls all other involuntary signals like body language
and respiration rate. These unconscious signals are what we will be using to
detect if they are lying; if their words are consistent with their unconscious signals
then they are saying the truth, otherwise they are lying.
This article is not about intuitive or logical tricks, it provides lying detection
techniques that are based on deep psychological concepts and proven facts.

Signs that Show when Someone Is Lying

The following are signs you should look for when attempting to spot a liar:

Body Language: Liars usually hide their palms and almost never sit
straight while telling a lie. They also avoid eye contact and generally use
negative evaluation gestures, that is if they feel bad while lying (For more
information, check the full page on a liars body language below)

Eye Accessing Cues Mismatch: According to NLP, the direction the eye
takes reflects the order taking place in the brain at the time. For example,
looking towards the upper left side means that you are constructing an
image in your mind, but if you're looking towards the upper right side then
you're recalling an image. How can that be of use? Well, think about it; if
someone is looking in the upper left direction as while asking about
something then he's probably constructing an image of the lie he's about
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

to tell; this is one of the signs that he could be lying. (See the full guide to
eye accessing cues and liar detection below).

Inconsistencies in the Story: In different places and times, the story is

more likely to change every single time it is narrated; he will one time
forget a word, add something completely new, or remove something that
he has been previously mentioned. Regardless of the type of
inconsistency, it shows he is lying.

Feeling Anxious: Almost anyone who lies feels anxious; with various
degrees depending on how professional the liar is. One of your concerns
should be trying to spot his state of anxiety; talk as much as you can about
the subject in order to keep him anxious. Check out anxiety body
language in order to be able to detect anxiety.

Avoiding the Subject: A person who wants to hide something will usually
try to avoid bringing it up in the conversation or even talking about
anything remotely related to it. Try to talk about anything related to the
situation without addressing it directly and see if he tries to jump out of it
into another topic.

Lack of Assertiveness: Unless that person is a special agent who is

professionally trained to lie, he will usually lack assertiveness while lying.
His tone of voice will be lower and he will appear to be less confident.

Speaking Slowly: When lying, the person will usually be making up his
talk as he goes along; that would result in slower speech or even several
complete stops to provide him/her with time to think about what he's about
to say next.

I Want to Hide: A liar will usually have an unconscious desire to hide, but
since he can't go anywhere this will be reflected in his posture and body
movement. Accordingly, a liar will almost always have his back bent a
little, trying to get his body to occupy smaller space (it's almost like one's
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

bending inwards on oneself). One does so because one's subconscious

mind is thinking that if one's posture is made smaller then one might go

Giving too much Evidence When Telling the Truth: when someone
who is used to lying tells the truth, he will probably try to prove it with as
much evidence as one can; that's because one usually doesnt consider
one's honest answer to be strong evidence. Take this as an example:
Mom: Joe , did you eat those sweets?
Joe: of course not, you know I can't eat sweets because my teeth are
hurting me. You can ask Tom; he'll tell you I haven't. Believe me, I haven't
been anywhere near them; anyone in the house can confirm this fact.
The conclusion is that Joe wants to say: "Mom, this time is not like all
other times; I really am not lying this time".

Body Language: As soon as you change the subject or stop asking about
the topic, a liar's body language may change from a state of anxiety
(fingernail biting, fidgeting, sweating and jiggling the contents of pockets)
to a state of relaxation (breathing deeply and taking up open gestures).
See the guide for full body language information).

Lack of Alignment: If the person is telling the truth, his body language
and tone of voice will match his spoken words. However, if this person is
lying, there will be a misalignment between his voice and his words. For
example, telling you that he is really interested in a topic as he leans back
in the chair and his head not tilted back may also indicate that he's lying.
(Check this article for more information on body language of the

Fake Smiles: A true smile is the result of the movement of different facial
muscles; cheek muscles and the muscle groups below the eyes. This in
turn leads to a few wrinkles in the face, especially below the eyes. Fake
smiles only result in the movement of the muscles around the mouth; all
the other muscles remain in place.

Avoiding Direct Answers

Mom: Joe, did you eat those sweets?
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

Joe: Mom, I just got home half an hour ago.

Mom: Did you eat those sweets???
Joe: You know I dont like sweets that much.

Sweating If you keep repeating a question over and over, a thin film of
sweat will form on a liar's face and palms. If the lighting of the room
doesn't change and this person's face shines a little more, then this is an
indication of the presence of sweat on his face. If your hands slip when
shaking hands, this may be the indication of the presence of sweat on his

Skepticism: People who always lie tend to be more skeptic; that's

because they think that everybody is lying too. On the other hand, people
who rarely lie tend to believe just about anything because they assume
that no body lies.

Have you ever noticed eye movements?

Have you ever noticed how people's eyes move from one direction to the other
upon being asked a question? Research results show that there is a connection
between what someone is thinking of at the moment and the direction his eye
moves to.
The six possible directions that the eye could be headed to when thinking about
something are: upper right, upper left, middle right, middle left , lower right and
lower left .
Each direction represents a function that is currently taking place inside the mind.
For a right handed person who's facing you, the following is an illustration of what
the different eye movements could mean (Note that the following directions are
describing the eye positions of someone who is facing you):

NLP, eye accessing cues

Upper left; Visual Construction (VC): A person looking towards that

direction is constructing the image of a visual scene; a person's eye could
move to this direction when asked about the color of his dream car for
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

Upper right; Visual Remembering (VR): A person looking towards that

direction is remembering the image of a visual scene, that's the direction
someone would look towards when asked about the color of his car.

Middle left; Auditory Construction (AC): A person looking towards that

direction is constructing a sound, that's the direction the person's eye
would be directed to when asked a question like, what do you think he will
say when you meet him tomorrow?

Middle Right; Auditory Remembering (AR): A person looking towards that

direction is remembering a sound, that's the direction the person's eye
would wander to upon being asked a question like, what did Sam tell you

Lower left; Kinesthetic (K): This is the direction someone's eyes would
move towards when accessing his feelings; that's the direction his eyes
could move to when asked something like, how did it feel to fail that

Lower right; Auditory Digital (AD): This is the direction someone's eyes
move to when having an inner-self conversation.

Eye-accessing cues and liar detection:

This can be very useful to know; it can help you figure out if someone is telling
the truth or not; asking someone about the color of his car should have his eyes
move to the upper right (visual remembering). If it heads to the visual
construction instead, then he's probably constructing an image instead of
remembering it; the truth could be that he does not have a car at all. The same
goes when you ask someone a question like: what did Sam tell you yesterday?
The AR direction would show the process of him remembering the conversation;
on the other hand the AC direction would show that he's lying.
CAUTION: Note that using such a method to detect whether someone is
lying or not is very risky; there are some things you should be aware of if you are
going to use such a method. Below are a list of guidelines you should stick to if
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

you're going to use this method; the "liar detection", else you will find that
everyone is a liar!!

The person in question may have the directions reserved (the VC and the
VR are reserved), in such a case all you have to do is ask him a question
that you already know the answer to; your job is to observe where his
eyes go. Doing so, you'll be able to know the direction he uses for
remembering and thus the other will be that of construction. You can then
ask him the question you want the answer to and observe if his eyes go
towards a different direction from that he looked towards when you asked
him the first question.

If the person in question is trying to remember something stored in his

short term memory, his eyes may not looks towards any specific direction;
they may just stay focused towards the middle.

Some people tend to remember by focusing and refocusing pupils without

having their eyes move towards any direction; in such a case, there's
nothing you can do about it.

Body language and the state of lying:

Just like any other emotional state, lying brings about some changes to your
gestures and posture. If you are familiar with these gestures, you will be able to
detect liars right away.
Beginning with the simple methods, there are a lot of noticeable signs that can be
detected when a person is lying. Noticing two or more of these signs means that
that person is possibly lying, noticing more than three rises the percentage of that
person lying and so on; remember that one sign is never enough. The signs you
should be looking for are:

If that person is not used to lying or if his values and beliefs make him
perceive lying as unacceptable, then when telling the lie he will negatively
evaluate what he is saying and will thus make one of the negative
evaluation gestures (touching nose or ears). Negative evaluation gestures
in body language are done when someone considers something to be
negative; he doesnt like the fact that he's lying. Note that this only
happens with people who consider lying to be a bad thing, and not with

A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

Eye contact weakens drastically when someone is lying; the person is not
going to look you in the eye, but will keep looking all over the place. If you
want to know everything about eye contact and body language then read
this guide

A lying person will hardly ever show his palms as showing your palms is a
sign of being honest and truthful; people who lie usually either put their
palms down or keep their hands inside their pockets. See the pictures
below illustrating the differences between someone who is lying and
someone who is telling the truth

A lying person's back is rarely up straight and the posture is hardly never
upright (unless he is proud of lying, see body language and straight back
for more information on this topic )

Lying Detection Final Note

A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

It's very important to know that there are many other variables involved in this
process. Thus, I suggest that you use these methods for decision support and
not for sole judgment of others. For example, if you suspect that someone is
lying, you should then start to see if any of these signs apply to them; of course
the more signs you find, the more likely that person is lying.
2knowmyself is not a simple article website nor is it a place of shallow fixes; its a
place where you will find effective techniques that are backed by psychology and
that are presented in an obvious and understandable format. If you think that this
is some kind of marketing then see what other visitors say about 2knowmyself

A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding

Check out 2knowmyselfs other books

How to Get Over Anyone in a Few Days

A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


About the book

This book has a 100 percent guarantee that you will get over any person. If the
book doesnt work you will be fully refunded back. All you have to do is read the
book well and apply whats written exactly. If nothing changes I will gladly refund
your money back. Again I am proudly repeating it, its a 100% guarantee that
you will recover, not 99 nor 98 or 97.
This book is by far the most powerful guide in the world to getting over someone.
The book is not just different than other books that tackle the same subject but
its not even comparable to them.
The book will make the worst breakup ever become a simple state that you can
recover from in few weeks if not days. Personally I got over the worst breakup
ever in three days but this is not how I used to be. I use to feel broken and
stayed depressed for months until I grasped extensive knowledge about the
psychology of love. This book intends to transfer to you this knowledge that can
make you forget about anyone in a few days.
Even if you were so deeply in love, after reading the book and applying what is in
it you will have no emotions towards that person. If you feel that the person you
love is your soul mate and you simply can't get over him/her then after reading
this book and applying whats written, he/she will become to you just like a
brother or a sister. Moreover, breakups will never affect you the same way they
used to affect you after this book.
A few days after applying whats written you will start to feel better. By the
second week you will recover up to 50% which will lift your mood and you will
start feeling better everyday. The only thing you have to do is to stick to whats
The other thing that makes this book different is that its a 100% guarantee that
you will recover unlike other books that just promise you to feel better. I have
helped thousands of people to completely forget about the people they were in
love with using the techniques in this book. Again I am repeating it strongly and
clearly, its a 100% guarantee that you will recover.
This book is not about intuitive tricks or logical ideas that can be easily guessed
like "be strong", "stop thinking of her", or "focus on other things" but is rather one
that is based on complex psychological principles simplified enough to be
understood by all. All of the techniques in this book are backed by psychology
and scientific research. The techniques in the book are derived from love
psychology, friendship psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, subconscious
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


mind programming, behavioral psychology, hypnosis, physiology and scientific

If you think that falling in love should involve suffering, pain, feeling bad, or
becoming depressed then dont proceed as the book will permanently change
your breakup habits. I am not responsible if you never feel bad when breaking
up with someone or if you become insensitive when you apply the techniques in
the book during your breakup. Dont worry, the book wont affect your ability to
love and to be loved but it will just change your beliefs when it comes to

How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


About this book

This book is, without doubt, the most powerful book on our planet that covers the
topic of making someone fall in love with you. Up to this day, I can assure you
that there is no other book similar or even close in content to this one. The book
will definitely increase your chances of making someone love you by at least ten
The book will allow you to easily brainwash someone into loving you even if he
was not interested in you at all. By combining just a few techniques from the
book together you can make someone fall for you in few weeks if not days.
Using all of the book's techniques on someone will dramatically increase the
chance of making him fall in love with you. One of the readers has even reported
that 2 pages out of the book were used against him and then he fell in love with
the girl although he knew that it was the book's effect!! Some techniques can
even make someone become attached to you even if he doesn't like lots of things
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


about you. With the release of version 5, I started to become afraid that people
might misuse the information in the book as it has reached a level where it
became a dangerous weapon.
This book is not about intuitive tricks or logical ideas that can be easily guessed
like "be nice to her", "buy her gifts", or "always be there for her" but is rather one
that is based on complex psychological principles simplified enough to be
understood by all. Most of the techniques in this book are backed by psychology
and scientific research. The techniques in the book are derived from love
psychology, friendship psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, subconscious
mind programming, behavioral psychology, body language, hypnosis, physiology,
marketing and scientific research.
My one and only aim behind writing this book is to help married couples to
restore love back to their relationships; nothing more. If your intentions are
finding a girlfriend or fooling someone into falling in love with you then this book
is not for you. This book is only for those serious about a long term relationship,
with marriage its main goal; other than that, I am not responsible for the problems
that might arise upon misusing this information.
The reason I have to write such a harsh disclaimer is because this is not an
ordinary book; its a weapon that can either be used in good or evil. If other
books, ones talking about how to make someone fall in love with you, are guns,
then this book is the nuclear bomb of them all!!
May God witness my intention behind writing this book, to cause no harm to

A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


The solid Confidence Program

Increase your self confidence or get your money back

Do you want to have a Solid Self Confidence?

Are you tired of feeling inferior and worthless?
Do you tremble, shake and feel anxious when you approach certain people?
Do you think that you are unattractive, boring or not up to the standard?
Do you envy people who are self confident and outspoken?
Are you fed up of analyzing the situations that made you feel neglected,
unwanted or not welcomed?
Does criticism affect you badly?
Do you spend sleepless nights analyzing comments that were said about you?
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


Are you fed up of being bullied and disrespected by others?

If someone told you that you are uninteresting, will you shake, tremble or even
Do people ignore you, neglect you or rarely notice your presence?
Are you sick of feeling helpless, down and not in control of your life?
Do you want to be feared, respected and admired?
Do you want people to love you?
Do you want to have fans and admirers?
Do you want to become really confident?

Why the inferior advice you were told before never worked
Years ago I was just like you searching for a soloution to increase my self
confidence which was near zero. I started reading articles, joining online
programs and purchasing books that promised me confidence.
I thought that I would find something really helpful in these materials but instead I
found people telling me:

Say "I like myself" everyday out loud Not knowing that those people
were not aware of the fact that the subconscious mind refuses to accept
beliefs before solid proofs are provided. Your subconscious will respond to
this message saying, "really, why do you feel worthless then if you like
Others told me to accept myself: Not knowing that those people were
not aware of the fact that the subconscious mind cant accept something it
doesnt like unless it cant be changed. You can accept the death of a
close relative but even if you used all the known techniques in the world
you won't convince your subconscious mind to accept something you don't
like about yourself that can be changed
A third group asked me to repeat affirmations: Not knowing that saying
I am confident while i am not makes the subconscious mind believe that I
am fooling it and thus resulting in bad emotions. A recent research has
proven that people who repeat affirmations that are against their beliefs
about themselves feel down, guilty and less confident
A fourth group asked me to set goals and achieve them: Not knowing
that they are not aware of the fact that some people have made
tremendous achievements yet still feel inferior compared to others
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


After years of research, practical experiments and knowledge collection I figured

out what works and what doesnt work. I knew why affirmations never worked
and why most people become disappointed after using hypnosis. I knew why self
acceptance schools failed to let people who lack self confidence accept
themselves and i knew why can someone achieve all the goals in the world yet
feel inferior.

What is different about this program?

It works!! contrary to the inferior advices you were given before i am

offering you a self confidence building program that works else you
will get your money back!!
Because there is a money back grantee you will either become more
confident or get your money back
2knowmyself has helped millions feel better, get rid of their bad emotions
and live better lives. 2knowmyself has got 9,000,000 visits so far
The program has no alternatives Bookmark this page then Browse the
web, search for free tips, grab all the advices you can, say "i like myself"
millions of times a day, follow all the known methods you find for self
acceptance and as soon as you discover that nothing is working come
back and join it.
All advice in 2knowmyself is derived from psychology, scientific
research findings, real life experiments that were ran on thousands of
people and cognitive behavioral therapy, you would never find inferior
advice like "Repeat affirmations" or "learn to love yourself" but instead you
will find Solid facts and techniques that are based on psychology and
practical experiments
Most self confidence programs focus on generic strategies such as setting
goals and achieving them and while these advices are good still they won't
do any good to someone who is not confident because of not liking his
looks or someone who is not confident because of feeling inferior. The
2knowmyself Solid confidence program covers the different topics that
results in lack of self confidence like poor self image, inferiority and similar
problems then tells you how to deal with each one of them specifically.
You can truly become self confident when your subconscious mind
becomes convinced that you are worthy and special, the Solid confidence
program will help you make real changes to your life that will act as solid
proofs for your subconscious mind to believe that you are confident
All course material were written by M.Farouk Radwan who wrote 9
books, sold a decent number of copies to the world, Appears on TV every
week and who wrote the 1000+ articles found on 2knowmyself
The material has been collected over a time span of 10 years from more
than 5000 different sources and was tested on Thousands of people.
All information given is 100% practical and applicable, you wont find a
vague or non practical advice like "Accept yourself" or "try to be confident"
A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


but instead you will find a step by step approach that will help you have a
solid self confidence

What will this program do for you

This program will help you:

Get over inferiority, shyness, lack of self confidence and feelings of

Acquire a solid self confidence that will let people respect you, admire you
and fall in love with you
Get rid of Social anxiety, fear of people and self doubts
Have an unshakable, criticism resistant and solid Self image
Become relaxed around people and especially strangers
Will let you become a leader instead of a follower
Stand up when you fall, crush life problems and never feel helpless. The
program will help you build confidence in your ability to face life problems
not just building confidence in dealing with people
Feel more attractive, become successful and live happier

Close your eyes for a minute and imagine how life would be like if you really
managed to become the most confident person on this planet,
How would people deal with you?
How would you deal with people?
What will change about your life?
What obstacles will stand in your way?
How would your career, relationships and your mood change?
Yes these are the feelings you should expect to feel after you complete this
So what are you waiting for?

A free guide to lying detection released by
The ultimate source for self understanding


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